Changeling: the Lost (Complete)

From Codex of Darkness

Merits, Locations (1st Edition)
Secured Location
Bastion (• to •••••) {Size, Amenities, Battlements} (SH) SaD p108 Changeling Motley Dream Fortress
Den (•••) Skin p21, ChB p96 Skinthief or Changing Breed
Haunt (• to •••••) {Fluidity, Residue, Utility} (SH) GtSE p87 Sin-Eater
Haven (• to •••••) VtR p100 Vampire
Hollow (• to •••••) {Size, Amenities, Doors, Wards} (SH) CtL p94 Changeling
Lair (• to •••) (SH) PtC p96 Promethean
Safehouse (• to •••••) {Cache, Secrecy, Size, Traps} H:tV p71 Hunter
Sanctum (• to •••••) {Security, Size} (SH) M:tA p86 Mage
Temple (• to •••••) CoC p42 Circle of the Crone
Universal Fixtures
Archive (• to •••••) RoS p87 Every dot is single topic, cuts study time.
Sanctum Materials (• to •••••) S&S p86 increase strength of structure
Portable (•) Myst p141 change location, personal only
Geomantic Nexus (• to •••••) Size and (• to •••) +1 attribute per dot Ordo p202 Fung Shui
Guardian Retainer (• to •••••) (mult) S&S p85 armed guard
Library (• to •••••) (SH) M:tA p85 1/dot topics of research
Security (• to •••••) VtR p100, PtC p96, MtA p86 +1 intiative against break-ins per dot.
Size (• to •••••) VtR p100, PtC p96, MtA p86, CtL p95 • - 1-2 rooms, •• - 3-4 rooms, ••• - 5-8 rooms, •••• - 9-15 rooms, ••••• - Countless rooms
Vampire *pre: Haven
Location (• to •••••) VtR p100 +1 bonus to hunting per dot for owner and invitees.
Occultation (• to •••••) *pre: Haven Size ••• or less Mehket 119 Penalizes attempts to find the Haven
Temple Library (• to •••••) *pre: Temple CoC p42
Mage *pre: Sanctum
Alchemical Lab (• to •••••) (SH) TotM p146 resources to produce Gross Matter
Guardian Ghost (•• to •••••) (mult) S&S p85 bound Ghost
Guardian Spirit (•• to •••••) (mult) S&S p86 bound Spirit
Hallow (• to •••••) (SH) M:tA p83 upwelling of Mana
Sanctum Gauntlet (• to ••) S&S p86 +/- 1/dot Gauntlet
Scriptorium (•• to •••••) (SH) Myst p67 reduce cost to learn Rotes
Summoning Circle (• to •••) Summ p185 attuned circle to particular realm
Changeling *pre: Hollow
Amenities (• to •••••) CtL p95 How comfortable the Hollow is.
Doors (• to •••••) CtL p95 Add doors in Hedge and on Earth.
Hob Kin (••) RoS p92 Hobgoblins protect your Hollow.
Ritual Doorway (•••) *pre: Doors ••••• RoS p95 Enter from anywhere on Earth. One way.
Wards (• to •••••) CtL p95 Ability to hide and fortify Hollow
Workshop (• to •••••) *pre: Size >= Workshop RoS p97 Space and tools for various crafts, 1/dot
Mobile Hollow (• to •••••) SaD p92 More dots = further and faster, more control
Changeling Bastions *pre: Must belong to a Motley of 3 or more with specialty in Oneiromancy
Amenities (• to •••••) SaD p108 How comfortable the Bastion is.
Battlements (• to •••••) CtL p. 198 10 points of damage per •, ranged attacks allowed
Werewolf Territory
Ambush Site (•) Territories 40
Apartment Building (•) Territories 27
Arcane (+•) Territories 40
Artic - Territories 46
Barren - Territories 37
Big Box Store (•) Territories 27
Catalyst (•) Territories 37
Caverns/Tunnels (•) Territories 19
Cemetary (•) Territories 33
Church (•) Territories 33
Cliff/Ridge (•) Territories 19
Club or Bar (••) Territories 28
Contested (-•) Territories 41
Criminal District (•) Territories 34
Desert (•) Territories 19
Dry - Territories 46
Empty Building (•) Territories 34
Essence Current/Ley Line (+•) Territories 41
Fallow Prairie (•) Territories 21
Factory (•) Territories 29
Factory Farm - Territories 21
Farm (• or ••) Territories 21
Glade (•••) Territories 38
Haunted (+•) Territories 42
High - Territories 46
Highway (•) Territories 34
Houses/Housing (•) Territories 29
Hospital (•••) Territories 35
Landfill or Garbage Dump (••) Territories 22
Locus (• to •••••) Territories 38
Mall/Strip Mall (•) Territories 29
Media Center (+•) Territories 42
Military Base (•••) Territories 35
Mountain (••) Territories 22
Museum/Library (•) Territories 30
Neutral Ground - Territories 43
Notorious - Territories 42
Ocean/Sea/Great Lake (•) Territories 23
Office Building/Skyscraper (•) Territories 30
Park (•) Territories 30
Pond/Lake/Lakefront (•) Territories 24
Poor (+•) Territories 44
Pure (-••) Territories 44
Rich (+•) Territories 45
River/Riverside (•) Territories 24
Sanguine (+•) Territories 45
Shoal - Territories 38
Shop or Restaurant (•) Territories 31
Spring (••) Territories 24
Stadium or Arena (•) Territories 31
Stream (•) Territories 25
Swamp/Marsh/Wetland (••) Territories 25
Theater/Opera House (•) Territories 33
Tropical - Territories 46
University or Postsecondary School (••) Territories 36
Utilities (•) Territories 36
Verge - Territories 39
Virgin (+••) Territories 45
Wet - Territories 46
Window (•) Territories 39
Woods/Forest (••) Territories 26
Wound - Territories 39
Barony Merits Vampire: the Requiem Damnation City
Cant Fluency (·) *Pre: Politics · or Occult · or Streetwise · DC p200
Cant Savvy (··) Pre: Intelligence ·· and Politics · or Occult · or Streetwise · DC p200
Connections (· to ·····) Pre: Presence ·· and Politics ·· or Streetwise ··· DC p200
Domain (· to ·····) Pre: Fealty Flaw DC p200
Feeding Ground (· to ·····) Pre: Fealty Flaw (for ···· and ····· only) DC p202
Site (· to ·····) DC p202
Tenant (· to ·····) Pre: Domain Size per merit, Fealty Flaw DC p202
Vassal (· to ·····) Pre: Domain Size per merit, Fealty Flaw DC p203
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Merits, Changeling (1st Edition)
Merit Cost Prerequisites Source Description
Age Reversal (•) Wyrd •••• NH:GF p84 Your Changeling begins to age backwards.
Arcadian Body (••••) Attribute •••+ Creation Only RoS p87 Bring an attribute to a maximum of +6 , 5th dot only costs one dot at character creation.
Arcadian Metabolism (•••) - RoS p87 Greater healing when eating Goblin Fruits, but suffer malnutrition without one Fruit per week.
Brownie's Boon (•) - RoS p88 You complete mundane tasks in half the time that it would take others! Well, except you can't be watched while you do it. You can spend a glamour to half this time again. And again. And a gain. Though, this tops out at being able to finish something in 1/16th the time.
Charmed Life (••) - RoS p88 Reroll when dealt aggravated damage or would otherwise be killed.
Court Goodwill (• to •••••) - CtL p93 AN p. 45 Develop favor with members of a Court. Ensorcelled mortals can take this merit.
Devotee (• to •••••) Wyrd ••••••• ER p14 You have a group of loyal, but broken followers.
Disenchanting Kiss (••••) Wyrd ••••• Clarity 9+ SaD p92 With high Clarity, you have a kiss that cancels mind and emotional controll
Dual Kith (•••) Wyrd •• WM p98 Your character possesses two or more kiths, and by proxy the blessing that comes with it.
Dual Kith (•• or •••) Creation Only RoS p88 Your character possesses two or more kiths, and by proxy the blessing that comes with it.
Enchanting Performance (••••) Expression ••• RoS p88 Reduce negative situation modifiers to Expression or Persuasion equal to your wyrd. Spending a point of Glamour the performance becomes rote, and if successful, it inspires an emotion appropriate to performance.
Fae Mount (•, ••, ••• or •••••) - RoS p89 You own a Hobgoblin/Token/Otherwise magical mount.
• = Appearing when called.
•• = As • , but with single magical ability
••• = As ••, but with another magical ability
••••• = As •••, but capable of leaving the Hedge for a scene, complete with mask. Must return to the Hedge for 24 hours afterwards.
Faerie Favor (•••) - RoS p90 You possess a token, which, when broken, will summon your Keeper, who owes you a single favor.
Faerie Healing (••) - RoS p90 Capable of using Goblin Fruits to restore health to others. Does not apply to the dead (Ghosts, Vampires)
Fighting Style Dream Combat (• to •••••) Wyrd ••, Empathy ••• RoS p90 Abilities for fighting while in a dream. Look under the Styles Merits page for more information.
Fighting Style Hedge Duelist (• to •••••) Wyrd ••• RoS p91 Abilities to use in a formal duel while in the Hedge. Look under the Styles Merits page for more information.
Gentrified Bearing (••••) Wyrd ••• RoS p92 You look a bit like the True Fae, and can fool Hobgoblins and Gentry at a distance.
Goblin Merchant (• or •••) - Goblin Markets p34 Sell at Goblin Market without being price-gouged and while protected by Market Law
Goblin Vow (• to •••••) - RoS p38 Can make pledges with one Wyrd-purview/dot; no sanction and boon and task must be related to purview
Harvest (• to •••••) - CtL p94 A list of your consistent sources of Glamour. Examples include: Emotion, Dreaming, Oaths, Hedge Fruit
Hedge Gate Sense (•) - RoS p92 Sensitivity to established Hedge Gates, lower time spent finding such a gate cut by half, granted a reflexive roll when near one.
Hedgebeast Companion (• to •••) - AN p132 Intelligent Hobgoblin familiars who act as animal retainers. The more dots you have, the stronger the Hobgoblin is.
Hidden Life (• to •••) Fame 0, Wyrd equal to dots in Hidden Life RoS p92 Seeking information about your character takes a penalty, including remembering contact or physical details.
Hob Kin (••) Hollow •+ RoS p92 Feel like family to Hobs, making it easier to make fair deals with them.
Hobgoblin Trainer (••) - RoS p93 Ability (and rules) for temporarily training Hobgoblins.
Hollow (• to •••••) - CtL p94 House for changelings that is between the hedge and the real world.
Lethal Mien (••) Wyrd ••• RoS p94 A part of the body becomes a weapon, and granted a damage bonus. This can stack with Blessings.
Long of Days (••) - RoS p94 When determining maximum age, the Changeling is treated as if her Wyrd is +4. For information on aging, see CtL p. 174 - 175.
Mantle (• to •••••) - CtL p97 Membership in a court, benefits in the form of bonuses to social interaction, Contracts and Blessing. The first dot for free.
Manymask (• to •••••) Wyrd ••••••• ER p14 The Changeling possesses multiple masks (One per dot) and can change them. The masks do not change your size and gender.
Market Familiarity (• or •••) Changeling Goblin Markets p14 Locate and attend Goblin Markets.
Market Sense (•) - RoS p94 or Goblin Markets p33 +3 bonus to determine if being cheated in deals.
Market Stall (••••) Goblin Merchant ••• Goblin Markets p34 Own a stall where you can store goods and be able to extract and store abstractions.
New Identity (•, •• or •••• ) - CtL p98 AN p45 The quality of legal (Or illegal) documentation supporting your new identity. This merit can be taken by mortals or other supernaturals as well.
Perfect Stillness (•) Stealth • RoS p94 The Changeling is capable of standing absolutely still, and all rolls to notice or locate take -2.
Pledgesmith (• to •••) - RoS p94 Your character is known for having a way with words. Gain +1 for every merit dot when discussing Pledges.
Prophet Circle (• to •••••) - RoS p94 Grants ensorcelled mortals to receive Prophetic dreams. Costs 1 glamour and a Wits + Occult roll.
Rigid Mask (••) Subterfuge •• RoS p95 Hide your emotions very well, even from lie detectors and such.
Second-Hand Skills (• to •••) Wyrd ••• Goblin Markets p26 Gain bonus equal to dots to three skills once per Chapter.
Shared Sleep (•) Functional Multiple Personalities or Multiple Personality Disorder CtL p44 Need only 4 hours sleep as long as you spends 6 hours in each of your personalities.
Siren Song (•••) - RoS p96 While speaking, everyone within earshot takes a -2 penalty to all actions.
Slave (• to •••••) - Goblin Markets p23 Supernatural servant purchased at Market.
Soul Sense (••) A Living Fetch RoS p96 Always know the direction and distance to your Fetch, its moods and emotions, and a +2 to social rolls when interacting. Take penalties when it is injured or killed.
Sublime (•••••) Wyrd ••••••••• ER p14 The Changeling's mein becomes transcendental, and mortals become bewitched, limiting their actions. Changelings must roll Resolve + Composure or be bewitched.
Narrative Master (•••) Wyrd ••• SaD p78 Spend Glamour to increase Talecrafting rolls.
Token (• to •••••) - CtL p98 Own a once mundane charm turned magical from its time in the Hedge or Arcadia. You may not use this merit to obtain Legendary Tokens (••••• or more). See the list here]].
Token Maker (•••) Wyrd •••, Crafts ••• RoSp150 Through extended actions and spending Glamour a Changeling may create a Token at 25 successes per level.
Tokenmaster (•••) Wyrd ••••••• ER p14 Being in constant touch with objects turns them into Tokens. See the list here]].
Unseen Sense, Talecrafting (•••) Wits ••• Academics •• SaD p78 Sense when the an opportunity to set up a Hook comes up.
Visionary Dreams (••) Wyrd ••• RoS p97 Your character receives Prophetic Dreams. Costs 1 Willpower point and a Intelligence + Wits roll.
Wholesale Wares (• to ••) Market Stall •••• Goblin Markets p35 Once per chapter, reduce the cost of an item by dots in the Merit so long as intent is to resell.
Wisdom of Dreams (•••) Wyrd ••+ RoS p97 A successful Wits + Composure leads to borrowing a skill specialty or language for one day from a known mortals dreams
Wyrdskill (•••) Wyrd •••••• ER p15 Gain a free skill specialty in one field every time you grow in Wyrd. Developing other skills may cost more.

Kith Restricted Merits

Kiss of Life (••••) *pre: Sap the Vital Spark Blessing SaD p24 The Leechfinger can store stolen health and use it to heal himself or others.
Subtle Liquer (•) *pre: Inebriating Elixir Blessing SaD p29 When the Brewer uses his blessing, the merit makes the fermented drink unrecognizable as alcoholic.

Entitlement Restricted Merits

Outsider Fetish (• to •••) *pre: The Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches LoS p150 Begin play with a talen or fetish. Must be instructed on the usage by a Werewolf. List of Talens and Fetishs.

Milestone Merits

You may not buy Milestone Merits. All Milestone Merits are granted when a Changeling kills her Fetch. They have no dots.
For more information on Fetch Hunting, go to p. 109 - 110 in Autumn Nightmares.

Bloodied Ground AN p. 103 The milestone is achieved on the human side of an open gateway (The Hedge must be seen). Reach the spot where the Fetch died easier.
Broken Mirror CtL p. 259 The milestone is achieved when done personally. Once per story, the Changeling can activate the merit to gain +3 to any roll.
Cuckoo's Egg AN p. 103 The milestone is achieved with no witnesses, even animals. Receive an item that lets you play the part of the fetch. Can be stolen and used to impersonate the Changeling.
False Heart AN p. 103 The milestone is achieved. A fist-sized object that was the fetches heart is taken, which can be used as Glamour reserves. Usable only by the owner.
Fetchbane AN p. 103 The milestone is achieved with a single weapon not made of Cold Iron. The weapon does lethal damage (Or +2 if lethal) when infused with Glamour. Take penalties for using it in self-defense.
Shared Guilt AN p. 103 The milestone is achieved when every member of a motley gets at least one hit into a Fetch, and is applied to every member. When any member is rolling for degeneration, the motley can activate this merit to have every member roll a degeneration check. If there is even one success, then it counts as a sucess for everyone.

Fate Merits

Take these merits only at your ST's discretion.

Fatebound Title Merit Cost (•••) *Pre: Wyrd (•••) and... Page Effect Drawback
Bean Buyer Streetwise ••• SaD p89 Once per story, after being tricked, spend a glamour to gain a significant advantage. Using the advantage runs you into an enemy, who gains access to you through said advantage.
Cloistered Spinne Crafts ••• SaD p90 Do an instant Action to turn trash into something valuable. Every time something is created using this method, the Fatebound loses something of equal value.
Cowherd and Weaver Resolve ••• SaD p90 Gain some knowledge of circumstance when forcibly seperated from your lover, and your lover escapes. Lose all social 10-Again rolls when with your lover.
Evil Stepsister Manipulation ••• SaD p90 Spend a Glamour whilst being cruel to a subordinate to get something that will help you in the future. Near the climax of the story, everything comes back to bite you in the ass.
Fair Prince Court Mantle ••• SaD p91 You are loved by almost all the courts, and receive a bonus for dealing with non-fae. Opposing Court hates the Fair Prince, to the point of plotting assassination.
Fisher King Court Mantle ••••• Court Crown SaD p91 When at full health, all Social Merits act as though you have them twice over (Not doubled). A Court member dying causes one lethal damage, and inability to maintain rule or insurrection in your kingdom loses benefits, and causes wound penalties
Mobled Queen Court Mantle ••••• Court Crown SaD p91 Massive bonuses when activating a Court Contract, and a bonus when harvest a Court Emotion. -1 when rolling to resist gaining a derangement after losing Clarity. Every time she benefits from this merit, she gains a cumulative penalty to all actions (Except contract activation and resistance).
Monkey Heart Wits ••• SaD p91 +5 to notice traps and avoid being suprised by an adversary for a second time after. -2 to avoiding traps or being surprised by an adversary for the first time.
Mortal Enemy Resolve ••• SaD p92 Get extra dice when dealing with your enemy, as well as other bonuses. Enemy receives same benefits.
Star-Crossed Lover Presence••• SaD p92 Spending a Willpower point when working to protect or save your love is an automatic success and regain a point of Willpower per scene spent protecting her. The lover is constantly being targeted for abduction. When this happens, -2 on all rolls not directly related to rescuing the lover

Partial Transformation Merits

Do not use these merits unless you are designing a recently rescued abductee. They are treated as templates for lesser supernaturals. For more information on the Fey-Touched, see Equinox Road P. 107 - 108 Take these merits only at your ST's discretion.

Enchanted Mortal (••) ER p107 Character is treated as if permanently Ensorcelled.
No Seeming (••) *pre: Changelings Only Character Creation Only ER p107 Character is treated as if she has no kith or seeming, therefore no curse or blessing. Gains +1 to all rolls involving clarity loss or gaining a derangement.
Seeming (•••) *pre: Fey-Touched Only Character Creation Only ER p107 Character possesses a seeming, and has the associated blessing and curse. -1 to rolls to avoid derangement.

Fair Folk Merits

Autumn Nightmares P. 71 - 72 Take these merits only at your ST's discretion.

Fae Pet (•• or ••••) Similar to Retainer, grants the Fey an animal companion that is willing to die for its master. Any pet that dies is replaced within 24 hours.
•• - Real world animal that exists locally.
•••• - Hobgoblin pet.
Fair Haven (•••) Designated area in the real world where the Fey can stay without being poisoned by reality.

Forbidden Merits
Unseen Sense (WoD, Page 109) (Note: Unseen Sense: Talecrafting is NOT Forbidden.)
Fair Folk Merits (AN, Page 71)
Lucid Dreaming Merit (CtL, Page 195)
Partial Transformation Merits should typically only apply to mortals who were recently abducted and rescued before their transformation into a Changeling was complete. (Information is in Equinox Road p. 105)
Fair Folk Merits should typically only apply to the Gentry. (Information is in Autumn Nightmares P. 71 - 72)
Restricted Merits
Social Merits must be justified, as many contacts and utilities may be lost upon the characters return.
Social Merits may never be applied to the Gentry.
Kiss of Life is restricted to the Leechfinger Kith.
Subtle Liquer is restricted to the Brewer Kith.
Milestone Merits may not be purchased, they must be earned through play.
Fate Merits can change the flow of the story, so should only be taken with the consent of the Storyteller.
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Derangements (1st Edition)
Derangement Severity Description Specific To Reference
Abyssal Compulsion Severe Insistence on investigating Abyssal lore and creatures Mages Summ p183
Animalistic Dependency Mild, Severe Mild: Res+Comp if not expecting to hear/see animals. On fail, -1 to all rolls. Severe: Res+Comp if no animals nearby. On fail, activate Animalism 3. ST penalties for Animalism roll apply to all rolls if Animalism 3 failed. - Ventrue p107
Anxiety Severe Follows Inferiority Complex; -2 on all rolls and Willpower points cannot be spent to bolster any rolls for the remainder of the scene. WoD p98
Aphasia Severe, Extreme Follows Vocalization; Unable to speak coherently. Wits+Empathy roll for listeners to understand. Use sign language or written text to communicate. Spend 1 Willpower to speak for a scene. The Blood 108
Avoidance Mild Res+Comp when confronted with situation/person associated with previous, significant failure or trauma. WoD p100
Banish the Beast Severe Follows I'm No Animal; As mild, but must spend Willpower point to assume beast-form as well as roll. May attack anyone who tries to remind of shapechanger nature. Changing Breeds p104
Beast Fears Mild Phobia of animals. Reflexive Res+Comp to avoid trembling fearfully around any animals, even self. Changing Breeds p103
Blood Fascination Mild Res+Comp whenever encountering blood. On failure, take a 'souvenir'. Additionally, Res+Comp if Comp days have gone by without encountering blood or images thereof. On failure, search for more. Ghouls Ghouls p87
Bulimia Severe Follows Fixation; Roll Res+Comp to not feed till full, if you need it or not. For vampires, must burn the vitae more regularly and -2 to resist Hunger Frenzy. VtR p188
Cage Shock Mild Res+Comp when indoors, clothed, or otherwise confined. On failure, -3 to all Social rolls from annoying behavior. Changing Breeds p103
Cataplexy Severe Follows Insomnia: The day after sleep roll fails, any circumstance resulting in an intense emotional reaction (e.g. laughter, anger, fear) requires Stam+Comp roll. On failure, slump to the ground, paralyzed with weakness but fully conscious for full turn. Asylum p49, Ghouls p87
Compulsive-Aggressive Disorder Severe Follows Suspicion; Everything is a threat. Only use Intimidation for Social rolls, -2 to resist anger frenzy. Nomads p92
Decadence Mild Res+Comp triggered by 'Great' Social Victory or Humiliating Defeat, on failure, the character looses all sense of decorum in extreme excess. (Unique Temple Derangement') Intruders p203
Delusional Mania Mild, Severe Mild: When taking lethal/agg, roll Stam+Comp. -3 to roll for bashing, -2 for lethal, -1 for agg. On fail, can't dodge for scene unless spending 1 Willpower. Severe: On fail, can't dodge and won't avoid damage unless spending 1 Willpower. - Ventrue 108
Delusional Obsession Severe Follows Irrationality; Willpower spend to resist acting in according to obsession. VtR p189
Delusional Witness Severe Overlays hallucination to bring any obvious supernatural phenomenon with her belief system. Ban p44
Denial Severe Follows Repression; As mild, but has replaced initial memories with others. Res+Comp roll if someone tries to correct memory. On success, become irate and refuse to discuss. Asylum p50
Dependent-Personality Disorder Severe Follows Irrationality; No resolve in rolls to resist Dominate when Dominator uses it upon them. Blood-Bound VtR pg 189
Depersonalization Mild No sense of connection to self; can not spend Willpower, -2 to Willpower checks Summ p184
Depravity Severe No sense of social mores, at all. Whenever someone requests that the character 'behave,' roll Res + Comp -2 to resist doing the complete opposite. (Unique Temple Derangement') Intruders p203
Diogenes Syndrome Severe Follows Inferiority Complex; Ignore personal hygiene and cleanliness. -3 dice to Social rolls. Spend Willpower to heal instantly or clean self, but heal reflexively while sleeping. The Blood p107
Dissociation Severe Follows Depersonalization; puts body on a sort of "conscious autopilot", with no emotional depth, can not recover Willpower due to Virtue or Vice Summ p184
Divination Obsession Severe Follows Magical Ideation; As Obsessive Compulsion, but specifically to perform some sort of divination. Mekhet p118
Degenerative Fixation Mild Res+Comp when encountering mirror or image of self. On failure, be convinced that signs of encroaching age are visible, must beg regnant for more Vitae at first opportunity. Ghouls p87
Dehumanization Mild Res+Comp roll when inconvenienced or frustrated by other people's perceived weakness or stupidity. On failure, -2 to all Social rolls except Intimidation. BotW p128
Depression Mild If failed to achieve a goal, a bout of depression occurs. Resolve+Comp, if fails looses a WP and cannot spend for the remainder of the scene. WoD p97
Erythema Mild Force spending blood to appear alive around others, Res+Comp to resist spending blood this way. -2 to resist roll if company is unexpected, -1 if around 2 or more others. The Blood p108
Feral Antics Severe Follows Neoprimitivism: Res+Comp or behaves like wild animal, minimal human speech or behavior. Changing Breeds Changing Breeds p103
Feral Frenzy Severe Follows Cage Shock; Res+Comp or become completely feral, abandoning human speech and restraint until he escapes confinement. May spend Willpower point to bring him out of it. Changing Breeds Changing Breeds p103
Fetishism Mild Res+Comp when reminded of fetishized event or object. On failure, attempt to recreate the situation or come into contact with object in question. Asylum p49, Ghouls p86
Filthy Brutes! Mild Hates, teases and torments animals. Res+Comp to resist abusing a helpless animal. Changing Breeds p104
Fixation Mild Res+Comp to avoid obsessing on a loss or victory. On Failure: Single Dice to see how many scenes you are fixated on loss or failure. ST Fiat. WoD p97
Fugue Severe, Extreme 'Autopilot' when subjected to specific stressful circumstances or exposure. WoD p100
Glossolalia Mild Roll Wits+Comp whenever spending a Willpower point. On fail, speak in alien tongue for the remainder of the scene. PtC p185
Goetic Fracture Severe, Extreme Vice becomes personified as a demon. To cast magic, must either accede to the demon's wishes (satisfying his Vice), or psychically overpower it with extended Wisdom roll with own Resolve as the target number. Ban p44
Grandiose Delusion Mild Regards self as supreme regarding a specific territory, occupation or subject. Res+Comp whenever someone not in their service attempts to exert influence in the matter. On failure, first priority becomes attempting to exclude interloper. Shadows of Mexico p61
Hate of Man Severe Follows One with the Bears: -3 to Social rolls from undisguised hatred of Man. Spent willpower point to avoid getting violent if provoked. Remain in Primal form unless absolutely required not to. Changing Breeds p103
Hedge-Calling Severe Follows Wanderlust. Changelings CtL p215
Hemophilic Compulsion Severe Follows Blood Fascination; Res+Comp every time Composure number of days have passed, on failure must draw blood fresh from a victim. Ghouls p87
Hunter King Severe Follows Filthy Beasts!; Serial killer of animals. Will hunt, torture and murder animals whenever possible. Changing Breeds p104
Hypnagogic Hallucination Mild Suffers hallucinations in space between waking and sleeping on nights that have been stressful. Spent a Willpower point, or suffer -1 penalty to all Mental rolls the next day. Shadows of Mexico p65
Hysteria Severe As Phobia add that she must run from subject of Fear. If touched, another Res+Comp. If Dramatic Fail, looses consciousness. -3 Penalty if it's in proximity and you see it -5 if you lack visual. WoD p97
Hysteria Severe Follows Phobia; As above. For Kindred: -1 to all frenzy rolls that relate to the object of Fear. Vampires VtR p189
Identity Erasure Severe Follows Degenerative Fixation; Res+Comp when encountering evidence of mortal life. On failure, must attempt to erase evidence. This includes a person who knew him. Ghouls p87
I’m No Animal Mild Requires Res+Comp roll to force self to change shape, will only do so under extreme necessity. Changing Breeds p104
Inferiority Complex Mild When a single choice or die roll can determine success or failure of stressful situation, roll Res+Comp or take -1 penalty to all rolls for remainder of scene. Cannot spend Willpower on that key roll. WoD p97
Insomnia Mild When stressed, must roll Res+Comp to sleep restfully. On failure, -2 to all rolls the next day. Each day thereafter is considered 'stressful' until a full night's or day's rest achieved. Asylum p49, Ghouls p87
Intermetamorphosis Severe Follows Irrationality; After long torpor, mistakes modern living (or undead) people for those he knew long ago. Only breaks from the second person appearing. Can spend Willpower to shake for a scene. The Blood p109
Irrational Defiance Severe Follows Irrationality; When given orders by superiors, roll Res+Comp. On fail, -5 dice to accomplishing orders due to need to defy superiors. - Ventrue p108
Irrationality Mild Res+Comp to keep cool when wellbeing is threatened. On failure, require Wits+Comp to take any action to diffuse the situation or leave the scene. Cannot initiate violence. WoD p99
Loss of Compassion Severe Follows Dehumanization; Ceases to see other human beings as meaningful. Roll one fewer die when testing for sins committed against another person. BotW p128
Magical Ideation Mild Res+Comp at least once a scene. On failure, must find evidence of some greater plan or intelligence in the local environment. Mekhet p118
Manic-Depression Severe Follows Depression; Two forms - Psychological and Organic Versions. Dependent on version, on failure of task ST roll Resolve. On Failure - lapse into depression. Also lapse into depression when less than 2Vitae are in the system and on Dramatic Failure of any roll. Chance die to swing into Manic. VtR p189
Masochism Severe Follows Fetishism; As mild, but must also suffer bashing damage at least equal to Stamina during the compulsive activity to be satisfied. Asylum p49, Ghouls p87
Melancholia Severe As Depression, but add -2 Penalty to all Dice Rolls WoD p97
Megalomania Severe As Narcissism add, 1 to all penalties on failure. WoD p97
Megalomania Severe As above. If you ever lose a contest to one that you feels socially inferior, lose one point of Willpower. Vampires VtR p190
Memory Obsession Mild, Severe Become paranoid about memories being tampered with. On fail to recall information by memory... Mild: -2 to all Mental rolls for a scene. Severe: -2 to all actions until extended Int+Comp 10 successes reached. Ventrue p109
Multiple Personality Disorder Severe, Extreme Follows Irrationality; Multiple Personalities triggered may have different skills / Attributes than dominate personality. WoD p99, VtR p190
Mystic Personality Severe, Extreme Develops alternate personality with diametrically opposed perspective on the supernatural. Ban p44
Narcissism Mild Res+Comp to avoid bout of vanity on succeeding on a goal. On Failure, you disregard all help in favor of the self. -3 on Teamwork Rolls -1 on Social Rolls WoD p97
Neoprimitivism Mild Criticize everything about the modern world and people in general. Objections to attitude require Res+Comp to keep cool and not incite loud and possibly violent confrontation. Changing Breeds p103
Obsessive Compulsion Severe Follows a strict code of behaviors. If forcibly kept from doing them, may lash out. May override these with a Res+Com - 2 roll. WoD p98, The Pure p78
Obsessive Compulsion Severe Follows Fixation; as above. More subject to frenzy roll. Vampires VtR p190
Obsessive Humanity Severe Follows Beast Phobia; As Obsessive Compulsion, but specifically regarding own humanity and appearance thereof. Changing Breeds p104
Occult Fugue Mild Conducts lengthy (and usually benign) magical working as if sleepwalking, and then promptly forgets about it. Ban p44
One with the Bears Mild Idealistic, New Age dream of wilderness, overconfidence in own abilities there. Comp+Survival roll to cope in bad situations. Changing Breeds p103
Paranoia Severe Suffers from Persecution Complex. Automatically -2 on Social Rolls. The slightest hint of suspicion triggers a Res+Comp-2 roll on failure flees or attacks. WoD p98
Paranoia Severe Follows Suspicion; As above. The slightest hint that another may be an enemy requires frenzy check; target number determined by situation. Vampires VtR p190
Phobia Mild Res+Comp roll to even approach the item of the phobia WoD p97, VtR p189
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Severe Res+Comp roll when triggered. On failure, powerful panic attack from any movement except to hide. -2 on all rolls and Willpower points cannot be spent to bolster rolls for remainder of scene. Ancient Mysteries p69
Power Fetish Obsession Mild Any attempt to use Disciplines or expend vitae without the object loses three dice. Vampires VtR p191
Preferential Obsession Mild, Severe Prefer blood of particular type of people. Businessmen, virgins, Latinos, etc. Mild: Only take 2 blood from non-preferred type. Severe: Only take blood if hunger frenzy, then will spend it on anything but Disciplines. - Ventrue p109
Pyromania Mild Infernal p102
Pyrophillia Severe Follows Pyromania; Infernal p102
Repression Mild Has blocked out memory of event that caused derangement. Roll Res+Comp in similar situation or block out that memory as well. Asylum p49
Rote-Action Repetition Mild Res+Comp when stress. On failure, absorb self in some meaningless, trivial task instead of facing the issue. -2 to all dicepools while stressful situation persists, excepting dicepools related to rote-action repetition. Prometheans PtC p184
Sanguinary Animism Mild Manifests personalities the Kindred has fed from, if the Kindred kills his vessel, a Dramatic Failure on a Res+Comp -3 roll makes the personality a permanent fixture in the Kindred's Mind. Vampires VtR p191
Schizophrenia Severe, Extreme Follows Vocalization; -2 to all Social Rolls. Res+Comp to avoid attacking / escaping the source of trauma. WoD p99
Schizophrenia Severe, Extreme As above, under triggered conditions take -2 to all Rotschreck rolls. Vampires VtR p192
Spirit Placation Mild Res+Comp whenever a setback is suffered. On failure, must placate the spirits at the next opportunity. BotW p128
Spontaneous Lunacy Severe Follows Spirit Placation; Res+Comp whenever sensing a spiritual presence. On failure, undergo a purely psychological Lunacy with the usual +2 to Willpower and memory loss. Werewolves BotW p128
Submission Severe, Extreme Follows Inferiority Compex or Rote-Action Repetition; Res+Comp in any stressful situation. On failure, the character follows orders issued by the highest Presence person who issues a direct command. Cannot spend Willpower, and can only shirk these tasks on a successful Wits+Resolve-2 roll. In the absence of commands, Wits+Composure-2 penalty to avoid slumping into a useless heap. PtC p184
Supernatural Fascination Mild Conviction that the supernatural influences ever facet of life. Res+Comp at least once a scene. On failure, perform some appropriate action to appease God/have good luck/be safe from harm, etc. Asylum p50
Suspicion Mild If fail a Res+Comp roll, and if suffered misfortune intentionally - may suspect everyones motives. -1 Social Rolls WoD p98
Synesthesia Mild Roll Wits+Comp when under overwhelming sensory or emotional input. On failure, -2 to all Presence or Manipulation dice pools. PtC 185
Tongue of the Beast Mild When speaking or writing in nonsense, others who share this derangement can understand it. Belial’s Brood p51
Unbridled Confidence Res+Comp, on fail does what comes first to mind, by instinct. -3 to use skills to plan anything out. AR p92
Vocalization Mild Res+Comp to avoid audible internal monologue regarding important or stressful decisions. WoD p98
Waking Nightmare Severe On trigger, roll Res+Comp. On failure, fall unconscious and become lost in nightmare vision for remainder of scene. Ancient Mysteries p69
Wanderlust Mild When fatigued or out of Willpower points, roll Res+Comp. On success, character is flighty and distracted, taking -1 to all Mental rolls for the scene. On failure, must walk for at least an hour. Changelings CtL p215
Withdrawl Severe, Extreme Follows Irrationality; Become a hermit. Res+Comp to leave haven each night. -3 to Social rolls except resistance to contested ones. The Blood p108
Zealotry Severe Follows Supernatural Fascination; As mild, but proselytizes to everyone they speak with. Asylum p50


Possessed by: Hunters, slashers

Tell Minor/Major Effect Page
Calling Card minor must leave a personal sign behind on significant achievements HtV p330
major more often, in normal situations
Cannibalism minor must eat flesh of slain victims Slash p220
major roll to resist tell is penalized by number of days without eating
Denial minor deny belief of a single supernatural source HtV p330
major deny belief in all supernatural phenomenon
Hypochondria minor avoids messy scenes, tries to work from a distance HtV p331
major believes that they may be sick, and acts like it
Overkill minor after killing a creature, needs to "make sure" HtV p331
major torches scene, kills creatures allies, eliminates all traces
Sadism minor will physically or emotionally torment their prey HtV p332
major bringing cruelty to the creature is more important than the Vigil
Sexual Deviancies minor -1 to all rolls while hunting until sexual relief HtV p333
major Resolve+Composure to not jump on team members or enemies
Trophies minor removes some small part of the victim to keep Slash p220
major more, and larger
Warnings minor warns the target just before an attack Slash p220
major toys with the target for days
Weapon Fetish minor character must use a particular weapon to kill with Slash P219
major losing the weapon may drive character mad

Flaws (1st Edition)
Physical Description Specific To Source
Bad Regeneration Has an injury that did not regenerate properly; has one lower Health and may suffer other penalties. Werewolves Rage p105
Crippled Confined to a wheelchair. Speed is your Strength. Instant to move or -2 on speed and all actions to move. WoD p219
Cumbersome Rather large. No change to size, Stamina cannot go above 3. Must shop in specialty stores for clothing RoS p98
Deformity -2 of social rolls when meeting new people due to disfiguring limbs/scars/blemish WoD p219
Dwarf Size is 4. XP awarded for notable social problems. WoD p219
Hard of Hearing -2 from all hearing perception rolls. WoD p219
Lame Speed factor is 2 due to flaw in legs (artificial, crippled, crutches etc) WoD p219
Mute Cannot speak. WoD p219
No Fangs Does not cause enrapturement when feeding, must render unconscious or subdue victims rather than just bite. Saliva does not heal wounds caused this way. Vampires Mehk p118
One Arm Double time to perform manual tasks. Attempts to do task quickly are at -3 WoD p219
One Eye Ranged attack penalties double. 10-again not re-rolled in driving, 1's subtract. WoD p219
Poor Sense of Smell Suffers a penalty to smell related perception checks. Werewolves Rage p106
Poor Sight -2 to all sight perception tests. WoD p219
Silver Allergy Contact with silver causes some aggravated damage to a Forsaken werewolf. Werewolves Rage p106
Addiction Addicted to a substance. 3 sessions without indulging means its beaten. Indulgence here does not count for Gluttony. WoD p218
Amnesia Memories from past trauma surface unexpectedly. Sporadically forgets allies and enemies from past. WoD p218
Anthropocentric Uncomfortable in wolf forms, preferring to do everything as a normal human. Werewolves Rage p105
Behavior Blind Unable to figure peoples moods and emotions (although Empathy rolls can provide). Cannot detect sarcasm etc. WoD p219
Cannibal A preference rather than addiction to human flesh. RoS p98
Coward Hesitates at dangerous or awkward situations. WoD p219
Forgetful Doesn't forget everything, just small details that make things frustrating, such as names and short term goals. WoD p219
Functional Multiple Personalities Multiple Personality Disorder derangement with a twist: The Changeling has two personalities that don't know the other exists; One sees itself as pure human and rejects the supernatural, the other as his true form, as a Changeling. Changelings CtL p44
Headstrong Often brash, and does not think through their actions. Werewolves Rage p105
Illiterate Might recognize simple words, but has trouble with sentences or books. RoS p98
Impossible Standard Character is held to strict and exacting demands, of which failure has its own consequences. - Ventrue 107
Nightmares Dreams with intensity higher than Res become nightmares, keeping the new Intensity. Alt: Roll Res+Com, failure indicates character does not regain point on nightly Willpower. CtL p193

SpSl p140

Racist/Sexist Has a strong bias against or for a certain social group to the exclusion of others of the same type. WoD p219
Aloof Shy and distant in social situations. Dislikes being the center of attention. WoD p219
Disharmony Had strong religious beliefs that conflict with the principles of Harmony. Werewolves Rage p106
Dishonorably Discharged Can not purchase Allies, Contacts or Status related to Military services and gain effect of the Notoriety Flaw among ex-service members. DoW p40
Embarrassing Secret A secret in the past. XP awarded for keeping it secret at the expense of allies. (If gets out may exchange for Notoriety or other appropriate Flaw) WoD p219
Expectations Has rigid expectations that do not gel well with reality; suffers a social penalty when interacting with others outside of that framework. - Ventrue 107
Fealty The character has a master that makes decisions for her, effectively trading free will for XP. DC p199
Hollywood Syndrome Has telltale markings of werewolves as defined by Hollywood Werewolves Rage p106
Lone Wolf Difficulty interacting with other werewolves. Werewolves Rage p106
Lost Love Had a strong connection to another early in life (or unlife). When triggered by a certain stimulus, suffer a -2 penalty on all rolls until one can escape the situation. Vampires AM p69
Materialist Difficulty interacting with spirits Werewolves Rage p106
Notoriety Inverse of Fame. If recognized, is met with negative reactions from those that would know. WoD p219
Speech Impediment Must be role-played. If forgotten, Storyteller may warn condition is curing. WoD p219
Untrustworthy -2 to Persuasion, Socialize, or any Manipulation test. RoS p98
Abyss-Marked Stained by the Abyss, -2 modifier when hiding from Abyssal creatures, increases risk when summoning Supernal creatures Summ p71
Anachronism Has significant problems handling recent technology. RoS p98
Bad Bargain Made a bad pact with a Spirit, already gained the benefit, but still has to follow through on task (medial obligation). Summ p183
Bad Regeneration Has an injury that did not regenerate properly; has one lower Health and may suffer other penalties. Werewolves Rage p105
Empowered Bane For Key-Initiation Only. A relatively rare substance or combination of common substances does Aggravated when used as a weapon, and has a -2 on Manifestation rolls when on the Sin-Eater or his opponent. Sin-Eaters GtSE p188
Essence Vessel Contains the soul of a powerful spirit or neutral residual Essence, which will release upon the characters death. Receives unwelcome Spirit attention. BoS p111
Glamour Addict As per Addiction, except the substance is Glamour or the act of Harvesting. Changelings RoS p98
Manifest Mien Mien shows through in small ways. It leaves unsettling or lackluster impressions on people, depending on what is least useful to the character at the time. Changelings RoS p98
Mystery Commands If character possess at least (•) in Status: Seers of the Throne and the Dream Merit, they are given cryptic and difficult missions while dreaming. Mages: Seers of the Throne SoT p43
Sluggish Vitae Forced to spend an additional Vitae to wake each evening. Vampires AM p69
Shadow Addiction As per Addiction, but with the added danger that the substance or experience is located in the Shadow. BoS p111
Shadow Aversion Anxious when under the effects of anything linked to the Shadow. -1 to all rolls in extreme situations. BoS p111
Soul-Scarred Lingering injury to soul due to contact with some outer creature. Attracts Acamoth, malevolent ghosts and spirits of negative emotions. Summ p183
True Tongue Can lie, but it is glaringly obvious in both blatant lies and lies of omission that the character is lying. Changelings RoS p98
Word of Life Tummuz Only. A word such as the Hebrew Adam or Emet, is inscribed on the forehead. Provides +1 to Humanity to the maker when creating the Tummuz at Stage 2, and a -1 to effective Azoth for determining a Pandoran. However, should the words be marred to mean something else, the Tummuz drops into a death-like state until rectified. Prometheans SA p41
Weakened Attribute For Key-Initiation Only. A chosen attribute does not have 10-Again, and 1's subtract from successes. Sin-Eaters GtSE 188
Conflicted Werewolves Blood of the Wolf 104
Weak Bloodline This flaw, unique to the Ivory Claw tribe of the Pure, subtracts one dot from their effective Purity for some social purposes. Werewolves The Pure 111

Morality (1st Edition)



Level Sin Dice Rolled Book
10 Entering the Hedge. Dreamwalking. Using Magic to accomplish a task that could be achieved just as well without. Minor Unexpected Life changes 5 CtL 91
9 Using tokens or other mystical items. Going a day without human contact. Minor Selfish Acts. 5 CtL 91
8 Breaking Mundane promises or commitments, especially to attend to faerie matters. Changing Courts. Injury to another (accidental or otherwise) 4 CtL 91
7 Taking psychotropic drugs. Serious unexpected life changes. Petty Theft 4 CtL 91
6 Revealing your true form to unescrocelled mortals. Going a week without human contact. Obvious displays of magic in front of witnesses. Grand theft (burglary). 3 CtL 92
5 Killing another changeling. Killing a fetch. 3 CtL 92
4 Breaking formal oaths or pledges. Extreme unexpected life changes (pregnancy, losing one's home, ect). Impassioned or impulsive serious crimes (Manslaughter) 3 CtL 92
3 Actively harming a mortal by ravaging their dreams. Going a month without human contact. Kidnapping. Developing a derangement outside of failed degeneration rolls. 2 CtL 92
2 Killing a human. Casual/callous crime against another supernatural (serial murder) 2 CtL 92
1 Spending time in Arcadia. Prolonged or intimate contact with the True Fae. Mortal identity is suddenly and unexpectedly destroyed., totally abandoned, or otherwise fundamentally changed. Heinous acts of torture, depravity, or perversion. 2 CtL 92

Bonuses / Drawbacks:

Clarity 8: +2 to all rolls related to sensory perception.

Clarity 6: May use the Kenning ability.

Clarity 7 or below: -1 to all perception rolls for every two points below Clarity 7


Werewolves, Changing Breeds

Level Sin Dice Rolled Book
10 Not Shapeshifting for more than three days 5 WtF 181
9 Not obtaining your own food; carrying a silver weapon 5 WtF 181
8 Disrespect to a spirit or Elder Uratha 4 WtF 181
7 Spending too much time alone; significantly violating a tribal vow 4 WtF 181
6 Mating with other Uratha; slaying a human or wolf needlessly 3 WtF 181
5 Slaying a werewolf in the heat of battle. 3 WtF 181
4 Revealing the existence of werewolves to a human; using a silver weapon against another werewolf 3 WtF 181
3 Torturing enemies/prey; murdering a werewolf 2 WtF 181
2 Hunting humans or wolves for food 2 WtF 181
1 Betrayal of pack; hunting werewolves for food 2 WtF 181

Bonuses / Drawbacks:

Harmony 10: +2 to mental and social rolls involving spirits.

Harmony 9: +1 to mental and social rolls involving spirits.

Harmony 8: +1 to social rolls involving spirits.

Harmony 7: +1 to social rolls involving the werewolves totem's Brood.

Harmony 5 and less: Werewolf begins to take on a Spirit Ban - see WtF 185

Humanity and Morality

Mortals, Hunters, Prometheans, Vampires

Level Sin Dice Rolled Book
10 Selfish Thoughts. 5 WoD 91
9 Minor Selfish Act (Withholding Charity) 5 WoD 91
8 Injury to Another (accidental or otherwise) 4 WoD 91
7 Petty Theft (shoplifting) 4 WoD 91
6 Grand Theft (burglary) 3 WoD 91
5 Intentional, Mass property damage (arson) 3 WoD 91
4 Impassioned Crime (manslaughter) 3 WoD 91
3 Planned Crime (murder) 2 WoD 91
2 Casual/callous crime (serial murder) 2 WoD 91
1 Utter perversion, heinous act (mass murder) 2 WoD 91

Vampiric Bonuses/Drawbacks:

To stay awake: Roll Humanity to stay awake for turns per successes. Extended Action for 5 success to stay awake the entire day. Also rolled to see if a Vampire can wake up in the middle of the day. Dice pools during the day cannot exceed Humanity

Interacting with Humans: Pools in Empathy, Persuasion, or Socialize cannot exceed Humanity

Promethean Bonuses/Drawbacks:

Resistance of Torment: The Humanity to resist the onset of Torment

Degeneration taints Azoth: Humanity determines the chance of getting it right when creating another Promethean.

Rebirth: Humanity is the dice pool used to make the transition to Morality at the end of their Pilgrimage

Hunter Bonuses/Drawbacks:

Hunters can 'change' their code based on the Hunt. See HtV 323



In addition to the following hierarchy of sins unique to Memory, mummies are still subject to the same sins that threaten Morality, above.

Level Sin Dice Rolled Book
10 Conceal your identity. 5 MTC 77
9 Spend a day without meditating on the Pillars. 5 MTC 77
8 Pursue your Judge's purpose to preserve your Sekhem. 5 MTC 77
7 Destroy a remnant of the Nameless Empire. 4 MTC 77
6 Lose possession of a vessel created by your guild. 4 MTC 77
5 Destroy a vessel created by your guild. 3 MTC 77
4 Allow one of your vestiges to be destroyed. 3 MTC 77
3 Leave a robber of your tomb unpunished. 3 MTC 77
2 Die by self-destruction or Sekhem expenditure. 2 MTC 77
1 Destroy evidence of your mortal life. 2 MTC 77


Sharpened Recall: Memory 9+ mummies gain the benefits of Eidetic Memory specifically to recall memories from when they had Memory 9+. Memory 10 mummies also gain the effects of Unseen Sense regarding the will of the Judges of Duat.

Self-Awareness: Mummies require Memory 1+ to retain sapience and autonomy, Memory 2+ to recall their names and the broad strokes of the Nameless Empire, Memory 3+ to recall their previous Descent, Memory 6+ to recall the Descent prior, Memory 7+ to recall any Descents before that, and Memory 8+ to recall their mortal lives.



Level Sin Dice Rolled Book
10 Opening an Avernian Gate, Entering the Underworld. 5 GtSE 84
9 Using plasm from a death mask, violating an Old Law. 5 GtSE 84
8 Closing an Avernian Gate. 4 GtSE 84
7 Destroying a charm or fetter. 4 GtSE 84
6 Destroying a ghost, or Avernian Gate, ectophagia (ghost eating) 3 GtSE 84
5 Destroying a vanitas, reviving a dead person 3 GtSE 84
4 Destroying a memorabilia or deathmask, accidental murder or manslaughter 3 GtSE 84
3 Destroying a keystone, destroying a geist 2 GtSE 84
2 Torture, serial murder. 2 GtSE 84
1 Mass Murder ,suicide attempt, attempting to destroy one's own geist. 2 GtSE 84

Bonuses / Drawbacks:

Opening Avernian gates: Sin-Eaters gain a bonus equal to each dot of synergy above 7 to open an Avernian gate. -1 to rolls at Synergy 4-5, -3 for Synergy 3 or lower



In addition to the listed sins, Mages are held to Humanity's standards, and any sin against Humanity that includes the use of magic is automatically one step worse.

Level Sin Dice Rolled Book
10 Using Magic to accomplish a task that could be achieved just as well without it. 5 MtA 79
9 Magically coercing another so that he acts against his own free will. 5 MtA 79
8 Magically coercing another so that he violates his own moral code. 4 MtA 79
7 Laying a Curse on someone. 4 MtA 79
6 Forcibly binding an unwilling sentient being or spirit to a place or task. 3 MtA 79
5 Magically transforming a person into a lesser being against his will. 3 MtA 79
4 Using magic to harm somone. Draining another's Mana agianst his will. Creating a Soul Stone. 2 MtA 79
3 Forcefully abducting and/or exiling another person (mage or Sleeper) into the Shadow Realm, or causing her to become possessed by a spirit against her will. 2 MtA 79
2 Intentionally preventing an Awakening. Using magic to murder someone. 2 MtA 79
1 Stealing a soul. 2 MtA 79

Bonuses / Drawbacks:

Dealing with Spirits: Wisdom 9 or 10 gets +1 to dealing with spirits, likewise Wisdom 1 or 2 has -1 to dealing with spirits.

Contesting the Abyss: Wisdom 9 or 10 gains a +1 dice bonus when contesting or countering the supernatural powers of the Abyss. Likewise Wisdom 1 or 2 has -1 to dealing with the Abyss.

Paradox: Higher wisdom has less duration from Paradox. See MtA 268-273
Power Stat (1st Edition)


Possessed by: Prometheans

Azoth Trait Cap Pyros Azothic Radiance
Pool /Turn
1 5 10 1 Building
2 5 11 2 City block
3 5 12 3 Several blocks
4 5 13 4 Neighborhood
5 5 14 5 Quadrant/borough
6 6 15 6 Half of city
7 7 20 7 City
8 8 30 8 City
9 9 50 10 City
10 10 100 15 City

Blood Potency

Possessed by: Vampires

Blood Potency Trait Cap Vitae Feeding Requirement Bloodlines
Pool /Turn
0 5 Health 1 Animals None
1 5 10 1 Animals None
2 5 11 1 Animals May join sire's
3 5 12 1 Humans May join sire's
4 5 13 2 Humans May seek Avus
5 5 14 2 Humans May seek Avus
6 6 15 3 Humans May create own
7 7 20 5 Kindred May create own
8 8 30 8 Kindred May create own
9 9 50 10 Kindred May create own
10 10 100 15 Kindred May create own


Possessed by: Mages

Gnosis Trait Cap Mana Aura Scrutiny Base Paradox Pool Ritual Interval Arcana Limits
Pool /Turn Master Adept Disciple Apprentice Initiate
1 5 10 1 - 1 die Three hours 0 0 4 3 3
2 5 11 2 - 1 die Three hours 0 2 3 3 2
3 5 12 3 - 2 dice Hour 1 2 3 3 1
4 5 13 4 - 2 dice Hour 2 2 3 3
5 5 14 5 - 3 dice Half hour 3 2 3 2
6 6 15 6 +1 3 dice Half hour 4 2 3 1
7 7 20 7 +2 4 dice Ten minutes 5 2 3
8 8 30 8 +3 4 dice Ten minutes 6 2 2
9 9 50 10 +4 5 dice Minute 7 2 1
10 10 100 15 +5 5 dice Minute 8 2

Possessed by: Archmasters

Gnosis Arcana Limits
••••• ••••• ••••• •••• ••••• ••• ••••• •• ••••• • Master Adept Disciple Apprentice Initiate
6 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 1
7 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 2
8 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 1
9 0 1 1 1 2 2 3
10 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

Primal Urge

Possessed by: Werewolves

Primal Urge Trait Cap Max Essence/Essence Spent Social Penalty Essence Bleed
Pool /Turn
1 5 10 1 -1 None
2 5 11 1 -1 None
3 5 12 1 -2 None
4 5 13 2 -2 None
5 5 14 2 -3 None
6 6 15 3 -3 Daily
7 7 20 5 -3 Every twelve hours
8 8 30 7 -4 Every ten hours
9 9 50 10 -4 Every eight hours
10 10 100 15 -5 Every four hours


Possessed by: Sin-Eaters

Psyche Trait Cap Plasm Deathmasks Anchors Time in Underworld
Pool /Turn
1 5 14 1 None None None
2 5 18 2 1 None None
3 5 22 3 1 None None
4 5 26 4 2 None None
5 5 30 5 2 None None
6 6 40 7 3 1 One day every moon
7 7 50 10 3 1 Three days every moon
8 8 60 15 4 2 Five days every moon
9 9 75 20 4 2 One week every moon
10 10 100 25 5 3 Two weeks every moon


Possessed by: Mummies

Sekhem Trait Cap Pillars/Turn Attribute Bonus Utterances Descent Rolls
Strength/Stamina Dexterity Decree Attribute Before Rolling Frequency
1 5 1 +1 +0 +1 Chronicle or 160 days Story or 40 days
2 5 1 +1 +1 +1 •• Two stories or 100 days Two chapters or 20 days
3 5 2 +2 +1 +1 ••• Story or 60 days Chapter or 10 days
4 5 2 +2 +1 +1 •••• Three chapters or 40 days Chapter or 5 days
5 5 2 +2 +1 +1 ••••• Two chapters or 20 days Three scenes or 3 days
6 6 2 +3 +2 +1 ••••• Chapter or 10 days Three scenes or 2 days
7 7 3 +3 +2 +1 ••••• Chapter or 5 days Two scenes or 1 day
8 8 3 +3 +2 +1 ••••• Three scenes or 2 days Two scenes or 1 day
9 9 4 +4 +2 +1 ••••• Two scenes or 1 day Scene or 12 hours
10 10 5 +4 +3 +1 ••••• Scene or 12 hours Scene or 12 hours


Possessed by: Changelings

Wyrd Trait Cap Max Glamour/Glamour Spent Incite Bedlam Frailties
Pool /Turn
1 5 10 1 None None
2 5 11 2 None None
3 5 12 3 None None
4 5 13 4 None None
5 5 14 5 None None
6 6 15 6 Once per chronicle One minor
7 7 20 7 Once per story Two minor
8 8 30 8 Once per session One major, two minor
9 9 50 10 Once per day One major, three minor
10 10 100 15 Once per scene Two major, three minor

Tokens (1st Edition)

Trifles Description Book
Bilefruit A bitter fruit, that if consumed, suppresses the changeling's mien and seeming for eight hours. CTL 209
Bottlevoice Found in Hedge Oceans. A corked bottle that takes effect when you breath in the miasma contained within. A mental skill you choose gets +3 for the rest of the scene WM 114
Clayface A face made by the changeling out of clay. When worn, it will take 1 lethal or 3 bashing damage instead of the changeling before it shatters. RoS 154
Dream Charm True Fae trying take a penalty to affect the dreams of a mortal using the charm. Very difficult to make, and can only protect one mortal at a time. AN 67
Givertaker A bracelet or anklet made of faery bones that when donned, provides the wearer with an automatic exceptional success to the next instant or reflexive action, and a dramatic failure to the action after that. RoS 154
Glimmerbraid A lock of hair from a True Fae or a figure in the Hedge, which grants a temporary illusion of the three-dot Fame merit. CTL 209
Gravenails The fingernail of a corpse from the Hedge. When placed under a pillow, does 1 bashing to the sleeper upon waking and prevents willpower gain for 8 hours. RoS 145
Hoarcotton Immune to fire for a number of turns equal to user's Wyrd RoS 145
Hoarflakes Found in Hedge Mountains. A rock frozen for so long it takes the appearance of a snowflake. Gain Windwing Blessing for one hour. Must spend a point of Glamour. WM 114
Spinnerthorn +2 dice to Wits + Crafts roll made to perform hedgespinning RoS 145
Stingseed A small seed from the Edge, which if implanted in a bullet and watered, if used within the next scene inflicts a penalty on the victim to all actions until the damage partially heals. CTL 209
Sweetblood The blood of a fae creatures sweetened with sugar, if consumed it grants 9-again on all Socialize rolls for one scene. CTL 209
Thimbleblack A small thimble, in which a drop of blood is splashed and it is then placed under the user's tongue. May add Subterfuge to all Craft or Computer rolls for one scene. CTL 209
Torchfly A dried, human-faced Hob fly. The shell can be broken and the goo within, when smeared over anything, illuminates that object in a 10-yard radius for a scene. Perception penalties due to darkness are negated, and perception penalties outside of the immediate area are reduced by 2. However, anyone in the area is easier to see, and any perception rolls to see the character are at +2. RoS 145
Tumbleglass A small glass bauble, that if broken underfoot, allows the user to fall up to 100 yards once and suffer no damage. CTL 210
Twistring +3 to secondary actor rolls during teamwork rolls involving your motley RoS 154
Utterbarb A thorn from the hedge, which if used to scratch a victim, robs them of their voice for one scene. CTL 210
Waspshot A shell casing filled with hedgewasp wings and sealed with wax. This bullet completely ignores penalties caused by concealment or cover, as the bullet goes straight through. Damages the gun, giving -1 to the gun for each waspshot fired until looked at by a gunsmith. RoS 154
Welkinstick A branch taken from high up in the Hedge, which when snapped doubles the user's next jump roll. CTL 210
Tokens Rating Description Drawback Catch Book
Ace in the Hole A playing card, which if placed over a lock, inflicts a dice penalty to open it as well as removing 10 again from all attempts. Card papercuts you for 1B damage when activated. Lose 10 again for the rest of the day. CTL 202
The Bone Comb A comb from the hedge or Arcadia, which, when run through a users own hair for 100 strokes, allows the user to change their hair colour for a single scene. In addition, the user gains the 4 dot Striking Looks merit. After the scene, the user loses some of their hair's natural luster. For the rest of the day, social rolls take a -1 penalty Gain the narcissism derangement. If the user already has narcissism, lose three dice from any Res+Comp roll made to resist the derangement. RoS 147
Book of Tales • to ••••• An old book from the hedge. Prick finger and apply dot of blood to activate. Upon activation, open the book and read a tale that might be about the user. For the remainder of the story, the user receives one clue toward future events. Additionally, for each dot of this token, the user may reroll one failed roll during this story. Requires strength = to the level of the token to open and use. Every time the player rolls for something, the ST rolls as well. On a 1, that roll becomes a dramatic failure. Effect stops after one dramatic failure. RoS 145
The Cracked Mirror A dingy mirror, which can reveal and allow communication with the user's fetch, or potentially other impersonators. The Fetch becomes aware of the Changelings exact location. Must cut face for 1L damage. CTL 202
The Cursing Box • to ••••• A box that curses the area (100 yards per token dot) that causes food to spoil, animals/people to fall ill, life rots. Anyone that sleeps within the area suffers -1 to all actions the next day unless they sleep outside the effect. The changeling who activates the token suffers a vulnerability to iron (general, not cold) while the box is active, suffering an additional level of damage from any attack with iron. The character severs the tip of their index finger and places it in the box for two lethal. If the box is dug up later, the character can reattach by spending willpower. RoS 146
Driver’s Little Helper A token from a game of chance, this must be placed inside a car. The car then consumes no fuel, grants a small bonus to Drive, and cuts down on the time it takes to drive to any destination. After an hour, the car overheats and cannot be driven for 15 minutes (Unless you fix it with Wits + Crafts) Must pour a pint of blood into gas tank or transmission for 1L (Mortals) or 1 vitae (Vampires) CTL 203
Heavenly Stem • to ••••• A "natural" rapier made of wood and thorns. Activate the token to provide benefits for a scene dependent on the number of dots. Each dot can provide +1 Defence, Equipment bonus, Initiative or Speed. The weapon without activation is a 1(L) Rapier with no armour piercing. This token may only be activated before performing any attack. Additionally, it may only be activated once per game session. The character pledges to the token, which eats their life at a rate of one lethal per turn the blade is in hand. RoS 154
Hedgespun Rainment • to ••• Clothing crafted from materials from the Hedge. The one dot variant reflects clothing with no supernatural power (but is treated as a status symbol amongst the Lost and is universally beautiful), the dot variant may grant armor, and the three dot version grants powerful armor. Offers no protection against cold iron. Delicate garments might even be destroyed just from a touch. On non-fey the garment is very uncomfortable and garners a -1 on some rolls. CTL 203
The Jackdaw Trinket A necklace featuring the head of a hob carrion-bird, threaded through the eye-sockets. When activated, the user may make a Sleight of Hand Larceny roll, and all who could act as observers are distracted at that moment. The Wits+Comp or Wits+Larceny roll necessary for observers suffers a -3 penalty. If the sleight of hand roll fails, its always a dramatic failure Gain the Vocalization derangement, or if the user already has that, the more severe Schizophrenia. Lasts until the user gets 8 hours of sleep. RoS 156
Jeweled Hookah • to ••••• A hookah with the appearance of writhing snakes. Taking a hit from the Hookah negates all wound penalties and allows the user to regain a point of willpower. All users suffer a penalty of the dot rating to their pools for the next scene. The token may only be activated once per week. Suffer a biting headache for the next hour that penalises mental rolls by 1. A character places their hand in the water jar and suffers a bite from the snakes. The character takes a bite with a toxicity rating of 3. Does not heal until 12 hours have passed. RoS 155
The Murmuring Coin A coin from Faerie, which may be activated to increase the user's effective Resources merit by one dot during a transaction. The next day until you sleep, your vice becomes greed. If it was already greed, fulfilling your virtue will only net you half Willpower. A friend or loved one will suffer money problems, losing one dot in Resources. CTL 204
Visage of Glory A monstrous mask that grants protection from Hobgoblins. No Hobgoblin can attack the user physically unless the user attacks them first. Protects for one day only. Must be worn on the face. -2 to all social rolls while wearing the mask. Affix the mask by using two thorns, causing 2B RoS 155
Amber Demijohn •• A fat amber bottle, which the changeling can beg for protection. The changeling takes two turns to turn into smoke which wisps inside the bottle, and another two turns to turn back into a size 1 version of themselves inside the bottle. The changeling is not immune to harm, but the bottle is resistant. It is Size 2 and, when active, Durability 5 and a total Structure of 7. In addition, it heals for one point of structure per minute. Piercing specialties on weapons are negated. Nothing, not even explosives, bypass the durability. Any rolls to find the changeling are at a -3 penalty. The changeling may only leave the bottle after an hour has passed, at which point the user is expelled forcefully. The user may never leave the bottle, and it must be destroyed to grant exit. RoS 147
Homespinner’s Needle •• A simple sewing needle, which when hidden in a room and activated, grants a bonus to Presence or Manipulation rolls to all those present. Grants an increased bonus to the owner. Everyone who benefited from the needle takes -1 for all social rolls in the next scene. Owner takes -2. The user of the needle must recite a rhyme and stab them self with the needle. CTL 204
Hollow Heart •• A contain the size of a bowling ball. A changeling may chose to put glamor into the bag instead of his pool when harvesting emotions. Up to 20 points of Glamour. While carried, the the bag will upgrade one bashing damage to one lethal damage per round. The changeling becomes aloof. Social penalty. SaD 36
The Hungry Arrow •• or •••• Holding the arrowhead in their palm upgrades damage. •• upgrades Bashing to Lethal, •••• upgrades Lethal to Aggravated. The effect lasts one turn. Only affects the damage of the weapon held in that hand. Activation incurs a point of bashing damage. Feel the sting of the arrowhead and halve initiative for the rest of the scene (rounded down). RoS 148
Lantern of Ill Omen •• A magical lantern, which may be attuned to a specific subject through the expenditure of a willpower dot. When activated, the lantern will glow when the attuned subject is near. When it glows for long enough, it goes out and the hair and fireflys must be replaced. Orbs of light dance in your eyes for a full hour after lantern goes out. CTL 204
Periwig of Orators •• After a successful Oratory roll, everyone within earshot regains 1 willpower. Once per day use. User is harried with hedge-nits. -1 to all non-social rolls while wearing the wig. Act as if under the effect of marijuana. RoS 156
Ribbon of Nevermiss •• A ribbon that is to be tied around the barrel of a gun, which doubles the effective range bands of the weapon. After three shots the gun is rendered useless, and the ribbon cannot be used on it anymore. Yank a tooth out or fate will do it for you. CTL 205
Ashlight ••• Plastic flashlight with a lump of coal within. Shining the token on a True Fae blinds them, and they suffer defense and perception penalties. Grows very warm, dealing 1B damage and forcing roll to maintain grip. Cannot be used on the Lost or Hobgoblins. Anyone searching for owner is granted +3 perception to discover the character. AN 75
Baby Cat’s Eyes ••• A porcelain doll with one good eye, when activated the user may see through the doll's eyes for twelve hours. Afterwards it must rest for 48 hours. -2 to perception until 6 hours of sleep fix it. Suffer from suspicion or paranoia until the 12 hours are up. CTL 205
Dead Man’s Boots ••• Filthy boots taken from the feet of a corpse in the Hedge, they may be triggered to double the user's Stealth score, until the wearer runs out of Willpower or chooses to end the effect. Drinks one point of willpower an hour. Drinks one point of bashing health an hour. CTL 205
Deadman's Mask ••• A changelings plaster death mask. When worn, the changelings Seeming and Kith changes to that of the deceased's. When taken off, it cannot be activated for time worn x 5. Kith and Seeming Blessings do not return for a week. Changeling is less fey then usual, suspicious to the Lost. The changeling allows the mask to decide how long it wants to stay on your face. SaD 55
The Glimpsing Mirror ••• The user asks the mirror one question about a persons attributes or skills. The person must have looked in the mirror while it is active and the user must know the persons first name. Stays active for an hour. Costs willpower to use. 1WP for a skill question, 2WP for an attribute question. One question per person. Tell the mirror one of your deepest darkest secrets. The next person to look in the mirror learns that secret and to whom it belongs. RoS 148
Hedgespun Wardrobe ••• A wardrobe, which when closed, locked and activated may produce a new Hedgespun outfit to specifications. Dissolves the next sunrise. Must moisten the lock with blood, wound will cause -1 to all composure rolls when clothes are worn. CTL 206
Hoarfrost Spine ••• A thorn from a frozen place in the Hedge, when worn as jewelry and activated this token grants a defense bonus against Brawl attacks, and doubles Defense versus grapples. Fire damage becomes aggravated for the next 24 hours. Vampires and such take +1 extra fire damage. For 24 hours, all athletics rolls take -3 CTL 206
Minister Viburnum’s Clepsydra ••• When activated, silences all voices in the room except for those who have a hand resting upon the very top of the token. Lasts for a scene. In addition, any speaker touching the top of the token gets +1 to expression rolls. Affected characters can spend 1WP to speak for 3 turns. Only muffles speech etc. Activator becomes over-sensitive to sound, and suffers -2 to perception. Fill the token with blood instead of water RoS 156
Biting Crotesquerie •••• A horrific idol made from mismatched parts, which may be activated and thereby animated. The bite of this creature causes potent hallucinations which inflicts many penalties. Electronic blackout within 50 yards for one hour. Spend willpower point and spit on it. Token crumbles after it's activated. CTL 206
Bleakmoor Black Pony •••• A statue of a pony made from hedgestuff. Upon activation, becomes alive for one hour, and more time can be added at a rate of 1 hour per glamour spent. Suffers speed penalties based on weight carried. No more than two adults at a time. No roll required to ride unless circumstances dictate it. Pony is GRUMPY. Getting too close to the ponies mouth can result in up to 2B of bite damage. Groom the pony - Brush its mane, clean it generally, pick things from its teeth) for one hour. During this time, the user must tell the pony of a terrible nightmare that they once had, in detail. RoS 157
Blood Poppet •••• A creepy doll found in the hedge. Can be used to form a sympathetic connection with a users fetch by winding three of the fetches hairs around the dolls head. When activated, the doll becomes a voodoo doll for a scene. Spend 1WP to cause 2B and a -1 penalty (up to -3) to all physical rolls to the fetch. No distance limit. After torturing their fetch, the user feels empty inside. Prevents willpower gain for the next 48 hours after use. Oh, and if the fetch gets a hold of the doll... Wet the dolls head with some fresh fetch-blood from the users fetch. RoS 149
Bug Cudgel •••• A blunt instrument, which if activated and used to inflict a blow, curses the target. An hour after the impact, the site swells up and bursts forth with many insects, inflicting intense dice penalties (not to mention trauma) Nightmares about bugs, penalty for rolls for first hour awake. Develop Phobia (Specifically entomophobia) CTL 207
The Curious Paw •••• The claw of some kind of mutated creature from within the Hedge, activation grants the changeling and his motley 9-again on all rolls except those relating to Glamour or Contracts for a scene. Begin to feel tired and sick after effect wears off. A memory is taken as payment, something small but important. CTL 207
Promise Stone •••• A stone with runs. Can have a pledge invested into it, and have another party enter the pledge at any time with a ritual. All pledges sworn this way is considered a vow. Using this token costs a dot of willpower (Can be bought back with 8 XP). Much more, see book. Can be activated without Wyrd (Able to have 3 vows). Must pay cost, then tear out tongue and throw it into a fire, dealing 2L. AN 22
Blood Pennon ••••• A short, swallow-tailed banner. When activated and waved, the changeling and his motley gain significant combat bonuses. Their Defense is double, they gain a bonus to Initiative, and they can ignore any wound penalties. They may also make all-out attacks with a bonus. Enemies are called to your location. You are left exhausted for the rest of the day, easy pickings for the Gentry if they show up from the drawback. CTL 208
Dawnspear ••••• Old spear with a glow in the shape of a lance. When active, becomes a +4L weapon that deals aggravated damage to the True Fae, grants +4 Initiative, doubles Defense and Speed, and retains undoubled Defense for all-out attacks. Unforeseen consequences. Permanent life changes for each wielding. SaD 55
The Jerusalem Mile ••••• It's a rug, about 9' by 12'. A dusty frayed rug, with a blocky maze design stitched into it. Those who walk through the 'maze' to the end are transported to a spot in the hedge where they have been before. The rug is one-way. The user can choose not to choose a location, which dumps them ANYWHERE. RoS 149
The Keeper’s Quirt ••••• A two-ended riding crop, which summons a wave of repressed negative memories when it strikes flesh. For humans, this can be anything, for Changelings, it's generally their durance. When used in combat, it can be especially debilitating. Those hit no longer apply defense to incoming attacks, and lose -3 to speed and initiative til the end of the scene. Does +1B, requires Strength+Weaponry to wield. Can only be used on another character once. Transmits small jolts of pleasure upon use. Hurting others with it becomes addictive after its third use. When addicted, user must succeed on a Res+Comp roll to NOT use the Quirt when available. Use on a family member or motley-mate within an 8 hour period before activation. RoS 158
Squall Knife ••••• A knife placed under the cradle of a human child in Faerie. When used to inflict damage, if the victim screams or shouts, the wielder may heal lethal or bashing damage. You hear screaming children, and suffer from Melancholia or Depression for 12 hours. -3 to all social rolls for 24 hours. CTL 208
Promise Tokens Description Drawback Catch Book
Ampoule of Life Upon receiving would-be-fatal wounds, drinking the blood downgrades all of the character's Lethal or Aggravated damage to bashing. Only works on wounds or poisoning, but not illness. Lose all willpower points. Lose two permanent health dots. RoS 151
The Auroch’s Horn Can be used by any changeling in a freehold. When used, summons the user's Keeper to their side for one battle. The keeper gains +3 on all Physical tests against the user. Keeper always knows where any changeling belonging to the freehold is, Keeper can stay in the mundane world indefinitely. Seven children will be abducted that night. Blowing the horn performs all the effects. Cannot be destroyed or given away. RoS 151
Black Nickel Borrow up to five skill dots from another changeling or Fae for a full week. Limited to the maximum skills that the target has. Token is rendered inert after borrowing five total skill dots. Target gains bonus skill dice for any contract used against the user equal to number of dots borrowed. Benefit lasts for a full year. RoS 152
Blank Check Allows the user to add the resources score of the person who gave them the token to their own for a single purchase. Cannot access any of their own money for an entire week. The user becomes pliable to social advances by the person who gave them the cheque. The giver gains +2 Socialise whenever interacting, capped at +5. This effect is permanent. RoS 152
Finger Locket Target gains life equal to Wyrd x 5 Years at the point when the token was given. Permanently loses the finger used in creation of this token. Target no longer regains willpower from rest. The changeling that created it gains it instead. RoS 152
Ink-in-Irons A Tattoo shared by a pair of characters that ensures mutually assured destruction. The pair cannot wound the other without wounding themselves - any damage inflicted is mirrored. Automatically lose a dot in Clarity if the other of the pair dies. The effect can be escaped by the pair agreeing to, spending a willpower dot and suffering a point of aggravated damage with an obvious burn mark. RoS 153
Scobury-Clovill Box Camera Taking a photo of someone with the camera causes them to be dragged to Arcadia for a year and a day. This happens within the next seven days. Use of this token is a Clarity sin at any level. Destroying a True Fae before the target gets abducted will prevent them from being abducted. RoS 153
Privilege Tokens Rating Entitlement Description Drawback Catch Book
Bronze Spearhead Bronze Beylik The head of a bronze spear. When used, add Wyrd to Intimidation rolls. For the scene and one after, -2 on Socialize, Animal Ken and Expression. Scratch self for 1L damage WM 149
The Grand Cross of St. George Knighthood of the Dragonslayer A cross made of Hedgestuff. Pressing it against someone with Morality 5 or below incurs lethal damage. If used on someone with a morality of 6 or above the Knight takes penalties as penance. Burns hand for 1L damage WM 151
Aspersorium •• Bishopric of Blackbirds Small pail or cup. Used to bless water, which is then sprinkled on a persons forehead. The blessed have mild derangement disappear and severe is downgraded for one scene. Gains +1 perception until sleep. Bishop takes -1 to Perception, cumulative with extra blessings. Restored with 4 hours of sleep. Take derangements unto yourself for one scene. CTL 292
Black Apple Pendant •• Legates of the Black Apple A silver pendant in the shape of an apple; cannot be removed. Adds Composure to Defense for one scene, as long as the wielder does not attack. Usable once per day. If the wielder does attack, he or she suffers -2 to Intelligence, Wits, Dexterity and Defense for the remainder of the scene. Take 1L damage as the apple drinks a pint of blood. LoS 146
Sprung Door •• Bodhisattvas of the Broken Cage A broken door of some form; +3 to rolls to convince the target to break social mores, habits or try new things. Increases to +5 if paired with Cupid's Eye. -2 to all Presence and Manipulation rolls against Bodhisattvas, regardless of whether the token has been used or is even present. None printed. LoS 46
Waxen Violet •• Magistrates of the Wax Mask A small purple flower, available to all Magistrates of the Wax Mask, can be activated to emit a scent that causes those nearby to sense the wearer as humble and trustworthy. Affects the Magistrate as well, leaving him very sleepy after 2 hours unless he spends willpower (One WP for one turn of awakeness.) If eschews power stat roll, the flower takes 1L and leaves flower shaped scar. CTL 302
Bugbear’s Mask ••• Scarecrow Ministry Appearing as a cheap Halloween mask, frequently worn by the Scarecrows of the Ministry. When activated the user must meet eye-to-eye with a victim, and they receive the Phobia derangement with the mask-bearer as the subject. Suffer from Narcissism or Megalomania for the rest of the day. If eschews power stat roll, removing the mask deals 1L damage. CTL 316
Courier's Winged Sash ••• Guild of the Sacred Journey A royal-blue sash with a winged silver badge; when activated, gives the user an intuitive sense of the location of anyone they've been hired to deliver a message or package to, as long as they're somewhere accessible (not e.g. Arcadia or the Shadow Realm) and the client identified the recipient precisely. Until the package/message is delivered or 2 Willpower are spent, -1 to all actions not related to delivering the package/message. Penalty for drawback increases to -3; character literally cannot rest or stop until the goods are delivered. LoS 137
The Diviner's Instrument ••• College of Worms Any sort of divining tool unique to the Diviner. When the instrument is used, within an amount of time called "Insight" (Clarity = Hours), the Diviner is granted a bonus equal to his Wyrd. During Insight time, -1 to Perception. Token can only be activated once per game session. If eschews power stat roll, later in the day, you must take a penalty (Maximum -5 dice) WM 296
The False Face of Truth ••• Duchy of Truth and Loss A small badge or pin with a porcelain doll's face; anyone touching a lock of hair or drop of blood to it knows if the blood/hair came from a fetch, a Changeling or a mortal. The token cannot be reused until it has been fed 1B worth of blood. The token must have a teaspoonful of the target's fresh blood to activate, and needs 1L to recharge. LoS 124.
Gildwheel ••• Guild of Goldspinners A wheel that can spin straw into gold, producing one Resource dot's worth per day up to a maximum of the user's Power Stat; the owner of a Gildwheel cannot spend its gold. Unless the Resource dots involved came from a pledge, the gold turns to dross within one day of being spent or used in any transaction. The straw to be spun must be soaked in fresh blood squeezed from a human heart; the user must actually roll Crafts to spin. LoS 132
The Gilded Torc •••• Charmed Circle A necklace that is worn tightly around the neck. Allows the transfer of skills to or from the user while the target is kissing their hand. All dots in that skill are transferred for the day. A character with 5 dots transfers all five, no more, no less. Suffer three points of bashing damage when taking a skill from the target as the Torc chokes the user. Take a stamina roll. Failure causes the user to pass unconscious for a scene, while success allows the user to stay awake. Suffer -2 to all rolls for the next day. ER 43

Goblin Fruits (1st Edition)
Goblin Fruit Description Effect Book
Amaranthine Looks like a small, red eggplant. Heals 1A, limited to once per scene. CTL 223
Babel Gum Pink urban lichen that resembles chewed gum. Understand all spoken languages, but forget how to read for one scene. WM 113
Bloodapple Dark crimson apple splotched with deep reddish purple, cloyingly sweet and incredibly juicy. Downgrades a point of aggravated damage to lethal (once per scene). NH-GF 127
Bloodbane Pale yellow lichen. Prevents blood from clotting: toxicity 3 as one dose, toxicity 6 at multiple doses per month. NH-GF 20
Blushberries Pink fruits slightly larger than cherries. Heals 1L or 2B. CTL 223
Brumblebulb Small almost sour tasting onion. Grows underground with only a few leaves poking out. Instant exit from the Hedge RoS 131
Buglewort Mushroom that appears almost identical to Nightcap. Effects of both can stack. +4 Initiative for the scene. CTL 224
Chu Chu Culm Bamboo filled with red liquid. Intoxication, +2 Social bonus, -2 Dexterity, Wits or Intelligence for one scene. WM 113
Cocorange Hard seeds the size of a football, containing pulpy citrus flesh. Intoxication equivalent to a shot of liquor GobM 21
Coralscalp Fine, hairlike kelp. Smoke for +1 to perception rolls and breaking points for a scene, followed by strong hallucinations. GobM 21
Coupnettle Bitter and minty leaves, usually made into a tea. Restores Willpower. Each serving after the first within 24 hours inflicts -1 Composure. CTL 223
The Cousin's Trumpet Conical yellow jungle flower with no scent. Must be brewed into a tea. Outside the Hedge, a hallucinogen that restores Willpower but inflicts a universal -3 penalty. Within the Hedge, +2 effective Wyrd for Hedge-shaping. WM 113
Dactyl Oily fruits that resemble dates. Roll Resolve + Stamina to hold down. Grants Social rolls 9-Again. GobM 21
Dream-a-Drupe Slightly intoxicating, looks like a purple nectarine. Healing fruit. 1L or 2B healed. CTL 223
Ertwen Mealy seeds inside a pod, similar to peas. Healing fruit. 1L or 2B healed. CTL 223
Fear Gortach Highly addictive grass. Can affect mortals and supernaturals. Must succeed Wits + Composure to pull away, and reroll if you run into more Gortach in the next scene. Gluttons get a -3 on these rolls. Makes consumer hungry and strips goblin fruit benefits, but you must roll Wits + Composure (-3 with the Gluttony Vice) to stop eating. CTL 223
Fuguespores Brown spores from a fungus that grows on Hedge briars. Toxicity 5. Spores growing in the intestines cause dizziness and hallucinations. Spores lodged in the brain cause fugue states, or in extreme cases coma or permanent brain damage. NH-GF 20
Ghoul's Shroud Lacy gray moss. Ignore any poison of toxicity 4 or lower. Causes constant thirst and crying eyes while effective. NH-GF 127
Headgourd Grows in Hedge farmlands in the shape of a scarecrow. Smear innards on self for +1 to Defense and -2 to Social rolls for one hour. WM 112
Hera Pear Particularly healthy pear tree guarded by powerful hobgoblins. Completely cure a disease. RoS 131
Hidefruit Tiny crimson berry about the size of a pomegranate seed. Very rare and bitter. The True Fae must roll Wits + Composure -5 to find you, for your Wits + Resolve in minutes. AN 59
Jarmyn Fruit Grows with Jarmyn Leaves. Forces sleep. Extended actions in same scene lose penalties; sleep whole day after to maximum of 7 days. CTL 223
Jarmyn Leaves Grows with Jarmyn Fruit. Forces sleep. +3 to stay awake for extensive amount of time; sleep whole day after to maximum of 7 days. CTL 223
The Judas Yew Grows in Hedge Deserts. Tree with red berries that grows out of walls in elevations. Eating does 1L damage due to potent poison. Allows you to go 3 times the length without food or drink. WM 111
Murmurleaf A blossom that curls upwards at the end of the leaf. Healing fruit. 1L or 2B healed. CTL 223
Myrsina Apple with beautiful white flesh and red skin, but smelling and tasting of death. Causes deathlike sleep so deep that it ends all lifelong pledges as though the Changeling had actually died. tRBP 7
Nightcap Mushroom that appears almost identical to Buglewort. Effects of both can stack. Halves Speed until accumulates 4 successes on Stam + Res CTL 224
Pedicle Velvet Lichen that grows on the horns of fierce Hobgoblins in Hedge tundras. Heal 1L damage. Gain +1 Stamina for 6 hours. Next time you have intercourse, it will result in pregnancy. WM 114
Pitt Moss Very rich, pungent moss used in soups. Effect only applies if eaten raw, about a salads worth, in the field. Eaten raw, saps Willpower and blocks its use for a scene. CTL 224
Serpent Gourd Long, narrow, shiny black gourd filled with stringy flesh, growing only in dangerous places. Properly prepared, creates syrup that grants +1 to oneiromancy and oneiromachy rolls for up to a day. NH-GF 127
Wineberry blush Tart, purple berries that ferment easily. Once fermented, will remove a Clarity derangement if drunk within a day of gaining it. DitD 91
Wyrmthumb Fleshy fig, black and filled with dizzyingly sweet tar sap. Contains milky grubs with black mandibles. Restore Glamour and take +5 to escape any kind of bondage. RoS 131
Gallowsroot Ropy vine shaped like a noose. Acts as Strength 3 attacker with a garrote for 3 turns. CTL 224
Hog Eye Grows in Hedge bogs and swamps. Looks like a reed with a knobby outgrowth. Single-use +5 lockpick. WM 111
Jennystones Foul smelling acorns. -1 dice pool to everyone within 15 feet. CTL 224
Promise Leaves Parchment-like leaves dispersed randomly among trees. Crumple to lengthen Contract durations. CTL 224
Scarthistle Milky thistle with night black flowers. Thistle can be used to tattoo a Lost for a month. Lost can spend a Glamour to gain +1 on a chosen Social Skill (chosen when the tattoo is made). Can have one tattoo per dot of Wyrd at a time. RoS 132
Slumberberries Sour, dark green berries in clumps of five or six. Eaten raw, causes drowsiness. Boiled into a tea, causes nightmares. NH-GF 20
Stabapple Fruit with hard thorns. Thorns can be used as 1L, Size 1, Durability 1 weapons. CTL 224
Tovil's Ooze Molasses-like substance found in sinkholes in cold parts of the Hedge. Smear on something to confer +2 Durability or Armor for a week. Deals 2 Structure damage or 1 lethal damage when peeled off. RoS 132
Vermsap Oozes out of trees in Hedge Forests. Just a dollop on your skin summons masses of vermin that follow you until removed. Vermin follows you around. -2 to Social rolls, -1 to Initiative and Defense. WM 112
Walking Gertrude Slowly walking stalks of fibrous tissue, like a spider made of sugarcane. Rubbed inside a shoe, residue halves wearer's Speed. RoS 132
Widowroot Tangled stalks about the size and shape of a football. Properly prepared, creates a toxin that causes those effected to lose 2 points of Willpower. NH-GF 127
Jennyapples Misshapen black-spotted apples. Hybrid of a Jennystone and an apple. -3 to all rolls for a day if eaten. If skin is pierced acts like a Jennystone. RoS 130
Nevernip Crossbreed of blushberries and fear gortach. Lush purple berries. Heals like blushberries, but eater must roll Wits + Composure (-3 with the Gluttony Vice) to stop eating. RoS 130
Somnus Pollen Undetectable goblin fruit infection. Inflicts the drugging sting of a Fae Swarm when eaten. AN 127
Trenchmint Hybrid of coupnettle and pitmoss. Has airy stems topped with curling clusters of violet leaves. Eaten raw, saps Willpower and grants +3 to a chosen Mental Skill for a scene. Inflicts -1 Physical penalty afterward, or -2 with the Sloth Vice. RoS 130

NPCs, Changelings (1st Edition)
Name Description Source
Changelings Humans transformed into Fae Creatures by the Gentry.
Changelings you might see around the Freeholds or abroad
Auntie Ally Smothering mother figure. GF 17
Blue Jenny Miami. Manipulative member of the Winter Court. Demo 10
Brer Spider Miami. Man of many faces, identities and skills. Expert Oneiromancer and scholar. CtL 344
Cerastes Miami. Pathogenic liar and smooth talker. Half-believes he's still in Arcadia. CtL 342
Carlos Garcia-Jimenez Miami. Player Character. Cuban thug trying to go straight. Computer Science Student. Demo 21
Consus Mafia-type with his fetch as a servant. Dedicated to overthrowing Freehold tyrants. GF 29
Deathless Ivan Miami. Grandfather Thunder's bodyguard. Terrible, silent and crazed man-mountain. CtL 340
Everett Flint Fire and brimstone preacher with a tongue made of gold. GF 44
Gentleman John Thief that steals both one-of-a-kind items and objects of sentimental value. GF 59
Grandfather Thunder Miami. Oldest changeling in Miami. Leader of the Summer Court and thus all of Miami. Very brutal. CtL 338
Green-Eyed Gerta Mad Spring Court queen. Insanely jealous and envious. GF 68
Jack o’ the Lantern Famous changeling who managed to trick his Keeper. Missing his heart. GF 77
Jeremiah Sleet, the Winter King Miami. Cold, calculating mobster. Distrusts all other Courts, especially Summer. CtL 339
John St. Elmo Miami. Summer Court thug. Salamander-like leader of The Apostolic Knights motley. Demo 11
Kumalo Slayer of kings. GF 81
Leigh Whitney Miami. Player Character. Heiress from Chicago. Can't go back. Works as a belly dancer at a bar. Demo 23
Naamah Miami. Leader of the Autumn Court. Building up fear to topple Grandfather Thunder. CtL 337
Nimble Tinfingers Miami. Player Character. Troubled kid turned into a Tin Man. Best friends with Sara. Demo 25
Mark Stalwart Miami. Fights alongside John St. Elmo and Strong Matthew. An Apostolic Knight. Demo 13
Maria Thorn Miami. Leader of the Spring Court. Living as a fugitive in the Everglades. Robin Hood figure. CtL 341
Quiet Luke Miami. Oracle and member of the Apostolic Knights. Safeguards a book he bought off Hobgoblins. Demo 16
Rex Miami. Player Character. Wanderer. Found his wife had remarried while he was gone. Cyclops. De,p 27
Rollo Miami. Coward and drug runner, but dedicated to overthrowing Thunder and serving Blue Jenny. Demo 8
Rose Thorn Miami. Possibly Maria's daughter. Big ego. CtL 335
Sara Miami. Player Character. Small girl, good with mechanics. Best friends with Nimble Tinfingers. Demo 29
Strong Matthew Miami. Fights alongside John St. Elmo and Mark Stalwart. An Apostolic Knight. Demo 13
Wild Sam Brave Changeling that will forever be a rambunctious child. GF 119
The Loyalists Changelings still loyal to their Fae masters
Bondthrall Paxton Secretive but passionate female artist forced reluctantly to abduct Changelings. CtL 262
DJ Hamlyn Musician that delivers humans and changelings to his keeper for his next high. GF 40
Liz Malloy Bait used by her keeper. GF 85
The Man Left Behind, The Minotaur Darkling that patrols his Keepers manses, killing slaves thrown into his pit. ER 148
Maya Sharptongue Hero, trickster and traitor. GF 99
Realm Gatekeeper Ognenov Lazy and corrupt gatekeeper for Arcadia. ER 145
Shuck's Crew Shuck, the Scissor-Man, John Capp, Razor Molly, Pretty Bill. Crazed Boogiemen. AN 35
The Mentally Ill Changelings of questionable clarity
Beauty and Her Beast, Damiana and Bert Criminal duo, distrusted by the local Freeholds. Plenty of deaths attributed to them. AN 15
The Glutton Miami. Cannibal who might let you go if he's not too hungry. Doesn't like people. AN 20
The Hag of Henslowe Park A wicked witch that abducts victims and tortures them for a year and a day. AN 21
The King of Cats Crazed hunter who stalks children. Is followed everywhere by cats. Early campaign antagonist. AN 19
The Mad Hound Jules Feral, wolflike and broken homeless man. Considers all fae a potential threat. CtL 260
Long-Tooth Tom Modern bridge troll. GF 89
The Lost Guide Libra Mudfingers Crazed Wizened guide that can take you to Arcadia. Almost a Hobgoblin. ER 137
Bridge-Burners and Militia Groups Extremist factions dedicated to various causes
The Bloody Nails, Bridge-Burners, Tommy Red Hat Very tough. Believes the only way to cut the bridges is by destroying everything fey. AN 32
The Safe Harbor Society, Bridge-Burners, Sister Abigail Organizer that knows how to humiliate people. AN 30
Independent Bridge-Burner, Burgeoning Terrorist, Terrence Horror movie fan. Preparing to burn down his theater and the trod within to stop the nightmares. CtL 266
The Bloody Wing Militia, Warhawk, Nemesis Female Ogre recruiter for the Bloody Wing Militia. CtL 265
The Doves, Militia, Dove Knife-Dancer Stealthy assassin and acrobat. AN 29
The Red Badge, Militia, Red Badge Recruiter Very savvy and large Ogre recruiter for the Red Badge. AN 26
The Soulless Changeling monsters who have completely lost any semblance of their souls
Serial Killer Maxwell Stevens Once a successful entrepreneur, became a psychopathic participant in the "Game". CtL 268
Fetches Simulacrum of a person left behind after an abduction by the Gentry
Bobby Slim Paranoid killer. Murders for no real reason. Crafty. AN 118
Carlos Garcál The Glutton's fetch. Passable chef. Lost until Glutton attacked, now intent on killing him. AN 114
Don Sarno Family man. Killed his Changeling. Hunts changelings with his friends. May be "dying". AN 117
Luke Argent Good man, willing to step aside if changeling returns. "Wife" is pregnant and child may be his. AN 115
Michael Bartok Miami. Cerastes' fetch. Perfect mirror of the original. AN 113
The Recurrent Fetch that is constantly killed and resurrected through coincidental circumstance. GF 108
Rosalinda Forastero Maria Thorne's unknowing fetch. Being watched over by Naamah as bargaining power. AN 116
Sister Mary Agatha Damiana's fetch. Emotionally instabile. Bitter about her existence, but very amiable. AN 113
Gentry, The True Fae Masters of Arcadia
Arcadian Huntsman, The Horned Hunter Master huntsman that travels with a pack of bloodthirsty shadow hounds. CtL 277
The Baroness of Tortured Harmonies Brutally violent, beautiful, kind and depraved. ER 151
Blue Jenny's Keeper Miami. Blue Jenny's Keeper has come to take her back to Arcadia. Demo 19
Crumbcoat and Ganache Twins, master chefs who long to be impressed. Easily annoyed and depressed. AN 76
Dzarûmazh Dragon who wishes to successfully form a contract with Cold Iron GF 34
Grandma Mara Wise fortuneteller who can help steer your future. GF 64
The Greve of Stolen Lovers Lavishes his abductee with love. Once the feeling is returned, he snubs her. AN 76
The Hook Urban legend that stalks the highways. GF 72
Lady Bolevile Both a Fey and a mansion. Strictly business. Collects trinkets. AN 78
Nergal, the Raging One Miami. Massive hurricane and storm. Nothing but anger and hate. AN 79
Skin and Bones Bloody Mary-type boogieman. GF 112
Redtooth, Redtooth Not very smart but very hungry mountain of flesh and fat. Must rhyme. AN 80
Vellum Cold, but not cruel librarian. AN 82
The Zookeeper Collector of pets, human or otherwise. AN 83
Ybalashi Literal genie in a bottle. GF 123
Banished, Charlatans and Sleepers Gentry banished to Earth, whether through pledge, death or other causes.
Baron Fairweather The Free Market Dragon. Industrialist and entrepreneur in charge of a chain of stores. GF 21
Hidden Killer "Keri Urban" Beautiful but weakened Fey, trying to squeeze through a loophole CtL 273
Lord of the Gargoyles Died on Earth, came back. Obsessed with finding a specific bird. AN 92
Marquise Tistresse Giant spider fey - Part Hobgoblin, Gentry, Human. Cannibalizes, gains knowledge and power. GF 93
Old Middy Crazy cat lady. Eats children. GF 103
The Ringmaster Natural showman obsessed with running his carnival. AN 94
The Shrike Allied with human Earnest Marker. Pathological murderer and sadist. AN 92
The Stripling Prince Foxlike control freak, demands to be in control, wants to be liked. AN 81
The Tall Blue Man Storyteller banished to Earth. Trying to find a new story, but is always disappointed. AN 90
Hobgoblins Monsters roaming the Hedge
Argemone The Beast that Hunts the Hedge GF 13
Blackgators Miami. Fae Alligators native to Miami. Demo 13
Bloodsuckle Tree that hunts living prey. AN 120
Border Reavers Hobgoblin tribe. Cursed with a mutation-plague that get worse if they leave the hedge. AN 122
Briarwolves Once human fae Werewolves. Hunt in packs. CtL 275
Bunyip Adopted by children, then creates nightmares that it leeches fear glamour from. GF 26
The Chimera Beast that Stalks the Hedge ER 139
Creatures of Ill Omen, Blindbirds Scavangers and carrion-eaters. Harbingers of bad luck that appear when death is nearby. ER 139
Drudgemen House-spirits and Brownies. Imprint on an individual and aids them in secret. AN 124
Entricers Strange beast that uses a huddled, crying human-shaped organ to hunt. AN 125
Fae Swarms Faerie insect swarms. AN 127
Fenghuang Phoenix. An extra life in the form of a Hobgoblin. GF 48
Harvestmen Giant intelligent spiders that lure travelers with treasure. Sometimes deal with the Fae. AN 129
Hedgebeasts Intelligent goblins that look like their earthly counterparts. Can be coerced to becoming allies. AN 130
Hobs Greedy, selfish natives of the Hedge. AN 131
Laughing Ones Mischievous shapeshifters that play lethal pranks on whoever tries to take advantage of them. AN 134
Noppera-Bo Shapeshifters who enjoy tricking Changelings into getting lost. CtL 276
Sprights Tiny fairies that try to help travelers. Rather simple. AN 135
Tikbalang Trickster that appears in the guise of a helping hand. Leads travelers into trouble over and over. GF 116
Vileshrikes Disguisting half-birds. Steal everything they can get their hands on. AN 136
Will-O'-Wisps Balls of light desiring only to be followed. AN 138
Wyrd-Mites Lice and ticks that feed on glamour. AN 139
The Moirae Agents of the Wyrd, not quite Hobgoblins
Crimson Weavers Old men and women that bind people together with a red string, so they are fated to be together. DitD 60
Fallen Star When you wish upon a star, makes no difference whether they're sentient and may die from fulfilling it. DitD 61
Nemesis If you tick the Wyrd off enough, expect to be hunted down by numerous, angry Nemeses for a long, long time. DitD 62
Pattern Eater Strange spiders that can eat your fate and pledges, sometimes for a price. The fateless may become suicidal afterwards. DitD 64
Dream Creatures Creatures native to the Skein, or some other esoteric realm
Dream Riders Creatures that ride dreams, of course!
Mnemides Strange creatures that wander in the unseen corners of every dream. The dreamers memories. May be coerced. DitD 39
Supernumeraries Extra actors the dreamer manifests to play roles in his dreams. May be used as weapons. DitD 40
Virgilus Mage trapped within his own dream. Completely mad and pitiful, keeps several forms with their own personalities. DitD 42
Incubi Foreign entities in your dreams, enter without pledges
The Cat Shapeshifting cat that hunts and terrifies the Gentry. DitD 26
Dream Guardian Creatures that the dreamer spawns to improve himself and protect his dreams. DitD 27
Goblin Miners Hobgoblins that break into the Skein through the hedge. Mine Dreamstones to sell in Markets. DitD 28
The Kindly Stranger Sentient play brought about by a cursed script. Drives its "actors" to murder each other. DitD 30
Night Hags Sleep Paralysis DitD 32
Sandmen Memories of diseased loved ones that haunt your dreams. DitD 33
Shame Riders Weaves dreams into nightmares intent on shaming and humiliating the dreamer. DitD 34
Succubi Takes on the form of who you lust after most. Getting pregnant by one may result in a Cambion. DitD 36
Morpheans Massively powerful Incubi
The Pale Brother The good old grim reaper himself. Completing his quests grants you "Boon of the White Twins]]". DitD 43
The Rogue Sister The personification of the non-omniscience of fate or something from outside the universe trapped in the Skein, seeks to topple the Wyrd to escape. Grants "The Dark Huntress Pact]]" DitD 46
The Ruinous Prince He will grant you powerm then your kingdom will topple and you will be forgotten. Grants "The Vow of All-Consuming Fire]]" DitD 47
Ensorcelled A human in a pledge with a Changeling.
Handsome Johnny Burnt as a kid, he got Striking Looks from an oath. The motley died, his looks faded. AN 45
Mister Chamberlain Miami. Jeremiah Sleet's right hand man, drugrunner and a monster of a thug. AN 49
Pigbaby Miserable trailer park girl obsessed with The Prince, an abusive Fairest. AN 46
Reesie Thompson Miami. Creepy but smart 30 year old who can see fairies. AN 47
Fae-Struck A human obsessed with all things Fae
Devoted Groupie Michael Wyndham Rich kid obsessed with becoming a Changeling, trying to contact the Gentry. CtL 275
Tulepo Rose Obsessive stalker following her Fairest ex-master. Jilted, hateful lover. AN 39
Mundane Regular people
Aldous Blackwell Rich. 40 years ago they took his daughter. Then he saw her in the background of the news. AN 42
Burke Stolhanske City maintenence guy who sees people in the sewers, curious obsession. AN 40
Oathbound Protector Officer Pitts 64 year old cop. Strange friend provides him with leads she shouldn't know about. CtL 270
Roddy Van Bastelaar Miami. Tough guy who got scammed and screwed over by Changelings. AN 40
Other Supernaturals Various other creatures that can't be categorized
Arcadian Sentries, Bladelings Animated flaming swords that guard various parts of Arcadia. ER 143
Cambions Children resulting from impregnation by Succubi. See through supernatural disguises. Most likely will be abducted. DitD 37
Freddy Cloversmith Mysterious benefactor that can make you rich and famous, for a price. GF 53
Inanimae Animated statues, plants, etc that serve as standing military in Arcadia. ER 113
Rolf Reiter Miami. Ensorcelled vampire loser and emotion junky. Wants the blood of the fey. AN 49

Kiths (1st Edition)
Kith Description Blessing Book
Broadback Beasts of Burden Stoic Forbearance Spend Glamour for +2 to all Stamina rolls for the scene. CtL 102, WM 62
Chimera Amalgamation Goblins Tongue Spend Glamour, +3 on social rolls with Hobgoblins until end of scene. WM 106
Cleareyes Keen Senses Primal Senses +2 to perception rolls. Spend Glamour to heighten senses. WM 67
Coldscale Cold-blooded Reptilian Blood +1 to Composure when resisting emotional manipulation, +2 to Stamina when resisting poisons WM 67
Coyote (American) Trickster The Trickster's Truth Spending Willpower on a Pers or Sub roll grants +5. If vice is Gluttony, Greed or Lust, Manipulation cost is New Dots x 4 WM 107
Hunterheart Predators/Hunters Tooth and Claw Lethal unarmed damage CtL 102, WM 63
Nix (Germanic) River Maiden Consumptive Voice Once per day, after spending a point of glamour; anyone hearing her voice cuts social rolls by half of Nix's Wyrd. Continues until end of scene. WM 107
Riddleseeker Wise/Cunning Animals of Legend Inquisitive Instinct Spend Glamour, for one scene, +2 to all Wits rolls except Perception (Wits + Composure). Free Investigation Specialty "Riddles". NH:GF 102
Roteater Carrion Eaters Scavengers Nature +2 to resist poison/disease, +3 if injested, 9 again perception when scrounging for items. WM 67
Runnerswift Fast Runs Like the Wind +2 Speed CtL 102, WM 63
Skitterskulk Creepy Crawlies Impossible Counterpoise Triple Defense when Dodging CtL 102, WM 64
Steepscrambler Climbers Gifted Climber +3 to Climbing CtL 102, WM 64
Swimmerskin Swimmers Natural Swimmer Can swim at full speed and hold breath underwater as though Stamina 7 CtL 102, WM 65
Truefriend Loyal Pets Companion's Boon Spend Glamour to grant an ally get +3 on a roll. You're mah bro, bro. WM 67
Venombite Poisonous Poisonous Bite Once per scene, one can spend Glamour to make a poisonous Brawling attack that deals no damage. It delivers a poison with toxicity equal to the changeling's Wyrd. Target cannot avoid resulting damage from poison normal Stam + Resolve roll. CtL 102, WM 65
Windwing Flyers Gift of the Sky Reduced falling damage. Spend Glamour to glide one minute per Wyrd dot. CtL 103, WM 66
Antiquarian Collectors of Forbidden Secrets Keys to Knowledge 9-Again on Academics and Investigation rolls. Can spend Glamour to temporarily use Encyclopedic Knowledge for one question (If they already have it, they gain +3 to their roll) CtL 106, WM 68
Gravewight Affinity with the Dead Charnel Sight Spend a Glamour to make user able see ghosts until end of scene. CtL 106, WM 69
Illes (Icelandic) Trolls Shadow Beauty Once a day, spend a Glamour to gain Striking Looks •••• for one hour. Gain +2 social when dealing with opposite sex. WM 107
Leechfinger Fae Vampire Sap the Vital Spark Spend Glamour to heal self while damaging the opponent. Deals one lethal to target, and heals either a bashing or a lethal, or downgrades an Agg damage to lethal. Usable once per scene per dot of Wyrd. CtL 106, WM 69
Lurkers Thieves and Pickpockets Larcenous Fingers 9-Again on Larceny rolls, with no penalty for poor equipment. Spend Glamour to gain a +2 to Larceny rolls. 8-Again on Stealth rolls. VL 22
Lurkglider Winged Monsters Gargoyle's Grace Spend Glamour to fall 100 yards without taking damage, +2 to for balancing on ledges. WM 71
Mirrorskin Doppelganger and Identity Thief The Mercurial Visage +3 to disguise rolls CtL 106, WM 70
Moonborn Madness Lunatic's Kiss Once every 24 hours, roll Int + Wyrd vs. Res + Wyrd. Both of you gain the same derangement for a day, but the victim gets a worse version of it. Ends at sunrise for Supernaturals, lasts for a month for humans. WM 71
Nightsinger Music Haunting Nocturne Spend Glamour, roll Perform + Wyrd vs Comp + Wyrd. Listeners gets -2 to Resolve, Empathy, Subterfuge until end of scene. Gains free Expression Specialty in a music form. WM 72
Palewraith Forgotten Light's Aversion Spend Glamour, +1 to defense in shadows (Applies to firearms as well). WM 72
Pishacha (Hindu) Demons Taste of Madness Spend Glamour, and lick opponent. Opponent gains mild derangement (or upgrades to major) for one week of the Changeling's choice. Can only be used once per week. WM 107
Razorhand Promise of Nighttime Violence Ripper's Gift Spend Glamour, hand becomes a knife (1L). Gain Melee Specialty Knives. WM 73
Skogsra (Swedish) Wood Trolls Keepers of the Feral Heart Spend Glamour and look into bird or mammal's eyes. It becomes a loyal pet until next sunrise or sundown. WM 107
Tunnelgrub The Monster Under Your Bed Slither and Squirm Can spend 1 Glamour to wriggle free of restraints or squeeze through tight spaces they normally would be too large to get through. Roll a Dex + Athletics for restraints, and an extended roll for things like tunnels. CtL 106, WM 71
Whisperwisp Spies, Watching and Listening Turncoat's Tongue 9-Again on Empathy and Subterfuge on conversation/gather info. Spend Glamour to whisper a message within earshot. WM 73
Airtouched Air/Clouds/Wind Velocity of the Zephyr Can spend Glamour to add Wyrd to Speed or Initiative for the scene. Usable once per scene. CtL 109, WM 74
Apsaras (Hindu) Beautiful Fog Nymphs Enthralling Mist Spend Glamour, change a target's vice to "Lust". Add Wyrd to manipulation against effected individuals. This effect lasts 24 hours. WM 108
Ask-wee-da-eed (American) Will-o-the-Wisp Taste of Ill Luck Spend Glamour, force a successful reroll at -1. Usable once per day. Also, +1 effect to all Contracts of the Hearth. (Those contracts that offer a bonus get an an additional +1, those contracts that offer a negative remove an extra 1) WM 108
Blightbent Living glob of Pollution Caustic Caress Once per day, spend a Glamour, breathe pollution. Roll Dex + Wyrd - targets stamina. Target takes one lethal per success unless they can defend. +3 to resist man-made poisons. WM 78
Di-cang (Buddhism) Humanoid Jewel Peace of Suffering Spend a Glamour, everyone within 10 yards suffers no wound penalties until end of scene. Purchase Larceny at half cost. WM 108
Earthbones Earth/Mud/Sand/Stone Terrestrial Might Can spend Glamour to increase non-combat Strength rolls at 1-to-1 basis CtL 109, WM 74
Fireheart Fire/Lightning/Heat Flickering Acumen Can spend Glamour to increase Wits rolls at 1-to-1 basis CtL 109, WM 75
Levinquick Electricity/Lighting Fireflaught's Vigor Spend a Glamour, +2 to speed and initiative. Lasts for a turn per Wyrd. WM 79
Manikin Dolls/Mechanical Men Artificer's Enchantment Can learn Contracts of Artifice at 5x per dot, and make untrained Crafts rolls at only -1 dice CtL 109, WM 75
Metalflesh Statues made of Metal Forge's Endurance Once per day, spend a Glamour to get +1 to Stamina, Resolve, Composure for scene. WM 79
Sandharrowed Sand/Deserts Enveloping Sands +2 on grapples and escaping grapples. WM 79
Snowskin Snow/Ice The Voice of Ice 9-Again on Intimidation and Subterfuge rolls and can spend Glamour to reroll a failed Intimidation roll CtL 110, WM 76
Waterborn Water/Lakes/Ponds The Gift of Water Can spend a Glamour to breathe underwater and Swim at 2x Speed. Cannot breathe air until effect is over or Glamour is spent to deactivate CtL 110, WM 77
Woodblood Plants/Fungi/Wood Fade into the Foliage 9-Again on Stealth and Survival rolls. Can spend a Glamour to hide in a normally unhideable area with decent foliage CtL 110, WM 77
Bright Ones Transformed by Light/Fire/Ice Goblin Illumination Can illuminate an area at will. By spending a Glamour, can make the light blinding; anyone targetting the Bright One gets a -2 CtL 113, WM 80
Dancer Dancers, Assassins and Artists Fae Grace 9-Again on Socialize or Expression rolls involving agility and +1 to Dodge CtL 114, WM 81
Draconic Graceful Warriors/Beastblooded Dragon's Talon Spend Glamour, reroll a Brawl attack, once per scene. +1 to Brawl rolls CtL 114, WM 81
Flamesiren Entrancement of the Flame Burning Hypnotism Once per scene, spend a Glamour, everyone looking must roll Res + Comp, or suffer -2 to all actions until scene or effect ends. WM 83
Flowering Personification of a Sweet Flower Seductive Fragrance 9-Again on Persuasion, Socialize and Subterfuge CtL 114, WM 82
Gandharva (Hindu) Pretty Messenger Heavenly Articulation Spend a Glamour, Expression or Persuasion rolls become an exceptional success at 3 successes instead of 5 for one scene. WM 108
Larcenist Charmers and Thieves Thievery's Grace 9-Again on Larceny and Socialize rolls involving Agility. +1 to dodge when dodging attacks. NH:GF 63
Minstrel Performer Perfect Pitch Spend a Glamour to reroll any failed dice on Expression roll. Harvesting Glamour from audience gains 8-Again. NH:GF 43
Muse Artistic Inspiration The Tyranny of Ideas Can spend a Glamour to give a Human +2 to an Expression, Persuasion, Socialize or Subterfuge roll. This can stack. CtL 114, WM 83
Playmate Taken to be the Fae's Best Friend Circle of Friends When Playmate is primary actor in a teamwork roll, add +2. If secondary, you may forgo roll to give primary 9-again. NH:GF 122
Polychromatic Rainbowchild/Emotional Epileptic Prismatic Heart Reflexively spend a Glamour, +2 to resist emotional manipulation for scene. All empathy vs. Polychromatic suffers -1. WM 84
Romancer Masters of Twisting Truths Narcissus's Blessing Subtle changes in everyone's eyes making each viewer see the Romancer with visual traits they find attractive. This causes a -3 to describe Romancer, which also applies to their clothes. Even cameras, both video and digital are affected by blessing. NH:GF 46
Shadowsoul Beauty of the Night Unnatural Chill Bonus to Intimidate = Wyrd, 9 again subterfuge. Contracts of Darkness are affinity. WM 84
Succubus (Hebrew) Demons of Temptation and Sex Vice to Vice If target and Succubus have same vice, +1 to all social rolls. If both have Lust, +2. Two free dots of Striking Looks. WM 109
Telluric Stars Music of the Spheres Always know what time it is, +3 on situations that require precise timing. Free Astronomy for Academics, Astrology for Occult. WM 84
Treasured Treasured Item Alabaster Fortitude Once per scene, spend a Glamour to retake one Stamina, Resolve or Composure roll (Not for derangement rolls.) WM 85
Weisse Frau (German) Kind, Sad Pale Matrons Kiss of Life Usable once per game session, Spend a Glamour and kiss a target Target gains +2 armor. If target is younger then 13, +3. Does not stack with other armor. WM 109
Bloodbrute Gladiator Improvised Mayhem Spend Glamour, turn something into any weapon from the Melee Weapons Chart (WoD Core p170). No -1 Improvised Weapon penalty for the Bloodbrute. WM 90
Corpsegrinder Cannibals Sepulchral Hunger An enemy at half health grants +1 to the Ogre's attack rolls. Gain a +1 when fighting undead (Zombies, vampires) WM 90
Cyclopean Trackers with Acute Senses Smell the Blood 8-Again on Wits based Perception rolls. Fi Fi Fo Fum indeed. CtL 118, WM 86
Daitya (Hindu) Reptilian Giants/Godslayers Cutting Might Spend a Glamour, ignore durability do damage to structure for one attack. Free Weaponry Specialty at creation. WM 109
Farwalker Cryptids and Urban Legends The Elusive Gift 9-Again on Stealth or Survival rolls and can spend a Glamour to reroll a Stealth or Survival roll CtL 118, WM 86
Gargantuan Giants that Magically Grow Spurious Stature Once a day, spend a Glamour, add Wyrd to Size. When returning to normal size, take 1 lethal damage. CtL 118, WM 87
Gristlegrinder Monstrous Eaters Terrible Teeth Can use a 2L bite attack when in a grapple CtL 118, WM 88
Oni (Japanese) Soul Consuming Demons Mouthful of Sin Spend a Glamour, bite attack once per session. Heal 1 lethal or 2 bashing for every damage dealt. Must be done on Morality 6 or less. Usable once per game session. WM 110
Render Living Siege Engines Sundering Talons When attacking w/ bare hands, ignore 3 durability in objects. WM 91
Stonebones Heavy Defenses Obdurate Skin As an instant action, once a day, spend a Glamour, gain Armor equal to Wyrd. While activated, all Dex rolls suffer -1. Defense gets a negative of 1 if Wyrd is 3, of 2 if Wyrd is 5, and so on. Does not stack with normal armor. Lasts until end of scene. CtL 118, WM 88
Troll (Nordic) Ambushers/Cunning Riddlers Unyielding Voice Spend a Glamour, add Strength to any Manipulation rolls. WM 110
Water-dweller Lake Monsters Lie Under the Waves Can hold breath as though Stamina 7 and no penalty to sight based perception rolls underwater CtL 119, WM 89
Witchtooth Crones and Warlocks Black Hex Spend a Glamour for +1 occult. +1 to activate Contracts that curse. WM 91
Artist Artists Impeccable Craftsmanship 8-Again on Crafts rolls and can spend 1 Glamour to reroll failed dice on a Crafts roll CtL 121, WM 92
Author Writers Polyglot's Riddle 8-Again on Expression when writing. Wits + Academics to understand written text in any mortal language. WM 96
Brewer Makers of Alcohol The Inebriating Elixir +4 dice to resist poisons/intoxication; spend Glamour, magically make a drink alcoholic CtL 121, WM 92
Chatelaine Butlers Perfect Protocol 9-Again on Social rolls that deal with manners or etiquette and can spend a Glamour to get +2 to Manipulation and Presence die pools CtL 121, WM 93
Chirurgeon Doctors The Analeptic Charm 9-Again on Medicine rolls, doesn't suffer equipment penalties on Medicine rolls CtL 122, WM 93
Drudge Slaves/Servants Unseen Labor Spend a Glamour, complete a simple task (that takes 5 or fewer successes to accomplish) at time / (Wyrd + 1). Cannot be watched while doing it. 9-Again on Stealth rolls. WM 96
Fatemaker Talecraft Specialist Turn of the Tale Add 2 Glamour to a Talecrafting roll to avoid Cruel Twists of Fate (does not protect against dramatic failure on the roll) SaD 64
Gameplayer Gamemasters/Strategists Grandmaster's Stratagem Spend a Glamour, win mental based board games. +3 to gamble in games that require both mental skill and luck. WM 96
Gremlin (English) Sabotage Gremlinizing Touch Once per day, spend a Glamour and touch a device (weapons included) to negate equipment bonus. WM 110
Inventors Artificers Inventive Genius 8-Again on Crafts and Science rolls involving mechanisms and devices. Spend Glamour to add Wyrd score in dice to such a roll. VL 22
Miner Underground Tappingspeak Spend a Glamour, send a coded message through vibrations in the ground. Range is 1 mile per Wyrd. Coded message is understood by it's intended recipient. WM 96
Oracle Prophets Panomancy Can tell the future as though they had the Common Sense Merit CtL 122, WM 94
Pamarindo (Italian) Cannibals/Chefs/Butchers Gourmand's Grotesquerie Spend a Glamour, touch raw meat (Minimum one pound, Pamarindo can feed people equal to Wyrd score which nourishes for 24 hours (eater doesn't have to eat). Gain Free Iron Stomach Merit (WoD p112). WM 110
Smith Metalworkers Steel Mastery Spend Glamour, improve a tool CtL 122, WM 94
Soldier Combatants/Sentries Blade Lore Has a Weaponry specialty with Bladed weapons CtL 122, WM 95
Thusser (Norway) Parties/Dancers/Hypnotism Fiddler's Delight Spend a Glamour, pick a target: A successful expression roll involving singing or playing instrument makes target unable to act as long as performance continues or target must defend themselves from danger. WM 110
Woodwalker Protectors of the Land/Gardeners Wildcraft 8-Again to Survival rolls and can survive by eating any plant CtL 123, WM 95

Courts (1st Edition)
Court Name Page Number Court Emotion Mantle Effects Crown Blessing Blessing Effect
Seasonal Courts of the Americas
The Spring Court CtL 47, LoS 28 Desire •+ +1 Socialization
•••+ Allies and Contacts cost 1/2.
••••• Can reroll dice pool when meeting someone for the first time.
Blessing of the Green Crown spends a willpower point, grants ability to self or other to add Mantle on Glamour harvest roll. Usage per session = Mantle dots.
The Summer Court CtL 50, LoS 47 Wrath • Spending Willpower on strength roll grants 4 dice instead of 3.
••• +1 Armor
••••• +1 Health
Challenge of the Black Spear When Crown is fighting 1 vs. 1, spend Glamour to increase Initiative by Mantle. Immune to surprised by ambushes or trickery. More then one combantant and Initiative drops to +1. Usage per session = Mantle Dots, once per foe.
The Autumn Court CtL 54, LoS 66 Fear • +2 on Contracts that use Occult.
••• +1 Empathy and Investigation vs. Gentry or Arcadia.
••••• Can reroll Occult that deals with magic (Not Contracts or Pledges.)
Harvest of Whispers Once per session, Crown discusses new news that he learned with ST. He's awarded with 2 special Glamour per revelation that can only be used for specific actions. Can store more of this glamour then Wyrd allows, but it attracts attention. These glamour fade at the end of the session.
The Winter Court CtL 58, LoS 86 Sorrow • -1 Wits + Composure/Skill when not specifically looking for character.
••• +1 to Subterfuge.
••••• As •, but -3 penalty.
Feast of Ashes Once per session, Crown converts Glamour to Willpower = Mantle. Willpower can be more then maximum, but is lost at the end of the session. For the rest of the scene, add Mantle to willpower rating.
The Faraway Courts
Seasonal Variants
The Growing Season WM 120 Lust See Spring Court Blessing of the Green See Spring Court
The Tornado Season WM 120 Madness See Spring Court Blessing of the Green See Spring Court
The Dry Season WM 120 Rage See Summer Court Challenge of the Black Spear See Summer Court
The Monsoon Season WM 120 Sanguine See Summer Court Challenge of the Black Spear See Summer Court
The Dead Season WM 120 Despair See Winter Court Feast of Ashes See Winter Court
The Directional Courts of Asia
The North Court WM 122 Suffering • Ignore penalties from fatigue and deprivation (Death is still possible)
••• Ignore 1 from wound penalties
••••• Once per scene use Resolve as armor score. Does not stack.
The East Court WM 125 Envy •+ +1 to all social rolls
•••+ +1 on Subterfuge when sparking envy or making a deal.
••••• Once per day, add dots in Resources to any social roll.
The South Court WM 129 Ecstasy •+ Free specialty in Empathy
•••+ Increasing Empathy and Expression costs half.
••••• Free Inspiring or •••• dot Striking Looks Merits. If already possessed, +3 to use Inspiring.
The West Court WM 131 Honor •+ Weapon carried gains +1 durability.
•••+ +1 Initiative.
••••• Choose higher of Wits or Dexterity for determining Defense. Can defend against multiple attacks.
The Diurnal Courts of Eastern Europe
The Sun Court WM 137 Shame • +1 to Perception rolls
••• +1 to Defense
••••• +1 to Degeneration and Derangement Rolls
The Moon Court WM 140 Disgust • Larceny involving manual theft gains +2
••• Spending willpower grants 4 extra dice instead of 3 for Intimation rolls.
••••• Gain 2 Willpower when indulging Vice.
The Auroral Courts
The Dawn Court SaD 133 Hope •+ Inspiring Merit for free. If already owned, can be used twice a day.
•••+ When focusing, add +3 to instant action with your STs okay.
••••• Regain all Glamour when creating significant changes.
The Dusk Court DitD 136 Futility •+ +1 bonus die when making Heroic Efforts
•••+ Iron Stamina, Iron Stomach, Natural Immunity, Quick Healer and Toxin Resistance cost half XP.
••••• 1/day, reroll a failed Resolve, Composure or Stamina-based test. Must keep the second result.

Entitlements (1st Edition)
Name Description Requirements Privileges Page
Bishopric of Blackbirds Wandering fellowship, often regarded as a mixed omen, who seek to aid all other changelings, in exchange for favors. Wyrd ••; Empathy •• May purchase Aspersorium token CtL 290
College of Worms Diviners who seek to study Fate and its signs where ever they may be found. Wyrd •••; Investigation ••; Occult •• Awarded The Diviner's Instrument token CtL 293
Duchy of the Icebound Heart Drawing from the ranks of the brokenhearted, these manipulators who seek to break the hearts of everyone that they can, to use and exploit them and be victims themselves no longer. Wyrd ••; Persuasion ••; Subterfuge ••; Mantle(Winter) • Gains significant social bonuses when interacting with those they have broken, until the victim loves again CtL 297
Magistrates of Wax Self-styled organizers of Changeling society. Wyrd ••• May purchase the Waxen Violet token CtL 300
Margravate of the Brim Guardians of all Changelings, who spurn the courts and operate outside of them, but none the less do everything they can to protect the Freehold. Wyrd ••; Clarity >4; No Mantle Gain several minor bonuses when within the bordermarch territory that they guard. CtL 303
Sacred Band of the Golden Standard Vain in the extreme, this band of warriors serves the freehold diligently for the praise and glamor it brings. Wyrd ••; Presence ••• May spend a glamour to add any physical attribute's dots to a presence roll. CtL 306
Satrapy of Pearls Hedonistic merchants who all things, even abstract concepts, as being potentially for sale. They frequently take a fancy to random items that they will exchange anything to obtain. Wyrd •••; Persuasion ••; Mantle(Spring) •• Gain a specialty in a social skill. CtL 310
Scarecrow Ministry Inflicters of horror upon mortals, frequently the stuff of urban legends, in order to warn them away from dangerous places and actions. Wyrd •••; Manipulation •••; Mantle(Autumn) •• Awarded the Bugbear's Mask token CtL 313
The Tolltaker Knighthood Bloody and merciless mercenaries, who will none the less never accept a task that they consider unjust. Wyrd ••; Mantle(Summer) •; Brawl, Firearms or Melee •• Bounty victims suffer half defense and reduced Initiative against the Knights CtL 317
The Phantom Tong A criminal organization with a secret membership, working under the pretense that the chaos they cause keeps the Courts honest. Wyrd •• , Larceny ••• Free specialty in Larceny or Streetwise, and Contacts/Allies relating to criminal world purchased at x1 dots. WM 143
The Bronze Beylik Kingmakers who are supposedly cursed never to be rulers themselves. They seek to select a rule that is best for the freehold, or become the secret power behind the throne. Wyrd 3, Politics 3, Clarity 6 or higher Gain access to the Bronze Spearhead WM 146
The Knighthood of the Dragonslayer Policers of Lost society, who see it as their task to root out corruption and purge it by any means necessary, infamously including torture. Wyrd 2, Wits + Composure of at least 6, Intimidation 2 Gain access to the Grand Cross of Saint George. WM 149
Bodhisattvas of the Broken Cage Social reformers that encourage individuals to break free from social mores and the rut of habit. Wyrd 2, Wits 3, Fleeting Spring 1, Mantle(Spring) 1 Gain access to the Sprung Door token. LoS 43
The Hound Tribunal In the latter days of Summer, the secret police of Summer come out, and 'deal' with anyone who seems to have obstructed or turned traitor against the Summer Monarch. Wyrd 2, Subterfuge 2, Stealth 2, Martial skill at 3, Mantle(Summer) 2 +2 to subterfuge rolls when lying about themselves. Also taught the Turncoats Assurance pledge. LoS 63
Magi of the Gilded Thorn Wandering hermits that seek to understand the power and treasures of the Hedge. Wyrd 2, Occult 2, Survival 3, Mantle(Autumn) 2 No -1 to degeneration when in Hedge, can go hours=Wyrd before losing Glamour to the Thorns LoS 83
Knighthood of the Utmost Silence Knights that help Changelings leave situations by stealth and guile, be it evading the eyes of the Gentry, or getting out of jail quietly and setting up a new name. Wyrd 3, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2, Weaponry 1, Mantle(Winter) 1 Gain power Shadowkiss. Kisses recipient and spends Glamour, imposes -3 penalty to anyone wanting to discover information about the recipient, ends after a day unless another Glamour is spent. LoS 102
The Ancient and Accepted Order of Bridgemasons Known chiefly for the art of Wyrdbuilding. Group of builders with secret signs to guard their art. Wyrd 3, Crafts 3 + Specialty: Construction, Mantle (Autumn) 1, Elemental or Ogre Wyrdbuilding: can construct a building for 1 Glamour per hour per 20 size points. Building must touch bare stone or soil. Complex buildings need an Int+Crft. This can also be used to destroy other buildings at the same rate. Mortals cannot witness or know how the building was constructed or the task fails or begins to crumble at the rate it was built. LoS 110
The Barony of the Lesser Ones Investigators and diplomats to hobgoblins, judges and enforcers of relations between Changelings and hobgoblins. Wyrd 3, Intimidation 3, Persuasion 3 (or 2 Intim and 2 Pers if possess Gentrified Bearing or Hob Kin merits) +2 to all Intimidation and Persuasion made against hobgoblins or other Hedge denizens, +1 defense against these, and +1 bonus to navigate the Hedge. LoS 113
Court of the Solstice Highly varied title venerating or at least seeing the merit in the between places of the world. Generally looked on poorly by the traditional courts. Wyrd 3, Mantle 0 Concider Desperation the title's native emotion and so harvest additional glamour from it. It is also the emotion for Bedlam. LoS 117
The Duchy of Truth and Loss Fetchhunters and killers, but doing so discreetly so it seems the person vanished. Wyrd 2, Resolve 3, Investigation 3, Mantle(Winter) 1 Gains a free 2-dot Hedgespun rainment armour, and the token False Face of Truth. LoS 121
The Eternal Echoes Historians and witnesses to the dangers and heroes the Lost. Wyrd 3, Eidetic Memory, Intelligence 3 Perfected Memory: Willpower and Glamour causes the rest of the scene to be perfectly remembered in all detail and replayable. This cannot be altered or stolen by mundane or supernatural means. +5 to resist coercion to get recorded memories. Can only remember 10xWyrd scenes. Memory Transferal:Ritual dream with skin-to-skin contact where the Lord may give a memory to another Echo. LoS 125
The Guild of Goldspinners Creators of gold and wealth. Enforcers of bargains. Wyrd 2, Crafts 2 + Specialties: Textiles and Smithing, Mantle(Spring) 1 Access to the Gildwheel toke, and access to the Gildwheel Pledges. LoS 130
Guild of the Sacred Journey Couriers and messengers, typically for inter-freehold contact, but can be used personally too. Inter-freehold deliveries are free, and the Courier cannot investigate the package. Wyrd 2, Drive 2, Expression 2, Streetwise 2, minimum Clarity 5, Fairest only gain access to the Courier's Winged Sash token. LoS 134
Knights of the Knowledge of the Tongue Gourmands always experimenting with new foods and ingredients. Usually outlandish. Wyrd 3, Crafts 3 or Crafts 2 + Specialty: Cooking +3 to any roll to track down a Goblin Fruit, Hob Goblin, or other element in the hedge, as long as it pertains to a dish hoped to prepare. outside of a dish, there is a +1 to find Goblin Fruits LoS 138
Legacy of the Black Apple Negotiators with the True Fae. Pledgemasters and careful diplomats. Wyrd 5, Clarity 6 or higher, one of the following Social Skills at four dots: Empathy, Persuasion, Socialize, Subterfuge Have at least 1 minute per wyrd of talk time with a Keeper before they attack. Non Supernatural Manipulation rolls are exceptional success on 3 success instead of 5. Gain access to the Black Apple Pendant token. LoS 142
The Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches Scholars and researchers of other supernatural phenomena. Wyrd 2, Occult 3, at least two Occult specialties +1 to Socialize and Persuasion rolls with one type of supernatural creature. Can purchase Allies or Contacts with any supernatural being. May purchase Enhanced Items (Mage) Imbude Item (Mage) Library (Mage) Fetishes (Werewolf) merits. LoS 147
The Lost Pantheon Changelings that believe themselves gods. Wyrd 6, Mantle (Any) 4, Clarity No higher than 6 Perception Minuses for low clarity are reversed, becoming bonuses. These bonuses are also added to her Wyrd to determine longevity. Can Harvest Glamour from worshipers by revealing true form. Always considered 'court' harvest, even if courtless. +2 to all rolls to attack, defy, or otherwise engage in aggression or resistance against the Gentry and their Minions LoS 151
The Order of Oneirophysics Mystics and healers that focus on the real of dreams and their power. Wyrd 2, Medicine 2, Empathy 1 Special Spend 1 Glamour to enter a Lucid Dream even without being in a hedge or hollow. When doing this may enter any dreams of someone in skin to skin contact. May use Dream healing, based on Rank LoS 155
The Charmed Circle Eldrich order that consists of real rulers; those with the confidence and personal power to truly lead. Wyrd 7, Persuasion 4, Willpower 7, Mantle 5 5 merit dots to be spent on social merits. Once per story may touch a target and verbally declare Friend or Foe. Friends get +1 to all non social rolls. Gains 2 Willpower on waking, and +3 to social rolls involving the freehold (except the Sovereign) Foes have -1 to all social rolls, loose one willpower on waking and a -3 to all social rolls involving the freehold (The Sovereign is still excluded). Gains access too the Gilded Torc Token ER 40
Knights of the Widow’s Walk Spies that can change their face. Generally not known about. Wyrd 6, Subterfuge 4, Mantle 2 or less May shift their Mien within her Seeming to appear as another kith when receiving an assignment. May do so again before new assignment at the cost of one Willpower dot. Cannot appear as someone else. Can Smell lies without a roll. May regain one glamour a day from a successful lie. Gains a free specialty in subterfuge. ER 44
The Parliament of Victors Champions and slayers. Victors that have to keep winning. Wyrd 6, One combat-related Skill (Brawl, Firearms, Weaponry) at 4, Presence 4 Privileges can be lost if the Champion fails a task or challenge. All Physical rolls are considered exceptional on 4 success instead of 5. Gains Striking Look at 4. +1 to Persuasion rolls if she already possess the merit. Once per chapter may spend glamour to add her Wyrd score to a single combat roll. The attack is dramatic and showy. ER 48
The Office of the Vizieral Counsel Mad wizards that use the order to keep their insanity in check. Impartial magical advisers to all courts. Wyrd 7, At least 12 dots in various Contracts, Politics 3, Occult 3 The Vizier does not Age as long as she is part of the order. +5 dice when making a roll to resist activating a derangement. +1 to Clarity rolls made to resist gaining a new derangement. She can ignore all Major Frailties (Minor's still apply) Leaving the order causes an immediate loss of a Clarity dot. When purchasing a Contract that will further help her duties for the king or queen, it then costs new dots x2 for that clause. ER 52
The Family of Silent Nights Dreamtrappers. They watch dreams for intrusion by the true fae, and can bind almost any oneiropomp in the physical world. Wyrd 4, Contract of Dreams 2, Empathy 2 Can craft a Dream Prison - Same as crafting a new dream, but instead is a hole where a dream will fall. Can specify what kind of dream. DD 145
The Hedge Wardens Nobles that seek to tame the local hedge, slay dangers from the Hedge, and keep the Trods open so that the Lost can escape Arcadia. Wyrd 3, Investigation 2, Occult 2 When ever tainted by magic that allows her Wyrd as a penalty to its roll or to roll Wyrd as part of her resistance, her wyrd is 1 higher for that purpose. DD 149
The Squires of the Broken Bough A nomadic order that moves soldiers to where they are most needed. They fight off whatever danger a freehold faces before moving on to the next distant threat. All have nearly lost everything to the threat and so this task consumes them. Wyrd 2, Resolve 3; Any of Brawl, Firearms, or Weaponry 2 Gains access to the Broken Blade Token DD 153
The Twilight Gleaners Devotees to fate. Often come into conflict with the College of Worms. Worms seek to understand fate, Gleaners seek to simply enact fates will. Wyrd 3, Empathy 2, Occult 2 Spend 1 glamour and discover if an action is fated to succeed of rail. Successful fate gives a +1 to any roll for directly furthering the plan, and -1 to anyone attempting to hinder it. If the plan is destined to fail, bonuses are reversed. DD 156
The Adjudicators of the Wheel Judges of fate who tsk themselves with making sure that the worthy get success, and the unworthy fail. Wyrd 3, Contracts of the Hearth 2, Investigation 3 May activate Fortunes Wheel when using the Contracts of Hearth. +1 Glamour to store the contract activation opposite of the one enacted, and may use it against a second person. SD 142
The Legion of the Iron Wall Tacticians and guardians of the freeholds worldwide. They monitor threats to freeholds and mobilize to defend them. Wyrd 4, Persuasion 3, Brawl, Firearms or Weaponry 4 Can swear the Freehold's Defender Oath. May train followers who can purchase certain traits even even if they don't have the experience for it yet. SD 146
The Order of the Hallowed Garden Architects of urban renewal and change. Designers of 'gardens' where people can rest and keep the community peaceful. Wyrd 3, Politics 3, Socialize 3 Declares an area equal to Wyrdx200 yards or less or Wyrdx1000 population or less their territory. People not aligned to the principles of the region will want to leave. +1 to people furthering the goals within the region. SD 150
The Pilgrims of the Endless Road Journeymen who desire to improve themselves to unattainable perfection. Envied or disdained by others usually. Wyrd 3, Resolve 3, No Attribute at 1. May choose a 2nd Kith Blessing (which must be from a different seeming) May exceed Dual Kith rules (allowing a 3rd Kith) SD 154

Contracts (1st Edition)
Contract Rank Cost Dice Pool Catch Description Book
Universal Contracts
Contracts of the Board
The Honest Eye Wits + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance Against someone you've caught cheating without this clause Know whether someone is cheating at a formal competition SaD 46
Knowing the Competition •• Intelligence + Wyrd Use in a rematch +4 to your next roll to oppose someone you've competed against in something SaD 47
The Living Game ••• ●●● Occult + Wyrd Play a game analogous to the conflict Predict tactical developments in a conflict by playing a game against yourself SaD 47
The Game Master's Table •••• ●●●● (○) Manipulation + Wyrd Prepare custom pieces representing each player Tactically coordinate a conflict by playing a game against yourself SaD 48
The Cheater's Gambit ••••• ●●●●○ Manipulation + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance Through a game you've played against someone who's died recently Cheat an entire side of a conflict out of fate, inflicting -4 briefly SaD 48
Contracts of Dream
Pathfinder Intelligence + Wyrd Pluck a Thorn within the day Intuit features in the local Hedge CTL 124
Forging the Dream •• Wits + Wyrd Touch hands to your temple and the dreamer's Control the contents of a sleeper's dream CTL 125
Phantasmal Bastion ••• None A token gifted from a loved one or enemy Gain Wyrd as a bonus to oneiromachic attack or defense CTL 126
Cobblethought •••• Intelligence + Wyrd Thread from the dreamer's bedclothes Draw a single item or phenomenon out of a dream briefly CTL 126
Dreamsteps ••••• Intelligence + Wyrd Leave a handcrafted item behind in dreams Enter a sleeper's dreams to exit through another's elsewhere CTL 127
Contracts of Hearth
Fickle Fate None Must not recur against a victim for an hour Curse an action for -2 CTL 128
Favored Fate •• None Must not bless a similar type of action until next dawn or dusk Bless an action for +4 CTL 128
Beneficent Fate ••• None Must not recur upon a recipient for a day Bless an action with guaranteed minimal success CTL 128
Fortuna’s Cornucopia •••• None Must not recur upon a recipient for a day Bless an action with 8-Again CTL 129
Triumphal Fate ••••• ●○ None Must not recur upon a recipient for a year and a day Bless an action with guaranteed exceptional success CTL 129
Contracts of Hours
Restoration of Dawn Beauty Crafts + Wyrd Family property from before the Durance Restore an object to fresh novelty RoS 102
Frozen Moment •• ●● Wits + Wyrd Sunrise or sunset Freeze an object outside time for a scene RoS 103
Thief of Days ••• ●● Investigation + Wyrd Know a dead owner's name Damage an object with the weathering of age RoS 103
Flickering Hours •••• ●●○ Wits + Wyrd Smash a timepiece Alter the time differential between the Hedge and mortal world RoS 103
Leaping Toward Nightfall ••••• ●●●●○ Investigation + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance Subject touches a Hedge gate Propel a subject into the near future RoS 104
Contracts of Lucidity
Read Lucidity Intelligence + Wyrd Touch the subject Intuit a subject's Clarity. Suffer a breaking point at Clarity 9. DitD 69
Temporary Sanity •• ●● Occult + Wyrd Stand on one foot, eyes shut, for a minute Briefly increase Clarity. Suffer a breaking point at Clarity 8. DitD 69
Gift of Lucidity ••• ●/Clarity, ○ Presence + Clarity + Wyrd - Resolve + Composure Subject lost Clarity in the last half of the day Lend up to three dots of Clarity. Suffer a breaking point at Clarity 6. DitD 70
Armored Clarity •••• ●●● Resolve + Clarity Spend the hour with more regular humans than fae Make only one breaking point roll for the next scene, plus another at Clarity 4. DitD 70
Thief of Reason ••••• ●●●○ Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd - Willpower + Tolerance Subject expressed doubts of sanity within the hour Temporarily penalize Clarity, Initiative and Defense, and provoke a derangement roll. Suffer a breaking point at Clarity 2. DitD 71
Contracts of Mirror
Riddle-Kith Manipulation + Wyrd As that of a changeling you've dined with this week Take the appearance of another seeming or kith, CTL 129
Skinmask •• Stamina + Wyrd One of the subject's possessions Disguise one bodily feature as that of another. CTL 130
Transfigure the Flesh ••• Stamina + Wyrd Stolen garmant that doesn't fit you Change Size. CTL 131
Oddbody •••• Strength + Wyrd Eat a caterpillar's cocoon Manifest an unnatural bodily feature, which may provide a bonus or act as a natural weapon or armor. CTL 131
Chrysalis ••••• Strength + Wyrd Specially commission an object as model Transform into a mechanically simple inanimate object. CTL 131
Contracts of the Moon
Lunatic’s Knowing Glance Wits + Wyrd Masquerade as a medical professional Assess derangements at a glance RoS 105
Maddening Eye •• ●● Manipulation + Wyrd - Composure Suffer a derangement, or after first use in a scene Temporarily aggravate or multiply derangements. RoS 106
Touch of Bedlam ••• ●● Presence + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance Victim broke an oath sworn to you Temporarily inflict a chosen severe derangement. RoS 106
The Madness of Crowds •••• ●●●○ Expression + Wyrd Performing for an audience Temporarily inflict a chosen derangement on a group RoS 107
Lurking Insanity ••••• ●●●○ Subterfuge + Wyrd Victim has betrayed family. Embed a chosen temporary derangement into a victim, waiting for a chosen trigger event. RoS 107
Contracts of Omen
Vision of Strife Empathy + Wyrd Subject discusses their past See someone's worst memory. RoS 108
Glimpse of Fortune’s Favor •• ●/●● Wits + Wyrd On games of skill Roll an action twice and choose the result through premonition. RoS 109
Reading the Portents ••• ●● Wits + Wyrd On a minor Predict the most seriously charged event waiting in the subject's likely near future. RoS 109
Vision of Disaster •••• ●●●●○ Wits + Wyrd Betrayed by a trusted ally Play out a turn as a premonition. RoS 109
Tying the Knots of Fate ••••• ●●●○○ Presence + Wyrd Blessing a mortal minor Weave a likely fate into a character's near future. RoS 110
Contracts of Smoke
The Wrong Foot None Lick thumb and smudge a mirror Leave some other mark of your presence instead of human traces. CTL 132
Nevertread •• Intelligence + Wyrd Spent an hour barefoot today Pass without trace. CTL 132
Shadowpatch ••• Wits + Wyrd Spent an hour out of sunlight today Conjure dampening shadows for +3 Stealth. CTL 133
Murkblur •••• Intelligence + Wyrd vs Resolve + Tolerance Swallow an animal's eye Temporarily blind a subject. CTL 133
Smoke-Stepping •••• ●● Intelligence + Wyrd As the sun rises or sets, or on cloudy days Travel instantly through thick smoke or fog. VL 23
Light-Shy ••••• ●○ Intelligence + Wyrd After telling someone important to you a serious lie that day Brief invisibility. CTL 133
Contracts of Thorns and Brambles
Bite of the Wooden Fang Dexterity + Wyrd Using a whip Enhance bashing weapons hewn from plant materials. SaD 49
Leechweed •• ●● Occult + Wyrd Against your Keeper or their agents Enchant thorns to drain Glamour. SaD 50
Briarpath ••• ●● Wits + Wyrd Scatter Hedge thorns behind you Grows treacherous terrain of brambles in your wake. SaD 51
Shield of Thorns •••• ●●● Manipulation + Wyrd Watered by your blood Conjure a field of deadly briars. SaD 51
Hedgewall ••••• ●●●●(○) Presence + Wyrd After transplanting a bush in place Erects temporary walls like those of a hedge maze. SaD 52
Seeming Contracts
Beastly Contracts
Contracts of the Den
Trespasser’s Spoor None Scribe your name at the entrance in chalk and blood Mark territory to enhance perception rolls while dwelling there. WM 19
Trapdoor Spider’s Trick •• Wits + Wyrd Keep a spider in your mouth Hide the presence of an entrance or exit. WM 19
Cuckoo’s Ruse ••• ●● Manipulation + Wyrd (vs Hollow Wards) Invite the resident to your own home Fool security measures into welcoming you. WM 19
Blessing of the Burrow •••• ●● Survival + Wyrd Nude Carve a burrow out of the earth. WM 20
Collapsing the Entrance ••••• ●●●○ Strength + Wyrd Your own property Bring the roof down from within the threshold. WM 20
Contracts of Fang and Talon
Tongues of Birds and Words of Wolves Animal Ken + Wyrd Name the animals Speak with animals of your chosen breeds. CTL 142
Beast’s Keen Senses •• ●● Wits + Wyrd In contact with the chosen animal +2 perception bonus and either a sense characteristic to the chosen animal or an additional +2. CTL 142
Pipes of the Beastcaller ••• ●● Animal Ken + Wyrd To guard your home Command animals of the chosen breeds. CTL 143
Tread of the Swift Hooves •••• ●● Dexterity + Wyrd In contact with the chosen animal Move like the chosen animal for a scene. CTL 143
Cloak of the Bear’s Massive Form ••••• ●●●● Manipulation + Wyrd In contact with the chosen animal in its habitat Take the form of the chosen animal, with all associated benefits. CTL 143
Contracts of the Wild
Wildwalker Persuasion + Wyrd After sleeping outdoors Ignore penalties from environmental conditions for a scene. RoS 111
Nature’s Curse •• Intimidation + Wyrd Target has a gun Up to double existing environmental penalties against a target. RoS 111
Viridian Embrace ••• ●● Expression + Wyrd To aid a mortal Gain environmental bonuses to move, hide and perceive. RoS 112
Calling Wind and Weather •••• ●●● Presence + Wyrd On behalf of a dozen mortals Conjure weather native to a clime. RoS 112
Calling Nature’s Wrath ••••• ●●●○ Survival + Wyrd On family land The natural environment attacks for 50 yards around, excluding allies. RoS 113
Darkling Contracts
Contracts of Darkness
Creeping Dread ●/●●○ Manipulation + Wyrd - Resolve Against intruders in your home Render one or multiple targets susceptible to fear or intimidation. CTL 136
Night’s Subtle Distractions •• Stealth + Wyrd Out in the night Double environmental penalties to perception. CTL 136
Balm of Unwakeable Slumber ••• Manipulation + Wyrd vs Resolve + Tolerance Against someone in their own bed at night Prevent a sleeping target from being woken by disturbances. CTL 137
Boon of the Scuttling Spider •••• ●●● Athletics + Wyrd Across outdoor walls at night Move across solid surfaces in defiance of gravity. CTL 137
Touch of Paralyzing Shudder ••••• ●●○ Presence + Wyrd vs Resolve + Tolerance Isolate and unnerve target Inflict spasms of fear that half motor control traits and pools. CTL 138
Contracts of Shade and Spirit
Ghostly Presence Presence + Wyrd Gravewight, or knew the ghost in life Commune with ghosts in Twilight WM 26
Dread Companion •• Manipulation + Wyrd Press drops of your blood to witnesses' foreheads Allow a ghost to manifest tangibly to one sense. WM 26
Haunting Intercession ••• Manipulation + Wyrd Prepare a "dead supper" with unused silverware Materialize a ghost for a scene. WM 26
Waking the Dead •••• ●● Strength + Wyrd Blood offering Ask questions of the sleeping dead. WM 27
Opening the Black Gate ••••• ●●○ Stamina + Wyrd At midnight in a mausoleum, invoking laws of hospitality Open a gate to the Underworld. WM 27
Elemental Contracts
Contracts of Communion
Sense Element Wits + Wyrd Meditation Intuit the forms of the chosen element within (10 × Wyrd) yards. WM 32
Primordial Voice •• Socialize + Wyrd Courteous offering to the element Ask the chosen element about the past few days. WM 32
Distant Connection ••• ●●(○) Persuasion + Wyrd Through intimately familiar instances of the element Project senses at a distance through the chosen element. For Willpower, briefly direct the element. WM 33
Elemental Servitor •••• ●●● Persuasion + Wyrd Laborious offering to the element Animate the chosen element as a semi-intelligent spirit-like ally for a scene. WM 33
Elemental Ally ••••• ●●●○ Presence + Wyrd Negotiate payment to compensate the element Grant sapience to the chosen element around you for a week, during which it may manifest like an Elemental Servitor for one scene. WM 34
Contracts of Elements
Cloak of the Elements ●● None Wearing a symbol of the element Protection from passive harm by the chosen element for a scene. Reduce elemental damage by your Wyrd, except when fashioned into a weapon. CTL 138
Armor of the Element’s Fury •• ●● Dexterity + Wyrd In significant contact with the element Conjure an elemental aura for a scene. Confers 1 Armor and half Wyrd in lethal contact damage. CTL 139
Control Elements ••• ●●● Manipulation + Wyrd Where the element dominates Reshape or manipulate an amount of the chosen element around you. CTL 139
Calling the Element •••• ●●●● Wits + Wyrd As a performance or display Summon or beckon manifestations of the element for a scene. CTL 140
Become the Primal Foundation ••••• ●●●● Manipulation + Wyrd Commune with a manifestation of the element. Transform into the chosen element, either hardy and solid or swift and malleable. CTL 140
Contracts of the Wild
Wildwalker Persuasion + Wyrd After sleeping outdoors Ignore penalties from environmental conditions for a scene. RoS 111
Nature’s Curse •• Intimidation + Wyrd Target has a gun Up to double existing environmental penalties against a target. RoS 111
Viridian Embrace ••• ●● Expression + Wyrd To aid a mortal Gain environmental bonuses to move, hide and perceive. RoS 112
Calling Wind and Weather •••• ●●● Presence + Wyrd On behalf of a dozen mortals Conjure weather native to a clime. RoS 112
Calling Nature’s Wrath ••••• ●●●○ Survival + Wyrd On family land The natural environment attacks for 50 yards around, excluding allies. RoS 113
Fairest Contracts
Contracts of Reflection
Reflections of the Past Wits + Wyrd On a loved one's mirror Observe what has appeared in a reflective surface for the last week. ER 34
Glimpse of a Distant Mirror •• Composure + Wyrd Into a sworn enemy's mirror Use one reflective surface to look through another which has reflected your image within the week. ER 35
Reflection’s Grasp ••• ●● Dexterity + Wyrd Through the mirror you most see yourself in Reach into one reflective surface and through another you have touched. ER 36
Mirror Walk •••• ●●● Athletics + Wyrd Out a mirror reflecting a blood relative Step into one reflective surface and out another you have touched. ER 37
Stealing the Solid Reflection ••••• ●●●○ Larceny + Wyrd The reflected object's owner owes you a debt Draw a reflection out of a mirrored surface for one scene. ER 38
Contracts of Separation
Tread Lightly Dexterity + Wyrd Protecting nice shoes from getting dirty Walk weightlessly across surfaces for a scene. Reduce falling damage to bashing. WM 40
Evasion of Shackles •• Larceny + Wyrd Imprisoned for an offense you didn't commit Slip bondage or imprisonment. WM 40
Breaching Barriers ••• Presence + Wyrd Imprisoned by a changeling Pass through a sealed portal. WM 40
Elegant Protection •••• ●● Dexterity + Wyrd Unarmed, without aggressing Bonus Defense equal to Wyrd, even against firearms or while unconscious. Move gracefully while Dodging. WM 41
Phantom Glory ••••• ●●○ Persuasion + Wyrd Unarmed and unarmored Enter Twilight. WM 41
Contracts of Vainglory
Mask of Superiority ●● Intimidation + Wyrd - Resolve As a socialite or shallow celebrity. Appear to be a figure of authority or fame for a scene. CTL 146
Songs of Distant Arcadia •• ●● Expression + Wyrd Entertaining a powerful audience Add Wyrd as bonus dice to Expression and Persuasion for a scene. CTL 147
Splendor of the Envoy’s Protection ••• ●●● Presence + Wyrd At a formal soirée Safely lower the Mask for a scene, gaining a +2 Striking Looks bonus. So long as you make no shows of aggression, characters must be supernatural beings and roll Resolve + Composure to assault you. In Victorian society, replace one bonus die with two temporary dots of Status. CTL 147, VL 23
Mantle of Terrible Beauty •••• ●●○ Intimidation + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance Fighting a formal trial by combat Safely lower the Mask for a scene. Failed contestants flee or cower and cannot invest effort with Willpower, and those who succeed suffer -2 to attack you. CTL 147
Words of Memories Never Lived ••••• ●●●○ Expression + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance Stories you believe to be fact Illustrate an emotionally charged story to introduce it to the audience as false memories in which they were involved. CTL 148
Ogreish Contracts
Contracts of Oath and Punishment
Pursuer’s Seven-League Leap Athletics + Wyrd Pursuing an oathbreaker Leap 15 feet per success, or half vertically. WM 47
Sense Tainted Vows •• Wits + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance Pledgesworn with the subject Sense the greatest vow broken within a year and a day WM 47
Inexorable Pursuer ••• Resolve + Wyrd Resisted manipulation within the day +2 to resist the manipulation of Clarity or courtly emotions. WM 47
Relentless Pursuit •••• ●● Stamina + Wyrd Pursue without resting Sense the distance and direction to a subject for a day or night. WM 47
Cruel Vengeance ••••• ●● Presence + Wyrd vs Manipulation + Tolerance Fellow freehold member Use an accusation of broken oaths to upgrade attack damage, reduce the oathbreaker's Defense, and penalize shows of resistance. WM 48
Contracts of Stone
Might of the Terrible Brute Strength + Wyrd Outnumbered and unarmed Temporarily boost Strength. CTL 144
Ogre’s Rending Grasp •• ●● Strength + Wyrd Smashing through barriers Sap an object's Durability. CTL 144
Display Grandiose Might ••• ●● Athletics + Wyrd Just to impress or entertain Boost Strength for a scene while refraining from combat. CTL 145
Gluttonous Feast of Health •••• ●●● Stamina + Wyrd Offered a feast by a stranger Reduce lethal damage to bashing or aggravated to lethal by gorging yourself for an hour. CTL 145
Red Rage of Terrible Vengeance ••••• ●●●○ Resolve + Wyrd Avenging a loved one Enter a bold battle-rage which boosts Strength, Stamina, Initiative, and Armor for the duration. CTL 146
Wizened Contracts
Contracts of Animation
Knowing Touch Crafts + Wyrd Owner bids you examine Learn an object's shape and construction, gaining bonuses to repair or damage it. WM 52
Instant Expertise •• Wits + Wyrd Converse with the tool for ten minutes Learn how to use a tool, gaining a temporary Skill specialty bonus. WM 52
Inanimate Communion ••• Empathy + Wyrd In disuse for a year Share memories of an object's uses and users. WM 53
Animate Device •••• ●● Manipulation + Wyrd Possessed and used regularly for a month Command an object to act on its own. WM 53
Command the Inanimate ••••• ●●○ Presence + Wyrd A stranger or enemy's neglected belongings Animate an object and command its behavior for a scene. WM 54
Contracts of Artifice
Brief Glamour of Repair Crafts + Wyrd Items you neither own nor use Repair a device for a day, using minute scraps, in half the normal time. CTL 134
Touch of the Workman’s Wrath •• ●● Larceny + Wyrd Belongs to someone who has tried to cheat you Hex a device by touch, making it require constant maintenance. CTL 134
Blessing of Perfection ••• ●●● Wits + Wyrd Returning a favor, upon another's possession Tinker to smooth operations, adding Wyrd as an equipment bonus to a device or tinkering task for a scene. CTL 135
Unmaker’s Destructive Gaze •••• ●● Presence + Wyrd Study or handle the object Jam, halt, or incapacitate a device with a glare. CTL 135
Tatterdemalion’s Workshop ••••• ●●●●(○) Crafts + Wyrd In your own workshop, with your own tools Craft sophisticated works by jury-rigging inappropriate components, which fall apart after a scene, or with Willpower, until sunrise. In the Victorian era, may produce anachronistic wonders. CTL 135, VL 23
Contracts of the Forge
Rewriting the Image Expression + Wyrd Replacing with your own likeness Alter the details of a two-dimensional likeness. RoS 99
Trivial Reworking •• ●● Crafts + Wyrd Turning a stolen item against its owner Remold a small object into a similar form for a scene. RoS 100
Discreet Conjuration ••• ●●○ Manipulation + Wyrd As payment to an enemy Draw a small, practical counterfeit out of any pocket. RoS 100
Hidden Reality •••• ●●●○ Wits + Wyrd To escape confinement Temporarily alter your surroundings in a plausible way. RoS 101
Paths of Desire ••••• ●●●○○ Academics + Wyrd Bury your blood in the destination's soil Open a Hedge gateway to anywhere in the Hedge you have been before. RoS 102
Court Contracts To buy an ability with Mantle, ability must be Clause Rank - 1 = Mantle. So a level 4 can own the 5th dot, and a level 2 the 3rd.
Spring Court Contracts
Clause Name Clause Description Catch Court Goodwill Requirement if not a member Cost Source
Contracts of Eternal Spring Lost 151
Gift of Warm Breath Rejuvenates a target, alleviating suffering from fatigue and deprivation, and healing bashing damage. The subject of the clause has freely offered the changeling some form of sustenance since the last sunrise. Waived Mantle + Resolve + Survival
•• New Lover’s Kiss Conjure rain, no matter current cloud conditions, potentially up to even a deluge. A mortal human has commented, within the character's hearing and within the past hour, that it looks like rain. ●●● Mantle + Intelligence + Survival
••• Warmth of the Blood Downgrade a subject's lethal wounds to bashing, or heal bashing wounds entirely. The target has honestly professed a heartfelt and deep love, romantic or familial, for the changeling. ●●●● ●○ Mantle + Wits + Medicine
•••• Yesterday’s Birth Age a target by a full season, leaving it as if it were now the height of Spring; requires additional Glamour and a willpower dot to apply to humans. The character spills two drops of blood on the target object and cups it in her hands. ●●●●● ●(●●○) Wyrd + Medicine
••••• Mother of All Deaths Animates the plant life in an area and have it fight on the changeling's behalf. A man bled to death on this soil within the past year. - ●●●○ Mantle + Presence + Empathy
Contracts of Fleeting Spring Court Goodwill (Spring) Lost 149
Cupid’s Eye Learn one of the subject's desires Used on someone who has kissed the Changeling in the past 24 hours, or who desires the Changeling Waived Wyrd + Wits vs Powerstat + Composure
•• Growth of the Ivy Change one of the subject's desires Using the contract to resolve a Pledge. Must spend a Willpower point when using on a Supernatural ●●● ●●(○) Mantle + Manipulation + Persuasion - Subject's Resolve
••• Wyrd-Faced Stranger Become someone who the target desire/expect to see The changeling has offered food to the target and it was accepted, or the other way around. ●●●● ●● Mantle + Presence + Subterfuge vs Powerstat + Composure
•••• Pandora’s Gift Temporarily produce an object the subject desires Used on someone who gave the Changeling a no strings attached gift in the past week ●●●●● ●● Mantle + Wits + Craft
••••• Waking the Inner Faerie Alter a subject's desire and force them to pursue it above all else. The subject freely told the Changeling his desires. - ●●●○ Mantle + Intelligence + Expression vs Powerstat + Composure
Contracts of Verdant Spring Court Goodwill (Spring) Lords of Summer 39
Font of Inspiration Each success is a +1 to Crafts or Expression rolls Invests his own literal blood sweat or tears into the creation Waived Mantle + Wits + Empathy - Subject's Resolve (If subject is opposed)
•• The Ineffable Gift Gains a +3 bonus in social challenges. Drawback of being less effective with multiple uses. Speaks out loud about something she is passionate about ●●● Mantle + Presence + Manipulation vs Resolve + Composure
••• Impassioned Blow +4 Bonus to attack pool, but the opponent gets a +2 bonus as well. Target has insulted or assaulted by word or deed the changeling in the last hour ●●●● Mantle + Resolve + Brawl / Firearms / Weaponry
•••• Spur the Crowd Sway a crowd in a certain emotional direction No one in the crowd knows the user is a changeling ●●●●● Mantle + Wyrd + Presence (Extended and Contested)
••••• Verdant, Roiling Heart Renew Willpower pool as if fulfilling Virtue, drawback of all social actions being tainted by her virtue or vice and a -2 to all social rolls Takes an action directly related to virtue or vice - Mantle + Composure + Empathy
Summer Court Contracts
Contracts of Eternal Summer Court Goodwill (Summer) Lost 155
Son of the Hearth Remain at a comfortable temperature, no matter what the outside circumstances are. Spit on a fading ember or spark Waived ●(○) Wyrd + Survival
•• Ulf’s Heart Produce light in radius pf 200 yards for one scene; extend its presence to one hour by spending 1 more Glamour. Within 5 minutes of midnight ●●● ●(●) Mantle + Strength + Occult
••• Noonday Grasp Gain +1 Strength with one success, and another +1 with every three successes after that. Eats a chunk of naturally formed ice ●●●● ●● Mantle + Stamina + Brawl
•••• Solstice Revelation Let loose a bright light that reveals all hidden individuals and challenges supernatural cloaking. Within five minuets of noon ●●●●● ●●● Mantle + Presence + Occult
••••• The Lord’s Dread Gaze Unleashing a beam of focused sunlight that does Lethal (Aggravated with Willpower) The target is wearing or touching gold - ●●●(○) Mantle + Dexterity + Athletics - Subject's Defense
Contracts of Fleeting Summer Court Goodwill (Summer) Lost 153
Baleful Sense Sense the greatest nearby source of wrath. Character is angry when he invokes this clause. Waived Wyrd + Wits
•• Goblin’s Malignance Redirect the focus of a subject's wrath. The current victim of the subject's wrath owes the character a favor, or the subject has red hair. ●●● Mantle + Manipulation + Persuasion vs Powerstat + Composure
••• Friendless Tongue Stir a person to fury with harmless words. The clause's target wears a ring on the left hand. ●●●● ●● Mantle + Manipulation + Subterfuge vs Powerstat + Composure
•••• Sundown Eyes Quell all conflict in an area temporarily. The character is suffering wound penalties and has taken at least two points of lethal damage. ●●●●● ●●● Mantle + Presence + Socialize - Subject's Composure
••••• The Flames of Summer Enter an unstoppable fury; gain +2 to Physical rolls and ignore all wound penalties. The sun is within five minutes of its zenith, and the character has called out a formal challenge to an opponent. - ●●○ Mantle + Stamina + Animal Ken
Contracts of Punishing Summer Court Goodwill (Summer) Lords of Summer 59
Smoldergrip Makes an object unbearably hot to the touch. The Changeling sports a real sunburn None Strength + Wits - Objects Size
•• Battle Bright Creates a blinding beacon that distracts all attackers. The Changeling is holding a real, burning torch. ●●● ●● Wyrd + Presence vs Highest Wits + Composure within sight.
••• Crown of Clashing Fire Summons up a ring of flaming thorns that forces a target into one-on-one combat. The Changeling has one or more scars from the last battle with this foe. ●●●● ●●○ Wyrd + Resolve - Subject's Stamina
•••• Baleful Stroke of Summer Sun Inflicts a sun stroke on the target, resulting in either mounting mechanical penalties or aggravated damage (target's choice). The Changeling strikes with a metal weapon he forged, has to hit with substantial metal part. ●●●●● ●●● Wyrd + Stamina vs Stamina + Composure. This is after an attack.
••••• Scorched Earth Turns the area into a blighted waste land that inflicts penalties on all combatants. The Changeling meditates under a Summer Court flag or pendant she helped make. N/A ●●●●● Wyrd + Strength
Autumn Court Contracts
Contracts of Eternal Autumn Court Goodwill (Autumn) Lost 159
Last Breath Isaac Ripen a portion of a plant The plant or tree is unclaimed or the Changeling has permission to harvest from it. Waived Wyrd + Manipulation
•• Withering Glare Wither a plant to Winter or age an animal. The plant has the Changelings name or moniker carved into it or written on a tag. ●●● Mantle + Presence + Science
••• Brother to the Ague Damage a foe through dehydration. The character can name two diseases that the subject has suffered or is suffering, and one that the subject fears. ●●●● ●● Mantle + Dexterity + Medicine
•••• Riding the Falling Leaves Transform into a cloud of autumn leaves The character catches a naturally falling leaf at the moment of the clause's activation. ●●●●● ●● Mantle + Dexterity + Survival
••••• Tears of Autumn Bring about a hailstorm The character holds a key encased in ice that finishes thawing at the start of the ritual. - ●●● Mantle + Manipulation + Occult
Contracts of Fleeting Autumn Court Goodwill (Autumn) Lost 156
Witches’ Intuition Learn one of the subject's fears Subject does not know the Changelings name Waived Wyrd + Wits - Composure
•• Tale of the Baba Yaga Invoke fear of intended object in subjects for 1 turn per success. The unnatural fear the character evokes is based upon a myth, urban legend or actual threat with which all subjects of the Contract are familiar. ●●● Mantle + Manipulation + Intimidation
••• Heart of the Antlion Immune to mundane attempts at fear and resistant to supernatural fear. The character consumes a spider or other vermin that has literally been scared to death. ●●●● Mantle + Resolve + Investigation
•••• Scent of the Harvest Heart of the Antlion for friends. Two of the subjects greatest fears are each other. ●●●●● ●● Mantle + Presence + Expression, Extended
••••• Mien of the Baba Yaga Become the subjects fear. Scare them badly enough to actually deal damage One of the subjects greatest fears is actually the character. - ●●●○ Mantle + Wits + Empathy
Contracts of Spellbound Autumn Court Goodwill (Autumn) Lords of Summer 79
Warlock’s Gaze Detect the presence of the supernatural, even deliberately obscured. AoE: Yards = to Wyrd Physical contact with non-allied supernatural being other than another changeling. Waived ●● Wyrd + Occult (vs. Powerstat + Compusure if target supernaturally concealed)
•• Barrow-Whisper Hears and is heard by ghosts. Ghost in the area wants to communicate. ●●● Wyrd + Expression
••• Smith’s Wisdom Learn abilities and purpose of item of power (token or else). The character has stolen the item from a friend (without permission) or been freely given the item by an enemy. ●●●● ●●● Mantle + Intelligence + Occult
•••• Arcadian Commandment Power to speak with authority of True Fae to hobgoblins and other Gentry minions, even to those incapable of speech. Character knowingly comes unarmed and unarmored to the presence of entity to be commanded. ●●●●● ●●●○ Wyrd + Presence vs Powerstat + Resolve
••••• Oathbreaker’s Honesty Violate the pledge without falling under its Sanctions. Begged to enact this clause by someone who will knowingly come to disaster on account of his betrayal. - ●●●●●○ Wyrd + Resolve (extended)
Winter Court Contracts
Contracts of Eternal Winter Court Goodwill (Winter) Lost 162
Jack’s Breath Cools a room, potentially by a significant margin. The character hears someone shiver or tastes someones sweat. Waived Wyrd + Survival
•• Touch of Winter Freeze the surface of a body of water, potentially affecting quite a large area. The character first spells out a name or idea he hates with liquid on a dry surface ●●● Mantle + Intelligence + Science
••• Riding the Devil’s Jawbone Inflicts an area with intense cold, causing penalties to all within. There is a bell ringing within 20 feet of the character. ●●●● ●● Mantle + Dexterity + Stealth
•••• Fallen from the Timbers Blasts a target with cold and ice, inflicting lethal damage and penalizing all of their actions. The contracts target is wearing silver jewelry that has a religious meaning to her. ●●●●● ●●● Mantle + Dexterity + Athletics - Subject's Defense
••••• Witch’s Paradise Summons a lasting snowstorm over an area. The moon is in the sky and the character can hear a wolf howling. - ●●●○ Mantle + Presence + Occult
Contracts of Fleeting Winter Court Goodwill (Winter) Lost 160
The Dragon Knows Determine the source of sorrow someone is experiencing. The character looks into the subjects eyes for a moment. Waived Wyrd + Empathy - Subject's Composure
•• Slipknot Dreams Forces a subject to temporarily let go of their sorrow. The subject has accepted something from the character in the past 24 hours. ●●● Mantle + Manipulation + Subterfuge - Subject's Resolve
••• Faces in the Water Fills a subject with sorrow over a painful memory, inflicting social penalties. The subject is carrying a photograph or some other image of an older relative or ancestor on her person. ●●●● Mantle + Intelligence + Investigation - Subject's Composure
•••• Fallow Fields, Empty Harvest Eliminates a subject's ability to feel positive emotions for a time, suffering social penalties and an inability to regain Willpower via virtues or vices. The character has made the subject happy (or happier) within the last 10 minutes. ●●●●● ●● Mantle + Manipulation + Intimidation vs Powerstat + Composure
••••• Every Sorrow a Jewel Paralyzes a subject with grief, rendering them briefly unable to take any actions. The subject has tasted one of the changelings tears. - ●●●○ Mantle + Manipulation + Persuasion vs Powerstat + Composure
Contracts of the Sorrow-Frozen Heart Court Goodwill (Winter) Lords of Summer 99
A Mere Vessel for Loss Reduce the Effects of pain and discomfort by success Pierces skin with a thin needle Waived Mantle + Resolve + Occult
•• Fear is Nothing Reduces dice pool of supernatural fear effects by Wyrd Empties his hands and leaves them open at his side ●●● Mantle + Composure + Expression
••• Grief is Stronger than Death Damage from an attack is ignored for a round, to be applied next round Contemptuously tosses a chunk of cold iron on the ground. ●●●● ●● Mantle + Resolve + Survival
•••• Remorseless Strike Next Brawl or weaponry attack target suffers additional bonus damage equal to Wyrd Slashes himself with a sharp instrument and takes 1 lethal ●●●●● ●● Mantle + Resolve + Brawl
••••• A Cold Hand on the Heart Bestow previous clauses on others as well. Clutches target with one hand and anoints with ashes of a suicide victim or victim of a crime of passion. - ●●●○ Mantle + Composure + Expression
Directional Court Contracts
Contracts of the Four Directions Court Goodwill (Directional) Winter Masques 134
Mindfinder Know the direction to any target Changeling has a lock of hair from the target. None Wyrd + Survival - Subject's Wits
•• Finding the Flow Ignore environmental penalties The character successfully meditated for one full uninterrupted hour within the last 24 hours. ●●● Wyrd + Wits
••• Inequity of the Center Confuses a target, causing them to take many wrong turns, effectively penalizing speed The changeling succeeds in touching a magnet to the target's bare skin. ●●●● Wyrd + Manipulation vs Powerstat + Survival
•••• The Hundred Steps Powerful blessing upon an area to protect it from intruders The character has two working compasses somewhere on his body ●●●●● ●●○ Wyrd + Resolve
••••• Harmony of Portals Walk between two doors, potentially separated by several miles The character possesses the key to both doors. N/A ●● Wyrd + Stamina
Auroral Court Contracts
Contracts of Potential (Dawn) Court Goodwill (Dawn) Swords at Dawn 138
Light the Path Learn of the motivation of an action or statement Previously caught the target in a lie. None Wits + Wyrd vs Powerstat + Composure
•• Read the Web Determine the nature of a relationship between two people through a translucent strand that connects. The Changeling shares a Pledge with the target ●●● ●● Intelligence + Wyrd - Subject's Composure
••• Martyr's Will Increase extra dice when spending Willpower. Drawback of target being unable to regain willpower for the next 24 hours. Deliberately shed a few drops of blood ●●●● ●●● Wyrd + Resolve
•••• Shift the Foundation Temporarily change the targets Virtue or Vice. Changeling and Subject are conversing about Virtue or Vice targeted as the result of the Contract. ●●●●● ●●● Dusk Court Mantle +

Manipulation + Expression vs Composure + Subterfuge

••••• Tenacity of Hope Massive benefits towards a goal, such as 8-again, etc. Drawback: If goal is not reached within time period, suffer penalties until goal or equal time is met. Target is using this Contract for a selfless Purpose. N/A ●●●○ Wyrd + Resolve
Contracts of Entropy
(Dusk) Court Goodwill (Dusk) Cost Dancers in the Dusk 141
Babel's Curse Prevent another from communicating Write target's name or common nickname on a piece of paper then tear it to pieces None Intelligence + Expression + Mantle (Dusk) - Resolve
•• Sense the Impending Doom Detect dangerous situations, react to danger faster Consume at least a serving of caffeinated beverage within the last hour. ●●● Wits + Occult + Mantle (Dusk)
••• Gift of the Skald Target(s) gain a bonus to Resolve checks Invoker is a member of Dusk and spends at least 5 minutes proselytizing on the Dusk philosophy. ●●●● ● per target + ○ Presence + Persuasion + Mantle (Dusk) (vs target's Resolve + Wyrd if they WANT to resist)
•••• Hero's Stand Challenge a target to gain a bonus to Brawl/Weaponry, they take Composure penalty if flee Issue challenge while standing in a marked space <5' square. ●●●●● ●○ Resolve + Brawl or Weaponry + Mantle (Dusk) vs Composure + Wyrd
••••• The Centre Cannot Stand Nullify a target's Contract The Changeling knows and has used the target Contract in the last 24 hours. N/A ●● Intelligence + Occult + Mantle (Dusk) - level of Contract
Goblin Contracts
Contracts of Sacrifice
Note: Goblin Contracts are not chained and any clause rank can be bought with no prerequisites.
Clause Name Benefit Drawback Catch Cost Dice Pool Source
Contracts of Goblin Fortune Rites of Spring 117
Fortune’s Favor Change a single roll into a rote or a chance roll Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend a willpower dot. Used to protect a close friend from harm Wyrd + Manipulation RoS 117
•• Fortune’s Swift Blessing Change a chance roll into a normal roll or a normal roll into an exceptional success Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend a willpower dot. Used when striking a blow against a mortal enemy ●● Wyrd + Wits RoS 117
••• Fortune’s Bane Exceptional success become normal successes, normal successes become failures and chance rolls dramatically fail at 7 or lower until the next sunrise or sunset Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend a willpower dot. Target publicly lied about the user to turn public or official opinion against the user ●● Wyrd + Subterfuge vs. Powerstat + Resolve RoS 118
•••• Distracting the Hounds Escape from any pursuit or confrontation Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend a willpower dot. User is being pursued by Hobgoblins ●●● Wyrd + Stealth - Subject's Powerstat RoS 118
••••• Recalling the Lost Rescue anyone abducted by the Fae Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend 2 willpower dots. Used to recall a child younger than seven ●●●● Wyrd + Occult RoS 119
Contracts of Goblin Transformation Rites of Spring 120
Healing Sacrifice Heals any and all wounds or diseases Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend a willpower dot. Used to heal or cure a blood relative Wyrd + Medicine RoS 120
•• Seven-Year Gift Target does not age for the next seven years Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend a willpower dot. Target is a blood relative within three generations ●● Wyrd + Stamina RoS 121
••• Trading Beauty for Love Makes a human feel more positively towards the Changeling Expensive cost to invoke. Changeling permanently loses the color of his eyes and his beauty, becoming bland and colorless (Though never ugly) or downgrading Striking Looks merit. Target must be fed an item of food the user prepared ●●● Wyrd + Manipulation -Subject's Composure RoS 121
•••• Changing Minds Change a target's opinion on something Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend a resolve dot. Causes someone to believe an abstract ideal ●●●●○○ Wyrd + Persuasion - Subject's Powerstat + Resolve RoS 122
••••• The Fatal Transformation Kill the target Expensive cost to invoke. Must spend a stamina dot. Target has slain one of the user's blood relatives ●●●○ Wyrd + Intimidation vs. Powerstat + Stamina RoS 123
Goblin Contracts of the Wyrd Dancers in the Dusk 65
Mantle Mask Temporarily disguise your Mantle as another Court's Signs of use remain for twice as long as the disguised mantle. The decorates her skin with a sign appropriate to the Court she is disguising herself as. Wyrd + Occult DiD 65
•• Daunting Force The Changeling becomes intimidating to the subject All Glamour costs are increased by one for 24 hours. Brandishing a drawn weapon. ●● Wyrd + Presence - Composure DiD 66
••• Nothing Hidden While the Contract is active, the Changeling may roll to notice supernaturally concealed things. Significant negative Perception modifiers to the following scene. Burn the feather of a keen sighted bird and rub the ashes on your eyelid. ●● Wyrd + Occult DiD 66
•••• Wyrd Eye Automatically become aware of any Contracts nearby. Ignore low Clarity modifiers to noticing Wyrd related phenomena and gain a bonus to Kenning All Perception for things unrelated to the Wyrd is penalized. Breaks a pair of prescription glasses. ●● Wyrd + Occult DiD 67
••••• The Fatal Clause Block a Contract as it is being activated. Pay the cost of the Clause you are attempting to block. The Changeling has been a target of a Contract cast by the subject in the past 24 hours. ●●○ Wyrd + Occult - Subject's Wyrd DiD 68
Unclassified Goblin Contracts
Shooter’s Bargain Blesses the next three shots fired from a weapon to mitigate penalties when attacking. One of the three shots is automatically reduced to a chance die. In a fight scheduled beforehand. Wyrd + Dexterity CtL 164
Sight of Truth and Lies Gain the ability to instantly tell if a person is lying. If the user lies while the contract is active, however, they lose any ability to tell truth from lies, believing all but the most blatant fabrications. Used at an official occasion Wyrd + Subterfuge RoS 114
Trading Luck for Fate Gain a sudden simple insight into the immediate future. This is done in return for a minor turn of bad luck. Using the contract to win at gambling. Wyrd + Wits CtL 164
•• Contracts
Calling the Guardian Summon an invisible guardian that strikes back the instant you're attacked. The guardian can not distinguish between a blow that would actually do harm or a playful shove. Currently suffering at least one lethal or aggravated damage from a hand-to-hand attack ●● Wyrd + Dexterity Rites of Spring 114
Dream Rendering Upgrade a Token, permitting it to be used in dreams. Make a clarity roll at 5 dice when you next sleep, regardless of your current Clarity. Used while naked. Wyrd + Wits SaD 109
Diviner’s Madness Gains a brief glimmer into the past or future of a person, place, or thing. Causes temporary insanity. Divining the past or future of someone the changeling is in love with. Wyrd + Wits Lost 165
Fair Entrance Opens a door, no matter how it is barred. Causes one of the changeling's doors to be similarly opened for another some time soon. Opening the door to someone who confessed his hatred towards the Changeling. Wyrd + Larceny Lost 165
Fool’s Gold Guises an object to look like something else, potentially appearing quite valuable. This illusion lasts only for a time though, and when it expires the deceived parties automatically know who was responsible for the deception. Clause is used to deceive someone who's lied to the Changeling in the last 24 hours. Wyrd + Manipulation Lost 166
Sandman's Bargain Makes a dream immune to disruption by Oneiropomps The user can takes real Lethal damage when hurt inside the dream. Used after staying awake for 24 hours Wyrd + Resolve SaD 110
••• Contracts
The Blessing of Forgetfulness Allows the user to erase any one memory from the target's mind. Curses the user to suffer a dramatic failure on the next Subterfuge roll to get someone to believe a necessary lie. Used to make the target forget about an event in which the user betrayed the target ●●○ Wyrd + Manipulation - Subject's Composure RoS 115
Burden of Life Removes damage starting at Agg by 2 for each success. Must be done within turns the damage was done by equal to user's wyrd. If you heal target for 4 or more damage, the user takes all damage the target would take in the next day instead. Target was injured while saving the Character from harm. ●● Wyrd + Empathy CtL 166
Delayed Harm The user avoids damage from one attack. The next attack they suffer doing lethal or aggravated damage does the previously avoided damage as a bonus. Character is unarmed or otherwise unable to defend herself. ●● Wyrd + Dexterity CtL 167
Goblin Midwife Grant a temporary increase in fertility to your target Curse of antipathy on you and a minor fae curse on the target's offspring the target has broken your heart ●●○ Wyrd + Empathy GobM p25
Hospitality's Hold Gain bonus (equal to glamour spent) maintaining hospitality in a location, mark violators Take a similar penalty on all actions not related to maintaining hospitality, except against violators Own or be primary resident of location ● to ●●●●● Willpower + Wyrd GotU p29
Mirror Mirror The Changeling spies on another through a mirror, The target will see the Changeling when she next looks into a mirror. The changeling breaks the mirror. ●○ Wyrd + Resolve SaD 53
•••• Contracts
Goblin Oath The changeling can bind another character to an oath. The party taking the oath has difficulty breaking this oath, and if she does, disaster will strike her down. The changeling must also swear an oath to the subject and suffers similar penalties if he breaks his oath — but the nature of the Goblin Oath is such that both parties may suffer if only one is unfaithful. Used when making a treaty of alliance or non-aggression ●●○ Wyrd + Intimidation RoS 115
Good and Bad Luck Accurately guess the outcome of an event that would be difficult to predict. Suffer a bout of bad lack afterwords. Used to best a rival or enemy. ●● Wyrd + Wits CtL 167
Call the Hunt Calls a Wild Hunt from out of the Hedge. Haha oh man what were you thinking? No seriously, nice going dumb ass! You deserve this. Character is in the Hedge ●○ Wyrd + Presence CtL 167
Riot The crowd becomes a violent, enraged mob. They target an obvious source of anger first, or are randomly violent with no target. Many people in the area vividly remember the changeling and that they are responsible for the riot. The changeling addresses the crowd and urges them to violence immediately before use. Most of the crowd must hear the changeling. ●●○ Wyrd + Presence VL 23
Royal Oil Target is covered in magical, highly flammable oil. Changeling is marked with a fiery crown showing he was the one that activated the contract. Drink a tablespoon of castor oil and suffer from stomach cramps. ●● Wyrd + Dexterity SaD 54
••••• Contracts
Blood-Binding Drains a target splashed with blood of all Glamour The user is drained of all Glamour as well. Used against someone who murdered a blood relative. (Glamour expenditure is not negated) ○(All Glamour) Wyrd + Presence RoS 116
Goblin Ward Draw a magical mark; Any changeling not attuned to it and steps near it will suffer from hallucinations and confusion. When the ward is activated it will affect everyone nearby, even those attuned. High Clarity Changelings must roll for loss. The creator cannot use his Seeming Blessing for as long as the ward continues to exist. The ward is painted with the blood of a murdered enemy. ●●○ Wyrd + Occult SaD 54
Lost and Found Escapes from captivity or pursuit, seemingly by chance, but always automatically. Another enemy is made aware of the escapee's new location. Escaping someone who knew the changeling personally for over a year. ●●○ Wyrd + Presence CtL 168
Mad Trespass Use a dream to spy on a Keeper The keeper spied on knows where to find you until the following dawn. Given a gift by the keeper or it's servants. ●○ Wyrd + Composure SaD 110
Sabotage Damage or disable a factory or equivalent full of machinery. The changeling suffers a roll of their total Wyrd in bashing damage. The user has been employed at some point to work on machines that they are targeting. ●●●○ Wyrd + Crafts VL 24
Sleepwalker Devour a dream for a verity of potent benefits -3 to perception while the contract is active. The user cannot sleep and halves all traits until they can sleep. Devours a child's dream ●○ Wyrd + Wits SaD 111
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Oaths (1st Edition)
Title Description Reference
The Ancient Pact Makes a Changeling and a mortal lifelong allies, ensorcells a mortal and obligates the Changeling to protect his dreams from Fey incursion. The mortal then recieves a 3 or 4 point merit (Or +2 to an existing one), and the Changeling gets the same, as well as one easy point of Glamour a day. Lost 187
Brotherhood in Arms A group swears to never yield in combat for extra dots in weaponry and fighting finesse. RoS 43
Commendation The Changeling swears himself to the service of a leader and pays a yearly tithe of Glamour equal to the leaders' Wyrd, as well as the benefit of the Freehold Blessing, whatever it may be. The standard oath for joining a Freehold. CtL 189
The Dove’s Promise The oath for joining the Doves, a mercenary group of Fey hunting assassins and ambushers. AN28
Forgiveness of the Imp The Changeling sincerely apologizes in return for a small favor and a promise of peace. WM118
Fostering Oath An older, more experience Changeling takes a newbie under his wing, sheltering him and teaching him how to adjust to his existence as fey. RoS 43
The Fylgiar’s Caul The Changeling swears to protect the Mortal from all harm regarding Wyrd for the rest of either of their lives (Not necessarily mundane harm) WM 118
Good Neighbors Pact Both parties agree to stop squabbling for one year and a day. Lost 188
The Heart’s Oath Changeling wedding. Lost 190
The Knight’s Oath Like Commendation, but for hardcores. Lasts longer, and with more willingness to die (But not necessarily be a soldier). The Liege pays the Knight some Glamour every month, the Knight gets a combat skill, while the Liege gets a sweet one dot merit (Or +1 to an existing merit). Lost 189
The Motley Pledge Finalizes the existence of a Motley in the eyes of the Wyrd for a year and a day. The Changelings must help each other as though they were family. Everyone get a free skill point, plus 2 dots in a merit (or +2 to an existing merit). The merit and skill must be the same for all pledgers. Lost 188
Oath of the Rose and Thorn Ensorcells a mortal for a month, opening his eyes to the fae, but forcing him to keep quiet about it. Grants the Changeling the right to ask for a single favor from the mortal. Lost 186
Penitent’s Pledge Religious vow of faith. Must attempt to convert all non-believers and keep oneself pure (As defined in the pledge itself) or be struck mute. Bonus to persuasion and free Holistic Awareness merit. RoS 44
Pledge of Horn and Bone The basic dream insurance package. The Changeling goes in every night, keeps things running smoothly and Fae free, and comes out with a point of Glamour. In return, the Changeling must keep the dream a secret. Lost 187
The Reaper’s Pledge The Changeling does chores for a week in exchange for some Glamour and a daily token of thanks. Lost 185
Secrets of the Dead River, The One Changeling shares a secret with another, and can call the listener an ally. The listener gets bonuses to keeping the secret, but will go permanently mute if he reveals it. WM 118
Turncoat’s Assurance Secret pledge taught only to the Hound Tribunal entitlement, the MIBs of the freehold. It manifests as an actual piece of paper that must be written in fruit or vegetable juice and signed in insect juice. Allows the Hound to offer a traitor a self-imposed banishment rather then being punished. LoS 65
Freehold's Defender Oath sworn on the Knight's title to defend the freehold, granting a number of combat bonuses to the defenders present. SD 148
Pledge Curses Description Reference
Oath of Ceaseless Striving "I will not rest until this is done!" Whenever the victim stops working at his task, even if it's so much as setting down his pencil or going to sleep, he will be cursed with a year of bad luck. DitD 76
The Impossible Quest "I'll find her within a week or die trying!" If the victim fails to achieve his task by the end of the time period, he will die. DitD 77
The Undesired Prohibition "I would never lie to you!" Upon lying, will be struck with a speech impediment for a decade. DitD 77
The Careless Threat "I'm going to kill her!" If he doesn't, he's screwed. DitD 77
Morphean Bargains Unique boons and pledges granted by Morpheans
The Boon of the White Twins Granted by the Pale Brother after succeeding in a quest. Pick a person. You can bring him back to life when he dies, but afterwards your destinies will be intertwined, and both of you will die at the same moment. DitD 45
The Dark Huntress Pact Accept a quest from The Rogue Sister. For destroying one of the Moirae, you can remove one of your Pledges. DitD 46
The Vow of All Consuming Fire The Ruinous Prince doesn't require a quest. This pledge will make you powerful and successful, before it all comes crashing down on you. DitD 47

Merits, Styles (1st Edition)
Adamantine Hand
AA p53 *pre: ••••• of Fighting Style Merits (one of which must be at least •••), Status (Adamantine Arrow) ••, Awakened, Arcanum ( one • more than the maneuver), separate Fighting Style for each Arcanum
• Thunder opponents shielding spells in same Arcanum are at -1 vs hand to hand attacks and spells.
•• Diamond spend WP, improve shielding spell by 1 point vs one attack, and lower it by 1 vs all others, at ••• in Arcanum, raise to +2/-2, and can use with shield other spells
••• Star spend WP, can cast a spell from the Arcanum, and perform a physical action in the same turn, can not be combined with multiple action abilities
•••• Blood spend WP, and suffer as many Agg damage as Resolve, each point becomes 1 bonus dice for spellcasting, can also make damage magic/Mana healing resistant to gain 9-again.
••••• Abyss initiate a grapple, and does not suffer Paradoxes is casting spells from the Arcanum
Aggressive Striking
Reload p65 *pre: Str •••, Sta ••, Brawl ••
• Body Blow If successes on single Brawl attack are greater than target's size, target loses next action
•• Iron Skin Has Armor of 1 against Bashing attacks
••• Combination Blows Can make two brawl attacks against the same target with a -1 to the second attack. Cannot use defense before or after attack
•••• Haymaker Like Body Blow but opponent makes a Stamina roll. If they fail, they're unconscious. Cannot use Defense before or after attack
••••• Brutal Blow or Lethal Strike Spend WP, to deal Lethal damage with Brawl attacks
Aikido (Throwing)
Reload p71 *pre: Dexterity••, Wits ••, Brawl••
• Ukemi (Recieving) Stand up as a reflexive action
•• Aiki (Harmonious Energy) Forgo defense for a chance to recieve no damage and grapple the opponent
••• Shihonage (Four Directions Throw) Throwing attack
••••Renzoku-waza (Combination Techniques) Perform multiple grapples, aiki or shihonage per turn
••••• Kokyu-ho (Breath Power) Throw longer or inflict lethal with shihonage
Arm p208 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Athletics ••
• Draw and Loose Effective +1S for bow use
•• Rapid Nock May reload a bow as a reflexive action
••• Arcing Fire 2x range with bow
•••• Plunging Fire Ignores target concealment
Reload p113 *pre: Resolve •••, Stamina •••, another fighting skill or style •; spend WP to enter Berserk
• Strength in the Fury gains up to 3 additional dice for all-out attacks
•• Adrenaline Rush +1 to armor against bashing and lethal attacks
••• Inhuman Alacrity gains 2 dice (cumulative to 4) when using Willpower to mitigate attack
•••• Ignorant in the Face of Death can ignore any amount of wound penalties for a turn; sacrifices equivalent Defense. May not simultaneously use any other ability with Defense penalty.
••••• Bloody-Handed Bastard attacks inflict lethal damage; sacrifices Defense for a turn
WoD p110 *pre: Strength •••, Stamina ••, Brawl ••
• Body Blow If successes on single Brawl attack are greater than target's size, target looses next action
•• Duck and Weave Use higher of Dexterity or Wits against Brawl attacks instead of Defense
••• Combination Blows Can make two brawl attacks against the same target with a -1 to the second attack. Cannot use defense before or after attack
•••• Haymaker Like Body Blow but opponent makes a Stamina roll. If they fail, they're unconscious. Cannot use Defense before or after attack
••••• Brutal Blow Spend WP, to deal Lethal damage with Brawl attacks
Brute Force
SA p57 AN p18 *pre: Strength •••, Brawl •••
• Falling Pillar gain 9 again on this attack *costs a willpower and requires both hands free
•• Crush and Bite Str+Brawl rolls during a grapple cause lethal damage to opponent
••• Juggernaut gain +4 dice on all out attacks
•••• Bone Cracker target arms or legs, if successes equals or exceeds targets stamina bones break and does lethal damage and target looses 1 dot of dex till healed

Drawback: both hands must be free and you lose defense this turn

Chain Weapons
Arm p209 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity •••, Weaponry •••
• Impenetrable Defense Forgo attack to add +2 to Defense and no multiple opponent penalty until the third opponent
•• Hand Bind forgo next action to bind up opponents hand
••• Outside Choke if attack successful, begin choking opponent unconscious
•••• Whirl and Thrust ignore up to -2 penalties for targeted attacks, but must forgo Defense
Combat Marksmanship
Arm p210 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Composure •••, Firearms ••
• Shoot First Add Firearms to initiative
•• Tactical Reload Reload as a reflexive action
••• Double Tap May make short bursts with additional firearms
•••• Bayonet Range Ignores target defence even when within melee range
••••• Rapid Fire One additional shot per dot of composure over 2; -1 penalty per additional shot.
Dirty Fighting
Count Dracula *pre: Strength •••, Brawl •••
• Low Blow If Brawl attack has more successes than target's Composure, target loses next action
•• Shank Can use Brawl instead of Weaponry for small improvised weapons
••• Suck it Up Spend 1 Willpower to ignore wound penalties for a scene
•••• One or a Dozen, It Don't Matter Bonus of n-1 to Defense when fighting n opponents. Can spend m Willpower to make simultaneous brawl attacks on m + 1 opponents.
••••• I Said Stay Down! Target must make Stamina roll against successful Low Blow; if roll fails, victim collapses.
Dream Combat
RoS p90 *pre: Wyrd •••, Empathy •••
• Stunning Blow If successes in a single attack targets Wyrd, target loses next action
•• Double Team Do an environmental and personal attack at the same time. The second attack has a -1 penalty.
••• Blind Spot Force opponent to use lowest of finesse as defense or resistance as armor
•••• Wyrd Armor Add Wyrd to highest of finesse as defense and resistance as armor
••••• Coup de Grace When opponents willpower is reduced to 0, you may do one final environmental or personal attack.
Evasive Striking
Reload p65 *pre: Str ••, Dex ••, Sta ••, Brawl ••
• Focused Attack Armor and Called shot penalties are reduced by 1
•• Duck and Weave Use higher of Dexterity or Wits against Brawl attacks
••• Defensive Attack -2 to Attack for +2 Defense
•••• Whirlwind Strike Can make extra Brawl attacks equal to Dexterity-2 on a single target. Each additional attack gets cumulative -1. Cannot use Defense before or after this maneuver.
••••• Destroy Defense Successful Brawl attacks on unarmed target reduces target Defense by 1. Cumulative across successive Brawl attacks to lower of attacker's Wits or Dex.
Arm p210 *pre: Dexterity •••, Weaponry •••
• Thrust +1 to attack rolls
•• Feint Make normal attack, no damage but ignores opponent's defence next attack
••• Riposte Spend WP to dodge then attack at -1, ignoring defence
•••• Moulinet Spend WP, successful attack does additional Dexterity damage
Filipino Martial Arts
Arm p211 *pre: Dexterity •••, Weaponry •••
• Lock and Block Can grapple as a defensive maneuver. Can add Defense to grapple.
•• Disarm If attack roll is equal to or greater than stamina, opponent is disarmed and takes half bashing damage, rounded up.
••• Off-Balancing Attack -2 to attack to give opponent -3 to their next attack
•••• Many-Handed Defence Defense does not lower due to multiple opponents
Formation Tactics
RfR p109 *pre: Strength ••, Stamina •••, Weaponry ••
• Testudinem Formate Move at only half speed and cannot attack, but grants a bonus to defense against ranged weapons for each ally in the formation, to a max of +5
•• Ciringite Frontem Forgo Defense this turn, but can make a special knockback attack with a bonus for each ally in the formation (max +5)
••• Cuneum Formate Can make penalized attacks, but any counterattack is at a penalty proportional to the number of allies in the formation (max +5)
•••• Orbem Formate Can form a defensive formation around a person or thing, granting a bonus to defense for each ally in the formation (max +5)
••••• Contendite Vestra Sponte Costs a willpower point to use, but launches an attack that if successful causes an automatic point of lethal damage for each ally in the formation (max +5).
Frenzied Assault
Slash p128 *pre: Strength •••, Stamina •••, Intimidation ••, Weaponry ••
• Bestial Instinct Substitute Weaponry for Composure for determining Initiative
•• Terrorize Strength+Intimidation versus Resolve+Composure to remove defense
••• Hard to Kill Gain 2 extra Health boxes while in combat, doesn't roll for unconsciousness until Rightmost box is filled with Lethal
•••• Savage Rending Lose Defense and Reduce called shot penalties on body parts by 2. If dealing 5 or more lethal damage on a limb, it's severed
••••• Trance of Death Spend 1wp to gain rote-action on attack rolls
AA p50, Reload p67 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity •••, Stamina •••, Brawl ••
• Sprawl subtract higher of Strength+1 or Dexterity+1 from overpower attempts
•• Takedown/Throw instead of grappling, force opponent prone while still standing
••• Chokehold impose cumulative -1/turn penalty on opponents actions while choking
•••• Submission Hold inflict lethal/bashing when performing overpower
RfR p109 *pre: Presence ••, Strength •••, Weaponry •••
• Stunning Attack Makes a loud and powerful attack, if successes exceed the target's composure they lose their next action.
•• Weapon Slap Make an attack that inflicts no damage, but the target loses their defense against the next incoming attack.
••• Lethal Accuracy Any attack with lethal weapons gain armor piercing, and the penalty to hit specific targets is reduced.
•••• Brutal Sacrifice In exchange for a point of willpower, make an attack that leaves a weapon embedded in the victim's body, inflicting a penalty to all actions, and causing further damage upon removal.
Hedge Duelist
RoS p91 *pre: Wyrd •••
• Quick Count +2 to initiative when beginning a hedge duel
•• Cruel Blow add yours or your opponents empathy (whichever is higher) to your manipulation + Subterfuge rolls against targets clarity
••• Briar Bite spend a point of glamour to lower your opponents wyrd by 2 when being used to defend against attacks from the hedge
•••• No Mercy each successive attack inflicts a -1 penalty, additional derangements. Sin against Clarity 7.
••••• Hedge Wrath spend a point of willpower to enhance any attack made by reshaping the hedge if exceptional the attack does aggravated damage
Iaido (Armed Defensive Striking)
Reload p76 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity •••, Composure •••, Weaponry •••, Quick Draw
• Tsuki Kage (Draw and Cut) Add Weaponry to Initiative in any turn that starts with the weapon sheathed
•• Zanshin (Awareness) +2 to avoid ambush. A total of +4 with Danger Sense
••• Tachi-Sabaki (Movement of the Sword) Add Weaponry to defense while making a dodge action (Stacks with Weaponry Dodge)
•••• Kan Ken no Metsuke (Seeing with Eyes and Mind) If the initiative is a tie, the practitioner acts first.
••••• Uke Nagashi (Catch and Slide Off) Counter attack while making a dodge action
Alternative Iaido
••••• Muso Ken (No-though Sword) Make a reflexive counter-attack when attacked by surpise
Reload p107 *pre: Dexterity ••, Wits ••, Athletics ••, Brawl ••
• Ukemi (Recieving) Stand up as a reflexive action
•• Naga-waza (Throwing Techniques) Can chose to not go prone in a grapple, but inflicts bashing if he does. Also, +1 Equipment bonus if target wears lots of clothes
••• Sutemi-waza (Sacrifice Techniques) Add Athletics instead of +2 when using and All-Out Attack
••••Renzoku-waza (Combination Techniques) Perform multiple grapples per turn
••••• Tokui-waza (Favorite Techniques) Add Athletics as automatic successus during specific situations
Improvised Weaponry
MR p57 *pre: Wits •••, Weaponry •
• Always Armed make a reflexive Wits + Weaponry roll to grab a 1L, Size 1, Durability 2 improvised weapon
•• In Harm's Way when using an improvised weapon, treat Structure as Armor to parry incoming Brawl or Weaponry attacks
••• Breaking Point when using an improvised weapon, exchange Structure for bonus to a single strike
Arm p211 *pre: Dexterity •••, Weaponry •••
• Kaburi gain +1 to attack rolls on overhead attacks
•• Kiai Make normal attack, no damage but ignores opponent's defence next attack, must shout loudly
••• Uchiotoshi Waza Spend WP, may parry then attack at -1, ignoring defence
•••• Nidan Waza Spend WP, successful attack does additional Dexterity damage
Krav Maga (Unarmed Defensive Striking)
Reload p79 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity •••, Wits •••, Brawl •••, Brawling Dodge
• Immediate Defense Add Brawl to initiative when fightning an armed opponent
•• Disarming Defense Disarm and take control of the weapon
••• Impenetrable Defense Spend willpower to add Brawl to defense against a single attack
•••• The First Moment If the initiative is a tie, the practitioner acts first.
••••• Finishing the Fight Counter attack during a dodge action if attacker failed to hit
Kung Fu
WoD p111 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Stamina••, Brawl••
• Focused Attack Armor and Called shot penalties are reduced by 1
•• Iron Skin Has Armor of 1 against Bashing attacks
••• Defensive Attack -2 to Attack for +2 Defense
•••• Whirlwind Strike Can make extra Brawl attacks equal to Dexterity-2 on a single target. Each additional attack gets cumulative -1. Cannot use Defense before or after this maneuver.
••••• Lethal Strike Spend WP, Brawl attacks deal Lethal
Langschwert (Heavy Sword)
Reload p83 *pre: Strength •••, Weaponry •••
• Wards +1 Defense while wielding a Heavy sword
•• Fool's Guard Instead of defense, roll to reduce amount of damage taken
••• Half Sword Take a penalty to add +2 to total damage
•••• Doubling Cut Make two attacks, lose defense
••••• Wrathful Cut Add weaponry instead of +2 when making an All-Out Attack
MAC (Modern Army Combatives)
DoW p38 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Stamina ••, Brawl ••
• Tactician's Sense determine Initiative modifiers of all combatants reflexively
•• Atemi Attack ignore 1 point of Armor per dot in this style when making a Brawl or Weaponry attack
••• Forearm Choke with grapple, choke out opponent on successive turns
•••• Bullring defense applies fully against all hand-to-hand opponents
••••• Lethal Strike spend 1 Willpower to make Brawl attacks do Lethal damage for a turn
Multi-Limbed Combat
Pandora's Book 50 *pre: three or more arms; Brawl •• or Weaponry ••, Dexterity •••, Athletics •••
• Outnumbered For every limb over two, opponent's defense reduced by one.
•• Manhandle While in a grapple, for each limb over two, can make an overpower maneuver that does not immobilize
••• Protected Attack Can dodge and attack with one action; does not stack with Bountiful Blows
•••• Bountiful Blows For each limb over two or each weapon wielded, can make an extra attack with a cumulative penalty.
Muay Thai
Reload p110 *pre: Str •••, Sta ••, Brawl ••
• Cut Kick kick deals 1 less damage, but reduces victim's speed by 1
•• Iron Skin Has Armor of 1 against Bashing attacks
••• Combination Blows Can make two brawl attacks against the same target with a -1 to the second attack. Cannot use defense before or after attack
•••• Thai Clinch add Dexterity to attack pool for successful grapple + damage Combination Blows
••••• Brutal Blow or Lethal Strike Spend WP, Brawl attacks deal Lethal
Police Tactics
13P p81, Tribes p36 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Stamina ••, Brawl ••, Weaponry •
• Compliance Hold during Grapple, gain +2 to disarm or overpower
•• Weapon Retention during Grapple, opponent must score more success than your Weaponry to "disarm" or "turn drawn weapon" against you
••• Speed Cuff during Grapple, may place cuff on one wrist, with exceptional success, both wrists
Qinna (Controls)
Reload p88 *pre: Dexterity •••, Brawl ••
• Standing Control An Overpowering maneuver that forces the opponent to accompany the practitioner
•• Misplacing the Bones Chance of breaking a limb for additional damage and effect
••• Grabbing the muscles Treat the defenders strength as 2 dots lower when making an overpowering maneuver
•••• Sealing the Breath Use pressure points to inflict dice penalties
••••• Disrupting the Veins Inflict lethal in a grapple
Shurikenjutsu (Thrown Dart)
Reload p104 *pre: Dexterity •••, Athletics ••
• Ma-ai (Distance) Double range for throwing weapons
•• Kakushi-Buki (Hidden Weapons) No need for an action to draw a prepared throwing weapon
••• Choku Da-Ho (Direct Hit Method) Add Strength when attacking with a throwing weapon
•••• Ikki Gokken (Five Blades in One Breath) Perform multiple attacks
Arm p212 *pre: Dexterity •••, Resolve •••, Firearms •••, Stealth ••
• On Scope Max aiming bonus is Composure+1 for semi-auto and auto rifles, Composure+2 for all other rifles. Receives +2 Perception when using long rage sights
•• Battlesight Zero Double attacks from Sights bonus; attacks with this bonus have short range of 5 times Wits
••• Focused Shot When aiming, ignore penalties up to Resolve
•••• Tactical Intervention When aiming, halve close combat and concealment penalties, rounded down
••••• One Shot, One Kill Spend WP to add Damage rating to successes instead of extra die
Sojutsu/Jukendo (Spear/Bayonet)
AA p51, Reload p67 *pre: Strength •••, Dexterity ••, Weaponry •••
• Warding Stance attack first against foes with smaller-Size melee weapons in front
•• Thrust gain 9-Again with spear or bayonet
••• Block and Strike take -2 to attack to receive +2 to Defense
•••• Great Thrust if using All-Out Attack, use dice equal to lower of Strength or Weaponry instead of 2
Spetsnaz Knife Fighting
Arm p213 *pre: Dexterity •••, Weaponry ••
• Anticipate Attack If wielding edged or pointed weapon size 2 or less, substitute Weaponry instead of Composure for Initiative
•• Advantageous Angle Every other attack, opponent gets -1 defense
••• Vital Attack Knife attacks have Armor Piercing 1 and reduce called shot penalties by 1
•••• Slash and Stab Make two attacks. The second attack gets -1. Defense reduced by 1
Staff Fighting
Arm p213 *pre: Strength •••, Dexterity ••, Weaponry ••
• Trip Roll attack versus opponent's Dexterity+Athletics to knockdown and deal 1 Bashing
•• Temple Strike When making a head shot, if damage exceed target's size, target is unconscious
••• Dangerous Radius Spend WP, attacks all targets within range with -1 equal to opponents within range (max -5). Allies hit too
Swarm Tactics
Cart p183 *pre: Status (Carthians) •, Brawl or Weaponry ••, Vampire
• Feint Make a Brawl or Weaponry attack that does no damage, but allows an ally to use Unexpected Strike
•• Unexpected Strike Attack with 9-Again, or 8-Again if the subject has been affected by two or more flanks.
Sword and Shield
Reload p92 *pre: Strength •••, Dexterity ••, Stamina ••, Weaponry ••
• Cloak and Dagger Double Structure of improvised shields
•• Shield Bash Use a shield as a weapon
••• The Shielded Strike +1 Defense, and no penalty for using a weapon and a shield
•••• Shield Charge Shield Bash which results in a Knockdown
••••• Stand Strong No reduced defense against cumulative attacks
Tooth and Claw
Rage p103 *pre: Strength ••, Dexterity •••, Stamina •••, Brawl ••, Werewolf
• Hunter's Eye spend a turn observing your opponent to lower his defense for the remainder of the scene
•• Slip Through attack one turn for no damage to null opponents defense from next attack
••• Pounce if you roll more successes than the targets size it is knocked to the ground under you
•••• Fury make a claw and bite attack in the same turn, bite attack gains +1 Drawback: cannot use defense the same turn as maneuver
••••• Throat Tear apply +2 bonus for tooth and claw as automatic successes as opposed to dice roll bonus Drawback: costs 1 willpower
Two Weapons
WoD p112 *pre: Dexterity •••, Weaponry •••
• Whirling Blades When dodging may negate penalties for multiple attacks
•• Deflect and Thrust +2 Defence but -2 to Attack
••• Focused Attack May attack one target twice. -1 on second attack, lose defense.
•••• Fluid Attack May attack two targets. -1 on second attack, lose defense.
WAtP p44 *pre: Dexterity •••, Stamina •• and Brawl •••, Werewolf
• Worry
•• Trip/Bowl-Over
••• Slow the Prey
•••• Joint Attack
Driving Styles ! High Performance
MR p56 *pre: Dexterity •••, Resolve •• and Drive ••
• Speed Demon Maximum Speed is now Safe Speed
•• Smuggler's Turn Roll Dexterity+Drive+Handling to eliminate opponent's handling in pursuit unless they also have this merit
••• Safe Passage Can ignore up to 3 die of hazard penalty
•••• Offensive Driving Spend WP at the beginning of pursuit and reduce car's structure by 2 at the end to halve (round up) opponent's Acceleration and Handling.
Movement Styles
StA p74, Tribes p98 *pre: Dexterity •••, Athletics ••
• Flow When running, you may negate terrain penalties equal to dots in Parkour. Also, may gauge jump distance reflexively
•• Cat Leap When using Dex+Ath to reduce falling damage (WoD pg 179), gain one success. Add dots to max damage reduction possible
••• Wall Run Use Athletics to climb at 10ft+5ft/dot as Instant Action, at a penalty of -1/10ft after the first 10ft
•••• Expert Traceur When making Athletics rolls for running, jumping or climbing, may make a roll using Rote Action at cost of Defense
••••• Freeflow After running for at least a minute or by spending one Willpower, may make any Athletics roll for running, jumping or climbing as Reflexive, rather than Instant Action
BotD p92 *pre: Dexterity •••, Athletics •••
• Sure Footed In enclosed area gain 9-Again to retain balance, ignore penalties to Speed in tight spaces up to Dots
•• Cave Sense Outside of combat can ignore darkness penalties, in combat ignore 1/2 darkness penalties
••• Squeeze Through Can fit through openings as if Size were two lower, can move at full speed in this manner if taking one Lethal damage
•••• Free Climb Roll Wits+Athletics up to Dots times to add successes to Strength+Athletics roll (max +5) to climb any surface
••••• Born to the Cave See perfectly if any light is present at all, can climb any surface that doesn't impose a penalty without a roll, if attached when climbing underground double your defense, take -1 penalty when climbing outdoors
Debate Styles
RfR p108 *pre: Intelligence •••, Academics •
• Reference Declare use at beginning of turn to add a bonus to Integrity for the turn
•• Dilemma Pose a debate attack that contributes no successes toward the final total, but the opponent does not benefit from Integrity on their next defense.
••• Kairos Can switch tactics without increasing the debate target number.
•••• Hyperbaton When defending, can double Integrity and rebutt immediately with a penalized Wits-based reply. Cannot apply Integrity for the remainder of the turn, and counts as a tactics shift if not already using Deft Argument.
••••• Elocutio Costs a point of Willpower to use, but allows a debate attack against any number of simultaneous opponents, with a penalty proportional to the number attacked.
RfR p110 *pre: Presence •••, Expression •
• Ad Captandum Grants a bonus to Presence or Manipulation arguments.
•• Ambiguous Statement Can substitute Manipulation for Integrity until the next turn
••• Synonymia Make a Presence or Manipulation attack at a penalty, but inflict a larger penalty on the victim's next attack.
•••• Apologue After making a Presence or Manipulation attack, can apply full Integrity to all incoming attacks this turn.
••••• Innuendo Costs a willpower point, but may perform a Humiliating Attack without sacrificing Integrity or losing Integrity for the rest of the debate.
FotC p99 *pre: Presence ••, Religion ••, Expression •
• Passionate Apologetic
•• Proof Texts
••• Appeal to Witnesses
•••• Zeugma
Social Styles
Social Maneuvers
NHGF p63 pre: Presence •••, Manipulation •••, one Social Skill at ••••
• Sugar Lips, Honey Tongue target suffers -3 to any further Social resistance rolls
•• Stick and Move spend WP, gain bonus to all Social rolls equal to half the victims Presence
••• New Approach spend WP to force a failed Social contest to be rerolled
•••• Chip Away spend WP, force a -1 penalty to a max of -3 on all Social rolls

Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Merits, Universal (1st Edition)

Mental Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Architectural Attunement •••• Wits ••, Academics ••, Occult • (Geomancy) Perceive mystical resonance in a specific city CWork 36
Area of Expertise •• Resolve •• Increase a Mental Specialty to +2 FC 131
Barrister •••• Politics ••• Can safely gauge how far Old Laws can be pushed BotD 91
Combat Awareness •• Military background +2 to any situational awareness roll DoW 109
Common Sense •••• Gives significant cautions or ideas WoD 108
Crafter's Sense ••• Crafts ••• Common Sense related to a chosen Crafts Specialty FC 131
Cultural Language A cant or argot variant of a language, which penalizes attempts by outsiders to interpret by -2. Imm 82
Danger Sense •• +2 to detect ambush WoD 108
Dead Reckoning Gains 8-again when navigating in the Underworld; loses 10-again navigating above ground. BotD 91
Eidetic Memory •• Remember with ease, gain +2 to Intelligence + Composure to remember facts from large swaths of data WoD 108
Emotional Detachment Resolve •• Ignores stress penalties equal to Resolve Asy 50
Encyclopedic Knowledge •••• Know obscure facts choose a topic and can make Intelligence + Wits rolls to gain facts related to it at any time WoD 109
EOD •• Wits or Dexterity •••, Crafts ••• (Demolitions) Reduce penalty for disarming unfamiliar explosives Arm 208
Entheogenic Synesthesia +1 to Perception when using psychoactive drugs MT 137
Good Time Management •• Academics, Medicine or Science •• Cut time for non-magical extended rolls by ¼ Asy 50, Rel 84
Higher Calling •• Resolve ••• +1 on Resolve rolls to resist coercion TotW 125
Holistic Awareness ••• Help others heal faster WoD 109
Hypnotic Voice •••• Persuasion or Science ••• (Hypnotherapy) Induce trance state SS 66
Hypnosis ••• Medicine or Occult • Hypnotize subjects VII 149
Informative •• or •••• Wits ••, Mental Skill •• Use specified Skill in place of Expression FC 131
Interdisciplinary Specialty Two Skills ••• Share Specialty between two Skills FC 132
Language Speak another language WoD 109, errata
Lucid Dreamer Fight off intrusions into dreams SS 67
Lucid Dreaming •• Resolve ••• Control dream environment and engage intruders in dream combat CTL 195
Make Do • to ••• Wits •••, Skill • Remove -1/dot penalty for shoddy tools FC 132
Meditative Mind No penalties to meditate WoD 109
Multi-Lingual • to ••••• 2 languages per dot, conversationally Rel 85
Mythologist ••• Occult •• (Underworld) Gains some insight into some of the Underworld's enigmas BotD 91
Psychic Resistance • to ••• Inhibit mental alteration by psychics SS 67
Rational Explanation •••• Resolve ••, Science or Academics •••• Resist mental breakdown with Science or Academics FC 133
Scientist's Sense ••• Science ••• (Specialty) Common Sense related to Science FC 133
Supernatural Lore • to ••••• Know the ways of a particular type of supernatural being. May be purchased separately for multiple types. GotU 15
Technophile • or •• Encyclopedic Knowledge in one topic Arm 208
Tolerance for Biology Resistance Attribute •• +2 to keep composed when shown scenes of violence or carnage Asy 51
Trained Memory Composure ••, Investigation • Memorize information perfectly; roll to memorize for entire scene (i.e. everything a character could sense in a given moment) instead of specific information or sensory input GotV 46
Trained Observer • or ••• Wits or Composure ••• Ignore penalties or gain Rote quality on Perception rolls DoW 38
Tunnel Rat • to ••• Navigate the Chicago Undercity tunnels, ignoring penalties equal to dots in this Merit Chi 54
Vision • to ••••• Mental Attribute or Composure •••• Use successes on Vision+Skill roll to aid an Extended Action FC 133
Well-Traveled 9-Again on Mental and Social rolls relating to foreign cultures Rel 85
Whispers Can purchase Dream and use it as Instant Action, at the cost of sanity Myst 179

Physical Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Ambidextrous ••• Remove off-hand penalty to attack WoD 110
Armored Fighting •• or •••• Strength •••, Stamina ••• Reduce heavy armor penalties by 1 (••) or 2 (••••) Reload 84
Athletics Dodge Dexterity ••, Athletics • Add Athletics rather than doubling Defense on Dodge DoW 38
Brawling Dodge Strength ••, Brawl • Add Brawl rather than doubling Defense on Dodge WoD 110
Demolisher • to •• Strength or Intelligence ••• Can ignore 1 (•) or 2 (••) points of Durability when attempting to damage objects BotW 62
Disarm •• Dexterity •••, Weaponry • Can disarm if damage exceeds Dexterity WoD 110
Direction Sense Unfailing orientation WoD 110
Entering Strike •• Dexterity ••, Brawl ••• Successful, defenseless Brawl strike adds damage as bonus to subsequent grappling attack Reload 72
Equipped Grappling •• Dexterity •••, Brawl ••, Weaponry •• Add size of blunt weapon (3 or less) to overpowering maneuver dice pool Reload 89
Fast Reflexes • or •• Dexterity ••• +1/dot to Initiative WoD 110
Fighting Finesse •• Dexterity •••, Weaponry •• Substitute Dexterity for Strength WoD 110
Firearms Retention Dexterity ••, Wits ••, Brawl ••, Firearms •• Subtract Brawl dots from attempts to disarm by overpowering Reload 89
Fleet of Foot • to ••• Strength •• +1/dot to Speed WoD 112
Fresh Start Fast Reflexes •• Delay action into next round WoD 112
Giant •••• +1 Size WoD 112
Ground and Pound •• Combination Blows, Boxing or Aggressive Striking •••, Grappling •• Perform Takedown/Throw, gain +2 to following unarmed strike Reload 98
Gunslinger ••• Dexterity •••, Firearms ••• Two gun attacks per round WoD 112
Heavy Hands ••• Strength •••, Brawl •• +1 damage to unarmed strikes Reload 98
Iron Stamina • to ••• Stamina or Resolve ••• Negate fatigue/injury penalties WoD 112
Iron Stomach •• Stamina •• Eat even unpalatable cuisine WoD 113
Natural Immunity Stamina •• +2 on Stamina rolls to resist illness WoD 113
Outdoorsman •• Survival ••• Negate environmental penalties to Survival MR 59
Perfect Stillness Stealth • -2 to all rolls to visually detect character RoS 94
Quick Draw Dexterity ••• Draw weapon reflexively WoD 113
Quick Healer •••• Stamina •••• Heal twice as fast WoD 113
Shield-Bearer Only -1 to attack when using a shield instead of -2 WAtP 89
Steady Driver Drive •• Substitute Resolve for Dexterity on Drive rolls MR 59
Strong Back Strength •• +1 to lift or carry WoD 113
Strong Lungs ••• Athletics ••• +2 on Stamina rolls to hold breath WoD 113
Student of the Blade Fencing or Iaido • May use Fighting Style with all Size 2 blades. Reload 66
Stunt Driver ••• Dexterity ••• Drive and carry out another action WoD 113
Stunt Rider ••• Dexterity ••• Ride and carry out another action RfR 110
The Weapon at Hand •• Krav Maga •• Reflexive Wits + Weaponry roll for improvised weapon, instant action to wield, no penalty for being improvised Reload 79
Toxin Resistance •• Stamina ••• +2 on Stamina rolls to resist toxins WoD 113
Weaponry Dodge Strength ••, Weaponry • Add Weaponry rather than doubling Defense on Dodge WoD 114
Weapons to Empty Hands •• Dexterity •••, Brawl •••, Weaponry •••, Two Weapons or Filipino Martial Arts or Knife Fighting •••• Use Brawl instead of Weaponry for maneuver-related attacks. Reload 66
Wheelman •• Dexterity ••, Drive •• Gain 9-Again on Drive rolls MR 59

Social Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Allies • to ••••• Call upon favors from an individual, group or organization with influence and resources proportional to dots in this Merit WoD 114
Alternate Identity •, •• or •••• A false legal identity which can pass increasing levels of scrutiny, but degrades without maintenance. Imm 110
Animal Companion • to •••• Loyal animal partner with intelligence and capability proportional to dots in this Merit CB 95
Anonymity •• to •••• Resolve ••, Larceny or Subterfuge •• -1/dot to attempts to investigate character BotW 46
Armory • to ••••• Resources ••• Own an array of weapons and armor. May be shared among multiple characters Ban 51
Barfly Find ways into bars and clubs WoD 114
Bureaucratic Navigator •• +2 to navigate a bureaucratic system Asy 51
Contacts • to ••••• Access to information through a particular individual, group or organization. Depth of shared information is proportional to dots in this Merit WoD 115
Decorated • to ••••• Formal awards for meritorious conduct from the military or a comparable organization DoW 39
Deep Rapport • to ••••• Strong beneficial or harmful relationship with another character BbBB 9
Fame • to ••• Mortal acclaim, +1/dot to Socialize WoD 115
Fence • or ••• Streetwise ••• Always find a way to buy and sell stolen goods Ban 51
Friend • to ••••• The aid of a friend, ally or peer. Distribute dots in this Merit between the Friend's Power (comparable to yours at •••) and level of Trust with you RCG 68
Ingratiating Wanderer •• Manipulation ••• Gain bonus to locate authority figures in local power structures MR 58
Inspiring •••• Presence •••• Help others regain Willpower WoD 115
Luxury •• or •••• Live a wealthy, comfortable lifestyle at the sufferance of a patron SotT 52
Mentor • to ••••• Guidance and interference of an authority in a field, with capability and influence proportional to dots in this Merit WoD 115
New Identity •, •• or •••• Establish a forged identity CTL 98
Resources • to ••••• Disposable monthly income ranging from $500 USD at • to $50,000 USD at •••••, with total assets ranging from several hundred GBP at • to millions of GBP at •••••. WoD 115
Retainer • to ••••• Loyal agent, employee or cohort with influence and capability proportional to dots in this Merit WoD 116
Shadow Cult Initiation • to ••••• Membership in a cult, with unique benefits to each level of initiation Mekh 121
Small Unit Tactics ••• Manipulation •••, Persuasion ••• (Leadership) When conducting a tactical maneuver with squad, leader can spend Willpower to benefit entire group DoW 39
Staff • to ••••• ≤ Resources Employees or workers at a set venue, with manpower and expertise proportional to dots in this Merit Ghou 74
Status • to ••••• Authority and sway with a group or organization, to a depth proportional to dots in this Merit WoD 116
Striking Looks •• or •••• Appearance adds +1/+2 to relevant Social rolls WoD 117
Support Network •• Status A shared community complicit in dark deeds. While you remain in good standing, you may spend Willpower for bonus dice to resist gaining a derangement from the community's practices. Imm 82
Sworn Officer • to •••• Empowerment as a law enforcement official, with scope of jurisdiction proportional to dots in this Merit 13th 81
Trip Sitter ••• Composure ••• Help others resist side effects of drugs MT 137
Unobtrusive ••• Stealth •• +2 to escape notice while casing a target under cover of some mundane activity. +1 to Resolve to resist The Forgetful Mind (Dominate •••) Ghou 74

Supernatural Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Cursed Item • to ••••• Possess a cursed item, which may be invoked for a benefit and a paired drawback BoS 108
Difficult to Ride •••• Resolve •••, Composure ••• +2 to resist the control or influence of ghosts and spirits BoS 108
Driver's Charm • to ••••• Grant a chosen vehicle bonuses for a scene per day MR 56
Easy Ride •• Wits ••• You can welcome a possessing spirit in, remaining alert while ridden BoS 108
Hollow Soul •• Easy Ride You can welcome even spirits without the Possession Numen BoS 109
Pleasing Aura ••• +1 to Persuasion and Socialize rolls against spirits, often surrounded by spirit activity BoS 109
Relic • to ••••• Possess a mystic relic Rel 85
Relic Analyst +1 to determine how to use a relic, or whether it is cursed Rel 86
Relic Creator •••• Occult ••, Crafts •• Create limited-use relics with an extended Resolve + Occult ritual, following the crafting itself Rel 85
Ritual Sorcerer •••• Living, two Mental Attributes ••••, Occult and two other Mental Skills •••• with specialties Access a sorcerous rite for each dot of Resolve. DEC 28
Saintly ••• +1 to Intimidation, abjury and exorcism against spirits, but -1 to Expression, Persuasion and Socialize against them BoS 110
Shadow Contacts ••• to ••••• You know how and where to ask questions of a mysterious entity, but it extracts a price for answers BoS 110
Shadowless Chambers • to ••••• Take refuge in a place where spirits have difficulty following BoS 110
Sorcerous Knowledge Ritual Sorcerer Access another sorcerous rite. May purchased once for each dot of Occult. DEC 29
Spirit Ear •• to •••• Wits or Composure ••• +1 to Empathy and Subterfuge rolls to understand spirits speaking human tongues, ignoring penalties, or with four dots, roll Wits + Empathy - 3 to understand the tongue of spirits BoS 111
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Seemings (1st Edition)

Seeming Affinities Blessing Curse Book
Beasts Those who roamed Faerie under the heart and skin of an animal. CTL 101, WM 15
Den, Fang and Talon, Wild Animal Ken receives 8-Again and a free specialty. Spend Glamour for bonus Presence or Composure dice. -4 untrained penalty to Mental Skills. Intelligence dice pools lose 10-Again.
Darklings Those who knew safety in Faerie by disappearing into darkness. CTL 104, WM 21
Darkness, Shade and Spirit Stealth receives 9-Again. Spend Glamour for bonus Wits, Subterfuge or Stealth dice. -1 penalty to activate Contracts during daytime, -2 under sunlight.
Elementals Those infused with and molded by the materials and environment of Faerie. CTL 108, WM 27
Communion, Elements, Wild Spend Glamour for your Wyrd in temporary Health for a scene. Manipulation, Empathy, Expression, Persuasion, and Socialize dice pools lose 10-Again.
Fairest Those touched by the heights of Faerie's glory, beauty, and cruelty. CTL 112, WM 35
Reflection, Separation, Vainglory Ignore Social untrained penalties. Spend Glamour for bonus Presence, Manipulation or Persuasion dice. -1 penalty to weather Clarity breaking points.
Ogres Those who endure the marks of blunt brutality. CTL 116, WM 42
Oath and Punishment, Stone Spend Glamour for bonus Strength, Brawl or Intimidation dice. Composure loses 10-Again from dice pools, and suffers -1 as a resistance trait.
Wizened Those worn down by the crafts and labors of their Durance. CTL 120, WM 48
Animation, Artifice, Forge Spend Glamour to gain 9-Again on Dexterity dice pools, or to add Wyrd as a Dodge bonus, for a scene. -2 untrained penalty for Social Skills. Presence dice pools lose 10-Again.

Anchors (1st Edition)

Virtues and Vices

A character's Willpower is undergirded by their defining strength and weakness of character, as represented by a Virtue and a Vice. A character's Virtue is a higher ideal or heroic drive they must push themselves to extremes to live up to, restoring all lost Willpower. A character's Vice is a quick fix, easy comfort, or instinctive defense to fall back on, but only recovers a single point of Willpower when indulged. (WoD 100)

Virtue Vice
Charity Sacrifice for the sake of compassionate aid Envy Spite the wellbeing of your rivals
Faith Dedication to realizing a proper and meaningful world Gluttony Satisfy self-destructive whims and desires
Fortitude Stand for your principles and resist doubt Greed Get ahead at the expense of others
Hope Lift up others in the darkest of times Lust Use and exploit others to sate your desires
Justice Pursue a righteous creed at any personal cost Pride Exert yourself to push your ways on others
Prudence Shun dangerous risks and easy temptations Sloth Avoid risk and push responsibility onto others
Temperance Hold yourself in check when goaded to extremes Wrath Lash out when conflict is unnecessary


The demons of Hell are fueled by the weakness and venality of others, not anything within themselves. A demon's Malapraxis thirsts for a human Vice and a Key whose character permits the demon to feed on sins of that Vice committed by others.

Held by: Infernal demons

Sample Keys: Bankers, Blasphemy, Darkness, Daughters, Clergy, Corporations, Earth, Families, Fire, Flesh, Government, Lovers, Military, Prophecy, Soldiers, Steel, Treachery, Union, Vengeance, Witching Hour (Inf 49)

Temakh Virtues

The mummies who call themselves Deceived juggle their passions and desires with those of the inhuman presence entwined with their souls. The higher yearnings of these chthonic beings do not resemble what most humans would call "virtue." (Dec 35)

Held by: Deceived mummies

Authority Make others submit to your will despite their desires and interests
Conquest Seize authority over great masses
Corruption Provoke and share in a mortal's sinful deeds
Creativity Birth a creative expression to shared admiration
Mysticism Learn the ruling truths behind the supernatural and metaphysical
Piety Set aside your desires in service to Iremite worship
Vengeance Visit fit punishment upon transgressors
Contracts (2nd Edition)
Contract Cost Dice Pool Loopholes Description Book
Arcadian Contracts
Contracts of the Crown
Hostile Takeover ●● None One of the owner's possessions Declare yourself, and up to your Presence in allies beside you, a rightful guest, unharried by protection from intruders. CTL 2e 128
Beast Guard animals obey you.
Fairest +2 to Clash of Wills against owners of supernatural locations.
Mask of Superiority Presence + Subterfuge + Wyrd Match the dress code Apply your Presence as false Status, convincing others you rank in their organization. CTL 2e 128
Fairest Bypass a Door in Social Maneuvering.
Ogre Apply successes as an Intimidation bonus.
Paralyzing Presence ●● Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Touch a lone target Overwhelm a target with your presence, rendering them Insensate. CTL 2e 129
Darkling You may substitute Manipulation for Presence.
Fairest +3 bonus to activate.
Summon the Loyal Servant None A favor for the source element Conjure a loyal servant from the elements for a scene, like a weak Hedge ghost. CTL 2e 129
Elemental Add Glamour and Willpower to merge with the elemental servant and assume its properties.
Fairest Add Willpower to bind the servant to guard a Hollow indefinitely.
Tumult ●● Presence + Empathy + Wyrd
- Resolve
Plant folding paper on the subject Fold a subject's name to read her weaknesses and spend successes on inflicting disorienting Conditions or specifying conditional triggers. CTL 2e 129
Fairest Read and inflict Inspired, Swooned, and Wanton.
Ogre Read and inflict Bestial, Cowed, and Frightened.
Royal Contracts of the Crown
Discreet Summons ●/●● Manipulation + Persuasion + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
From an enemy's holdings, or for good payment For one scene, draw out a desired Size 1 object or, with two Glamour, invite a hobgoblin to perform a task. CTL 2e 130
Darkling Draw the summons out of shadows.
Fairest Hobs serve until the next sunrise or sunset.
Mastermind's Gambit ●● None Using 50 year old paper Dramatically monologue a +5 plan into existence for a session. CTL 2e 130
Elemental Add Willpower to preserve the plan for a story and expand its bonus to a Mental Specialty.
Fairest You may conjure an organization instead of a plan.
Pipes of the Beastcaller Manipulation + Animal Ken + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Composure
A fluting dance Summon and command animals of a given species with a silver flute. CTL 2e 131
Beast Monitor and command the animals from a distance.
Fairest Add Glamour to affect a second species.
The Royal Court ●●●○ None A five-minute speech Forbid violence from breaking out in a mediated gathering. CTL 2e 131
Fairest Social violence is also forbidden.
Wizened Mental violence is also forbidden.
Spinning Wheel ●●●○ Intelligence + Occult + Wyrd
- Resolve
Prick and draw blood Destine a subject for a certain circumstance or encounter, applying successes as bonuses to approach that destiny or penalties to avoid it. CTL 2e 132
Fairest Take +3 and Inspired to destine positive circumstances.
Ogre Take +3 and Steadfast to destine negative circumstances.
Contracts of Jewels
Blessing of Perfection ●● None Bury charged payment Bless and encourage an object or a Computer, Crafts or Medicine task, substituting your Wyrd as the equipment or Skill dice. CTL 2e 132
Fairest Bless an Expression, Persuasion or Socialize task.
Wizened Blessing lasts for a scene.
Changing Fortunes ●● Wits + Occult + Wyrd
- Resolve
Dramatic failure Whisper tales to curse or bless a subject's next action, by a two-dice modifier or one-success exceptional threshold shift per success. May target a given subject once per session. CTL 2e 132
Ogre Curses inflict Shaken when the same dice pool is rolled, until next sunrise or sunset.
Wizened You may choose to force a reroll.
Light-Shy None A minute still in darkness Fade from conscious notice while your actions remain subtle and you inflict no harm or magic. CTL 2e 133
Darkling Fade from even inanimate detection.
Wizened You may target an object.
Murkblur Manipulation + Subterfuge + Wyrd
vs Wits + Tolerance
Eat an eye Blind a target with fantastic distractions for a turn. CTL 2e 133
Elemental You may instead convince the target they are immersed in a chosen element, suffering any appropriate Tilt.
Wizened Also inflict Disoriented.
Trivial Reworking None Touch something similar to your chosen Mask Mask an object up to Size 3. CTL 2e 133
Darkling Penalize attempts to detect forgery by your Manipulation.
Wizened Mask an object of any Size.
Royal Contracts of Jewels
Changeling Hours ●, ●/5 Size None Name a past owner of the object Grasp and push an object's time, reversing or accelerating its aging or freezing it in place. CTL 2e 134
Elemental Push your associated element's time.
Wizened Spend Willpower to freeze permanently.
Dance of the Toys ●● Manipulation + Crafts + Wyrd Command the device by name Operate a mechanical device at will. CTL 2e 134
Beast Gift the device with basic intelligence.
Wizened Cause the device to move beyond its own power, at your Wyrd in Speed.
Hidden Reality None A show of searching and finding the feature Temporarily realize possible imagined features of your surroundings. CTL 2e 134
Fairest Contest Manipulation + Subterfuge + Wyrd vs Resolve + Tolerance to reimagine a person's Anchors instead.
Wizened Add Glamour to instead discover possible objects present.
Stealing the Solid Reflection ●○ Strength + Larceny + Wyrd A remark of indebtedness from the owner Pull an object's mundane reflection out of a reflective surface. CTL 2e 135
Fairest Pull a person's reflection out as a friendly duplicate with some strange telltale mark.
Wizened Add Glamour to retain supernatural qualities in the reflection.
Tatterdemalion's Workshop ●● None Glasses and archaic tools Jury-rig anything up to Size 5 with no tools and only vaguely associated materials, applying half Wyrd (rounded up) as a crafting bonus. CTL 2e 135
Ogre Hammer even inappropriate materials into shape.
Wizened Jury-rig projects of any Size.
Contracts of the Mirror
Glimpse of a Distant Mirror None Using an enemy's mirror Use a reflective surface as a window to look out another surface that has reflected your face CTL 2e 136
Beast Look out surfaces reflecting someone who has sworn a promise to you or invoked your name
Darkling Hear through the window, and you may choose to make it two-way.
Know the Competition Manipulation + Socialize + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Challenged by the subject Play a game to observe a competitor's Anchors and one Aspiration CTL 2e 136
Beast Until dawn, reflect on the competitor as an instant action once to know where he is, what he's doing, and when he plans to leave.
Darkling Observe up to your Wyrd in competitors.
Portents and Visions Manipulation + Occult + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Tear up their picture Enter a glossolalic trance to glimpse an important event in the past or present of a visible subject. CTL 2e 137
Darkling You may choose to witness a past transgression and inflict Guilty.
Elemental You may choose to predict a violent event and confer the benefits of the Giant Merit should it play out.
Read Lucidity Manipulation + Empathy + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Skin contact Intuit a character's Clarity and any Clarity Conditions. CTL 2e 137
Beast You may use an exceptional success as a dice pool to attack Clarity.
Darkling You may use an exceptional success to confer your Wits as Defense against the subject's next suffered Clarity attack this session.
Walls Have Ears ●/secret None Mortal witnesses hear your secret Share secrets with an object to learn how it was constructed and how to repair or destroy it, how to best use it, or what was happening when it was last touched. CTL 2e 138
Darkling Become Informed about the object's owner, or last owner besides you.
Wizened Add Glamour to glimpse particular other circumstances around the object.
Royal Contracts of the Mirror
Props and Scenery ●○ Manipulation + Persuasion + Wyrd Within plain sight of others, but no one sees you at the moment. Copy the form of a present object up to your Size, adding extra bonuses with successes. CTL 2e 138
Darkling Remain transformed until the next sunrise or sunset.
Ogre Copy objects up to twice your Size.
Reflections of the Past ● to ●●●●● Intelligence + Occult + Wyrd Spill blood from lethal damage Rewind a reflective surface to watch a reflected scene from a specified time, ranging in Glamour cost from a week ago to a decade ago. CTL 2e 138
Darkling You may ken the reflected past event.
Fairest You may inflict Leveraged upon one of the reflected characters.
Riddle-Kith Manipulation + Larceny + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Give a gift to someone of the imitated kith Remold a changeling's fae mien into that of another kith. Face a breaking point with 3 dice upon an unwilling subject. CTL 2e 139
Darkling You may replace the subject's kith blessing.
Elemental You may also alter the subject's apparent seeming.
Skinmask ●● None One of the model's possessions Recite three details about a mortal or Masked being to copy their appearance with your Mask (and your mien if appropriate). CTL 2e 139
Darkling You may purchase the Alternate Identity Merit for one guise, and adopt it reflexively for one Glamour.
Fairest +3 to mimic the subject by intuition about their ways.
Unravel the Tapestry ●●○ Wits + Occult + Wyrd A new debt unpaid Replay the last ten seconds or combat round, with the actions of others unchanged. Once per story, reflexively activate when killed. CTL 2e 139
Darkling Move up to your Stealth in yards before time resumes.
Wizened You may make a surprise attack against one character.
Contracts of the Shield
Cloak of Night None Wear black While sneaking in dim light without drawing attention actively, add half Wyrd (rounded up) to Stealth rolls. You and up to your Dexterity in allies may take a reflexive Stealth action each turn, and your Stealth actions conceal your allies. CTL 2e 140
Darkling You may act and draw attention without ending the Contract.
Ogre You may substitute Stamina for Dexterity.
Fae Cunning ●● None Challenge to a duel Retain Defense against Firearms and surprise attacks. Successful Dodges may redirect attacks, automatically succeeding by your Presence. CTL 2e 140
Elemental Add Resolve as an Initiative and Speed bonus.
Ogre Damage mundane weapons that strike you by your Stamina.
Shared Burden ●● None Skin from the assailant Shed blood on a subject, suffering resistant lethal damage to heal them at a 1:2 point ratio, healing bashing before lethal. CTL 2e 140
Ogre Heal at a 1:3 point ratio.
Wizened Heal lethal damage before bashing.
Thorns and Brambles ●● None Strew Hedge thorns behind you Thorns emerge around you, either draining Glamour from those who move quickly through them, forcing a Dexterity + Athletics roll to avoid being Immobilized, or attacking with your Wyrd as a dice pool. CTL 2e 141
Darkling Absorb drained Glamour.
Ogre Penalize Athletics rolls by your Strength.
Trapdoor Spider's Trick ●(○) None Lure an enemy through the passage Cause an open passage to appear sealed for a scene, or with Willpower, until dawn or dusk. CTL 2e 142
Ogre Allies may see through the illusion.
Wizened Force a Clash of Wills to breach the illusion with supernatural senses.
Royal Contracts of the Shield
Fortifying Presence ●● Presence + Empathy + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Profess friendship Heal two mild Clarity damage, or one severe, through one-on-one interaction with a subject. CTL 2e 142
Fairest Confer your Presence as bonus Defense against the subject's next Clarity attack suffered in the story.
Ogre You may instead make a Clarity attack with Empathy, preventing you from ever healing the subject with this Contract.
Hedgewall ●●○ Intelligence + Survival + Wyrd Plant a seed from the Hedge Surround yourself with a fortress of thorns for (10 × Wyrd) yards, conferring substantial concealment from ranged attacks and inflicting lethal damage when climbed. CTL 2e 142
Beast Enemies in the fort take -2 to Resolve.
Ogre Lasts until next sunrise or sunset.
Pure Clarity ●●○ Resolve + Composure + Wyrd Wear a gauntlet and silk glove Steel yourself to shrug off one breaking point caused by your actions within a scene. CTL 2e 143
Fairest You may shrug off breaking points independent of your actions.
Ogre You may instead shield an ally from a breaking point.
Vow of No Compromise ●○ None Destroy a symbol of the Gentry Touch a subject and become Stoic to downgrade a point of aggravated damage. CTL 2e 143
Ogre Become Inspired to seek vengeance.
Elemental Treat the immersion of your associated element as a touch.
Whispers of Morning ●● None Unarmed and unarmored Become insubstantial like a Hedge ghost. CTL 2e 143
Ogre Carry a subject with you. If unwilling, contest Presence + Occult + Wyrd vs Stamina + Tolerance.
Wizened Pick Size 1 objects up to dissolve them with you. You may choose to materialize them when setting them down.
Contracts of the Steed
Boon of the Scuttling Spider None Swallow a spider Cross walls, ceilings, and treacherous terrain freely. CTL 2e 144
Beast Successful grapples may restrain like exceptional successes.
Darkling +2 to Stealth when crossing.
Dreamsteps Intelligence + Empathy + Wyrd
vs Fortification
A childhood comfort of yours or your Touchstone's Touch a sleeper and enter their dream in Dream Form. CTL 2e 144
Beast Adopt an observed nightmare as your mien and inflict Spooked on the dreamer within the chapter.
Fairest Become Informed about the dreamer's inner life.
Nevertread None Leave a calling card somewhere Supernaturally conceal your tracks. CTL 2e 144
Beast Also conceal the tracks of allies up to twice your Stealth.
Wizened Trap your hidden tracks like a Safe Place with a rating of your Dexterity.
Pathfinder None Prick yourself on the thorns Dowse your way to a given feature of the Hedge. CTL 2e 144
Beast Intuit the presence and hostility of Hedge locals.
Wizened Identify found goblin fruit and whether they are safe to eat.
Seven-League Leap None Boots newly stolen from an enemy Clear (10 × Wyrd) yards with a Strength + Athletics leap. CTL 2e 145
Beast +10 Speed for a scene, and in a foot chase, take the Edge.
Ogre Leap as an unarmed attack at +2, inflicting Knocked Down.
Royal Contracts of the Steed
Chrysalis ●● None Near the chosen animal in its habitat Transform into one of two Size 1-7 animals chosen when you buy this Contract, able to communicate with fellow such animals. CTL 2e 145
Beast Choose another two animal forms.
Ogre Choose animals up to Size 15.
Flickering Hours ●(○) Wits + Occult + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Smash an antique timepiece Individually half or double the rate of time through the Hedge for yourself, or with Willpower, fellow travellers or pursuers. Until next sunrise or sunset, confer the Edge and the Fleet of Foot Merit with a rating of your Wyrd on quickened beneficiaries. Roll only if contested. CTL 2e 146
Beast When you spend Willpower, you may include subjects later encountered along the way.
Elemental Inflict the effects of the Ice Tilt to traverse your wake, reskinned for your appropriate element.
Leaping Toward Nightfall ●●●○ Intelligence + Occult + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
A piece of the Hedge Push a character or object up to Size 10 forward in time with a riddle for a set duration up to your successes in days. CTL 2e 146
Beast You may inflict Disoriented for a scene when the target reappears.
Darkling Erase the scene from which the target was pushed from their memory.
Mirror Walk ●○ Wits + Survival + Wyrd The name of someone reflected on the other side Reach or travel through reflective surfaces, into one nearby and out one you have touched before. CTL 2e 146
Beast You may remain in the reflected world without exiting, at +2 to navigate.
Elemental Exit invisible for your successes in minutes.
Talon and Wing ●/effect None Eat a piece of the chosen animal Gain the +10 Speed, the +3 perception senses, and/or the upgraded unarmed damage of a chosen animal. CTL 2e 147
Beast Ignore fatigue.
Darkling Add Glamour to develop a grave Poison with your Wyrd in Toxicity.
Contracts of the Sword
Elemental Weapon ●● Presence + Survival + Wyrd Perform a trick with the element Fashion an archaic weapon from the elements, applying successes to increase weapon rating or range or reduce Initiative penalty. CTL 2e 147
Darkling Shadow weapons may blind instead of damaging.
Elemental Wield a weapon of the appropriate element and contest Presence + Intimidation vs Stamina + Tolerance to stun a foe.
Might of the Terrible Brute ●● None Fight multiple opponents at once Add a grapple maneuver to steal the opponent's Strength, immobilizing them when emptied. CTL 2e 148
Beast The maneuver may steal Dexterity instead.
Elemental Gain the benefits of the Giant Merit.
Overpowering Dread Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
In shadow Frighten a subject into fleeing. CTL 2e 148
Elemental Contest two subjects at once.
Fairest Console and take advantage of the subject's fear to instead inflict Swooned.
Primal Glory ●● None Ingest the element Embrace an element as 1/1 Armor that deals lethal damage in close contact. Suffer no damage from the element as it is, and half magical damage from it. CTL 2e 148
Elemental Extend damage from the appropriate element for your Wyrd in yards.
Ogre Suffer no damage from even magical forms of the element.
Touch of Wrath Intelligence + Crafts + Wyrd Leave a handprint Cause Structure damage to an object with touch and threats. CTL 2e 148
Elemental Double damage against natural materials.
Wizened Harm the object with a gaze.
Royal Contracts of the Sword
Elemental Fury ●/Tilt (●/+20 yds) None Rage and rave Conjure Environmental Tilts from the elements. CTL 2e 149
Elemental Inflict your Presence in bashing damage within the area.
Fairest The Tilts stay their hand against your allies.
Oathbreaker's Punishment ●● Wits + Empathy + Wyrd
- Composure
Promisesworn to you Intuit the most serious promise a person has broken without making amends. You may harrow the person within the fortnight with a waking nightmare for each success. CTL 2e 149
Elemental Expose the subject's guilt, inflicting Notoriety.
Wizened Know the details of the breaking of the promise.
Red Revenge ●●● None Avenging a friend Go Berserk. Take 3/3 Armor and +3 to Initiative, Intimidation, and Physical dice pools. CTL 2e 149
Elemental Close combat attacks gain a +1 weapon bonus.
Ogre Your strikes Knock Down.
Relentless Pursuit ●● None Old running shoes Name your quarry to intuit their direction, distance, and dimension from you until next sunrise or sunset. CTL 2e 150
Beast Envision your quarry's current situation.
Elemental Add Glamour when the sun reaches the horizon to reset the Contract's duration and add a cumulative +1 to pursue.
Thief of Reason ●○ Presence + Subterfuge + Wyrd
- Resolve
Victim expresses doubt in their sanity Roll successes as a Clarity attack, or an attack to temporarily reduce another stability trait. The attack also saps Willpower. Suffer a breaking point at 4 dice. CTL 2e 150
Beast You may contest Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance to provoke a Fugue in the victim.
Fairest Add Glamour to name a conditional trigger that hangs for a day.
Contracts of Chalice
Filling the Cup None Speak current emotion for all to hear Identify people feeling powerful emotions within (Wyrd x 40)m radius. K&K 34
Beast Identify specific people by feeling alone if other contracts have already been applied.
Fairest Pick out anyone feeling strong emotions about the Fairest.
Frail as the Dying Word Manipulation + Occult + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Caster has experienced the frailty within the same scene Inflict own minor frailty onto target, or major frailty if target already has it. K&K 35
Fairest Inflict frailty from any fae present rather than own.
Darkling Pay additional Glamour to transfer frailty rather than sharing it.
Sleep’s Sweet Embrace ●●○ Manipulation + Expression + Wyrd
- Resolve
Make a sleepy drink that target drinks within the scene. With a touch, the target does not dream for nights/successes. Accelerated Lethal healing, but don't regain Willpower and immune to oneiromancy. K&K 35
Beast Add two days to the duration.
Darkling Target appears dead while asleep, clash of wills to perceive they are alive.
Curse’s Cure Intelligence + Medicine + Wyrd Changeling tastes the toxin they intend to cure. Drink potion to heal from poison more quickly or survive a deadly poison. K&K 36
Beast Inflict the moderate Poisoned Tilt in a grapple move by biting the target.
Wizened Reduce severity of a disease or end the effects of a drug in the target's system.
Dreamer’s Phalanx ● + ●/subject beyond 2nd None All participants are part of the same sworn Oath. Connect Bastions of all participating dreamers, creating shared Bastion with greater fortifications and 8-again on teamwork oneiromancy. K&K 36
Beast Participants get +2 to actions contested by external intruders.
Wizened Teamwork actions are exceptional at 3 successes within shared or individual Bastions.
Royal Contracts of Chalice
Closing Death’s Door ●●●○ Manipulation + Empathy + Wyrd The Changeling tries to revive a Touchstone, or someone they share an oath with. Revive a corpse that has died within 1 chapter of the scene, gaining Goblin Debt/hours dead. K&K 36
Darkling Gain a vision of their last moments before death.
Fairest Revived character gains the Swooned Condition.
Feast of Plenty ●● Presence + Socialize + Wyrd Greet everyone present by name and welcoming gesture. Summon a feast that removes physical Conditions or Tilts and replenishes Willpower. Participants gain the Indebted Condition. K&K 37
Elemental Anyone perceiving the feast rolls Composure + Wyrd to resist partaking.
Ogre Participants gain +1 Defense for the chapter.
Still Waters Run Deep ●● Manipulation + Subterfuge + Wyrd
- Resolve
Changeling writes a paragraph about their emotions and seals it in a bottle. Suppress a number of emotional Conditions equal to successes. Target cannot perform Hedgespinning, dreamweaving, incite Bedlam or harvest Glamour while under the effect. K&K 38
Wizened Can suppress emotional or mental Conditions.
Ogre Can resolve one of the target's suppressed Conditions and gain the Beat instead.
Poison the Well Manipulation + Expression + Wyrd
- Resolve + Tolerance
The Changeling personally influences or sabotages the target Merit. Remove access to mundane Social Merits for the duration; merits turn against the target as if betrayed. If in the Hedge, can target some fae merits. K&K 38
Fairest Gain access to the Merit targeted for the duration.
Elemental Merit returns at rate of one dot per scene rather than at once.
Shared Cup ● + ●/subject beyond 2nd Presence + Occult + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Consume small part of body such as nail clipping from all participants. Sharing a meal binds participants, lowering exceptional threshold for Hedgespinning and Bedlam, empathically linking them and sharing WP and Glamour refreshes. K&K 39
Darkling Pay 1 Glamour to cut self off from the others and resist the effects.
Fairest All participants suffer the Swooned Condition.
Contracts of Coin
Book of Black and Red Wits + Academics + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
The target lets the Changeling examine their records in the scene. Learn 5 most significant debts and sworn obligations of a target, whether mundane or magical. Exploiting knowledge is at +2; target takes the Leveraged Condition. K&K 39
Darkling Choose a non-magical debt and make the target owe the Changeling instead.
Wizened Only three successes needed to exploit knowledge to influence target's debts.
Give and Take ●/●● None Changeling and target exchange physical gifts they haven't given each other before. Choose number of points up to half Wyrd from Glamour, Willpower or personal merits. Exchange these with the target. K&K 40
Ogre Trade points of mild Clarity damage as well.
Wizened Exchange doesn't have to be equal, but target must still consent.
Beggar Knight ●● Manipulation + Academics + Wyrd
- Composure
The victim benefited from other people's hard work during the scene. Curse a victim to lose equipment bonuses, resources or teamwork bonuses if these were not personally created by the target. K&K 40
Elemental Mundane belongings the victim did not make also degrade.
Wizened Payments given to others also degrade, denying anyone else access to their Resource dots.
Coin Mark None Permanently mark object with own name. Enchant a small object to know its location respective to hers, sensing when it changes hands and learning the identity of the owner. Inflict Avarice by spending additional Glamour. K&K 41
Beast Give Apprehensive Condition instead of Avarice.
Wizened Snap fingers and make the object return to their possession.
Grease the Wheels Presence + Persuasion + Wyrd The target accepts a bribe or gift from the changeling. Interact with member of organisation or bureaucracy to resolve issues with no difficulties and extremely fast, even if not physically possible. K&K 41
Darkling Interactions are traceless unless convenient for the Darkling.
Fairest Gain the Connected Condition regarding the organisation.
Royal Contracts of Coin
Blood Debt ●● None The changeling wears jewelry or other accessories that freshly pierce the skin. Inflict variable points of lethal damage to someone who inflicts L/Agg/Clarity damage. K&K 42
Elemental Baseline is two Lethal, rather than one.
Ogre Protection extended to all allies as long as Changeling is conscious.
Exchange of Gilded Contracts ●●● None Wear reasonably convincing masks of each other. Exchange a common Contract with a consenting target. K&K 42
Darkling Exploit loophole on the traded Contract.
Ogre Changeling does not lose access to their borrowed Contract, being able to use both.
Golden Promise ●● Presence + Socialize + Wyrd
- Availability
Changeling arrives on the scene with a display of ostentatious wealth. Reduce Availability of single service by number of successes rolled. K&K 38
Fairest Split successes between multiple services.
Wizened Gain a +1 equipment bonus for acquired service.
Grand Revel of the Harvest ●●●○ None The Changeling supplies a banquet large enough for everyone and also partakes. Enhance the senses; anyone engaging in celebration needs only 3 successes on Social rolls for exceptional success, as well as additional Willpower and Clarity gain. K&K 43
Beast All partiers gain +2 bonus to Physical rolls to celebrate.
Fairest Social manouvering attitudes improve by two steps rather than one.
Thirty Pieces ●●● Wits + Empathy + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Target accepted payment from the changeling to betray their fellows, even if they don't intend to follow through. Name an action that the target will take that will betray the target's allies, friends or cause; the target will do it and gain the Guilty Condition after. K&K 44
Darkling Target also gains the Notoriety Condition.
Elemental Safeguards or defenses that could have prevented the treachery will fail.
Contracts of Scepter
Burning Ambition None Changeling totally burns a symbol of an obligation they have to someone else. Gain an additional Aspiration that acts as a True Fae's Craving (Changeling p269). Gain WP equal to Wyrd as well as a Beat but also the Competitive Condition. K&K 44
Beast Consume the object of the craving to regain all WP.
Fairest If the craving is another character, that character suffers the Swooned Condition.
Jealous Vengeance Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Changeling has already caused target to gain Oathbreaker Condition in this scene Give target a task; if the target fails to perform the task they suffer a temporary Condition. Besting the changeling in a contested action resolves the Condition. K&K 44
Elemental Improves list of choosable Conditions
Ogre Achieve exceptional success on this activation roll at a 3
Litany of Rivals ●● Intelligence + Occult + Wyrd Changeling throws a tantrum in front of people not in their motley Name an Aspiration; successes grant various information about someone who would prevent the Aspiration from being fulfilled. K&K 45
Beast Spend additional Glamour to track a rival's location.
Ogre Roll Manipulation + Intimidation vs Resolve + Empathy to inflict Paranoid on the target
Knight's Oath ●● None Anoint Knight with own blood (1L) Choose one non-changeling; they gain bonuses to Initiative, Defense, and Social rolls done in the Changeling's name and suffer consequences for disobeying or betraying the Changeling. K&K 45
Darkling Know the location and emotions of the target at the moment they betray.
Fairest Affect targets up to Wyrd.
Unmask the Dark Horse ●● Presence + Persuasion + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance Invoke the Contract in front of the target's loved ones. Learn someone's short-term Aspirations, inflicting Competitive until they win a contested competition against the changeling. K&K 46
Fairest Target's competitions are viewable in real time within five miles.
Beast Inflict Notoriety when defeating the target.
Royal Contracts of Scepter
A Benevolent Hand None Give up something significant. Act of charity to improve Impression in Social maneuvering, gaining temporary Allies. K&K 46
Elemental Two dots of Allies gained instead of one.
Wizened Gain Resources instead of Allies.
Fake It ‘Til You Make It ●● Presence + Persuasion + Wyrd
- Resolve
Use an actual scepter while pontificating. Make a proclamation and Hedgespin the mundane world. Breaking point of 4 dice. K&K 46
Fairest A witness believes the false world and takes the Delusional Condition.
Wizened Reduce cost of shifts for human-made inanimate objects of structures.
Tempter's Quest ●○ Presence + Persuasion + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Provide the quester with useful provisions. Task a subject with a quest, giving them the Obsessed Condition and replacing one of their Aspirations. If the Changeling doesn't provide the agreed-upon reward, they become Leveraged and an Oathbreaker. K&K 47
Darkling Can evade the Leveraged Condition through a Manipulation + Larceny + Wyrd roll.
Fairest Issue the quest to subjects up to half their Wyrd.
Curse of Hidden Strings ●● Manipulation + Larceny + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Changeling knowingly breaks a pledge or agreement of her own in the scene. The Lost tears up an item bearing the target's signature and compels the target to temporarily forget about a pledge, obligation or debt they have to someone else. K&K 48
Fairest Target number of characters up to Wyrd so long as they all have the same obligation.
Wizened Make the target think they are the target of the obligation, rather than forgetting it.
Spare Not the Rod None Craft a tiny representation of the scepter from precious metal, and break it in half. Craft a literal scepter out of pure Glamour: melee weapon of 0B, spend 1 Glamour per turn to use it as a 0L ranged weapon. Can Intimidate and Demoralize opponents. K&K 48
Fairest Spend 2 additional Glamour to inflict Awestruck Condition.
Wizened Can summon the scepter directly to her hand.
Contracts of Stars
Pole Star None Hold a piece of the target in their hand. Name a person, place or item; the changeling's body acts like a compass and leads them to it. This only works in the mundane realm. K&K 49
Beast The Changeling has +2 to Clash of Wills to uncover a hidden target.
Wizened Ask the Storyteller one question about an opponent or obstacle along the path.
Straight On ‘Til Morning None Promise to sleep when the task is done and have the statement sealed. Tireless, suffering no Environmental Tilts, and take 8 again while navigating the Wishing Roads. K&K 49
Fairest Affect number of travelers up to Wyrd.
Ogre Gain the Steadfast Condition.
Cynosure Manipulation + Empathy + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Let an opportunity to one of their own Aspirations slip by. Discover one of the target's Aspirations; stars guide the changeling to find opportunities that would help the target achieve the Aspiration. K&K 49
Darkling Gain the Condition Informed (Aspiration).
Ogre Add +2 to rolls to convince the target to be bold in seeking their fate.
Shooting Star ●● None Complete own creative work within the same scene. Target someone who does creative work. They gain 1 Fame and provide more Glamour when used in harvesting. K&K 50
Beast Athletes and others who perform physical excellence can be targeted.
Fairest Gain +2 to rolls to harvest Glamour.
Retrograde Presence + Expression + Wyrd vs Resolve + Tolerance Changeling spins around widdershins while telling the story of misfortune. Routine matters for the target go wrong in minor misfortunes. K&K 50
Darkling Choose specific things that will go wrong, rather than anything.
Elemental Environmental or weather based Tilt affects the target also.
Royal Contracts of Stars
Frozen Star ●● Intelligence + (Empathy or Persuasion) + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Changeling is in physical contact with a piece of the target. Choose a subject (cannot be the Changeling) and a target (can be the Changeling). For the duration of the Contract, the subject must travel to the target to make physical contact and suffers the Shaken Condition. K&K 51
Darkling Inflict the Spooked Condition on the target.
Fairest If the Fairest is the target, they gain points of Goblin Debt from the subject while they are separated.
Star Light, Star Bright ●/●● None Coax the target into making a wish Learn a wish the target has made in the last month; you must fulfill the wish (with some artistic license) or gain Oathbreaker Condition, but fulfilling the wish regains Willpower and a Beat, and you can teleport to the side of someone you have an Enchanted Bargain with (and can spend Glamour to take others along) K&K 51
Ogre If the target is non-Fae, get +2 to harvest Glamour from them.
Wizened Learn the motivations and events driving the wish.
Light of Ancient Stars ●● None Sing the names of stars in a constellation currently in the sky. Ask questions about a past event the Changeling is personally connected to. K&K 51
Darkling Gain Infomred condition about the event
Wizened Gain a clear vision about a simple object present at the event, and gain a bonus to create a fascimile of it, including accurately reproducing any writing or diagrams.
Pinch of Stardust ●●●○ Intelligence + Crafts + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Add something of the Changeling to the creature's parts. Create an entity from scraps and star stuff; it becomes a Touchstone for the target and inflicts the Delusional Condition, causing breaking points in caster and target. K&K 52
Darkling The Darkling hears any secrets the target whispers to the creature.
Wizened The creation lasts until the end of the story, rather than chapter.
Contracts of Thorn
Briar's Herald Manipulation + Larceny + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
The Changeling causes a thorn, needle etc to prick the target and draw a drop of blood. Whenever the target is in the Changeling's presence, they lose 10-again and all failures are dramatic; they know the changeling is at fault. K&K 53
Darkling The Darkling can whisper messages whenever the target fails a roll.
Wizened Specify a clause that can end the Contract early.
By the Pricking of My Thumbs None Brews a specific potion and look into it within the scene. Extend senses into living plants. K&K 54
Beast Use plants as natural melee weapons.
Darkling Occupy number of plants up to Resolve simultaneously.
Thistle's Rebuke None Drink an entire glass of water. Grow thorns and add 2/0 to armor rating. Anyone who touches the Changeling takes 1L; 2L under a grapple. Can fire thorns for 2L. K&K 54
Elemental Touch for 2L, can reflexively retract and extend the thorns.
Fairest Effects can be invisible even under the Mask.
The Gouging Curse Manipulation + Occult + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Let the victim choose an action the Changeling cannot take. Issue a dire warning to forbid the target from taking an action, they are cursed if they do the action.a K&K 54
Fairest Also specify a task that can end the curse, inflicting Awestruck if the victim does so.
Ogre Extend duration to whole story if the action is harming the Ogre's allies.
Embrace of Nettles None Leave behind a meaningful personal item the Hedge will consume. Invoke reflexively when the Hedge shifts: deflect the target of Hedgespinning, defer the successes for later; double-down by adding to both the Hedge and the Changeling's own Hedgespinning rolls. K&K 55
Darkling When deferring, negate successes up to either Manipulation or half Wyrd.
Fairest When doubling down, may apply successes to ally's roll rather than own.
Royal Contracts of Thorn
Acantha's Fury ●●○ Presence + Survival + Wyrd
vs Stamina + Tolerance
Hold fresh clipping of the kind of plant the transformation will use. Point at target, who slowly transforms into a thorny plant over several minutes. Changeling must offer a task; target may agree to a binding promise to complete it to avoid transformation. Invoking this Contract is a breaking point of 4 dice. K&K 55
Elemental Target number of characters up to Wyrd.
Wizened May seal the promise without paying Glamour.
Awaken Portal ●● None Take 15 minutes to clean or repair the entrance. Portal to a Bastion, Hollow or the Hedge gains temporary sentience. K&K 56
Beast Portal goblin has a bite attack or 2L.
Elemental Portal goblin has 2 dot Influence in chosen element.
Crown of Thorns ●● Presence + Occult + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Weave a crown of thorns and put it on the target's head. Deliver message anonymously that forbids the target from performing a specific instant action. If they do so, they suffer the Comatose Condition and 1L. K&K 57
Beast Comatose target loses 1WP per night and cannot regain it.
Darkling While disguised, Darkling gets exceptional successes on 3 to manipulate the target into taking the forbidden action.
Shrike's Larder ● to ●●● None Impale an effigy representing the target on a thorn. Create thorns and spines that slow victims and have various effects on Glamour, Initiative or Speed. K&K 57
Beast Harvesting Glamour gives 2 rather than 1 Glamour per success.
Wizened Can target vehicles as well as individuals.
Witch's Brambles ●●/●●●+○ Presence + Occult + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Pierce own flesh with pointy object. Hedgespin in the mortal world. K&K 55
Beast Invoke the Contract to make a bite attack do aggravated instead of Lethal
Darkling Have +1 success to subtle Hedgespinning but -1 for paradigm shifts
Independent Arcadian Contracts
Common Independent Contracts
Coming Darkness None Exinguish a flame while invoking Create area of darkness in (Wyrd x 5) meter radius, inlficts Blinded (both Eyes) tilr, may Stun. Invoker is unaffected, but their shadow might come loose. K&K 58
Beast Can exempt others, up to half Wyrd
Darkling Darkness radius doubled
Pomp and Circumstance ●/●○ None Lay out a ring of popies earlier in scene Uninvited guests cannot enter a warded area unless invited in by someone inside, guests can't be tracked or spied by mundade means; with Willpower, no huntsmen or Gentry can even find the area, even magically K&K 59
Beast Can sense anyone coming near hidden area
Wizened Area gains the effect of their Safe Place or Hollow
Shadow Puppet None Perform a shadow puppet show for at least 3 people for at least 5 minutes before Create a shadow Retainer with Merit dots up to half Wyrd which also has small amount of magic K&K 59
Beast Shadow puppet has expanded abilities
Darkling Shadow puppet can spend glamor to teleport from one shadow to another nearby
Steal Influence ●/Influence Dot Wits + Larceny + Wyrd
vs Resolve + Wyrd
Target has dealt lethal or agg damage to changeling in the scene Steal dots of one Influence from a creature with that trait for Contract's duration, up to Glamour spent (only one Influence at a time) K&K 62
Darkling Can steal multiple Influences, if applicable
Elemental Can change Influence to a different, related influence for duration
Earth's Gentle Movements Strength + Crafts + Wyrd place a pebble under tongue Permanently reshape an area of earth for each success rolled, can Knock Down those in area K&K 63
Elemental Double area affected
Wizened Can shape stone with Wits + Craft + Wyrd instead
Royal Independent Contracts
Dread Companion Manipulation + Occult + Wyrd
vs. Resistance + Wyrd
Get ghost to affirm thread in same scene Control a Hedge Ghost K&K 60
Darkling Gain access to Dematerialze Numen
Fairest Contract lasts until you leave The Hedge
Cracked Mirror ●/●○ Attribute + Ability + Wyrd
vs Resistance + Tolerance unless Fetch is willing
put a significant crack in mirror used Can use a mirror to spy on Fetch; for Willpower, can switch places with Fetch (Contract ends immediately after) K&K 60
Darkling Can conceal spying from Fetch on Exceptional Success
Fairest If Fetch is willing, Fairest can switch without Willpower (but still requiring Glamour)
Listen With Wind's Ears ●/●●○ None Introduce self by real name in same scene to stranger Can sense when name is spoken and evesdrop on area; for Glamour and Willpower can teleport to that location K&K 61
Beast Double speed after teleporting
Fairest May drag whoever spoke their name to their location
Momentary Respite ●/● + ○ per scene extended Stamina + Survival + Wyrd Hug an item representing rest or comfort Each success grants a warding effect -- can ignore Tilts, poison, wound penalties, or even their last health box from Aggravated damage; Spend Willpower to extend duration K&K 61
Elemental Can ignore Environmental Tilts
Ogre Can ward another, paying all costs
Earth's Impenetrable Walls ●● Strength + Crafts + Wyrd Successfully defended self or another from attack Rasies a Safe Place fortress from the earth, causing an earthquake, with additional benefits for each success K&K 64
Fairest Fortress also comes with hobgoblin Staff
Ogre Penalize others who attempt to Hedgespin in the fortress
Contracts of the Four Seasons
Contracts of Spring
Cupid's Arrow Wits + Empathy + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Ivy flower Learn a subject's most ardent desire, and any associated Conditions or Tilts. You may refocus them around a new desire for a scene. CTL 2e 151
Dreams of the Earth ●● Presence + Expression + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Sand in their eyes Lull a subject to sleep, which only lethal damage may interrupt for a minute per success. CTL 2e 151
Gift of Warm Breath None Feed them with your own cooking Heal a subject of fatigue and bashing damage. CTL 2e 151
Spring's Kiss ●(●) None Yellow rain gear Inflict Heavy Rain, and for extra Glamour, Flooded. CTL 2e 151
Wyrd-Faced Stranger Presence + Subterfuge + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
A token of sentimental value Appear as whom a subject most wants to see. Add your Mantle as bonus dice to stay in character. CTL 2e 152
Royal Contracts of Spring
Blessing of Spring ●●(○) Intelligence + Medicine + Mantle
vs Stamina + Tolerance
Decorative ribbons and a dance Brew a cordial of spring that causes plants to mature and fruit, heals animals and people of damage and transitory illness and poisons, and cures changelings of one Clarity Condition and point of Clarity damage. Everything returns after a scene. CTL 2e 152
Gift of Warm Blood ●○ Wits + Medicine + Mantle Bleed for lethal damage Downgrade a point of damage on the subject for each success. CTL 2e 152
Pandora's Gift ●● None Target just gave you a gift Initiate a Build Equipment action at double the speed to mold a subject's desires into an object until next sunrise or sunset. Use as a bribe for a +3 Social bonus and a Glamour point. CTL 2e 152
Prince of Ivy ●●○ Presence + Expression + Mantle Bleed while barefoot in soil Summon strangling vines. Each turn, you may sacrifice your movement, your action, and/or your Defense to establish a new grapple per. The vines roll successes as a dice pool at +3 and contest grapples reflexively. CTL 2e 153
Waking the Inner Fae Manipulation + Expression + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Tell them your secret desires Inflict Wanton with a counterfeit gift wreath. Once a scene for the remaining story, recover Willpower by enticing your last victim into an action. CTL 2e 153
Contracts of Summer
Baleful Sense Wits + Intimidation + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Goaded into screaming at you Smell a subject's fiercest anger, and any associated Conditions or Tilts. You may refocus them around a new enmity for a scene. CTL 2e 153
Child of the Hearth None Blow on an ember or spark Inflict Extreme Heat or Extreme Cold, and shield yourself from either. CTL 2e 154
Helios' Light None Big summer hat Project blinding sunlight, dealing half its damage as an occult bane. CTL 2e 154
High Summer's Zeal ●● Presence + Persuasion + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Foe drew first blood Force a foe to spend Willpower or stand and fight, ignoring Beaten Down. CTL 2e 155
Vigilance of Ares None Martial exercises Predict ambushes and traps. Add Mantle to Initiative. CTL 2e 155
Royal Contracts of Summer
Fiery Tongue ●○ Presence + Intimidation + Mantle
- Resolve
Asserting dominance or superiority Rebuke and insults open two Doors and deal bashing damage, or lethal against the fae. CTL 2e 155
Flames of Summer ●● Strength + Survival + Mantle Eat ice Ignore wound penalties and unconsciousness from injury, and take +2 as a Physical bonus. CTL 2e 155
Helios' Judgment ●(○) Dexterity + Athletics + Mantle Foe wears gold Use a ray of sunlight as a returning thrown weapon with Mantle for a weapon rating, Range 10/30/50, and Initiative -2. With Willpower, it deals aggravated damage. CTL 2e 155
Solstice Revelation None Light a fired lantern Illuminate an area to prevent hiding, forcing a Manipulation + Tolerance - Mantle roll to preserve mundane stealth, or a Clash of Wills against supernatural stealth. CTL 2e 156
Sunburnt Heart ●● Manipulation + Persuasion + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Shine light into their eyes Drive a subject Berserk, and add Mantle as a bonus to redirect their fury. CTL 2e 156
Contracts of Autumn
Autumn's Fury ●●(●) None Level a metal rod at foes Breathe out the Heavy Rain and Heavy Wind Tilts around you. For extra Glamour, each turn, the storm rolls successes as a +1L attack pool. CTL 2e 156
Last Harvest None Your Touchstone Once per session, take 9-Again to harvest Glamour from a subject, or 8-Again to harvest the Glamour of Autumn. CTL 2e 156
Tale of the Baba Yaga Manipulation + Subterfuge + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
A familiar tale Render the audience of a scary story Shaken. CTL 2e 157
Twilight's Harbinger None Item of value to an involved subject Know by omens when a given circumstance's end is about to come. CTL 2e 157
Witches' Intuition Wits + Subterfuge + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Eat part of your target Taste a target's greatest fear, and any associated Conditions or Tilts. You may refocus them around a new fear for the scene. CTL 2e 157
Royal Contracts of Autumn
Famine's Bulwark Wits + Occult + Mantle Eating recently handraised fruit Read omens to ask the Storyteller a yes-or-no question per success. With multiple successes, one answer is false. CTL 2e 157
Mien of the Baba Yaga ●● Presence + Intimidation + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Name their fear Appear as a subject's greatest fear, driving them to flee and attacking their Clarity if applicable. CTL 2e 158
Riding the Falling Leaves ●● Dexterity + Occult + Mantle Catch a falling leaf Erupt into leaves flying on the wind. Once per turn, reflexively Dodge a non-saturation attack, and spend Glamour to inflict Spooked on success. CTL 2e 158
Sorcerer's Rebuke ●● Manipulation + Occult + Mantle Half a minute of grand warning Touch a subject to strip them of Glamour or other supernatural energies. CTL 2e 158
Tasting the Harvest ●/subject Presence + Subterfuge + Mantle Jumpscare them Eat subjects' fears, immunizing them from natural fear and adding your Mantle to contest supernatural fears. Grant +1 to rally against one such fear. CTL 2e 158
Contracts of Winter
The Dragon Knows Wits + Empathy + Mantle
vs Composure + Tolerance
Look into their eyes Taste a subject's deepest regret, and any associated Conditions or Tilts. You may refocus them around a new sorrow for a scene. CTL 2e 159
Heart of Ice ●● None Barefoot in the cold Freeze down to the heart, becoming immune to cold and emotional sway. CTL 2e 159
Ice Queen's Call None Someone shivers Gather the Blizzard Tilt, to which you are immune. CTL 2e 159
Slipknot Dreams Manipulation + Empathy + Mantle
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Present them with a gift Take the place of a subject's regretful yearning, rendering them Swooned. CTL 2e 159
Touch of Winter Intelligence + Science + Mantle Melts a handfull of ice into water Flash-freeze a body of water by touch. CTL 2e 160
Royal Contracts of Winter
Ermine's Winter Coat None Hidden in a burrow Blend in, taking +3 to Stealth and penalizing attacks against you by -3. In mundane company, reduce the bonus for fae to pick you out as if at half Wyrd. CTL 2e 160
Fallow Fields ●● Manipulation + Empathy + Mantle
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Write their Touchstone's name Temporarily empty a subject's capacity for love, rendering them Broken and denying the use of their Anchors. CTL 2e 161
Field of Regret ●/target, ○ Presence + Empathy + Mantle
- Resolve
Melancholy song Harrow others with lonely hauntings, sapping Willpower and inflicting lethal damage. CTL 2e 161
Mantle of Frost ●● None Dramatically drop your coat Project an Extreme Cold strong enough to encase subjects in ice, to which you are immune. CTL 2e 161
Winter's Curse ●●○ Presence + Survival + Mantle
vs Resolve + Tolerance
Swallow an ice cube Freeze a subject's heart except concerning you, stripping the capacity for teamwork or Willpower and holding breaking points in abeyance. CTL 2e 161
Contracts of the Leafless Tree
Contracts of Retaliation
Peacemaker's Draw Dexterity + (Firearms or Athletics) + Mantle
vs Stamina + Wyrd
Target broke a standoff with the changeling within the last turn Strike a item from the subjects person away without inflicting damage or inflict a Personal Tilt on them. Subject also gains the Leveraged Condition. DE2 387
Royal Contracts of Retaliation
Draw Likeness Wits + Investigation + Mantle
vs Composure + Wyrd
Victim of one the target's crimes described them to the changeling during this scene Changeling renders a likeness to any flat surface graphite could mark. Grant one Clue about the targets whereabouts or activity to anyone examining the likeness for the first time and all rolls about matching the likeness to a face gain the rote quality. If the changeling names a general crime, the target is any person closest to the changeling that commited it within the last lunar month. DE2 387
Goblin Contracts
Blessing of Forgetfulness ●● Manipulation + Subterfuge + Wyrd
vs Composure + Tolerance
Painful events you helped weather Overwrite the memory of one incident with an innocuous replacement. CTL 2e 162
Glib Tongue None A harmful lie Tell a lie which mortals always believe. Add your Wyrd as a Subterfuge bonus against supernatural listeners. CTL 2e 162
Goblin's Eye None Mark your eyelids with owl's feather ashes You may Clash of Wills to pierce magical concealment by kenning, and ask questions about the nature of a kenned supernatural effect. CTL 2e 163
Goblin's Luck None Rivals also benefit Benefit from lucky circumstances. CTL 2e 163
Huntsman's Clarion ●● Wits + Empathy + Wyrd Blindfolded Detect the presence, but not location, of Arcadian forces for a mile per Wyrd, starting in the Hedge. CTL 2e 163
Lost Visage ●● None Leave behind a telltale possession Erase yourself from memories of a scene. Supernatural memories force a Clash of Wills, and Gentry and Huntsmen are immune. CTL 2e 163
Mantle Mask None Decorate the flesh appropriately Appear to assume a different Court Mantle, or lack thereof. CTL 2e 164
Sight of Truth and Lies None Business occasion So long as you tell no lies, identify mundane lies and force a Clash of Wills against supernatural lies. CTL 2e 164
Uncanny ●● None Untrained Take the rote quality on your next nonmagical, unresisted and uncontested rolled action. CTL 2e 164
Wayward Guide ●/subject None Lose your way too Alter signs and markers to make mortals lose their way. You may target yourself to force a Clash of Wills against supernatural trackers. CTL 2e 164
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Power Stat (2nd Edition)

Major Templates


Possessed by: Deviants

Acclimation is rated from 0 to 5. Its rating is directly added to dice pools, Supernatural Tolerance, and Stability.


Possessed by: Prometheans

Azoth Trait Cap Pyros Azothic Radiance Wasteland Creation
Pool /Turn Rate Size
1 5 10 1 Building Six months Room
2 5 11 2 City block Six months Room
3 5 12 3 Several blocks Month Small home
4 5 13 4 Neighborhood Month Small home
5 5 15 5 Quadrant/borough Month Building
6 6 20 6 Half a city Week Building
7 7 30 7 City Week City block
8 8 40 8 City Day Neighborhood
9 9 50 9 City Day City
10 10 100 10 City Day Region

Blood Potency

Possessed by: Vampires, ghouls

Blood Potency Trait Cap Vitae Feeding Requirement Sunlight Damage
Pool /Turn
0 5 Stamina 1 Animals None
1 5 10 1 Animals Every ten minutes
2 5 11 2 Animals Every ten minutes
3 5 12 3 Humans Every minute
4 5 13 4 Humans Once a turn
5 5 15 5 Humans Once a turn
6 6 20 6 Kindred Twice a turn
7 7 25 7 Kindred Twice a turn
8 8 30 8 Kindred Thrice a turn
9 9 50 10 Kindred Thrice a turn
10 10 75 15 Kindred Five times a turn


Possessed by: Mages

Gnosis Trait Cap Mana Ritual Interval Yantras Paradox Combined Spells Obsessions Arcana Limits
Pool /Turn Best Others
1 5 10 1 Three hours 2 1 1 1 3 2
2 5 11 2 Three hours 2 1 1 1 3 3
3 5 12 3 Hour 3 2 2 2 4 3
4 5 13 4 Hour 3 2 2 2 4 4
5 5 15 5 Half hour 4 3 2 2 5 4
6 6 20 6 Half hour 4 3 3 3 5 5
7 7 25 7 Ten minutes 5 4 3 3 5 5
8 8 30 8 Ten minutes 5 4 3 3 5 5
9 9 50 10 One minute 6 5 4 4 5 5
10 10 75 15 One minute 6 5 4 4 5 5


Possessed by: Beasts, Insatiable

Lair Trait Cap Chambers Lair Traits Extended Lifespan
Total /Scene
1 5 3 2 1 None
2 5 3 3 1 None
3 5 4 3 2 None
4 5 4 4 3 None
5 5 5 4 3 None
6 6 5 5 4 +50 years
7 7 6 5 4 +100 years
8 8 6 6 5 +150 years
9 9 7 6 5 +200 years
10 10 7 7 6 +250 years

Primal Urge

Possessed by: Werewolves

Primal Urge Trait Cap Essence Regeneration Hard Rage Feeding Limit Hunt Interval Lunacy Penalty Tracking Bonus
Pool /Turn
1 5 10 1 1B 10 minutes None Three months 0 0
2 5 11 2 1B 10 minutes Meat Three months 0 0
3 5 12 3 1B 15 minutes Meat One month 0 0
4 5 13 4 2B 20 minutes Raw meat One month -2 +1
5 5 15 5 2B 30 minutes Raw meat Three weeks -2 +1
6 6 20 6 3B 1 hour Carnivores Three weeks -2 +2
7 7 25 7 3B 2 hours Carnivores One week -2 +2
8 8 30 8 4B 3 hours Essence One week -3 +3
9 9 50 10 5B 6 hours Essence Three days -4 +3
10 10 75 15 6B 12 hours Essence Three days -5 +4


Possessed by: Demons

Primum Trait Cap Aether Max Covers Primum Glitches Demonic Form Evolution
Pool /Turn
1 5 10 1 1 0 Starting form
2 5 11 2 2 0
3 5 12 3 3 0 New Modification
4 5 13 4 4 0
5 5 14 5 5 0
6 6 15 6 5 1 New Technology
7 7 20 7 5 1
8 8 30 8 6 2
9 9 50 10 6 2
10 10 100 15 7 3 New Process


Possessed by: Mummies, immortals

Sekhem Trait Cap Pillars/Turn Attribute Bonus Utterances Descent Rolls
Before Rolling Frequency
1 5 1 +1 Chronicle or 160 days Story or 40 days
2 5 2 +2 •• Two stories or 100 days Two chapters or 20 days
3 5 2 +2 ••• Story or 60 days Chapter or 10 days
4 5 2 +2 •••• Three chapters or 40 days Chapter or 5 days
5 5 3 +3 ••••• Two chapters or 20 days Three scenes or 3 days
6 6 3 +3 ••••• Chapter or 10 days Three scenes or 2 days
7 7 4 +3 ••••• Chapter or 5 days Two scenes or 1 day
8 8 4 +4 ••••• Three scenes or 2 days Two scenes or 1 day
9 9 5 +4 ••••• Two scenes or 1 day Scene or 12 hours
10 10 5 +4 ••••• Scene or 12 hours Scene or 12 hours


Possessed by: Bound

Synergy Trait Cap Plasm Touchstones Liminal Aura Relationship
Pool /Turn
1 5 10 1 1 Coercive
2 5 11 2 1 Anchor Positional
3 5 12 3 2 Anchor Positional
4 5 13 4 2 Anchor Positional
5 5 15 5 2 Anchor Sympathetic
6 6 20 6 3 Open Sympathetic
7 7 30 7 3 Open Sympathetic
8 8 40 8 3 Open Empathetic
9 9 50 9 3 Controlled Empathetic
10 10 100 10 3 Controlled Empathetic


Possessed by: Changelings, fae-touched

Wyrd Trait Cap Glamour Goblin Fruit Disease/Fatigue Frailty Accumulation
Pool /Turn
0 5 10 1 0 -0
1 5 10 1 3 -1
2 5 11 2 7 -1 New minor
3 5 12 3 7 -2
4 5 13 4 13 -2 New minor
5 5 15 5 13 -2
6 6 20 6 13 -3 New major
7 7 25 7 29 -3
8 8 30 8 29 -3 New minor
9 9 50 10 101 -3
10 10 75 15 -4 New major

Other Templates


Possessed by: Tremere

Hollow Obsessions Mana Sustenance Other Traits
Pool /Turn Sleeper Awakened
1 1 10 1 6 months 1 year Soul Sight, Soul Breath, Burn Soul, Devour the Years
2 2 11 2 5 months 10 months Secret of the Soul Jar
3 2 11 3 4 months 9 months Lesser Soul Grasp, House Attainment
4 3 12 4 3 months 8 months Subtle Ruling Arcanum
5 3 12 5 2 months 6 months Hollow Vessel
6 4 16 6 1 month 5 months Subtle Ruling Arcanum, House Attainment
7 4 20 7 2 weeks 4 months Greater Soul Grasp
8 5 24 8 1 week 3 months Subtle Ruling Arcanum
9 5 40 9 3 days 2 months Grasp the Enemy, House Attainment
10 6 60 10 1 day 1 month Subtle Ruling Arcanum


Possessed by: Alchemists

Magnitude Trait Cap Pyros Distillations
Pool /Turn +Weekly
1 5 5 1 1 3
2 5 6 1 2 6
3 5 7 1 2 9
4 5 8 1 3 12
5 5 9 2 3 15


Possessed by: Ephemeral entities, supernal entities, Pangaeans

Rank Trait Limits Attribute dots Maximum Essence/Mana Numina (if any)
1 5 5-8 10 1-3
2 7 9-14 15 3-5
3 9 15-25 20 5-7
4 12 26-35 25 7-9
5 15 36-45 50 9-11


Possessed by: Ghost eaters

Rapacity Trait Cap Plasm Dread Powers
Pool /Turn Stolen
1 5 10 1 10 4
2 5 12 2 70 8
3 5 14 3 400 12
4 5 17 4 1,000 16
5 5 20 5 10,000 20

Morality (2nd Edition)



A changeling's Clarity suffers attacks from disorienting experiences which threaten her ownership over her own perceptions and the stability of her central truths. Severe Clarity attacks can accumulate damage quickly, but the support of a Touchstone can heal that damage more readily than the breaking points of many other Integrity traits. (CTL 2e 107)

Dice Sample breaking points
1 Acquaintance rejects your experiences, Glamour exhaustion, having promises broken, a day without human contact
2 Respected authority rejects your experiences, psychotropic drugs, breaking promises, significant disorientation, a week without human contact
3 Trusted confidant rejects your experiences, losing a Touchstone, having formal oaths broken, disorienting supernatural influence, two weeks without human contact
4 Thorough "disproof" of your experiences, homicide, breaking formal oaths, recapitulation of the Durance, a month without human contact
5 Systematic psychological torture, premeditated murder, modifying behavior by Glamour, direct confrontation with the True Fae, a year without human contact



Demons can sustain multiple Cover ratings at once, depending on their Primum. A Cover rating, rather than representing mental or spiritual welfare, is a psychic projection of identity, associated with a human body the demon adopts. Demons use the thoroughness and consistency of their human identities to deflect notice by the God-Machine, and risk its degredation through spectacular shows of power or gross breaking of the identity's "character."

A demon's Cover mends and grows slowly over time as they live that identity's life. Demons in need of quicker gains can steal the Cover of a forming angel with reconnaissance and support, but most depend on pacts with human beings, promising them occult benefits in exchange for scraps of their life to take as their own, ranging from shallow work relationships, to dear lifelong friendships, to the human's very existence itself.



Harmony shifts when breaking points occur in one of two directions. Breaking towards flesh causes the trait to increase, towards spirit to decrease. Harmony's ideal rating is 5, with drawbacks incurred as the character drifts towards the spiritual extreme of 0 or the fleshly extreme of 10. (WTF 2e 96, 104)

Harmony Penalty Breaking Point Harmony Penalty Breaking Point
Breaking Points Towards Flesh Breaking Points Towards Spirit
Any Defile a locus Any Kill a human or wolf
Any Reject the Sacred Hunt Any Stay in the Shadow Realm for a week
Any Stay out of the Shadow Realm for a week Any -2 Hunt humans or wolves for food
Any Use a silver weapon against a werewolf Any -2 Kill a packmate
Any -3 Stay out of the Shadow Realm for a month Any -3 Eat human or wolf flesh for Essence
Any -2 Violate the Oath of the Moon Any -3 Stay in the Shadow Realm for a month
< 4 Allow a spirit safe passage into the physical world > 7 Inflict Lunacy on a loved one
< 4 Eat processed food > 7 Lead the Sacred Hunt
< 4 Mate with a human > 7 Spend more than two days away from your pack
< 4 Stay out of the Shadow Realm for a day > 7 Stay in the Shadow Realm for a day
Harmony Death Rage Shapeshifting Reaching Bans
Trigger Soft Rage Action Free Essence
10 Passive 3 seconds Change Instant Cannot enter Shadow
9 Common 10 seconds Change Instant Leave without locus
8 Common 30 seconds Change Instant Reflexive Leave without locus
7 Narrow 1 minute Change Instant Reflexive Reach normally
6 Narrow 5 minutes Change Reflexive Reach normally
5 15 minutes Change Reflexive Reach normally
4 Narrow 5 minutes Change Reflexive Reach normally One
3 Narrow 1 minute Resist change Instant Reflexive Enter without locus One
2 Common 30 seconds Resist change Instant Reflexive Enter without locus Two
1 Common 10 seconds Resist change Instant Enter without locus Three
0 Passive 3 seconds Resist change Instant Cannot leave Shadow Four



Breaking points are experiences that inculcate increasing levels of detachment from the perspective of the living. Risking detachment feeds the vampire's Bestial, Competitive or Wanton instincts, while dramatic failure causes the vampire to become Jaded.

A vampire can inure herself to a particular type of breaking point, removing its risk of detachment at the cost of developing a bane. A vampire can only develop three banes this way (or two for Clan Mekhet), and suffers a die penalty on future detachment rolls for each bane inured. (VTR 2e 107)

Humanity Social Sun Torpor Dice Sample breaking points
10 +2 1L One night 5 A night without human contact, lies for the Masquerade, spending multiple Vitae in a night
9 +2 1L One night 5 Witness a meal, superhuman prowess, feeding without consent, supernatural urging, an hour in the sun
8 1L Two nights 4 Ghoul, be shunned by the living, ride the wave, force behavior with Disciplines, a day in the sun
7 1L Two nights 4 A week without human contact, grave injury, violence over blood
6 -1 2L One week 3 Torpor, feeding from children, being in the obituaries, immense physical trauma
5 -1 3L One month 3 Second week without human contact, Blood Potency rises to 3, death in the family, swearing to a covenant
4 -2 1A One year 2 Learn Cruac, impassioned violence, a year in torpor, a century of unlife, accidental killing
3 -3 2A Five years 2 A month without human contact, Blood Potency rises to 6, death of a spouse or child, impassioned killing
2 -5 3A Ten years 1 A year without human contact, fifth century of unlife, causing revenants, the rise of new cultures, premeditated murder
1 Chance 4A Fifty years 0 A decade without human contact, killing a Touchstone, heinous or mass murder
0 Chance 5A One century You are lost to the Beast.


Mortals, Hunters

Breaking points occur when the character violates his personal moral code or acceptable societal bounds, witnesses something traumatic or terrifying, or is the victim of a supernatural assault or shock. The severity of the situation and the character's current Integrity apply situational modifiers to a roll, and a Condition is incurred. Common breaking points leave a character Guilty, Shaken or Spooked, while dramatic failure can cause the character to suffer Broken, Fugue or Madness. At lower levels of Integrity, a Hunter lives with the Persistent Vigilant or Merciless Condition as they become more absorbed in their Vigil.



Mummies must fight to rebuild their sense of will and identity, clearing up their memory through the weight of ages. Affirming their soul and unearthing the truth of their past earns the Reminisce Beats necessary to build their Memory, while self-denial and submission of will provokes breaking points, and the Rite of Return weighs down their Memory with each new Descent into living history. (MTC 2e 161)

Dice Sample breaking points
5 Concealing your identity, obedience to Judges to preserve Sekhem, suppressing the will of your decree
3 Destroying evidence of your Iremite past, obstructing another mummy's search for Memory, destroying a vessel without witnessing its memory
1 Abandoning a meret to serve the Judges, deliberately shortening the Descent, destroying personal keepsakes of your mortal life
Memory Resurrection Self Identity Past Recall
Immortal Lives Mortal Life
10 Three hours Full Complete Complete
9 Two hours Full Post-Rite of Return Complete
8 Two hours Full Post-Rite of Return General Iremite knowledge
7 Half hour Broad Post-Rite of Return Basic Iremite knowledge
6 15 minutes Broad Two previous Descents Guild experience
5 10 minutes Broad Previous Descent Moment of death
4 Three minutes Basic Previous Descent Loved ones
3 Instant Basic Sketch of previous Descent Iremite language
2 Instant Basic Scattered fragments Iremite language
1 Instant Simple will None Iremite language
0 Instant Automaton None None



Prometheans' Morality trait in Second Edition begins at one dot and measures their progress towards grasping the New Dawn. Steps forward on the Pilgrimage only occur on the resolution of milestones to mortality, while steps backward can occur through obviating milestones, causing death intentionally or en masse through supernatural means, or stepping off the Pilgrimage onto the Refinement of Flux.



Beasts treat their Satiety not like a condition of wellbeing but a resource that ebbs and flows. Beasts under Lair 4 lose a point a week, while Lair 4+ Beasts lose a point every few days, depending on their rating. Beyond that, many of their abilities require or significantly benefit from the expenditure of Satiety, and different levels of Satiety equip them better for different situations. The extremes of Satiety come with dangerous drawbacks, while a rating in the middle opens their vulnerability to adversarial Heroes, meaning the ideal conditions for Satiety lie between the middle and either extreme, either high-ish or low-ish.

Satiety is regained through acts that sate the Beast's Hunger. The amount of Satiety gained is proportional to the extremity, harm or spectacle of the feeding. (BTP 320)

Satiety Condition Effects
10 Slumbering The Beast's Horror retreats from wakefulness, leaving the Beast unable to access its power, becoming as vulnerable as an ordinary human. The Beast can't spend Satiety and doesn't lose it over time, but can end the Horror's slumber through an extreme shock.
9 Gorged The Beast loses Supernatural Tolerance against mental or emotional abilities, but can open Primordial Pathways to a particular Lair Chamber with ease.
6 Sated The Beast is neither well fed nor desperate enough to deflect a Hero's Anathema.
3 Starving The Beast's Primordial Pathways do not open as easily, but she adds her Lair to her Power rating while merged with her Horror.
0 Ravenous The Beast does not naturally heal lethal damage, and suffers a point of it each day she remains Ravenous. She can't use Nightmares, and can't regain Willpower except through actions that would normally grant Satiety. She can't raise her Satiety except through a feat that would normally reap a dramatic gain.



The Broken degrade over time, the Scars of their transformation aggravated by rebellious Variations and by withdrawing from the obsessions by which they gird their sense of self. Pursuing those obsessions can reverse this gradual breakdown. Deviants who grow too unstable never survive the day, and often, neither do anyone around them.



The changing empathy and relationship between Bound and geist is a measure of both the integrity of these joined souls and a measure of their power. Only when the two grow in understanding of each other can they use the powers of death to their greatest effect.



A mage's Wisdom is the spiritual quality that contains his Supernal power from overrunning itself, and is threatened by acts of hubris. The loss of Wisdom is accompanied by Megalomaniacal or Rampant impulses.

When a spell courts hubris, a mage can inure himself to that spell. Casting that spell no longer threatens hubris, but it gains a permanent two dice of Paradox risk. A mage can inure himself to up to his Gnosis in spells. (MTA 2e 88)

Wisdom Tier Long-Term Nimbus Dice Sample acts of hubris
10 Enlightened Strong connections 5 Petty spellcasting, affecting innocents by your works
7 Understanding Medium connections 3 Obvious magical displays before Sleepers, spiritual self-mutilation, releasing severe Paradoxes, overwriting or binding the will of a sapient being, calculated murder or maiming
3 Falling Weak connections 1 Deals with the Abyss, destroying Awakened souls, allowing a summoned Supernal being to be dissolved by the Fallen World, impulsive or unanticipated murder
0 Enraptured Contagious beyond sympathy Your power has blown out all self-control and perspective.

Anchors (2nd Edition)

Virtue and Vice

Most human characters' sense of selfhood and drive are reinforced by a Virtue and a Vice, or with certain Merits even multiples. A character's Virtue is a higher ideal or heroic drive they must push themselves to extremes to live up to, restoring all lost Willpower. A character's Vice is a quick fix, easy comfort, or instinctive defense to fall back on, but only recovers a single point of Willpower when indulged.

Held by: Mortals, mages, hunters, demons, and various lesser templates and ephemeral entities.

Sample Virtues: Competitive, Generous, Just, Loyal (CofD 27), Ambitious, Courageous, Honest, Hopeful, Loving, Patient, Trustworthy (MTA 2e 212)

Sample Vices: Ambitious, Arrogant, Competitive, Greedy (CofD 28), Addictive, Corrupt, Cruel, Deceitful, Dogmatic, Hasty, Hateful, Pessimistic (MTA 2e 212)


Some people transformed by the supernatural need grounding to remain connected to the things that gird their soul, or what's become of it. They attach to people, places, objects or ideas with personal importance, and these Touchstones provide the perspective to ground their inhuman center. Bonding or expressing their relationship refreshes a point of Willpower, while dramatic lengths taken to preserve a Touchstone restore all lost Willpower.

Touchstones can be lost through a lack of content, severed relationships, the predations of time, or the simple, classic method of murder, leaving a monster unhinged until they form another meaningful connection to take the place of the lost.

Held by: Vampires, werewolves, changelings, bound, hunters, mummies, and deviants

Vampire: Mask and Dirge

To stave off psychic fatigue, vampires construct pretenses, find roles for themselves, and develop facades. They present a Mask to the world, a false place as a relatable member of society, and shape their own Dirge, a place for themselves among monsters and corpses.

Both Mask and Dirge can refresh either a small quantity of Willpower for little incident, or all lost reserves through extreme resorts, by acting to preserve the Mask or play out the Dirge.

Held by: Vampires

Sample Masks and Dirges: Authoritarian, Child, Competitor, Conformist, Conspirator, Courtesan, Cult Leader, Deviant, Follower, Guru, Idealist, Jester, Junkie, Martyr, Masochist, Monster, Nomad, Nurturer, Perfectionist, Penitent, Questioner, Rebel, Scholar, Social Chameleon, Spy, Survivor, Visionary (VTR 2e 84), Collector, Meddler, Provocateur (TY 17)

Sample Humanity Touchstones: Ex, Former Partner, Friend with Benefits, Gravesite, High School Sweetheart, House of Birth, Intrepid Detective, Murderer, One That Got Away, Orphan, Spouse, Terminal Parent, Therapist, Victim's Lover, Witness (VTR 2e 88), Congregation, Family Car, Fire Crew, Gun Collection, Local Kids, Neighboring Family, Old Haven, Pets, Soup Kitchen, Sports Team, Support Group, Team Rings, The Office, Youth Gang (GTTN 69)

Werewolf: Blood and Bone

Werewolves refresh themselves through their internal dichotomy, between the wolf and the man, the instinctive predator and the rational actor, the feeling of living and the meaning to their life. The Blood keeps the body moving, and the Bone gives it direction. The Bone finds, and the Blood claims.

Both Blood and Bone can refresh either a small amount of Willpower through a small stress or setback, or full reserves through calamity or great costs spent.

Held by: Werewolves

Sample Bloods: Alpha, Challenger, Destroyer, Fox, Monster, Soldier (WTF 2e 86), Berserker (DE 163)

Sample Bones: Community Organizer, Cub, Guru, Hedonist, Lone Wolf, Wallflower (WTF 2e 86)

Sample Flesh Touchstones: Abuser, Ex, Old Gang, Parents, Religion, Sponsor (WTF 2e 87)

Sample Spirit Touchstones: Ambitious Totem, Buddy Spirit, Future Self, Locus, Lune, Prey, Wilds (WTF 2e 87)

Promethean: Elpis and Torment

As the Pilgrimage touches the psychology of the Created, they each push forward through what wonder or yearning fixes their thoughts on the New Dawn, and what half-formed flaw holds them back from grasping it.

Both Elpis and Torment can refresh either a single point or full complement of Willpower. Unlike many Anchors, the Elpis isn't stoked by actions, but experiences. Merely witnessing one of the living recall the Promethean's Elpis restores a point, while having that feeling vibrantly roused oneself refills it all. The Torment Anchor is expressed through the extremity of actions and consequences, but can also risk Torment, the Promethean fit of uncontrollable humours.

Held by: Prometheans

Sample Elpides: Courage, Drive, Empathy, Fear, Fury, Inspiration, Joy, Love, Sorrow, Pain (PTC 2e 106)

Sample Torments: Alienated, Awkward, Dejected, Logical, Merciless, Methodical, Obsessed, Paranoid, Passionate, Naive (PTC 2e 107)

Changeling: Needle and Thread

The identity of a changeling, escaped from Arcadia, is more slippery than that of the mortal human she once was. She finds refuge in the familiar to gird her resolve: familiar actions, roles, labels and rituals to wind herself around, and that shapeless inner color of drive, feeling and association, without which all would be empty. Her good old Needle. Her most plentiful Thread.

Both Needle and Thread can refresh either a point of Willpower, through simple exertion and reinforcement, or the full supply, by putting one's heart on the line.

Held by: Changelings, fetches, and hedge ghosts

Sample Needles: Bon Vivant, Commander, Composer, Counselor, Daredevil, Dynamo, Protector, Provider, Scholar, Storyteller, Teacher, Traditionalist, Visionary (CTL 2e 95)

Sample Threads: Acceptance, Anger, Family, Friendship, Hate, Honor, Joy, Love, Memory, Revenge (CTL 2e 97)

Sample Clarity Touchstones: Best Friend, Family, Fetch, Fling, Lost Love, Occultist, Private Investigator, Therapist, True Love, Your New Home, Your Old Home (CTL 2e 98)

Geist: Root and Bloom

The Bound are dead, and still they live. Their ghostly heart is moved by honoring the death at the Root of their condition as much as by the second life that is the Bloom that rose from their grave soil. Their Root pulls them to face the communities of the dead and remember the Sin-Eaters number among them. Their Bloom asks them to treasure their return to the living world and those who could have lost them.

Both Root and Bloom can refresh either a point of Willpower when either life or death must overshadow the other, or fully restore Willpower when they impel serious risks and passions.

Held by: Bound

Sample Roots and Blooms: Advocate, Antihero, Casual, Cowl, Enabler, Gardener, Pollyanna, Saved, Servant, Surrogate (GTS 2e 82)

Sample Synergy Touchstones: 9 to 5, Albatross, First Friend, House Keys, Inherited Anchor, Murder Weapon, New Neighbor, Our Song, Replacement Love, Roadside Memorial (GTS 2e 84)

Mummy: Balance and Burden

The Arisen trudge endlessly across the expanse of time. Their identity sometimes falls away from their clutches. As they persist, their character shows in how they weather the ages: the Burden, their greatest weight of pain and weakness, and the Balance, the value that justifies the strength to carry that weight.

Both Balance and Burden can refresh a point of Willpower in a moment's affirmation, or restore all Willpower in a triumph of Balance or a steep fall into Burden.

Held by: Mummies and shuankhsen

Sample Balances: Courageous, Devoted, Diligent, Faithful, Generous, Introspective, Just, Noble, Peaceful, Resilient, Righteous, Trustworthy, Truthful (MTC 2e 102)

Sample Burdens: Accusing, Careless, Chaotic, Cruel, Dominant, Forgetful, Fragile, Hysterical, Isolated, Rageful, Resentful, Selfish, Stagnant (MTC 2e 104), Avenger, Destroyer, Zealot (MTC 2e 236)

Sample Memory Touchstones: Budding Historian, Confidante, Court Justice, Doubting Lawrence, Dutiful Clerk, Epitome of Life, Firebrand Cultist, Mirror of the Ages, Shadow of an Old Flame (MTC 2e 163)

Beast: Life and Legend

Beasts split their selfhood into two strengths: the human and the inhuman. Their Life speaks to who they know and care about. It's common sense, modesty and compromise. Their Legend speaks to what they feel gestating deep within, leaking out from within their dreams. It's power, pride, and an abject lack of apology.

Both Life and Legend can refresh either a single point or full supply of Willpower, based on the scale of act and risk involved when cleaving to it.

Held by: Beasts and heroes

Sample Lives: Parental, Shy, Cautious, Loyal, Honest, Selfless (BTP 86)

Sample Legends: Judgmental, Relentless, Unexpected, Seductive, Vicious, Watchful (BTP 86)

Deviant: Loyalty and Conviction

The Broken have lost the ability to define their own independence to the spiritual damage of their Divergence. They can only hang their identity and spiritual endurance on their strongest relationships. They cling to certain friends and loved ones with fierce Loyalty, and pursue hateful vendettas with a Conviction that can only be satisfied by suffering and death.

Renegades refresh a point of Willpower when their pursuit of a Conviction Touchstone progresses, and recover all Willpower when they stand dramatically by a Loyalty Touchstone. Devoted reverse this.

Held by: Deviants

Sample Loyalty Touchstones: Childhood Friend, Co-Worker, Ex-Lover, Frenemy, Mentee, Partner in Crime, Research Assistant, Roommate (DTR 84)

Sample Conviction Touchstones: Company Man, Cultist, Operating Theater, Progenitor, Recruiter, Thief (DTR 85)
Tilts (2nd Edition)

Personal Tilts

Name Description Book
Natural Tilts
Arm Wrack Your arm has been incapacitated by pain or injury. CofD 280
Beaten Down Your will or capacity to keep fighting has been exhausted. CofD 280
Bleeding You're weakening from bleeding out. HL 143
Blind Your vision has been impaired or stripped. CofD 281
Burning You're on fire. You quickly amass lethal damage because fire bad. PTC 2e 314
Came Prepared You know where an opening is and knows best when to exploit it. HL 61
Deafened Your hearing has been impaired or stripped. CofD 281
Drugged You're suffering the numbing mental and physical effects of a narcotic. CoFD 281
Immobilized You're restrained or held in place, incapacitating you and leaving you open. CofD 284
Insane A panic attack or severe psychotic break provokes extreme, irrational behavior. CofD 285
Insensate You've been overwhelmed and psychically incapacitated, leaving you open. CofD 285
Knocked Down You've been swept to the ground, disrupting your action and forcing you prone. CofD 285
Leg Wrack Your leg has been severely weakened or incapacitated by pain or injury. CofD 285
Pierced Armor Your armor has been damaged or ruptured. HL 143
Pinned Your flesh or clothes have been pinned to an object, holding you in place. HL 143
Poisoned You're being harmed by a fast-acting toxin. CofD 286
Sick You're impaired and weakened by disease. CofD 286
Stunned You're dazed and briefly incapacitated. CofD 286
Supernatural Tilts
Flesh Too Solid You're so immersed in dream that you take physical instead of dream damage. CTL 2e 329
Nimbus You're subject to a mage's unique Immediate Nimbus, imposing a resonance that applies dice modifiers to certain Attributes or dice tricks to certain Skills. MTA 2e 89

Environmental Tilts

Natural Tilts
Avalanche Tumbling hazards buffet you along and quickly inflict lethal damage. BTP 327
Blazing Light Eye-searing brightness impairs vision. DTR 314
Blizzard Thick snowfall impairs vision and movement. CofD 281
Crowded Bodies press in on all sides,missed attack have a chance to hit others people. HTV 291
Crowded:Traffic Like above more but in public, with folk with Phones. HTV 291
Detritus Sharp and Jagged Ground, move slow or fall over and get cut up by the Ground. HTV 291
Earthquake Brief physical havoc quickly inflicts lethal damage, or bashing on a successful Stamina + Athletics roll. CofD 282
Extreme Cold Frostbite conditions disrupt natural healing and gradually accrue action penalties and lethal damage. CofD 282
Extreme Heat Sweltering, dry conditions disrupt natural healing and gradually accrue action penalties and lethal damage. CofD 282
DETRITUS The ground is sharp and uneven. Easy to fall down and cut yourself. HTV 291
Drowning You're submerged and quickly accrue bashing damage from suffocation. BTP 328
Filth Stratified filth covers the ground, gain the sick Tilt if Wounded. HTV 2e 292
Flooded High water levels disrupt movement or submerge those present. CofD 282
Heavy Rain Severe storm weather impairs vision and hearing. CofD 283
Heavy Winds Hurricane winds impair hearing and movement, and threaten bashing damage from debris. CofD 283
Ice Slick footing strips traction and endangers movement. CofD 284
Inferno Shit's on fire. You might choke if you don't burn up first. HTV 293,DTD 386
Moving Terrain The Ground is moving and shaking, making it hard to stand or act. often used for Vehicles. HTV 294
Poor Light Darkness impairs vision. MTA 2e 323
Riot Unpredictable violence erupts, and jostling and trampling poses a risk of bashing damage. DE 576
Swarm A horde of small but hostile creatures inflicts bashing damage each turn, and resists attacks that don't saturate an area. Special variants of this Tilt include swarms of thoughtful scorpions (DE 236) and obsidian mosquitoes (DE 239). DTD 179
Tight Space Hard to properly fight, good luck using anything larger than a shotgun. HTV 295
Unstable Terrain The Ground Could give away at any moment, dont put too much pressure on it, or you might have quite the drop. HTV 295
Urban Collapse The building is coming down, and characters may fall, be struck, or be crushed and trapped. DE 573
Viscous Passage through the area is difficult, requiring successful rolls to make progress through it. DTR 320
Supernatural Tilts
Boneyard A Sin-Eater haunts this place, bringing it to life and aware. GTS 2e 305
Lair You're exposed to the particular ruling conditions of a primordial Beast's Lair. BTP 100
Lightning A supernaturally conjured storm which seeks victims. NH-SM 97
Omen Unnatural plague weather sears flesh or boils blood. NH-SM 97
Shattered Time Time is injured here, causing causal stutters and random modifiers to appropriate derived traits. History may mutate, and futures may split. DE 46
Zombies! There are too many zombies to wade through. Lose your Speed Factor bonus. Each turn in the horde not running at full tilt provokes an attack from the horde. CofD 150

Seemings (2nd Edition)

Seeming Regalia Bonus Attribute Blessing Curse Book
Beasts Grims and Savages who roamed Faerie under the heart and skin of an animal. CTL 2e 22
Steed Resistance While unafraid, or for Glamour per three turns, deal lethal damage unarmed and take +3 to Initiative and Speed. Risk Clarity damage at half Wyrd when hasty or careless decisions harm others.
Darklings Wisps and Mountebanks who knew safety in Faerie by disappearing into darkness. CTL 2e 24
Mirror Finesse Spend Willpower, and with witnesses Glamour, to touch and become the insubstantial for three turns. Risk Clarity damage at half Wyrd when a secret you know turns out false.
Elementals Sprites and Torrents infused with and molded by the materials and environment of Faerie. CTL 2e 26
Sword Resistance When surrounded by your element and either half-full of Willpower or for Glamour, act through it up to three yards away. Risk Clarity damage at half Wyrd when browbeat or coerced into a course of action.
Fairest Sovereigns and Muses touched by the heights of Faerie's glory, beauty, and cruelty. CTL 2e 28
Crown Power While in harmony or for Glamour, you may spend Willpower on another character's behalf. Risk Clarity damage at half Wyrd when your actions are responsible for harming your allies.
Ogres Bruisers and Gargoyles who endure the marks of blunt brutality. CTL 2e 30
Shield Power When you strike on someone else's behalf, or for Glamour, inflict Beaten Down for three turns. Risk Clarity damage at half Wyrd when those who aren't your enemies cower from you.
Wizened Hatters and Domovye worn down by the crafts and labors of their Durance. CTL 2e 32
Jewel Finesse With appropriate tools, or for Glamour, make Build Equipment rolls to work one material into another. Risk Clarity damage at half Wyrd when taken off-guard by unpleasant surprise.

Merits, Styles (2nd Edition)

Mental Styles

Style Prerequisites Rating Maneuver Description Book
Professional Training Networking Contacts •• relating to profession. CofD 46
•• Continuing Education Choose two Asset Skills relating to profession. Take 9-Again to roll Asset Skills.
••• Breadth of Knowledge Choose a third Asset Skill. Distribute two new Specialties among your Asset Skills.
•••• On the Job Training Raise one Asset Skill by one dot. Take a beat when you buy dots in Asset Skills.
••••• The Routine Spend one Willpower to apply the rote quality to an Asset Skill roll.
Unintended Applications Wits •••, Crafts or Science •• Improvised... Weapon? +2 to Intimidation rolls when you brandish something you claim is a deadly device. DSG 95
•• Achilles Fuse You can pinpoint the weak point in a given structure.
••• Creative Discount Jury-rig an asset up to two dots higher than your Resources in Availability, for an hour's work per Size.
•••• Gremlin You can disable a device without leaving evidence. With equipment, you can disable complicated devices from a distance.
••••• Jury-Rig Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Crafts or Science to make anything whose Availability doesn't exceed your successes, right away for objects under Size 6, or in a scene's work otherwise.

Physical Styles

Style Prerequisites Rating Maneuver Description Book
Aggressive Driving Resolve •••, Drive •••, Fast Reflexes ••• Powerslide Take a hard turn for bonus successes in a contested pursuit by rolling Dexterity + Drive + Handling and taking a point of Structure damage. HL 55
•• Bump and Run Roll Dexterity + Drive + Handling - Defense to brush a car's bumper and cause a loss of traction.
••• J-turn Once a scene, when caught up to in a car chase, spend Willpower and roll Dexterity + Drive + Handling - 2 to swerve and restart the chase in the opposite direction.
•••• Swoop and Squat When you accumulate a lead greater than your pursuer's Wits in successes, you may brake and force the pursuer to roll Resolve + Composure + Handling to brake in time to avoid a crash.
Drone Control Intelligence •••, Computer •••, Drive •• Remote Immersion Take 9-Again to perception actions using your remote device. HL 56
•• Interface Spend a point of Willpower to perform an additional non-combat action through your device this turn.
••• Overclock Inflict a point of Structure damage for a +2 bonus to your device's physical actions this turn.
Falconry Wits •••, Animal Ken •••, Bonded Condition These maneuvers reflexively issue commands for a trained raptor to carry out. You may spend Willpower to enhance the raptor's rolls. HL 48
Predator's Vigil Your raptor's presence inflicts Shaken on animals its Size or smaller, and lesser predators flee.
•• Flyby Your bird contests Presence + Intimidation vs Resolve + Composure to inflict a -3 action penalty.
••• Retrieve Item Command your bird to bring you an object. Your bird can make the equivalent of an all-out attack to exceptionally Disarm an opponent.
•••• Rake the Eyes Your bird attacks at -1 to blind a target.
K-9 Wits •••, Animal Ken •••, Bonded Condition These maneuvers issue commands to a trained dog Size 3 or larger. HL 49
Detection Under direction, your dog takes the rote quality to track a chosen type of scent with Wits + Survival.
•• Targeted Bite Command your dog to make called shots in combat, reducing the shot penalty by -2.
••• Tactical Positioning When you fight one opponent in tandem, choose roles each turn for you and your dog. One takes +1 Defense, the other +2 to attack. Ignore penalties for firing into melee around your dog.
•••• Takedown Bite Command your dog to initiate a biting grapple, immediately Holding or Dropping Prone.
Parkour Dexterity •••, Athletics •• Flow Subtract Parkour dots from target successes to pursue or evade in a foot chase. Reduce environmental Athletics penalties by Parkour rating. CofD 48
•• Cat Leap Add one automatic success when rolling Dexterity + Athletics to land from a fall uninjured, and add Parkour to the maximum damage that can be mitigated.
••• Wall Run Your initial climb height, with a running start, increases by five times your Athletics in feet.
•••• Expert Traceur Spend one Willpower and sacrifice Defense to make an Athletics roll to run, jump or climb with the rote quality.
••••• Freeflow After meditating, you can take an Athletics action reflexively once per turn, and Willpower spent on a foot chase confers successes rather than dice.
Stunt Driver Dexterity •••, Drive •••, Wits ••• Defensive Driving Penalize attempts to hit your vehicle in motion by your Drive dots. CofD 49
•• Speed Demon When you roll to accelerate, each success accelerates by 10 instead of 5.
••• Drift You can turn at high speeds safely without a roll.
•••• Clipping Reduce damage to your vehicle when ramming by your Wits.

Social Styles

Style Prerequisites Rating Maneuver Description Book
Etiquette Composure •••, Socialize •• Bless His Heart You can use Socialize to calculate Doors. VTR 2e 120
•• Losing Your Religion You can take +2 dice and 8-Again to lash out socially, in exchange for worsening your social impression.
••• In High Cotton Add one relevant Fame or Status Merit to your pool to contest a social interaction.
•••• Half-Cocked When your impression in Social Maneuvering is good or better, ignore Resolve and Composure on your first roll against the subject.
••••• Grace Under Fire When you offer an alternative after your Doors have been opened, the opposing player suggests three Conditions, of which you choose one.
Fast-Talking Manipulation •••, Subterfuge •• Always Be Closing Ignore one dot of a mark's Resolve or Composure when contested or resisted. CofD 50
•• Jargon Cross-apply one Specialty from another Skill to a given Social roll.
••• Devil's Advocacy Once per scene, reroll a Subterfuge failure.
•••• Salting When you open a Door through conversation, you can spend Willpower to open another.
••••• The Nigerian Scam Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge to capitalize on a present mark satisfying their Vice by opening a Door.
Mystery Cult Initiation You joined a cult. Decide your cult's guiding purpose, source of power, and cultic doctrine. Example cults are listed here. Also mirrored as Mystery Cult Influence (••• to •••••), with the same benefits but without the responsibilities of an ordinary cult member. CofD 51
Recruit A Specialty or one-dot Merit.
•• Devotee A one-dot Merit.
••• Organizer A Skill dot or two-dot Merit, often supernatural.
•••• Leader A three-dot Merit, often supernatural.
••••• Mastermind A three-dot Merit, or a major advantage beyond game mechanics.
Scorpion Cult Initiation You joined a cult in thrall to the Deathless of ancient Irem. MTC 2e 114
Initiate Gain a specialty in Academics (Iremite Religion) or Politics (Bureaucracy).
•• Cultist Receive Language (Iremic) and immunity to Sybaris.
••• Priest Distribute two free dots among Allies, Contacts, Resources, and Retainers.
•••• Godservant Receive the Witness Merit.
••••• Hierophant Harness relics of your master's guild without suffering their curse.

Supernatural Styles

Fighting Styles

Style Prerequisites Rating Maneuver Description Book
Armed Defense Dexterity •••, Weaponry ••, Defensive Combat (Weaponry) Cover the Angles When Dodging, reduce the Defense penalty from multiple attackers by 1. CofD 60
•• Weak Spot Disarm your opponent when you beat their attack by your Defense.
••• Aggressive Defense Spend a point of Willpower to inflict lethal damage when you beat an attack by Dodging. Incompatible with Weak Spot and Press the Advantage.
•••• Iron Guard Exchange points from your weapon rating for bonus Defense.
••••• Press the Advantage Once per turn, when you beat an attack by Dodging, spend Willpower to retaliate with an unarmed attack at -2.
Avoidance Manipulation •••, Athletics ••, Stealth •• Insignificance Roll Manipulation + Stealth - Composure to seem too helpless to bother attacking. HL 46
•• Coattails When you Dodge and go prone behind an ally, they may intercept attacks against you.
••• Whack-a-Mole Contest one attack each turn with Manipulation + Persuasion + Avoidance to confound the attack and inflict Arm Wrack.
•••• Play Dead When you suffer lethal damage, contest Manipulation + Subterfuge vs Wits + Composure to seem dead.
Berserker Strength •••, Iron Stamina ••• The Red Mist Spend Willpower to rouse the Insane Tilt. HL 46
•• War Cry Contest Strength + Intimidation vs Resolve + Composure as an instant action to penalize non-Dodge actions.
••• Manic Brutality Unarmed all-out attacks take +1 to call shots. Armed all-out attacks can substitute Durability as a weapon rating at the cost of damaging the weapon.
Bowmanship Dexterity •••, Firearms ••, Trained Observer • Bowmanship attacks use bows and roll Dexterity + Firearms. HL 47
Arcing Fire Double range.
•• Bullseye You may reduce your weapon rating for +1 and 8-Again on a called shot.
••• Out of Nowhere When you make an unnoticed ambush shot, roll Dexterity + Stealth to force a Wits + Composure roll, penalized by successes, to avoid being Shaken.
•••• Death from Above Fire over unroofed cover to ignore a point of concealment for every 10 yards of added arc distance.
Boxing Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Stamina ••, Brawl ••, Athletics •• These maneuvers must be made with brawling attacks. HL 47
Head Protection +1 Defense against brawling, and -1 to strike your head.
•• Defensive Jab Deal piercing bashing damage when your Defense or Dodging beats a close-combat attack.
••• Knockout Artist Stun an opponent as if they had -1 Size, or with a called head shot, -2 Size.
•••• Combination Successful strikes add Dexterity as bonus dice.
••••• Out for the Count Stunning attacks stun for their damage in turns, and the opponent must spend Willpower to stay conscious.
Brute Force Strength •••, Brawl ••, Size 5+ These maneuvers must be made with bare hands or fist weapons. PTC 2e 112
Falling Pillar Take 8-Again to an all-out attack. If it causes the target's Stamina in damage, inflict Knocked Down.
•• Crush and Bite Add the Crush and Bite grapple maneuver: inflict lethal damage equal to successes, and if the target can bleed, an additional point the next turn.
••• Juggernaut A ten-feet running start allows unarmed attacks to Knock Down.
•••• Bone Cracker Make a called shot with an all-out attack. If it causes the target's Stamina in damage, add a point of lethal damage and Arm or Leg Wrack. Incompatible with Falling Pillar.
••••• Colossus When you make an all-out attack, take 1/2 Armor and immunity to Knocked Down, and penalize attempts to grapple or move you by your Strength.
Chain Weapons Strength •••, Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Weaponry •• These maneuvers use chains at least a yard long. HL 48
Imposing Defense Sacrifice Defense to inflict weapon rating +1 in bashing damage when struck in close combat.
•• Bring Down the House Attack an overhanging object, penalized by its Size, to deal its Structure in bashing damage to targets below.
Close Quarters Combat Wits •••, Athletics ••, Brawl ••• Firing Lines You can respond to a ranged attack by seeking cover up to twice your Speed away. CofD 61
•• Hard Surfaces You can smash a Damage grappling maneuver into a hard surface, dealing lethal damage and ending the grapple.
••• Armored Coffin When you grapple an opponent wearing armor, add their general armor as bonus dice to your roll, and ignore armor when you use the grapple to Damage. Incompatible with Hard Surfaces.
•••• Prep Work Take the rote quality to Stealth rolls to launch close combat ambushes.
••••• Turnabout When you roll to disarm, treat a failure as a success, a success as an exceptional success, and an exceptional success as is plus your opponent takes two bashing damage.
Combat Archery Strength •••, Athletics ••, Quick Draw (Bow) Combat Archery attacks use bows and roll Dexterity + Athletics. HL 48
Rapid Nock Ignore bow Initiative penalties. String arrows reflexively.
•• Reflex Aiming Ignore penalties for firing into close combat.
••• Parthian Shot When you Dodge, inflict threshold successes as attack damage against the first close attack you beat each turn.
•••• Rain of Arrows Make medium autofire attacks at triple range penalties.
••••• Trick Shot Simultaneously perform a Combat Archery attack and an Athletics action, both at -2.
Disabling Tactics Strength •••, Weaponry •• Breaking the Breach -2 to penalties to target arms, hands or legs. DE 247
•• Cast Like Sand When you deal damage with your weapon, spend Willpower to inflict Knocked Down.
••• Strike the Rising Dog When an opponent tries to rise from prone, spend Willpower to make a reflexive Weaponry attack on them. A successful strike prevents rising.
Firefight Composure •••, Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Firearms •• Shoot First Drawing a gun adds Firearms as an Initiative bonus. CofD 61
•• Suppressive Fire You can lay Covering Fire with a semi-automatic weapon. When you lay Covering Fire, apply your Defense against Firearms attacks, and deny Aim bonuses.
••• Secondary Target You can attack a target with objects bounced by a shot, dealing bashing damage with no weapon rating applied, but ignoring cover.
Grappling Stamina •••, Strength ••, Athletics ••, Brawl •• Sprawl Deny a grappling opponent the ability to Drop Prone or Take Cover. CofD 62, HL 49
Standing Throw Gain the Knock Down grapple maneuver.
•• Small Joint Manipulation Take -2 to dislocate fingers as a maneuver, inflicting half bashing damage and debilitating pain.
•• Takedown Instead of starting a grapple, you can roll to knock an opponent prone, optionally dealing bashing damage with successes.
••• Ippon When you Takedown and follow the opponent prone, stun as if your damage were doubled.
••• Joint Lock Add the Joint Lock maneuver to grappling options: adds 1L to overpowering maneuver effects, does bashing damage next turn, and can set up Restrain.
•••• Dynamic Guard When you grapple while prone, penalize your grappling opponent by your Dexterity.
•••• Lock Flow Take +2 to grappling rolls to set up a Joint Lock.
••••• Tap or Snap The turn after a Joint Lock, you may, as a grapple maneuver, force your opponent to choose either surrender or a broken limb and lethal damage.
••••• Positional Dominance Grappling maneuvers deal half their successes in bonus bashing damage.
Gunslinger Wits •••, Firearms •••, Firearms (Revolvers) Perform trick shots with rapid firing DE2 p377
Short burst with revolver as if automatic
••• Medium burst with revolver only takes three rounds of ammo, no attack bonus but still has penalty for multiple targets
••••• If using two revolvers can multiple in short range, at additional -2 penalty
Heavy Weapons Stamina •••, Strength •••, Athletics ••, Weaponry •• These maneuvers require a two-handed weapon. CofD 62
Sure Strike Sacrifice three dice to add a point to weapon rating.
•• Threat Range Deal a point of lethal damage and a temporary Defense penalty to opponents who enter range when you aren't moving or Dodging.
••• Bring the Pain Sacrifice Defense to make an attack that also inflicts a temporary dice penalty equal to its damage.
•••• Warding Stance Spend Willpower reflexively to apply your weapon rating as close combat Armor.
••••• Rending Spend Willpower to make an attack that deals an additional point of aggravated damage.
Improvised Weaponry Wits •••, Weaponry • Always Armed Reflexively roll Wits + Weaponry to draw a simple improvised weapon that doesn't suffer the improvisational penalty. CofD 62
•• In Harm's Way Once per turn, apply an Always Armed weapon's Structure as close combat Armor, potentially damaging the weapon.
••• Breaking Point When you make an all-out attack with an Always Armed weapon, sacrifice its Structure to temporarily increase its weapon rating.
Kino Mutai Dexterity ••, Resolve •••, Brawl •• Trained Bite Inflict +2 damage with the Damage grapple maneuver when biting, or +1 with inhuman bites. HL 50
•• Ripping Gain the Ripping grapple maneuver: inflict a point of bashing damage and incapacitating pain.
••• Trained Gouge Gain the Gouge grapple maneuver: blind the opponent while held.
•••• Continuous Bite Inflict lethal damage with the Damage grapple maneuver when biting.
Light Weapons Wits ••• or Fighting Finesse, Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Weaponry •• These maneuvers require a one-handed weapon with a damage rating less than 3. CofD 63
Rapidity Sacrifice your weapon rating to add Weaponry as an Initiative bonus.
•• Thrust Sacrifice points of Defense for bonus attack dice.
••• Feint Make a feinting attack. Instead of dealing damage, its successes apply to an attack next turn as a damage bonus, and successes plus weapon rating apply as a Defense reduction.
•••• Flurry Inflict a point of lethal damage per turn to opponents in range when your Defense is available.
••••• Vital Shot Sacrifice your Defense to make an attack that deals an additional point of aggravated damage.
Marksmanship Composure •••, Resolve •••, Firearms •• These maneuvers require an Aim action and sacrifice your Defense. CofD 63
Through the Crosshairs Raise your maximum Aim bonus to Composure + Firearms.
•• Precision Shot Exchange points of weapon rating for points of penalty reduction for a called shot.
••• A Shot Rings Out Ignore penalties to strike a surrounded target. Missed shots never hit unintended targets.
•••• Ghost Penalize rolls to notice your vantage point or investigate for evidence of it by your Firearms.
Martial Arts Resolve •••, Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Brawl •• These maneuvers must be made with Brawl attacks. CofD 63, HL 50
Focused Attack Reduce called shot penalties by one die, and ignore one point of Armor.
Leg Kick Sacrifice a point of Defense to inflict Leg Wrack with a brawling attack.
•• Cutting Elbow Make a called shot at -2 to blind an opponent by drawing blood.
•• Defensive Strike Exchange up to two attack pool dice for points of Defense.
••• Trapping You may withdraw successes from a successful attack to hold them in reserve for next turn's attack.
••• Whirlwind Strike Inflict one point of bashing damage per turn, or two by spending Willpower, to opponents in range when your Defense is available.
•••• The Hand As Weapon Inflict lethal damage unarmed.
•••• Inch Force Reflexively respond to one grapple attempt each turn with a Brawl attack contesting the opponent's Strength. Success breaks free and damages normally.
••••• High Momentum Strike Prepare a counter stance as an instant action. When an opponent first fails to strike you in close combat within the stance, roll a counterattack. Success Knocks Down and deals normal damage plus Brawl damage dice.
••••• The Touch of Death Unarmed strikes gain a 2L weapon rating.
Mounted Combat Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Animal Ken ••• Steady Saddle +3 to stay mounted during combat. HL 51
•• Fixed Charge Sacrifice Defense to combine a charge with an all-out attack.
••• Skirmishing Take a -2 attack penalty for +2 Defense and to attack halfway through your mount's movement.
•••• Rearing Beast Roll Wits + Animal Ken as teamwork to enhance your mount's attack.
Police Tactics Brawl ••, Weaponry • Compliance Hold +2 to Disarm or Immobilize in a grapple. CofD 64
•• Weapon Retention Attempts to disarm you or turn your weapon against you must beat your Weaponry rating in successes.
••• Speed Cuff You can Restrain an immobilized opponent reflexively.
Powered Projectile Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Firearms •• These maneuvers are made with premodern projectile launchers, such as crossbows and slings. HL 51
Quick Reload Reload your weapon one turn quicker, down to a reflexive action.
•• Intercept Shot When you Aim, you may make called shots against sailing projectiles to deflect their course.
••• Penetration Sacrifice Defense to make an attack with +2 armor piercing.
•••• Skewer Reduce called shot penalties by two dice, and resulting Tilts persist while the projectile is enlodged.
Relentless Assault Strength •••, Stamina •••, Brawl •• Drop of a Hat On the first turn only, if you make an all-out attack, add +3 to Initiative. BTP 118, WTF 2e 109
•• Eye of the Tiger Focus on one opponent. You can apply your Defense against that opponent's attacks when you all-out attack.
••• Dig Deep You can exchange one attack pool die for a point of weapon damage.
•••• Grin and Bear It Add 1/1 Armor when you make an all-out attack.
••••• The Warpath When you fill someone's last health box with lethal or aggravated damage, you can spend Willpower to make another close combat attack. Werewolves with this Merit replace the Willpower cost with Hard Rage.
Spear and Bayonet Strength •••, Dexterity ••, Weaponry •• Firm Footing All-out attacks and charges into your braced weapon inflict your weapon damage, which can exhaust Armor against a subsequent attack. HL 51
•• Keep at Bay Spend Willpower to threaten an opponent with a shorter weapon. They must retreat or dodge, or else lose Defense for a turn.
••• Strike and Develop Sacrifice Defense to twist an inflicted wound, causing a turn of lethal damage from bleeding for each attack success.
Staff Fighting Strength ••, Dexterity •••, Weaponry •• Short Grip You may exchange your staff's Defense bonus for a bonus attack die. HL 51
•• Thwack Weapon Contest Strength + Weaponry vs Strength + Athletics to disarm an opponent.
••• Vaulting Defense Spend Willpower to add your Melee dots as a Defense bonus against a single attack in a turn.
•••• Tornado Strike Spin your weapon as an effective medium autofire burst against three targets in range.
Street Fighting Stamina •••, Composure •••, Brawl ••, Streetwise •• These maneuvers must be made with Brawl attacks. CofD 65
Duck and Weave Take a one die penalty this turn to calculate Defense with the higher, not lower, of Dexterity and Wits.
•• Knocking the Wind Out Unarmed attacks inflict a temporary -1 penalty.
••• Kick 'Em While They're Down Inflict two bashing damage to opponents within range who attempt to rise from prone. Inflict Knocked Down when your attack successes exceed the target's Stamina.
•••• One-Two Punch Spend Willpower to inflict two extra bashing damage when you hit.
••••• Last-Ditch Effort When you're suffering wound penalties and about to be attacked or overpowered, spend Willpower and sacrifice Defense to interrupt with a preemptive attack.
Strength Performance Strength •••, Stamina ••, Athletics •• Strength Performance ••• may justify shedding Small-Framed or gaining Giant mid-play. HL 52
Strength Tricks Take +1 to nonviolent feats of strength, +2 when using Expression or Intimidation.
•• Lifting Receive the rote quality on Strength + Stamina feats and combat actions to demolish structures.
••• Push/Pull Double your effective Strength to shift objects across a plane, or quintuple it with wheels or other friction reductions.
•••• Stronger Than You Successful Strength rolls add an additional free success.
Systema Dexterity •••, Wits ••, Athletics ••• Rolling Ignore penalties to attack from prone, and roll Dexterity to mitigate bashing damage from impacts. HL 52
•• Balance Contest attempts to bring you prone with two free successes.
••• Combat Posture Knock Down when you roll a victim's Strength in successes to strike them in melee, or add a point of damage if already Knocking Down.
Thrown Weapons Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Quick Draw (Thrown) These maneuvers throw Size 0-1 edged weapons. HL 52
Practiced Toss Add Athletics as an Initiative bonus while wielding these thrown weapons.
•• Impalement Arts Sacrifice Defense to inflict the Impaled Tilt on a called shot.
Two Weapon Fighting Wits •••, Weaponry •••, Fighting Finesse These maneuvers use complementary weapons up to Size 2, and do not compensate for offhand penalties. HL 53
Balanced Grip Don't sum Initiative penalties so long as the off-hand weapon's penalty isn't greater than the main hand weapon's.
•• Protective Striking Add your off-hand weapon rating, minimum +1, to your Defense against the first attack in a turn.
••• Dual Swipe All-out attacks with both weapons ignore a point of Defense and add the off-hand weapon rating, minimum +1. Incompatible with Double Strike.
•••• Double Strike Spend Willpower to strike two targets simultaneously, one with each weapon. Apply the higher Defense, plus one, to both attacks.
Unarmed Defense Dexterity •••, Brawl ••, Defensive Combat (Brawl) Like a Book Add half your Brawl as a Defense bonus when not Dodging. CofD 65
•• Studied Style Focus on one opponent. Their attacks don't reduce your Defense. Once you've beaten one of their attacks with your Defense, they no longer reroll tens against you.
••• Redirect Once per turn, when you beat an attack by Dodging, you can force the attacker to reroll the attack against another opponent in range.
•••• Joint Strike Spend Willpower and roll Strength + Brawl instead of Defense against an attack. If you win the contest, inflict bashing damage and Arm or Leg Wrack.
••••• Like the Breeze Declare this maneuver at the beginning of a turn when you Dodge. You can Knock Down assailants when you beat their attack.
Weapon and Shield Strength •••, Stamina •••, Weaponry •• These maneuvers use a one-handed weapon from behind a carried shield. HL 53
Shield Bash Add your shield's Size as bonus dice when dodging. Dodge successes in excess of your opponent's inflict bashing damage.
•• Boar's Snout You can make all-out attacks without sacrificing the bonus Defense from your shield, adding +1 Defense to any allies also using this maneuver.
••• Pin Weapon Disarm assailants on missed melee attacks.
•••• Tortoise Shell Treat your shield as protective cover with Durability equal to its Size, +1 for each adjacent shielded ally.
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Conditions (2nd Edition)
A solid dot (●) in the second column denotes a Persistent Condition, while an empty dot (○) denotes a Condition which is not always Persistent, but can be under certain circumstances.

Natural Conditions

Mental Conditions
Addicted Your character is addicted to something, such as a substance or destructive behavior. MTA 2e 314
Addled Your memories are jumbled and confused. GTS 2e 299
Agoraphobic You avoid open spaces and crowds. PTC 2e 306
Amnesia You've lost a large swath of memory. CofD 288
Apprehensive Your character is convinced something bad is about to happen to them. MTC 2e 347
Avarice Your lust for wealth and/or power is insatiable. MTC 2e 347
Broken Your will is broken and you back down from everything. CofD 288
Captivated You're heavily preoccupied with something and can't split your attention. DTD 211
Competitive You are driven to assert your dominance and superiority. VTR 2e 302
Confused You can't think straight. VTR 2e 302
Cowed Someone has weakened you through a display of dominance. WTF 2e 307
Delusional Paranoid delusions dominate your behavior. VTR 2e 302
Demoralized Failure dampens your fighting initiative. WTF 2e 307
Deprived You're weakened by an unfed addiction. CofD 288
Detached You've run with occult circles for so long you've forgotten how to interact with humans. HD 123
Disoriented You've lost equilibrium and need an opportunity to recenter. DTD 211
Dissociation Surreality plagues you with doubts of your own experiences. CTL 2e 336
Distracted You're buffeted from all sides, splitting your attention terribly. VTR 2e 302
Doubtful You've lost confidence in all but your most secure actions. HMR 147
Emboldened An uninhibited atmosphere makes you impulsive and prone to temptation. HMR 150
Faith Your trust in the next world can be exploited by angelic forces. DSG 81
First Trimester You experience flulike symptoms and vivid dreams that are signs of early pregnancy. HtH 41
Second Trimester You feel more creative, but worry as something grows within you. HtH 42
Third Trimester Your body and brain prepare for giving birth, enhancing perception but causing distraction. HtH 42
Fixated You are intently focused on a single thought or command. HL 150
Frightened You're terrified and moved to panic and flee. VTR 2e 304
Fugue You've shied away from trauma by shutting out the experience. CofD 289
Guilty Feelings of remorse leave you emotionally vulnerable. CofD 289
Informed You're well equipped to tackle a given subject. CofD 289
Inspired The spirit moves you to confident action. CofD 289
Lost You've lost your sense of place and need to reorient. CofD 289
Lost Tracker Frustrations on a hunt leave your tracking skills sloppy and halfhearted. WTF 2e 308
Madness Unnatural horror has shattered your ability to process life. CofD 289
Oblivious You are absent-minded, not paying attention to things going on around you. HL 150
Obsession Something controls your attention and distracts from all else. CofD 290
Paranoid Supernatural fear diminishes your ability to trust and depend on others. WTF 2e 309
Reckless You are incapable of considering the consequences of your actions. CTL 2e 344
Scarred You have been left psychologically scarred after being violently bitten by a vampire. VTR 2e 305
Shaken You're shocked or deeply rattled, unsteadying your hand. CofD 290
Sleepwalking Sleep and wakefulness blur, and you suffer from lost time and poor recollection. CTL 2e 344
Spooked Otherworldly wonder moves you unwisely. CofD 291
Steadfast Your resolve to act is steeled and ready. CofD 291
Stoic Distance and emotional guard ease lies, but inhibit perspective and passion. CTL 2e 345
Strained You've held back the shock of witnessing supernal sorcery, but the pressure remains. MTA 2e 318
Swooned You're charmed or bedazzled by a particular person. CofD 291
Violent Violence is second nature to you, causing you to lash out at others. HTV 2e 300
Wanton You are easily given to bouts of excessive indulgence. VTR 2e 307
Withdrawn Doubt and insecurity drive you inward, sapping the will to action. CTL 2e 346
Physical Conditions
Agonized You suffer extreme pain and are unable to think clearly. GttN 135
Arm Disability At least one arm is either chronically or permanently nonfunctional. HL 57
Blind You've lost or can't exercise your sense of sight. CofD 288
Chronic Agony You're vulnerable to incapacitating pain spells. HL 57
Chronic Sickness Sickness or poison lingers in you, aggravated by stress. HL 57
Deaf Your hearing is severely impaired. HL 58
Disabled You can't effectively walk on your own power. CofD 288
Drained You're weak and woozy from blood loss. VTR 2e 303
Easy Prey You've left a strong trail for a hunter to follow and exploit. WTF 2e 307
Energized A chemically induced rush. HD 123
Exhausted You're run ragged on the edge of unconsciousness. WTF 2e 307
Fatigued You've pushed yourself too far, and your fatigue hangs over you constantly. PTC 2e 309
Fragile You're using equipment not sturdy enough to endure continued use. CofD 102
Intoxicated Your discretion is dulled by altered consciousness. VTR 2e 304
Invisible Predator You've skulked on the hunt, leaving nary a trace of your approach. WTF 2e 308
Leg Disability At least one leg is either chronically or permanently nonfunctional. HL 58
Lethargic Fatigue tires you so heavily you cannot muster Willpower. CTL 2e 342
Mute You cannot speak or use your voice. CofD 290
Numb Detachment from the world dulls the feeling in your body. CTL 2e 343
Sickly Disease is making its way through your system. DSG 105
Stumbled A complication has arisen to interrupt an ongoing project. WTF 2e 311
Untraceable You've thoroughly covered any trail a hunter might use to find you. WTF 2e 311
Volatile You're using unstable equipment prone to backfiring. CofD 102
Social Conditions
Bonded You've established trust with a particular animal. CofD 288
Connected You've made inroads with a particular group of people. CofD 288
Embarrassing Secret There are skeletons in your closet to exploit. CofD 289
Flagged Something has alerted the location's security, and they're on your trail. MTC 2e 353
Hunted Dangerous enemies have your trail. CTL 2e 342
Leveraged A particular character is holding something over your head to compel you. CofD 289
Notoriety Odious blame follows you, whether true or not. CofD 290
Reluctant Aggressor You don't really want to hurt your victim, but you're going to do it anyway. HL 150
Surveilled Someone or something is keeping tabs on you. HL 150
Tasked Your duty-bound allies have issued you a serious task you must carry out. VTR 2e 307
Vendetta You will stop at nothing to punish those who wronged you. HTV 2e 300
Watched Someone is stalking you, suspicious of an unnatural secret you hide. PTC 2e 312

Supernatural Conditions

General Supernatural Conditions
Accursed Knowledge You have acquired forbidden knowledge, trading sanity for power. MTC 2e 346
Dissonant Tuning Your soul resonates with the Lie, amplifying its effects on Supernal phenomena. NH-NA 163
Dormant Sovereign The Mummy watching over your cult has difficulty awakening due to challenges faced in Duat. MTC 350
Emanation The oppressive presence of one of the Judges of Duat, centered upon a focal vessel. MTC 2e 352
Enervated You are in the second stage of soul loss, further diminishing your will. VTR 2e 303
Family Ties You've united your power in concert with a Primordial Beast. BTP 322
Goblin Queen Your fractured goblin nature has stranded you in the Hedge and attracted followers. CTL 2e 339
Going Westward Your nature as an immortal has buckled, and the debility of age encroaches. MTC 2e 354
Hedge Denizen Dealings with goblins have made you a goblin yourself, with limited ability to leave the Hedge. CTL 2e 340
Identity Crisis Your identity and memories have become intertwined with those of others, leaving you unsure of who you really are. MTC 2e 354
Monstrous Servant You have managed to gain control of a Geryo for a period. NH-SM 201
Ominous Your presence is marked by phantasms and ill omens. MTC 2e 357
The Sibyl's Tongue Supernatural revelations can only be shared in High Speech, or by spending Willpower, through riddles or allegory. DE 78
Soul Shocked Your sense of self is healing after experiencing death outside the body. MTA 2e 318
Soulless Your soul has been stripped from you, gradually sapping your will. CofD 290
Thrall You have succumbed to the effects of soullessness, a mere shell of who you once were. MTA 2e 318
Unintended Medium A lingering ghost or spirit is able to subject you to harrowing visions. DEC 273
Shows of Power
These Conditions are usually imposed by supernatural powers.
Abruption Your supernatural prowess is severely hobbled by a dominant outside force. BTP 321
Awestruck You are cowed by the visage of the figure before you, forcing you to grovel. WTF 2e 306
Berserk Supernatural influence drives you to unthinking violence. WTF 2e 306
Bestial Supernatural urges provoke animalistic fight-or-flight instincts. VTR 2e 301
Blood Siblings Your fate has been bound by obligation to aid another, regardless of your will. HD 43
Charmed You're temporarily bewitched by vampiric Majesty. VTR 2e 301
Charmed You benefit from a blessing of luck and turns of fortune. MTA 2e 315
Coerced You've been coerced by a Devotion to do a task or suffer damage. Post/Pastebin
Crown You have become a vessel to focus the will and power of one of the Judges of Duat. MTC 2e 348
Cursed A supernatural curse dooms your efforts in a given field. BTP 322
Dead Dreamer Prophetic and terrifying dreams guide you towards a specific task. MTC 2e 349
Despondent Dire Wolf's aura causes you to lose hope and fight with minimal effort. NH-SM 200
Dominated A vampire has temporarily stolen your will with a given command. VTR 2e 302
Enslaved A vampire has your will helplessly in her thrall. VTR 2e 303
Ensorcelled You've fallen in thrall to a supernatural being. HMR 153
Enthralled A vampire has bewitched you with a fanatical devotion to him. VTR 2e 303
Euphoric Rabid Wolf's aura maddens you into fighting only for the werewolf's sport. NH-SM 200
False Memories Supernatural forces have overwritten your memories of an event. VTR 2e 303
Frantic Rabid Wolf's aura panics you into using your energy meaninglessly. NH-SM 200
Ghost-Marked Supernatural power has transformed your body with a mark of death. GTS 2e 300
Impassioned Shade Infusion of a mission which preserves an ephemeral entity in Twilight. MTC 2e 354
Instinctive Dire Wolf's aura reduces your thought to its basest instincts. NH-SM 200
Isolated The Elodoth aura has drawn you out, away from allies. WTF 2e 308
Lured Hunting magic draws you to blindly wander into a likely trap. WTF 2e 309
Manic Supernatural power has made you focused and obsessive to the point of over-exertion. Post/Pastebin
Melancholic Supernatural power has made you melancholic. You struggle to do even minor tasks. Post/Pastebin
Mesmerized You're temporarily vulnerable to a vampire's commands. VTR 2e 305
Moon Taint A werewolf's bite brings the change upon you against your will. WTF 2e 309
Mystified The Ithaeur aura shies you away from the opposite side of the Gauntlet. WTF 2e 309
Ravaged Fae predations have scarred your heart and mind, leaving you a ghost of your former self. CTL 2e 344
Relentless Your instincts drive you inexorably in the direction of your quarry. MTC 2e 357
Resigned The Cahalith aura goads you into facing death recklessly. WTF 2e 310
Shadow Paranoia Supernatural fear builds into a violent, irrational panic. WTF 2e 310
Subservient A vampire is temporarily pressing down on your will to resist. VTR 2e 306
Surrounded Silver Wolf's aura deludes others into conspiracy against you. NH-SM 201
Swaggering The Rahu aura lulls you into overlooking the need for preparation or aid. WTF 2e 311
Unaware The Irraka aura reduces your attention to the world around you. WTF 2e 311
Vocalization You've been cursed with harrowing sounds and voices. HMR 147
Wracked Silver Wolf's aura afflicts you with unceasing pain. NH-SM 202

Vampire: the Requiem

Kindred Conditions
Dependent You're obsessed with a vessel you've fed from, as if suffering a second-stage Vinculum. VTR 2e 302
Ecstatic Blood sorcery has pleased the Beast's appetites. VTR 2e 303
Humbled Your will as a monster shrinks from divine judgment. VTR 2e 304
Jaded Your detachment from the concerns of Humanity baits out the Beast. VTR 2e 304
Languid The loss of worldly Touchstones has you feeling the weight of ages and the call of torpor. VTR 2e 304
Oathbreaker You suffer censure from the Invictus for breaking a blood oath. SotC 189
Primeval Truths Occult revelations disquiet you until you face them down. SotC 184
Raptured Religious fervor makes riding the wave easier. VTR 2e 305
Sated The Beast is appeased enough to make frenzy less threatening. VTR 2e 305
Tainted A soul consumed through diablerie still struggles from within you. VTR 2e 306
Tempted Resisting a frenzy has tested your will to resist the next. VTR 2e 307
Elder Conditions
Anchored Heart You are deeply invested in a particular mortal. TY 135
Beast's Bargain You feed at any available safe opportunity, placating your inner Beast. TY 135
Beloved Enemy You have a nemesis whom you can't bring yourself to kill. TY 135
Children of the Blood A revenant of your creation haunt your steps. TY 135
Crushed The incredible weight of centuries bears down upon you. TY 135
Curated You possess a communal ghoul as part of a bargain. TY 136
Forgotten Your solitude has estranged you from those you know, who now find it difficult and require much effort to remember or even recognize you. TY 136
Immutable Heart You are fully invested in a particular mortal institute or way of life. TY 136
Imprisoned Echo Your Ka is temporarily trapped within a mirror. TY 136
Leveraged Your ghoul is a dedicated servant, but knows your deepest secrets, and leverages this fact to demand certain favors and concessions. TY 136
Living Legend You are immortalized in a popular piece of vampire "fiction", to the consternation of your fellow Kindred. TY 136
Lost Lineage You hail from a clan or bloodline that has long since been lost to the ages. TY 137
Quiet Echo Your Ka is calmed, able to walk outside its usual confined without drawing attention. TY 137
Synchronized You have drunk too deeply from your victim, taking their injuries and conditions upon yourself. TY 137
Vitae's Resoluteness Your addiction to vitae lessens the effect of Languid, so long as your addiction is fed. TY 137
Weak Vitae Your vitae has thinned to the point you can no longer create a new vampire; any attempts only produces a revenant. TY 137
Danse Macabre Conditions
Audience There are eavesdroppers and witnesses to your exchange. GttN 119
Crowd Darling You have charmed the audience to your side. GttN 120
Danse Macabre You are being observed by the upper echelons of vampire society. GttN 119
Disgraced You have fallen from grace, and face existence as a pariah. GttN 120
Exposed Your actions have compromised others within your circle, diminishing your influence. GttN 120
Repressed You have suffered defeat at the hands of a rival. GttN 120
Rising Star You are the crowd favorite, the audience rallying to your side. GttN 120
Subdued A rival has further demonstrated their mastery over you. GttN 120
The Edge You have demonstrated superiority over one of your contemporaries, and are riding the high. GttN 120
Dhampir Conditions
Alienated Nosferatu blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of self-persecuting isolation. HD 44
Domineering Ventrue blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of control and superiority. HD 44
Feral Gangrel blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of violent abuse. HD 43
Malcontent Daeva blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of lashing out. HD 43
Voyeuristic Mekhet blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of lurid fascination. HD 43
Ghoul Conditions
Hunger You feel a violent, desperate need for Vitae. HD 123
Inbred Ghoul family lineage emerges as a glaring affliction without Vitae. HD 123
Recovery You suffer the pain and weakness that comes from weaning yourself off vitae. HD 123

Werewolf: the Forsaken

Uratha Conditions
Ban You are compelled to obey one of the taboos of the Shadow. WTF 2e 306
Essence Overload The imbalance of your bodily Essence has tied its loss to injury. WTF 2e 307
Shadowlashed Errors on a Rite have invited the disdain of the spirit world. WTF 2e 310
Siskur-Dah You are empowered by the Sacred Hunt to bring a chosen prey low. WTF 2e 310
Symbolic Focus The power of a Rite still flows through you, enhancing spirit displays. WTF 2e 311
Lunacy Conditions
Atavism The Lunacy stirs you into unreasoning violence. WTF 2e 306
Delusion The Lunacy drives you into unthinking retreat. WTF 2e 307
Enraptured An abnormal response to Lunacy stirs you to worship. NH-SM 200
Reception The Lunacy leaves you unwittingly open to the spirit world. WTF 2e 310
Renown Conditions
Cunning Your Cunning waxes in a display that invites response. WTF 2e 307
Glorious Your Glory waxes in a display that invites response. WTF 2e 308
Honorable Your Honor waxes in a display that invites response. WTF 2e 308
Pure Your Purity waxes in a display that invites response. WTF 2e 309
Wise Your Wisdom waxes in a display that invites response. WTF 2e 311

Mage: the Awakening

Awakened Conditions
Defeated A rival has won magical advantage over you in the Duel Arcane. MTA 2e 315
Degenerate Mana You can no longer regenerate mana without performing an Act of Hubris. NH-NA 163
Humbled Someone stands to you as a valuable reminder of the power of humanity. MTA 2e 316
Mage Hunter You are obsessed with hunting and destroying magic in all its forms. NH-NA 164
Megalomaniacal You are blinded by hubris. MTA 2e 317
Mystery Commands You receive the arcane will of the Exarchs. MTA 2e 317
Rampant Your spellcasting is ruled by a cavalier, reckless attitude. MTA 2e 317
Supernal Harrowing Your soul has been contaminated by a Harrowed Banisher. NH-NA 164
Tainted Aspiration One or more of your Aspirations have been tainted by an Abyssal curse. NH-NA 164
Triumphant You carry your victory in the Dual Arcane with you in Awakened society. MTA 2e 319
Paradox Conditions
Abyssal Backlash A Paradox casts a shadow over you, threatening to break through on the next spell that gives it an opening. MTA 2e 117
Abyssal Debilitation You are hampered as a result of exposing your soul to the Abyss. NH-NA 163
Abyssal Imago A Paradox intrudes upon the spells you envision, compelling dangerous Reach. MTA 2e 117
Abyssal Nimbus A Paradox has leaked across your Nimbus and invites Abyssal manifestations. MTA 2e 116
Monster A Paradox has mutated an animal into a miserable, fearsome nemesis. DE 81
Unclean A Paradox has turned your magical tools and methods against you. DE 81

Promethean: the Created

Created Conditions
Branded Throng Your bond with your throng allows Pyros to flow, and its balance dampens the destructive aspect of your Azoth. PTC 2e 306
Disconnected Frustration in your Pilgrimage causes you to shrink from human interaction. PTC 2e 308
Tormented Pain and suffering have severely imbalanced your alchemical humours. PTC 2e 312
Disquiet Conditions
Disquieted A Promethean's presence increasingly distracts and overwhelms you over progressive stages. PTC 2e 308
Murderous Pandoran Disquiet taints your instincts with predatory violence. PTC 2e 311
Stricken Pandoran Disquiet infects you with horror and fright. PTC 2e 312
Terrified Pandoran Disquiet whips you into panicked retreat. PTC 2e 312
Refinement Conditions
Analyst The Refinement of Impurity. Exploiting a Vice when Social Maneuvering is twice as effective. PTC 2e 65
Destructive The Refinement of Flux. Spend Pyros to ignore Durability or Armor equal to your Azoth. PTC 2e 251
Enraged The Refinement of Torment. Recover Pyros from your Torment Anchor. PTC 2e 56
Intense The Refinement of Ephemerality. Spend Pyros to open a Door at the cost of Disquiet. PTC 2e 71
Introspective The Refinement of Source. Suffer bashing damage to squeeze out a point of Pyros as an instant action. PTC 2e 53
Masked The Refinement of Mortality. Spend Pyros to delay the onset of Disquiet. PTC 2e 44
Patient The Refinement of Self. Spend Pyros to raise your Azoth in Doors. PTC 2e 47
Resourceful The Refinement of Pyros. Spend Pyros to increase a tool's equipment bonus temporarily. PTC 2e 68
Sensitive The Refinement of Mystery. Spend Pyros to identify the supernatural. PTC 2e 62
Tenacious The Refinement of Corpus. Spend Pyros to increase the number of rolls you can commit to an extended action. PTC 2e 50
Tuned In The Refinement of Aid. Spend Pyros to sense the way to your throngmates. PTC 2e 59
Transmutation Complications
Alienated The charge of Deception has distanced you from your fellow Prometheans. PTC 2e 306
Atavistic The charge of Metamorphosis has overwhelmed your composure. PTC 2e 306
Burnout The charge of Vulcanus has painfully overstoked your inner fire. PTC 2e 307
Callous The charge of Mesmerism has sapped your empathy. PTC 2e 307
Degaussed The charge of Electrification disrupts local electromagnetics. PTC 2e 307
Ephemeral Anchor The charge of Spiritus invites ephemeral activity around you. PTC 2e 309
Flawed Vessel The charge of Alchemicus interferes with your ability to channel Pyros. PTC 2e 309
Fragile The charge of Contamination has weakened your body. PTC 2e 309
Greedy Brand The charge of Benefice draws out and wastes throngmates' Pyros. PTC 2e 310
Hyperextended The charge of Vitality overtaxes your body's abilities. PTC 2e 310
Irritable The charge of Disquietism saps your self-control. PTC 2e 310
Kinesthesia The charge of Corporeum interferes with abstract thought. PTC 2e 310
Reckless The charge of Luciferus renders you uncautious and impulsive. PTC 2e 311
Regressive The charge of Saturninus dulls your grip on human motives and behavior. PTC 2e 311
Synesthesia The charge of Sensorium overwhelms your ability to distinguish sensory input. PTC 2e 312

Changeling: the Lost

Lost Conditions
Behind Your Eyes Your clarity disintegration allows Hedge ghosts, Hobgoblins, or the Gentry to use your senses. Kith 140
Comatose You've lost all Clarity and subconsciously retreated into an unending dream. CTL 2e 334
Cursed A changeling has cursed you, which only resolves when the changeling fails to maintain certain conditions. Kith 140
Deep Kenning Your enhanced Clarity offers you insight into nearby magic, fading if Clarity drops to 0. Kith 140
Dream Assailant Your reckless dreamweaving has roused the dream's violent rebellion. CTL 2e 336
Dream Infiltrator Your meddling dreamweaving has raised the suspicion of the dream and its eidolons. CTL 2e 337
Dream Intruder Your extensive dreamweaving sets the dream and its eidolons ill at ease. CTL 2e 338
Egomaniac Your loss of Clarity leads to egotistical behavior and altered anchors. Kith 141
Enchanted Obligation You have enchanted bargain with a mortal, similar to Obliged but includes additional effects. Kith 141
Glamour Addicted Your body withers and consumes itself if not regularly sated with enough Glamour. CTL 2e 339
Hexed You suffer from a changeling's minor curse, resolved through a specified action. Kith 141
Icon Shard You broke a vow, infusing your Icon with malicious intent, tormenting you. Kith 141
Indebted You owe a debt to a fae being, repayable through accepting damage or a detrimental conditions dealt to them. Kith 142
Kithseeker Undertaking trials in the Hedge to seek a kith that matches your soul’s calling. Kith 142
Oathbreaker You've broken an oath, inviting distrust and separating yourself from sealings. CTL 2e 343
Obliged A bargain of service with a mortal human protects you from the Wild Hunt and can hide you from Wyrd-bound pursuers. CTL 2e 343
Fae-Touched Conditions
Hedge Addiction The Hedge calls to you and tempts you. CTL 2e 340
Arcadian Dreams You're harrowed with visions of your promise-bound and their suffering, and can trace them through the Hedge. CTL 2e 333

Geist: the Sin-Eaters

Bound Conditions
Bonding Your relationship with your geist benefits from weathering a crisis point. GTS 2e 299
Dead Your body lies dead, unleashing your geist. GTS 2e 299
Defiant You've broken the Old Laws, and their keeper knows it. GTS 2e 299
Echoes Your geist's Remembrance Traits jumble in your mind. GTS 2e 299
Ferry Bound You may navigate passengers across the Underworld's rivers so long as you collect the proper price. GTS 2e 299
Flatlining Your Synergy has been broken, and your geist rebels. GTS 2e 300
Fragmented Dead waters have washed away your definition and identity. Mem 27
Indebted Neglecting a Touchstone has uncentered you spiritually. GTS 2e 300
Lawbreaker A Dominion spites and curses you for breaking the Old Laws. GTS 2e 300
Memento Collector Other Sin-Eaters are impressed! GTS 2e 301
Memory Bleed Your identity begins to blur with that of your non-personal Memories. GTS 2e 301
Regalia A krewe has bestowed you with a special crown blessing. GTS 2e 301
Theophany The confidence and celebration of a krewe that has changed the world. GTS 2e 301
Unleashed The geist materializes, temporarily unmoored from its Bound. GTS 2e 301
Wavering You have offended your geist and it demands recompense before it will cooperate. GTS 2e 301
Weakened Bond Unleashing your geist has temporarily displaced your power. GTS 2e 302
Haunt Conditions
Actor You have been bound to participate in a ghostly recapitulation of events. GTS 2e 306
Boneyard The Bound's consciousness haunts the location, seeping awareness into every corner and object. GTS 2e 306
Caul You've invited your geist into your flesh to transform your shape. GTS 2e 306
Curse A Sin-Eater haunts you with cursed fortune. GTS 2e 307
Dirge The song of the Bound moves you and impels you. GTS 2e 307
Marionette You are strung by the Plasm of a manipulative Bound. GTS 2e 307
Maw You've become an uncontrollable nexus for the Underworld's endless hunger. Mem 24
Memoria Memories of death and the dead play out in visions. GTS 2e 307
Oracle You have left your body to seek answers as a spectral traveller. GTS 2e 308
Rage You wield ghostly malice to smite your foes. GTS 2e 308
Servant An engine of Plasm controls your body. GTS 2e 308
Shroud Your body interweaves with your geist, ghostly and gauzy. GTS 2e 309
Tomb You have molded memories of something lost into a perfect replica. GTS 2e 309
Void You have opened the wake of a black and hungry nothingness. Mem 24
Void Storm The Underworld's hunger reaches through you to sap energy from the world. Mem 24
Well Your self and memories flow like the dead rivers. Mem 26

Hunter: the Vigil

Hunter Conditions
Merciless The hunt is now the focal point of your life, and have difficulty focusing on anything else. HTV 2e 298
Vigilant The hunt is your entire life, and you're ready to do whatever it takes to stop the monsters lurking in the shadows. HTV 2e 300

Mummy: the Curse

Arisen Conditions
Disembodied You walk as a ghost through Twilight. MTC 2e 350
Disinterred Your tomb has been ransacked or ruined. MTC 2e 350
Forgotten Skill Buried expertise waits to be unearthed from within your memory. MTC 2e 353
Memory Bleed You have fused into the soul of another, and your identities blur together. MTC 2e 356
Cult Conditions
Effortless Effort Your cult produces greater results in its efforts. MTC 2e 352
Far-Reaching Your cult has made successful inroads with important figures. MTC 2e 353
Haphazard Cultists Your cult is disorganized, reducing their effectiveness. MTC 2e 354
Heresy Your cult has been infiltrated by a contradictory, potentially blasphemous belief. MTC 2e 354
Iron Grasp Your grip on your cult is absolute. MTC 2e 355
Isolated Your cult is insular, even going so far as to reject outside assistance. MTC 2e 355
Mismanaged Your cult's effectiveness is stymied by ineffective elements within it. MTC 2e 357
Shaken Faith The cult's resolve is shaken, questioning its leadership or doctrines. MTC 2e 359
Zealous Your cult is more dedicated to its mission than most, operating more effectively. MTC 2e 361
Sybaris Conditions
Unease Sybaris Stage one. Dread unsettles you without a supernatural power to turn to. MTC 2e 359
Terror Sybaris Stage two. Contact with a mummy seizes you with fear. MTC 2e 360
Desecration Sybaris Stage three. Unholy terror invites the will of Duat. MTC 2e 360
Rewards and Punishments of Duat
Accelerated Descent Duat pulls more eagerly at your Sekhem. MTC 2e 346
Auspicious Descent Your Sekhem weathers the Descent longer. MTC 2e 347
Blessed Minions Your cultists are inspired by your accomplishments. MTC 2e 347
Damaged Pillar You cannot draw power from one of the Pillars of your soul. MTC 2e 349
Devouring Urge Ammut the Devourer speaks to you, and only sacrifice will buy her silence. MTC 2e 350
Driven Your surety in your ambition is a great well of strength. MTC 2e 351
Echoes of Descent Your clarity and Memory lift up the power of your soul. MTC 2e 351
Geometric Alignment Sekhem's flow preserves your tomb from disruption. MTC 2e 354
Graceful Descent Your overflowing Sekham staves off your Descent. MTC 2e 354
Luminous Pillars Your soul shines strong and resists depletion. MTC 2e 355
Megalomaniacal Your failures in the trials of Duat have left you with cold, single-minded focus. MTC 2e 356
Precipitous Descent The Descent wears down your Sekhem more quickly. MTC 2e 357
Repression Your failures in the trials of Duat have hollowed out portions of your knowledge. MTC 2e 358
Timeless Conditions
Alternative Current Time around you is taking a divergent current. MTC 2e 346
Déjà Vu You stand where different currents of possiblity converge on a single event. MTC 2e 349
Eddy You wade through sluggish waters which can be outpaced. MTC 2e 352
Mirage You recognize patterns in the tides which echo past and future events. MTC 2e 356
Rip You can take precise stock from your position amid rapid timeflows. MTC 2e 358
Whirlpool Caught in a swirl of recurring events, you can grab hold of causal fixtures. MTC 2e 360

Demon: the Descent

Unchained Conditions
Aetheric Bleed Exertion in demonic form has you releasing accumulated Aether. DTD 209
Betrayed Someone you trusted has sided with the God-Machine against you. DTD 119
Blackballed The heat you've drawn makes you a liability for nearby demons. DTD 120
Blown One of your Covers is useless, and the God-Machine is now actively targeting it. DTD 119
Burn-Coded You have been infected with malware, compromising your Cover. DSG 105
Demonic Disconnect You've failed to maintain human empathy while in your demonic form. DTD 209
Demonic Rage Pain and frustration suffered in demonic form provoke frenzied violence. DTD 210
Flagged The agents of the God-Machine have their attentions directed your way. DTD 120
Hunted Your actions have alerted the God-Machine to your presence. DTD 119
Implanted You have a weird gadget implanted in your body and this is not normal. FoH 155
Impostor You've let the lies of Legend pile up. DTD 119
Memory Hole Errors in god-hacking have disrupted your access to a particular Skill. FoH 80
Of the Machine The demon has god-hacked to disguise her fallen nature within a project. FoH 78
Overclocked You've stored more Aether than your body can normally process at once, and must soon vent the excess. FoH 81
Phantom Pain Your focus is disrupted by the gnawing feeling of a missing demonic form ability. FoH 160
Plugged In You've jacked an angel's Cover, and the God-Machine is watching you as if you were that angel. DTD 118
Surveilled Agents of the God-Machine are compiling intelligence to identify you. DTD 120
Agenda Conditions
Angel Empathy The Integrator Agenda. Resolve to understand and exploit the angelic mindset. DTD 95
An Eye for Disorder The Saboteur Agenda. Resolve to intuit the best course of action to upend a system into chaos. DTD 97
I Know Someone The Tempter Agenda. Resolve to make the right connections to fit in anywhere. DTD 99
Prepared for Anything The Inquisitor Agenda. Resolve to make an instant logical connection or breakthrough. DTD 93
Uncalled You are not a member of any Agenda. DTD 78
Demon-Blooded Conditions
Activated The God-Machine has broken your Cipher. You have four Key Embeds and three Interlocks, but once per session, the God-Machine may act through you. HtH 35
Catalogued The God-Machine is probing your Cipher. You have two Key Embeds and an Interlock, but the God-Machine is watching your status. HtH 35
Examined The God-Machine has accessed your Cipher. You have three Key Embeds and two Interlocks, but you're scrutinized enough to pose demons a risk of compromise through you. HtH 35
Noted The God-Machine is looking for your Cipher. You have one Key Embed. HtH 35

Beast: the Primordial

Begotten Conditions
Gorged Your Satiety is comfortably sated. You inflict Nightmares easily, but are not resistant to supernatural compulsion. BTP 320
Ravenous Your hunger consumes you, both mentally and physically, until you find sustenance. BTP 320
Sated Your Satiety sits in an uncomfortable middle, and you are vulnerable to Anathema. BTP 320
Slumbering You've feasted too much, and your Horror sleeps to digest, denying you its power. BTP 321
Starving Your Satiety is low, making you sharp and ready to feed. Your Atavisms wax in power, but your Lair is hazy and distant. BTP 321

Deviant: the Renegades

Remade Conditions
End Stage Terminal instability renders Variations at maximum Magnitude uncontrollably potent, and by the end of the chapter, will destroy you, body and soul. DTR 322

Merits, Universal (2nd Edition)

Mental Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Advanced Library • to ••••• Library •••, ≤ Safe Place Your library is vast enough to contain useful, direct information about supernatural topics. Choose a topic per Advanced Library dot. Every story, once per topic, you can take the Informed Condition when you consult your library about that topic. MTA 2e 105
Area of Expertise Resolve •• Raise one Specialty's die bonus to +2. CofD 44
Common Sense ••• Once per chapter, roll Wits + Composure as an instant action to ask the Storyteller a question about risks and choices. CofD 44
Danger Sense •• +2 bonus to detect an ambush. CofD 44
Direction Sense Keep perfect track of your relative location and direction, and ignore penalties to navigate or find your way. CofD 44
Eidetic Memory •• Ignore rolls for recall or memory. +2 bonus to recall minute facts buried in other information. CofD 44
Encyclopedic Knowledge •• Roll Intelligence + Wits to recall useful trivia relating to a particular field or pursuit. CofD 44
Eye for the Strange •• Resolve ••, Occult • Roll Intelligence + Composure to identify evidence of supernatural involvement. CofD 44
Fast Reflexes • to ••• Wits or Dexterity ••• Add Fast Reflexes dots to Initiative. CofD 44
Good Time Management Academics or Science •• Make extended action rolls in half the necessary time. CofD 44
Holistic Awareness Roll Wits + Survival to substitute woodland scavengings for equipment when treating patients with Medicine, unless the patient suffers non-bashing wound penalties. CofD 44
Human Prey •• Your nerves react instinctively to danger. When violence erupts, you may suffer Insane to boost Strength, suffer Beaten Down but gain 8-Again to flee, or suffer Stunned but recover Willpower. DTR 97
Hypervigilance You're overly cautious of hidden dangers. Take 8-Again to perceive traps or ambushes, but on exceptional success, suffer Spooked. DTR 97
Indomitable •• Resolve ••• +2 to a contesting dice pool or resistance trait applied against supernatural mental influence. CofD 45
Interdisciplinary Specialty Any Skill ••• Choose a Specialty in the corresponding Skill. Apply the Specialty's bonus die to relevant rolls of any Skill, except unskilled rolls. CofD 45
Investigative Aide Any Skill ••• When you roll the selected Skill to uncover clues, achieve exceptional success with only three successes. Add a bonus element to any clues uncovered with this Skill. CofD 45
Investigative Prodigy • to ••••• Wits •••, Investigation ••• When you roll to uncover clues, you uncover a clue per success, capped by your dots in Investigative Prodigy. Clues from extra successes never have more than one element each. CofD 45
Language You can speak, read and write in a chosen language. CofD 45
Library • to ••• You have a cache of information relating to a particular Skill. Add your dots in Library to relevant extended rolls. CofD 46
Lucid Dreamer •• Resolve ••• You may roll Resolve + Composure while asleep to dream lucidly, and may wake up at will. CTL 2e 123
Meditative Mind •, ••, or •••• Ignore environmental and wound penalties on meditation rolls. With two dots, meditation grants +3 to Resolve + Composure rolls for the remainder of the day. With four dots, meditation rolls only need to accumulate one success. CofD 46
Multilingual You can speak conversationally in two chosen languages. Roll Intelligence + Academics for reading comprehension. CofD 46
Object Fetishism • to ••••• You obsess over a given possession relating to a chosen Specialty. Recover Willpower each session from your obsession, and spending Willpower to roll that Specialty exaggerates both failure and success. HL 42
Patient Add +2 to your maximum number of allowed rolls on extended actions. CofD 46
Renowned Artisan ••• Crafts ••• with specialty You've been taught the ways of an ancient Iremite guild. Once per chapter, you may reroll a relevant Crafts action. MTC 2e 113
Scarred Integrity ≤ 5 Suffer a Persistent Condition which prevents you from recovering Integrity, but inures you from a particular breaking point. HL 43
Tolerance for Biology Resolve ••• Ignore Resistance rolls from witnessing biological grotesquerie. CofD 46
Trained Observer • or ••• Wits or Composure ••• Take 9-Again, or 8-Again with three dots, on Perception rolls. CofD 46
Vice-Ridden •• Vice Take a second Vice. CofD 46
Virtuous •• Virtue Take a second Virtue. CofD 46

Physical Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Ambidextrous ••• Ignore offhand penalties. Character creation only. CofD 47
Automotive Genius Crafts •••, Drive •, Science • Raise maximum modifications to a vehicle to thrice Crafts rating, plus number of relevant Crafts Specialties. CofD 47
Covert Operative Wits •••, Dexterity •••, Stealth •• When launching an ambush, deny 10-Again to notice it, and take +3 Initiative on the first turn. HL 53
Crack Driver •• or ••• Drive ••• When not taking any non-Drive actions, add your Composure as a bonus to Drive rolls, and penalize attempts to disable your vehicle by your Composure. With three dots, you can take a reflexive Drive action once per turn. CofD 47
Demolisher • to ••• Strength or Intelligence ••• When breaking objects, ignore a point of Durability per dot of Demolisher. CofD 47
Double Jointed •• Dexterity ••• Dislodge joints at will. Escape from mundane bondage automatically. When grappled and not acting aggressively, penalize your attacker's overpowering rolls by your Dexterity. CofD 47
Fleet of Foot • to ••• Athletics •• Add dots in Fleet of Foot to your Speed, and penalize pursuit rolls in a foot chase by your Fleet of Foot dots. CofD 47
Freediving Athletics •• Add Athletics to Stamina when holding a deep breath, and succeed exceptionally on three successes to fight the gasp reflex. DTR 99
Giant ••• +1 Size. Character creation only. CofD 47
Greyhound Athletics •••, Wits •••, Stamina ••• Succeed exceptionally on three successes in a chase action. CofD 48
Hardy • to ••• Stamina ••• Add Hardy dots as a bonus to rolls against disease, poison, deprivation, suffocation and unconsciousness. CofD 47
Iron Skin • to •• Brawl ••, Stamina ••• Add general Armor equal to your dots in this Merit against bashing attacks. You can spend a point of Willpower to downgrade lethal damage to bashing equal to your dots in this merit. BTP 117
Iron Stamina • to ••• Stamina or Resolve ••• Ignore penalties from fatigue or wounds up to your rating in Iron Stamina. CofD 48
Punch Drunk •• Willpower •••••• Spend Willpower to preserve your last Health point, upgrading preexisting damage instead. HL 43
Quick Draw Wits ••• Whenever your Defense is available, you can draw a weapon that falls under a chosen Weaponry or Firearms Specialty as a reflexive action. CofD 49
Relentless Athletics ••, Stamina ••• Add 2 to the successes needed against you in a chase. CofD 49
Roadkill ••• Aggressive Driving •• When you try to run someone over, Knock Down even if you miss, and double your velocity bonus. HL 55
Seizing the Edge •• Wits •••, Composure ••• You get the Edge in the first turn of a chase, and if your opponent fails a roll as if being ambushed, you can calculate your target successes without their Speed or Initiative. CofD 49
Sleight of Hand •• Larceny ••• You can take a Larceny instant action reflexively once per turn, and victims of your Larceny can't notice your attempts if they aren't specifically looking for them. CofD 49
Small-Framed •• -1 Size. Take a +2 bonus to hide, go unnoticed, or otherwise benefit from your size. Character creation only. CofD 49
Survivalist Survival •••, Iron Stamina ••• You can resist Extreme Cold and Extreme Heat for hours equal to your Stamina. HL 43

Social Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Air of Menace •• Intimidation •• You wear a history of violence on your sleeve. +2 to menace others, and less rough characters must spend Willpower to pick a fight, but social maneuvering is harder. HL 41
Allies • to ••••• You have influence and goodwill with a chosen group proportional to your dots in this Merit. Each session, you can call on your Allies for favors of a value rated 1 to 5 by the Storyteller, up to your rating in the Merit. Favors in excess require a roll of Manipulation + Persuasion + Allies. CofD 49
Alternate Identity • to ••• You've laid groundwork establishing a false identity: an informal history with one dot, a veneer of documentation with two, or an airtight paper trail with three. +1 to Subterfuge rolls to maintain the false identity, or +2 with three dots. CofD 50
Anonymity • to ••••• No Fame Penalize attempts to find you by paper trail or living evidence by a die per Anonymity dot. CofD 50
Barfly •• Socialize •• You can get in anywhere socially. Penalize attempts to recognize you as out of place by your Socialize dots. CofD 50
Beneath Notice ••• You appear as a servant and do not need to roll stealth around those who see you as of lower standing. Gain +3 to eavesdrop on those same people. GTTN 123
Closed Book • to ••••• Manipulation •••, Resolve ••• Add dots in this Merit to your number of Doors, and as a die bonus to contest Social assessment actions. CofD 50
Cohesive Unit • to ••• Presence ••• Confer +2 to teamwork. With two dots, confer bonus dice each scene. With three dots, confer rerolls. HL 42
Contacts • to ••••• Choose a group or field for each dot of Contacts. You can roll Manipulation + (relevant Social Skill) to gather information or dirt from acquaintances in any of these groups or fields. CofD 50
Defender • to ••• Gain bonus Willpower to spend on protecting loved ones, but losing them causes a crisis of grief or retribution. HL 42
Den of Vice •• Have a location that reflects your vice that allows you to recover all your willpower once per chapter. Anytime you use your vice to regain willpower normally, roll Stamina + Composure, gaining the Addicted condition on a failure. GTTN 124
Empath •• Empathy •• Contest Wits + Empathy against Manipulation + Subterfuge for insight into a character's mental state, which can open Doors or ease breaking points. HL 42
Fame • to ••• No Anonymity You're known for something, locally or selectively with one dot, broadly in an area with two dots, or universally with three. Add Fame dots as a die bonus to Social rolls targeting those impressed by your reputation, and to rolls by other characters to find or identify you. CofD 50
Fixer •• Contacts ••, Wits ••• Obtain services as if they were one Availability dot lower. CofD 51
Friends in Low Places •-••••• An alternate version of Status, focused on the dregs of society. GTTN 124
Hobbyist Clique •• Any Skill •• So long as you keep up with your fellow hobbyists, their support provides 9-Again to roll your hobby Skill, and a +2 die bonus to extended actions using that Skill. CofD 51
Inspiring ••• Presence ••• Roll Presence + Expression to confer the Inspired Condition. CofD 51
Iron Will •• Resolve •••• When you spend Willpower to contest or resist Social influence, substitute your Resolve rating for the usual Willpower bonus. If the roll is contested, take 8-Again. CofD 51
Mentor • to ••••• You have a guide who expects something from you proportional to his or her influence, as measured by your dots in Mentor. Choose three traits out of the list of Skills plus the Resources Merit. Once per session, your Mentor can provide aid that falls within one of these traits, achieving automatic success. CofD 51
Mobster You become entangled in with organized crime. Gain access to areas controlled by the criminal organization the controls or favors you. You become a target for rivals. GTTN 124
Moonlighting •• Once per story, gain 2 dots in Resources from your (probably illegal) side hustle. GTTN 124
Peacemaker •• to ••• Wits •••, Empathy ••• You can spend Willpower to attempt to negotiate a nonviolent end to hostilities through Social Maneuvering. With three dots, you can attempt to talk down even supernatural rages. HL 42
Pusher Persuasion •• When you use soft leverage, improve your impression as if you'd also satisfied the mark's Vice. CofD 53
Resources • to ••••• You have disposable income proportional to your dots in this Merit. Once per session, you can securely procure an item or service with an Availability that doesn't exceed your Resources rating, including any reasonable number of items or services whose Availability is exceeded by your Resources by two dots. You can acquire an item or service with an Availability one point above your Resources rating at the cost of reducing your effective Resources by a dot for a month. CofD 53
Retainer • to ••••• You have a mook. Your underling's dice pool is twice their Retainer rating for actions within their purview, or equal to their Retainer rating for actions outside it. CofD 53
Safe Place • to ••••• You've secured a place from intrusion. While there, add the Safe Place rating to your Initiative. Penalize rolls to break in by Safe Place. If you have Crafts dots, you can trap it, forcing intruders to roll Dexterity + Larceny - Safe Place to avoid lethal damage up to the Safe Place's rating. Multiple characters can contribute dots to a Safe Place and share the full resulting rating. CofD 54
Small Unit Tactics •• Presence ••• Once per scene when you coordinate allies, you can spend Willpower as an instant action to confer the die bonus to a number of allies up to your Presence rating. CofD 54
Spin Doctor Manipulation •••, Subterfuge •• Using Tainted Clues inflicts an additional -1 penalty instead of consuming any successes. CofD 54
Staff • to ••••• You have employees corresponding to one Skill per dot of Staff. They can achieve a single automatic success at relevant actions using one of those Skills. CofD 54
Status • to ••••• You have influence as part of a chosen group. You can draw on their facilities and resources, block the use of a relevant Social Merit lower than your Status rating once per session, and apply Status as a die bonus to Social rolls drawing on your influence. CofD 54
Striking Looks • to •• Your appearance is noteworthy and memorable. Add Striking Looks as a die bonus to Social rolls that benefit from your appearance, and to rolls by other characters to notice or remember you. CofD 54
Support Network • to ••••• Appropriate Social Merit Choose a Social Merit to represent supportive ties. You can spend Willpower to turn to those ties to weather a breaking point, using this Merit as bonus dice. HL 43
Sympathetic •• When you engage in Social Maneuvering, you can accept a Condition such as Leveraged or Swooning to immediately open two Doors. CofD 55
Table Turner Composure •••, Manipulation •••, Wits ••• When targeted by Social Maneuvering, you can spend Willpower to preemptively respond with a Social action of your own. CofD 55
Takes One to Know One Vice When you investigate an incident that resonates with your Vice, instead of suffering the normal -2 penalty, your roll gains +2 dice and 9-Again. Succeeding on the roll satisfies your Vice. CofD 55
Taste Crafts •• Choose a Specialty in Crafts or Expression. You can roll Wits + (Skill in question) to draw information about the nature of a work that falls within the chosen Specialty. CofD 55
True Friend ••• You have an unbreakable bond of friendship with a chosen character. Rolls to influence your friend to your detriment suffer a -5 penalty. Once per story, you can recover one Willpower through a meaningful interaction with your friend. CofD 56
Tutelage ••• As either the student or teacher, meet your counterpart for a lesson once per story. The student gains 1 experience to be used towards purchasing the topic of the lesson, in exchange for a favor the teacher calls in. The Teacher gains a 1 experience reduction to the next purchase, in exchange for some kind of social trouble the student brings upon them. GTTN 127
Untouchable Manipulation •••, Subterfuge •• You're a smooth criminal. Rolls to investigate your deeds must achieve an exceptional success or else turn up Incomplete Clues. CofD 56

Supernatural Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Esoteric Armory • to ••••• You've collected enough esoterica to supply the banes of ephemeral entities with a Rank up to your rating in this Merit. CofD 139
Relic • to ••••• You possess an incorruptible item sorcerously crafted with the world's life force, with unique cursed powers. MTC 2e 113
Sandglass •• Your soul can instinctively roll Wits + Composure to sense ripples in the waters of time like the Arisen, spending Willpower instead of Pillars and Willpower dots instead of Sekhem. MTC 2e 114
Vestige • to ••••• You possess vessels for the world's life force which can be called upon for cursed strength. MTC 2e 116

Fighting Merits

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Armed Restraint •• Staff Fighting ••• Use a hooking pole when grappling to instantly Hold and penalize your opponent by its weapon rating. HL 53
Body as Weapon •• Stamina •••, Brawl •• Unarmed strikes add one point of bashing damage on a successful hit. HL 41
Boot Party •• Brawl •• Attack a prone target at -3 to deal lethal damage unarmed. HL 53
Cheap Shot •• Street Fighting •••, Subterfuge •• During a fight, you can reflexively contest Dexterity + Subterfuge against Wits + Composure to deny an opponent Defense next turn through dirty tricks and distractions. CofD 61
Choke Hold •• Brawl •• After a successful Hold, add the Choke grapple maneuver: accumulates successes across multiple turns to knock unconscious for a few minutes. CofD 61
Clinch Strike Brawl •• Use the Damage maneuver instantly in a grapple. HL 53
Defensive Combat Brawl • or Weaponry • You can substitute the chosen Skill for Athletics when calculating your Defense, as long as you're currently equipped to make attacks with that Skill. CofD 61
Fighting Finesse •• Dexterity ••• You can substitute Dexterity for Strength when making rolls with a chosen Brawl or Weaponry Specialty. CofD 61
Ground and Pound ••• Brawl •• Take the rote quality to strike a prone target with Brawl, falling prone yourself. HL 54
Ground Fighter ••• Wits •••, Dexterity •••, Brawl •• Deny close combat bonuses from being prone, and gain the Stand Up grapple maneuver. HL 54
Gunslinger •, •••, or ••••• Wits •••, Firearms •••, Firearms(Revolvers) specialty At one dot, can perform short bursts with revolvers. At three dots, can make a medium burst with revolvers, but doesn't gain an attack bonus. At five dots, with offhand revolver, medium burst can hit targets not close together, for an additional -2 penalty. DE2 377
Headbutt Brawl •• Gain the Headbutt grapple maneuver: inflict Stunned. HL 54
Iron Chin •• or •••• Resolve •••, Stamina ••• Don't suffer Beaten Down from bashing damage. With four dots, never suffer Beaten Down. HL 54
Iron Skin •• or •••• Martial Arts or Street Fighting ••, Stamina ••• Confers half your Iron Skin dots in points of general Armor against bashing attacks. When hurt, you can spend Willpower to reduce half your Iron Skin dots in lethal damage to bashing. CofD 63
Killer Instinct • to ••• Composure •••, Wits •••, Medicine • You can take an instant action to size up a target's most vulnerable parts, which also counts as an aiming action. When attacking the target afterward, each dot of this Merit can ignore 1/1 Armor, ignore a point of Defense, or convert a point of bashing to lethal damage. BTP 117
Loaded for Bear • to •• Athletics •, Survival • Gain extra reloads on weapons, including single shot weapons. HL 143
Phalanx Fighter •• Weapon and Shield ••, Spear and Bayonet • Wield a spear with a shield, substituting it in Weapon and Shield maneuvers. HL 54
Retain Weapon •• Wits ••, Brawl •• Reduce successes on a Control Weapon or Disarm maneuver against you by your Brawl. HL 54
Shiv • or •• Street Fighting ••, Weaponry • You can conceal a 0L brawling weapon with one dot, or 1L with two, on your person. Penalize rolls to detect it by your Weaponry. CofD 64
Subduing Strikes Weaponry •• You can pull blows with a weapon to deal bashing damage without spending Willpower. DE 247
Transfer Maneuver • to ••• Intelligence ••, Wits •••, Brawl ••, Weaponry •• Cross-apply a Brawling maneuver to a Weaponry Style, or vice-versa. HL 54
Trigger Discipline Wits ••, Firearms •• Increase a firearm's effective capacity, or allow an additional long burst at high capacity. HL 143
Trunk Squeeze •• Brawl •• Gain the Trunk Squeeze grapple maneuver: deal bashing damage and cumulatively penalize the opponent's contesting rolls. HL 54
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Merits, Locations (2nd Edition)
A large dot (●) in the second column denotes a Merit that can be shared by multiple characters, while a hollow dot (○) denotes a Merit that 'must' be shared by multiple characters.

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Safe Place • to ••••• You've secured a place from intrusion. Apply your Safe Place rating as an Initiative bonus while there, and a penalty to break in. With Crafts you can install traps, forcing intruders to roll Dexterity + Larceny - Safe Place to avoid up to your Safe Place in lethal damage. CofD 54
Hiding Place ••• Cannot be shared You have a place that is always secure. If found out, gain a new one at the start of the next chapter. GTTN 124
Vampire Merits
Burrow • to ••••• Safe Place Replaces Haven. You share a hideout with other revenants. Add Burrow as bonus dice to stir from daysleep and stay awake in the daytime. In combat, intruders and unfamiliar guests are Distracted for one turn per dot of Burrow. HD 80
Haven • to ••••• Safe Place You've sunproofed your residence and made it a home. Add Haven as bonus dice to stir from daysleep and stay awake in the daytime, and to use Kindred Senses within your home. VTR 2e 112
Mandragora Garden • to ••••• Crúac •, Crone Status, ≤ Safe Place Your Safe Place grows ghouled plants, which you must feed Vitae equal to your Merit dots each month, but which produce twice that quantity in Vitae's worth of sap and nectar. Their magical sympathy empowers Crúac cast there and receives it from afar, but can rile the Beast when attacked. SotC 181
Nest Guardian • to ••••• Ordo Status You are the custodian of a Wyrm's Nest, host to a supernatural phenomenon proportional to dots in this Merit. You may purchase additional features separately, listed below. SotC 197
Temple of Damnation • to ••••• Lancea Status, ≤ Safe Place You've secured and consecrated a gathering place to a particular Sanctified virtue. Apply dots in this Merit as a bonus to actions in service of that virtue while within the temple, or after attending rites there. SotC 194
Werewolf Merits
Dedicated Locus • to ••••• Safe Place You've personally attuned a locus to your pack. The locus has a rating equal to this Merit, and provides the pack the ability to spend a point of Essence above their per-turn cap, a number of times per day equal to this Merit. WTF 2e 106
Lodge Stronghold •• or •••• Lodge As a five-dot Safe Place. With four dots, it boasts lines of supernatural defenses or spirit wards. Pack 81
Residential Area • to ••••• Your pack has integrated into an inhabited territory. Every session, by canvassing for help, you can redistribute your dots in this Merit among effective dots of Allies, Contacts and Retainers. WTF 2e 107
Mage Merits
Demesne ••• Sanctum Your Sanctum has been prepared as a Demesne, providing a +2 Yantra bonus to appropriate spells, and shielding them from the risk of Paradoxes so long as they're not exposed to Sleepers. MTA 2e 104, 242
Hallow • to ••••• You've secured a geomantic wellspring of Mana. You can draw out up to your dots in this Merit in points of Mana each day, and the Hallow can store up to three times as many unharvested points as some form of tass. MTA 2e 101
Sanctum • to ••••• Safe Place Your secure place is secreted away well enough to insulate your sorcery. Increase your spell control when casting there by your dots in this Merit. You can maintain spells cast beyond your normal spell control this way after leaving the Sanctum. MTA 2e 104
Promethean Merits
Hovel • to ••••• Safe Place You've crafted a space to acclimate it to your Azoth. Time spent in your Hovel doesn't contribute to Wastelands. You can store a dot of Azoth per dot in this Merit in an item aligned with your element in the Hovel, leaving you with reduced Azoth until you retrieve it from the item. PTC 2e 115
Changeling Merits
Calming Eidolons • to ••• Shared Bastion Reduces Composure dice penalty of Subtle Shifts enacted by the Bastion's owners. Hedge 118
Hollow • to ••••• You've secured a residence within the Hedge, impregnable to outsiders with lesser Wyrd. While in your Hollow, penalize attempts to investigate, track or pursue you by dots in this Merit. Dots of Hollow are also distributed among features listed below. CTL 2e 116
Motley Awareness • or ••• Shared Bastion At one dot, gain +1 to social roles with other motley members. At three dots, gain an instinctive knowledge of other motley members' moods and the ability to send messages, but use the highest clarity perception penalty of the group. Hedge 119
Somnambulation ••• to •••• Shared Bastion Can use an Eidolon to keep your body from being neglected while you sleep, or slightly more complex tasks with the four-dot version. Require significantly more sleep. Hedge 119
Shared Bastion • to ••••• You or your motley have established a permanent location within dreams, impregnable to outsiders with lesser Wyrd. This merit requires group effort to maintain. While in your Bastion, penalize attempts to investigate, track or pursue you or to manipulate your mind, future, or destiny by dots in this merit. Hedge 115
Stable Trod • to ••••• You've secured a local trod of equal rating. A number of Hollows along the trod up to dots in Stable Trod share an extra one-dot Hollow feature. You may roll Stable Trod as a dice pool once a story to farm extra Glamour goblin fruit from it. CTL 2e 119
Workshop • to ••••• Hollow Your Hollow contains space and equipment for an appropriate Crafts Specialty for each dot in this Merit. Apply Workshop as bonus dice to relevant Crafts rolls. CTL 2e 120
Hunter Merits
Safe Place • to ••••• Resources • A secure site for the hunter that provides a bonus to initiative and a number of features (see below) equal to its dots. A hunter cannot be surprised while in their Safe Place. HTV 2e 94
Sin-Eater Merits
Cenote • to ••••• Safe Place You tend a ghostly place where Plasm accumulates, at your Merit rating in points per chapter. GTS 2e 85
Mummy Merits
Tomb •+ You have drawn Sekhem to a personal sanctum, where you can meditate to replenish Pillars. Dots of Tomb are distributed among features listed below, always starting with a dot of Geometry. MTC 2e 108
Demon Merits
Bolthole • to ••••• You have a tiny extradimensional realm where time doesn't progress. It's warded against angels, and rolls to find the access point are penalized by its Merit rating. Dots of Bolthole are also distributed among features listed below. DTD 120
Beast Merits
Connected Lair •• Characters with the appropriate devices can access internet, tele-phone, television, or radio communications. Any attempt to trace these signals from the outside world will lead to contradictory or nonsensical results. BPG 100
Trap Room •• When opening a Primordial Pathway into or out of the mundane world your character may choose to spend a point of Satiety in addition to the normal cost of 1 Willpower. If she does so, the duration of the pathway is extended. It stays open until sunrise or sunset on a normal success, or any time up to a week on an exceptional success BPG 101
Vast Lair • to ••• Uninvited guests require at least 10 minutes per dot in this Merit to traverse a Chamber or Burrow. Further, each dot in this Merit adds five required successes and five minutes to the time increment of any extended action to collapse a Chamber BPG 101
Well-Stocked Lair • to ••••• ≤ Lair Each dot in this Merit allows the character to select two dots worth of Merits that represent the material goods and inhabit-ants available in her Lair. Material goods removed from the Lair deteriorate into dust, insects, water, or some other useless substance within a few days. Alternately, one dot of this Merit can be used to make one or more Chambers of a character’s Lair comfortable and livable. BPG 101

Wyrm's Nest Features

Feature Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Chapterhouse • to ••••• Ordo Status ••• Vampires in the Nest add dots in this Merit as a bonus to resist violence, and as a penalty to lash out with the Predatory Aura. SotC 199
Crucible ••• Occult •••• Vampires may advance study of the Mysteries of the Dragon in the Nest at an experience discount. SotC 199
Feng Shui • to ••••• Academics ••, Occult ••• Choose a Skill. Vampires in the Nest may add dots in this Merit as bonus dice when rolling that Skill. SotC 199
Perilous Nest • to ••••• Occult ••• You've harnessed a hazard native to the Nest to attack certain unwelcome types. It uses a dice pool equal to twice your dots in this Merit. SotC 199

Hollow Features

Feature Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Easy Access ••• The Hollow has no fixed entrance, and is instead entered (and later exited) through any unlocked door with Glamour and a small ritual. CTL 2e 117
Escape Route • or •• The Hollow has a secondary exit into the material realm, which with two dots may be accessed from anywhere in the Hollow. CTL 2e 116
Hidden Entry •• Penalize rolls to find the Hollow's entrance by -2. When all characters sharing the Hollow are within, the entrance disappears. CTL 2e 117
Hob Alarm Hob Kin Each story, take one Goblin Debt to preserve a domestic guard of friendly hobs. Ambush in the Hollow does not strip Defense and applies Hollow as bonus dice to actions in the first turn of combat. CTL 2e 116
Home Turf ••• Apply Hollow as a bonus to Initiative and Defense against intruders. CTL 2e 117
Luxury Goods Once a session, roll Hollow as a dice pool and distribute successes among amenities by Availability or Hedgespun items by rating. CTL 2e 116
Phantom Phone Booth A magical fixture can make outgoing calls to publically listed numbers outside the Hedge. CTL 2e 116
Route Zero A one-dot trod passes through the Hollow. It may link allied Hollows, or once a day, may be traversed with a Hedge navigation roll to recover Willpower. CTL 2e 116
Shadow Garden A plot of soil infinitely replenishes copies of goblin fruit without their magical properties, which only temporarily stave off hunger. CTL 2e 116
Size Matters • or •• The Hollow is large enough to sustain up to six residents, or with two dots, the size of a small town. CTL 2e 116

Shared Bastion Features

Feature Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Buttressed Dreaming Penalize Clash of Wills to force open Bastion by merit rating. Hedge 115
Fixed Doorway ••• Hollow Door in the Motley's hollow functions as a Gate of Horn leading to and from the Shared Bastion. Hedge 118
Guardian Eidolon Spend Willpower to activate the guardian for the scene, gaining immunity to surprise and adding dots in the merit on the first round of an action scene. Hedge 118
Illusory Armory •• Once per chapter, spend glamour to summon an unimportant prop with rating equal to twice glamour spent (max +5). Spend willpower to summon additional props. Hedge 118
Permanent Armory Maintain mundane "real" items in shared bastion, or magic items by spending Willpower each chapter. Hedge 118
Raised Defenses Whenever any motley mate is in the Shared Bastion, all members double the bonuses against the attacks or circumstances normally granted by the merit. Hedge 118
Subtle Speech •• Phantom Eidolons of Motley Members can receive messages, but Changelings with clarity damage might suffer further damage as their sense of reality is befuddled. Hedge 118

Hunter Safe Place Features

Feature Description Book
Anathema The Safe Place is warded against monsters with a specific power, prompting a Wits + Resolve - Safe Place roll on any attempt to break through, becoming Immobilized or Stunned on failure. HTV 2e 94
Arsenal Rolls to clean, fix, or improvise equipment gain +2. HTV 2e 94
Concealed Attempts to find the Safe Place through any means are penalised by -2. HTV 2e 94
Escape Hatch The hunter(s) may roll Dexterity + Athletics or Survival to reach the secret exit without suffering any damage from the environment. HTV 2e 94
Infirmary Medicine rolls here are improved by +2 for any invested hunter with dots in the skill, and the space may substitute for a hospital for the purposes of injury and recovery. HTV 2e 95
Home Security System The Safe Place is outfitted with a defense system, penalising attempts to break in by Safe Place dots. HTV 2e 95

Tomb Features

Feature Rating Description Book
Geometry • to ••••• Apply this rating as a bonus to meditate upon your Pillars. MTC 2e 206
Perils •+ Your tomb resists intruders with traps totalling this rating, and an equal number of curses from released vessels. MTC 2e 206
Provisions •+ Your tomb is furnished with equipment or infrastructure totalling this rating. MTC 2e 206

Bolthole Features

Feature Rating Description Book
Arsenal • to ••••• Once per session, your bolthole can supply one weapon with a rating equal to your Arsenal dots, two weapons with a rating one less than your Arsenal dots, and any number of weapons with a rating less than that. DTD 120
Cover-Linked •• Choose one Cover identity. The bolthole only exists while you are in that Cover's form. Anything in the bolthole not provided by these features is lost forever when the bolthole stops existing. DTD 120
Easy Access ••• You can reassign the bolthole's entrance by touching a door and spending Aether. Characters still exit the bolthole the way they came in. DTD 121
No Twilight Ephemeral beings that enter the bolthole manifest physically. DTD 120
Self-Destruct You can implode your bolthole. Anyone inside takes lethal damage equal to your dots in Bolthole and has one turn to leave before the exit to reality is lost. DTD 120
Trap Door •• The entrance from the physical realm into the bolthole only exists when you're outside it, although those capable can still enter from Twilight. DTD 121
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Courts (2nd Edition)
Court Book
Courts of the Four Seasons
Spring Court The Antler Crown of passion and desire. CTL 2e 35, 117, 165
Bargain The forces of the Gentry can only do violence to freehold members out of true covetous desire.
Mantle Gain Glamour from transgressing to satisfy your desires.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to seduce or attract.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to goad overindulgence.
••• Apply Mantle as a bonus to aid others with teamwork.
•••• Recover extra Willpower from your Needle.
••••• Once a session, heal Clarity and convert a Condition from lost Clarity (yours or another's) into a positive Condition.
Crown Once a session for each dot of Mantle, spend Willpower to bless a single changeling's Glamour harvest with bonus successes.
Summer Court The Iron Spear of wrath and retribution. CTL 2e 39, 117, 165
Bargain The forces of the Gentry may not retreat or surrender.
Mantle Gain Glamour from harnessing your anger to achieve a goal.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to intimidate or cow.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to combat defending your freehold from the fae.
••• Apply Mantle as general and ballistic Armor when standing or fighting on another's behalf.
•••• Always succeed when striking down or pushing aside mundane obstacles.
••••• Deal aggravated damage when defending a freehold member.
Crown Once a session for each dot of Mantle, spend Glamour for an Initiative bonus and immunity to ambush from a particular foe.
Autumn Court The Leaden Mirror of fear and bargains. CTL 2e 43, 118, 165
Bargain The forces of the Gentry must give advance notice of an attack, proportional to their power.
Mantle Gain Glamour from investigating something new and ominous.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to study or investigate Faerie.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to strike fear.
••• Spend one less Glamour to activate Contracts against a threat from Faerie.
•••• Once a story, pay off your Mantle in Goblin Debt for free.
••••• Spend 2 Glamour to reproduce and retarget a magical effect used on you earlier in the scene.
Crown Once a session, redeem up to your Mantle in secrets discovered this session for 2 Glamour each.
Winter Court The Silent Arrow of sorrow and subtlety. CTL 2e 47, 118, 165
Bargain The forces of the Gentry must demonstrate mournful respect to a fallen victim before resuming the hunt.
Mantle Gain Glamour from consoling and working another through their pain.
Apply Mantle as a penalty to notice you on a spying mission.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to obscure the truth.
••• Apply Mantle as a bonus to Social actions after surrendering in a fight.
•••• Spend Glamour to resign a target in combat to being Beaten Down unless they spend 2 Willpower.
••••• Ignore wound penalties, and apply your lethal or aggravated damage as Physical bonus dice.
Crown Once a session, gain the Steadfast Condition and convert up to your Mantle in Glamour to Willpower, which may exceed your maximum for the session.
The Dragon Court
Society of Morning Society of birth, growth, and the discovery of the new. CTL 2e 279
Mantle Gain Glamour from gaining new knowledge through reckless pursuit.
Apply Mantle as a bonus on gathering information on a new subject.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus on rolls related to instability or impermanence.
••• Regain Willpower when a truth implicates a friend or ally.
•••• Automatically succeed on rolls persuading another changeling to share info relevant to the safety of the freehold. Prompts a Clash of Wills.
••••• Once a session, deflect a negative Clarity Condition onto another Changeling by revealing an unknown truth about them.
Society of Day Society of marriage, fruition, and moderation of opposing forces. CTL 2e 279
Mantle Gain Glamour from resolving a conflict between two changelings.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to continuing another persons project.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to repairing something nearly thrown away.
••• Apply Mantle as a bonus to mediate between hostile parties.
•••• Spend one less Glamour to activate Contracts when using them to improve or extend a public work.
••••• Once a session, find the necessary mundane tools for the task at hand.
Society of Night Society of death, retreat, and the stillness of contemplation. CTL 2e 279, 280
Mantle Gain Glamour from following a hunt to its logical conclusion.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to researching problem the freehold has encountered before.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to shadow or investigate a new informant.
••• Regain Willpower when deliberately making a choice that inflicts a Condition.
•••• Apply Mantle as a bonus to conceal a fact about the freehold or themselves.
••••• Deal Aggravated damage to someone the character has planned to attack.
The Seasonal Loeg
Spring Lag Lag of technology and progress. CTL 2e 283
Mantle Gain Glamour from convincing someone to abandon an established plan.
Gain the Direction Sense merit.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to research something new with modern technology.
••• Apply Mantle as a bonus to sway people to abandon an old tradition.
•••• Regain Willpower when resolving the Fragile or Volatile Condition using Build Equipment action.
••••• Character can speak and read all mundane languages.
Summer Lag Lag of work and toil. CTL 2e 283
Mantle Gain Glamour from taking a big risk to fulfill an obligation.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to uphold a law or rule.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to hide fae magic from mortals.
••• Spend Willpower to gain additional dots, equal to Mantle dots, to Allies or Status to a maximum of five dots.
•••• Treat Resolve as one higher when contesting persuasion attempts.
••••• Once a session, redistribute the total remaining Willpower among willing members motley members.
Autumn Lag Lag of beauty and melancholy. CTL 2e 284
Mantle Gain Glamour from succeeding at an unnecessarily risky action.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to research something that happened in the past that's relevant to current events.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to convince someone to share their true feelings about something they're reluctant to share.
••• Once a session, reroll Initiative and choose which result to keep.
•••• Once a scene, regain Willpower when suffering a dramatic failure.
••••• When suffering a wound penalty, increase the penalty by one to increase another characters Initiative by Mantle dots.
Winter Lag Lag of warriors and duality. CTL 2e 284
Mantle Gain Glamour from decisively winning a significant fight.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to navigate the Hedge.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to survive in extreme enviroments or endure deprivation. Reduce penalties from them by one.
••• Characters physical attacks deal 1L damage if they started the fight and it's one on one.
•••• Treat Composure as one higher when contesting attempts to change characters emotional state.
••••• Character will never suffer the Beaten Down Tilt.
The Tide Courts
Court of High Tide Court of strong personalities and fighters. CTL 2e 287
Mantle Gain Glamour from opening someone's last Door in Social manuevering.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to inflict Tilts.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to undermine someone's authority or respect in a group.
••• Once a session, reroll a Power attribute roll and choose which one to keep.
•••• Automatically succeed in breaking through mundane barriers and impediments.
••••• Enemies with lower Wyrd take a dice penalty to hit the character.
Court of Ebb Tide Court of quiet personalities and negotiators. CTL 2e 287
Mantle Gain Glamour from talking someone down from a fight.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to persuade someone based on shared past experiences.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to defuse a tense group situation.
••• Once a session, reroll a roll to negotiate a deal or pledge and choose which result to keep.
•••• Treat Composure as one higher when contesting attempts to enrage the character.
••••• Enemies take an Initiative bonus penalty equal to Mantle dots.
Court of Low Tide Court of gentle personalities and spies. CTL 2e 287, 288
Mantle Gain Glamour from successfully using secret's to foil someone's plans.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to investigate someone's dirty secrets.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to blackmail someone using information the character found.
••• Regain Willpower from profiting as an intermediary between parties.
•••• Clues found by the character during investigation contain an additional element.
••••• When the character inflicts the Leveraged Condition to another, it takes two fulfilled demands to resolve it.
Court of Flood Tide Court of busy personalities and planners. CTL 2e 288
Mantle Gain Glamour from having their plan go off without a hitch.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to find a safehouse or shelter.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to make new friends in a new place.
••• Once a session, spend Willpower to gain additional dots, equal to Mantle dots, to Etiquette to a maximum of five dots.
•••• Once a session, reroll a Finesse attribute roll and choose which one to keep.
••••• Once a session, use Willpower instead of Glamour for portaling.
The Traders' Courts
Court of Coins Court of specifics and absolutes. CTL 2e 291
Mantle Gain Glamour from finding and obtaining something owed.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to persuade someone to make an oath.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to see if character's being cheated.
••• Once a session, spend Willpower to gain additional dots, equal to Mantle dots, to Resources to a maximum of five dots.
•••• Once a story, reduce Goblin Debt by Mantle dots.
••••• Once a scene, spend Willpower to learn a present character's heart's desire.
Court of Barter Court of fairness and value. CTL 2e 291, 292
Mantle Gain Glamour from interceding on someone's behalf in an unfair deal.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to read someone's situation based on behavior.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to make deals and agreements in Tumbledown.
••• Regain Willpower when character resolves the Oathbreaker Condition, or helps another character resolve it.
•••• Once a session, replace a Condition imposed by Goblin Debt with another condition of same type.
••••• Once a session, ask the Storyteller if there's a loophole or catch in the deal that is disadvantageous to the character.
Court of Favors Court of risk and trust. CTL 2e 292
Mantle Gain Glamour from fulfilling a significant promise within the same session.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to convince someone to make a bargain.
•• Gain the Fixer merit.
••• Characters attempting to swindle or lie about a deal or promise take a penalty equal to Mantle dots.
•••• Once a session, take a point of Goblin Debt to give an obligation from a bargain to another character.
••••• Once a session, reroll an action that would pay off a favor character owes and choose which one to keep.
Court of Shady Deals Court of hard jobs and necessity. CTL 2e 292
Mantle Gain Glamour from hiding evidence of a dirty deed that's sought.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to pick a lock or break into a place character doesn't belong to.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to escape unnoticed from a bad situation.
••• Use Goblin Contracts without incurring Goblin Debt a number of times equal to Mantle dots.
•••• Spend Willpower to ignore the effects of the Oathbreaker Coindition for one turn.
••••• Once a session, reroll a suprise attack roll and choose which one to keep.
Historical Courts
Dream Builders Keepers of the Wonders. DE2 81
Apply Mantle as a bonus to mundane rolls to measure something.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to mundane attempts at coercion and encouraging others.
••• Gain additional dice in navigation the shortest trod to a Gate of Ivory or Dreaming Road after naming it.
•••• Gain an automatic success when dreamweaving.
••••• Spend Glamour to give the Beaten Down Tilt or remove a mental Condition for a scene.
Court of the Leafless Tree Gallows of Justice and Punishment. DE2 384
Bargain Those who break the court's law in freehold territory are branded with the Marshal's sigil.
Mantle Gain Glamour from meting out justice to someone they genuinely believe to be guilty.
Apply Mantle as a bonus to Initiative in one-on-one duels.
•• Apply Mantle as a bonus to mundane rolls in tracking down someone.
••• Apply Mantle as a bonus to Speed when thye are the pursuer in a chase.
•••• When the Marshal, motley-mate, or an inncoent takes damage, gain 8-again for physical attacks against the enemy for the scene.
••••• Once a scene, spend Willpower to gain the rote quality on a roll that would resolve or further an Aspiration to meting out punishment they deem earned.
Crown Once a session, spend Willpower to brand someone in freehold territory with the Marshal's sigil, or activate all extant brands and give all court members the knowledge of reaching them the fastest till sunrise or set.
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

Merits, Changeling (2nd Edition)

Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Acute Senses Wits or Composure ••• Double the range and acuity of your senses. Apply your Wyrd as bonus dice to perception rolls and rolls to identify or recall details. CTL 2e 111
Arcadian Metabolism •• Heal bashing damage each minute of rest and lethal damage daily in the Hedge. CTL 2e 111
Brownie's Boon Extended actions outside the sight of witnesses occur at twice the speed (half intervals), or spend Glamour for four times the speed. CTL 2e 111
Cloak of Leaves • to ••• Autumn Mantle ••• Apply dots of this Merit as a penalty to supernatural abilities used to physically harm you. CTL 2e 111
Cold Hearted ••• Winter Mantle ••• Spend Willpower to ignore the effects of a Clarity Condition briefly. CTL 2e 111
Court Goodwill • to ••••• You have the good favor of another Court's courtiers and patron. Functions like the Allies Merit at equal rating, the Court Mantle at two dots lower, and as a one-dot Mentor. CTL 2e 112
Defensive Dreamscaping •• Add half Wyrd, rounded down, to your Defense in Dream Form. CTL 2e 112
Diviner • to ••••• Composure •••, Wits ••• Once per session for each dot in this Merit, comb your dreams for answers and ask the Storyteller a yes or no question. CTL 2e 112
Dream Warrior Wyrd ••, any Social Attribute •••, Brawl or Weaponry Specialty When you allocate successes from one of the named Skills in which you have a Specialty to perform subtle oneiromantic shifts in aid of combat, add a bonus success. CTL 2e 112
Dreamweaver ••• Wyrd ••• Once a scene, spend Willpower to achieve a dreamweaving exceptional success on a threshold of three instead of five. CTL 2e 113
Dull Beacon • to ••••• When you drop the Mask, open the Hedge as if your Wyrd were reduced by dots in this Merit, to a minimum of 0. CTL 2e 113
Fae Mount • to ••••• You've befriended and trained a loyal Hedge denizen and can call it at will there. Each dot in this Merit gives your mount one of a set of gifts, such as natural armor or the ability to exit the Hedge under a Mask. CTL 2e 113
Faerie Favor ••• You possess an owed favor from one of the Gentry in the form of a bauble, though cashing it in will render Notoriety for your questionable dealing. CTL 2e 114
Fair Harvest • or •• You favor one emotional flavor of Glamour over others. Take 8-Again, or with two dots the rote quality, to harvest it, but lose 10-Again, and with two dots subtract a success, to harvest others. CTL 2e 114
Firebrand •• Summer Mantle ••• Once a scene, recover Willpower by inciting a fight. CTL 2e 115
Frightful Incantation •••• Hedge Sorcerer, Mantle •• that imposes fear-based Bedlam conditions, Resolve •• Can use Mantle and Mein in place of a hecatomb, opening Doors up to Mantle rating each story. Hedge 69
Gentrified Bearing •• Wyrd •• Hobs are cautious that you might be Gentry. Add your Wyrd as an Intimidation bonus. CTL 2e 115
Glamour Fasting Glamour deprivation doesn't set in for one full session unless you exhaust your Willpower. CTL 2e 115
Goblin Bounty • to ••••• Each session you have access to three common goblin fruits or oddments for each dot in this Merit. CTL 2e 115
Grounded ••• Spring Mantle ••• Apply a point of Armor against mild Clarity damage. CTL 2e 115
Hedge Brawler •• Brawl or Firearms or Weaponry •• Take up to a -3 attack penalty to gain, on success, an equal number of Hedgespinning successes. CTL 2e 115
Hedge Sense +2 to navigate or search the Hedge. CTL 2e 115
Hedge Sorcerer •••• Occult •, Mentor •• You can perform Hedge Sorcery rituals. Hedge 66
Hedgewise •• +2 to ken even magically concealed Hedgeways, and 9-Again to Hedgespinning. DE2 75
Hob Kin You benefit from a better impression from hobs you meet. CTL 2e 115
Lethal Mien •• You can deal lethal damage unarmed, or if you already have natural weapons, increase their weapon rating by +1. CTL 2e 117
Librarian ••• Your impression level is one higher at the first social interaction with librarians and scholars, you keep or lose the bonus depending on your behaviour on subsequent encounters. Gain two additional dice on rolls about researching written accounts. DE2 75
Magic Dreams ••••• Hedge Sorcerer, Occult ••• May use Hedge Sorcery in dreams, substituting oneiromancy for Hedgespinning. Hedge 69
Mantle • to ••••• Your mien is attuned to a local Court. Apply Mantle as a Social bonus among friends of the Court. Gain a source of Glamour, Mantle benefits, and Contract access as per your Court. CTL 2e 117
Manymask ••• Wyrd ••, Manipulation ••• Once a session per dot of Wyrd, spend Glamour to change a feature of your Mask. With Wyrd 5, once per session, spend Glamour to change your Mask almost completely. CTL 2e 118
Market Sense Pay off a Goblin Debt for free once a session through shrewd bargaining. CTL 2e 119
Noblesse Oblige • to ••• Mantle Spend Willpower to confer particular bonuses to friends of your Court for a scene. CTL 2e 119
Pandemoniacal • to ••• Wyrd •••••• Apply as bonus dice to incite Bedlam. CTL 2e 119
Parallel Lives ••• Share a psychic link with your fetch. You take +2 to read each other's intentions or enter each other's Bastion, or spend Willpower to ride the other's senses or communicate visions telepathically. CTL 2e 119
Rigid Mask ••• Subterfuge •• Mundane humans and devices can't pierce your deceptions, while supernatural beings must force a Clash of Wills to do so. Dropping the Mask causes you lethal damage. CTL 2e 119
Token •+ You have access to one or more Tokens of a total rating equal to dots in this Merit. Multiple characters may share this Merit. CTL 2e 119
Touchstone • to ••••• You have an additional Clarity Touchstone for each dot of this Merit. CTL 2e 120
Warded Dreams • to ••• ≤ Resolve Apply as a bonus to your Bastion's Fortification. CTL 2e 120

Style Merits

Style Prerequisites Rating Maneuver Description Book
Elemental Warrior Dexterity or Wits •••, Brawl or Firearms or Weaponry ••, Elemental Weapon or Primal Glory or Elemental seeming These maneuvers wield a particular chosen element. CTL 2e 113
Wind Cuts to the Bone Roll an exceptional success on a non-oneiromantic attack purely using your element on a threshold of three instead of five.
•• Defensive Flurry Dodging adds half your Wyrd (rounded down) as bonus dice and can apply against Firearms.
••• Hungry Leaping Flames Spend Glamour to make an elemental attack, increasing the range of a close combat or ranged attack by ten yards and potentially wreaking environmental effects.
•••• Antaean Endurance While immersed in or fortified on your chosen element, add half your Wyrd as temporary Health and as bonus dice to resist fatigue, poison, and unconsciousness.
••••• Wrath of Titans Spend Glamour to inflict one of the Blinded, Deafened, or Knocked Down Tilts with your strikes for the scene.
Enchanting Performance Presence •••, Expression ••• Limerick Hurl an insult and roll Presence + Expression - Composure to penalize a target's Social rolls on others by your successes for the scene. CTL 2e 113
•• Poem When you open a Door by an expressive performance, spend Glamour to open another.
••• Sonnet Spend Glamour to deliver a performance with an Expression roll, taking the rote quality. Success renders an audience member Inspired.
Hedge Duelist Presence or Manipulation ••, Brawl or Weaponry ••, any Social Skill •• These maneuvers work in the Hedge. CTL 2e 115
Thousand Falling Leaves Half your normal damage on an attack to inflict -1 Defense on the target.
•• Emerald Shield Receive 2/0 magical Armor.
••• Bite Like Thorns Add a foe's wound penalties as bonus attack dice.
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L

NPCs, Beings (2nd Edition)

Ephemeral Entities

Ghostly Twilight
Ghosts Self-aware impressions left behind by the death and loss, anchored from the pull of the Underworld. CofD 122
Amkhata Ravening aberrations formed from raw Sekhem unbound from any vessel. MTC 2e 219
Fiends The endless demons of Duat, who exist only to cause pain and to be pained. MTC 2e 321
Shades Shadows cast by dead lives, progressing to the unlit land of Duat. MTC 2e 231
Spiritual Twilight
Spirits Symbiotic totems born from the resonance of the world, native to the Shadow Realm. CofD 122
Idigam Bizarre, ever-changing monsters of the Shadow Realm, with unique infectious powers. WTF 2e 216
Astral Twilight
Goetia Thoughtforms native to the Astral Realms. MTA 2e 252
Unfettered Horrors of the Primordial Dream, divorced from the link to corporeal Beasts. BTP 235
Angelic Twilight
Angels Servitors and subsidiaries of the God-Machine, consumed with cosmic tasks and commands. CofD 122
Exiles Failed and abandoned angels with impossible orders, who develop quirks and dysfunctions. DSG 63

Material Creatures

Being Description Book
Claimed Fusions of spirits and possessed vessels, merged in mind and body. WTF 2e 207
Cryptids Animals supernaturally mutated by exposure to Aether. DTD 228
Geryo Many-headed ur-predators which predate the Uratha and carry a shapeshifting contagion. NH-SM 153
Horrors Miscellaneous monsters and hidden dangers in the Chronicles of Darkness. CofD 140
Hosts Shattered fragments of ancient Shadow gods, including the spider-host Azlu and rat-host Beshilu. WTF 2e 202
Manticores Animals transformed in the same manner as the Remade, who instinctively wield similar Variations. DTR 65
Pandorans Hungry, parasitic monsters stirred to unlife by the radiance of the Divine Fire. PTC 2e 239

Otherworldly Beings

Being Description Book
Hedge Ghosts Insubstantial remembrances of feeling and character traits, tied to the Hedge. CTL 2e 245
Hobgoblins Cunning opportunists and strange dream-folk born of the Hedge. CTL 2e 252
Huntsmen Arcadian aborigines emptied of their hearts and inhabited by the True Fae to invade the material world. CTL 2e 264
Qashmallim Pyretic intelligences composed of Divine Fire, motivated by missions of catalysis and inspiration. PTC 2e 271
Pangaeans Ancient gods of the Border Marches, transcending flesh and spirit. DE 58
Strix Unliving shadows who steal bodies to sate their spite and visceral urges. VTR 2e 200
Supernal Entities Entities hidden in the Supernal World and summoned into the Fallen World. MTA 2e 252
True Fae Covetous alien gods who manifest as discrete Titles. CTL 2e 269

Supernal Entities

Being Realm Manifest Recondite Description Book
Angels Aether Seraphim Cherubim Elemental symbols of power and wisdom, ruling Forces and Prime. MTA 2e 97, 252
Beasts Primal Wild Atavisms Totems Primal symbols of instinct and intuition, ruling Life and Spirit. MTA 2e 97, 252
Demons Pandemonium Imps Wraiths Harrowing symbols of correspondence and insight, ruling Space and Mind. MTA 2e 97, 252
Fae Arcadia Anachronisms Moirae Esoteric symbols of fate and fortune, ruling Time and Fate. MTA 2e 97, 252
Shades Stygia Apeirons Specters Meditative symbols of theory and memory, ruling Matter and Death. MTA 2e 96, 252
Being Description Book
Ananke Living works of imperial magic embodying the ordainment of a particular outcome in the timeline. SoS 116
Ochemata Extruded aspects and avatars of Archmasters and Ascended beings. SoS 115

Kiths (2nd Edition)

Kith Skill Description Kith Blessing Book
Absinthial Crafts Green fairies who distill the dream-brews of Arcadia. Once per scene, spend Glamour and roll Presence + Crafts vs Composure + Tolerance to incapacitate with the fog of dreams. Kith 88
Airtouched Athletics Changelings disconnected from the rest of the world who spent their time in the skies of Arcadia. Spend Glamour to reduce your effective weight significantly, allowing for impossible feats of balance. Kith 107
Antiquarian Empathy Secret holders and living repositories of knowledge. Spend Glamour and roll Intelligence + Composure to look inward for the answer to a question. DE2 69
Apoptosome Miscellaneous Lost left to constantly fight and die in isolation. Spend Glamour when fighting a foe that defeated you before to inflict a point of aggravated damage, and inflict an additional point of aggravated damage to both you and your foes when damaged. Kith 116
Artist Crafts Creators whose bodies have become one with their medium. Spend Glamour to manifest tools for a Crafts specialty, using your Wyrd as an equipment bonus. CTL 2e 51
Asclepian Medicine Healers that use makeshift parts. Spend Glamour and roll Intelligence + Medicine to perform impossible surgeries with mundane objects, which become hidden by the Mask. Kith 103
Bearskin Intimidation
Soldiers of Arcadia dedicated to causes important to them. Spend Glamour to replace one of your defeated or cowed opponents' Aspirations with one of your own. Kith 111
Beastcaller Animal Ken Lost with a connection to goblin beasts. Spend Glamour to overtake a goblin beast's body with a successful Presence + Animal Ken + Wyrd roll, taking damage whenever the goblin beast does while doing so. Kith 112
Becquerel Stealth Radioactive Lost. Spend Glamour while grappling to burn your targets with radiation, dealing damage as a fire the size of a torch with the heat of a candle and inflicting the Stunned or Poisoned tilts when you maintain a grapple. Kith 117
Blightbent Disease
Lost permanently tainted by poisons and pollution. Spend Glamour to inflict the Poisoned Tilt on a successful grapple. Kith 117
Bricoleur Crafts
Clever manipulators of symbolism and connections. With an appropriate item on hand, spend Glamour and roll Wits + Persuasion to change a core truth about yourself for a number of days equal to your Wyrd. Kith 98
Bridgeguard Intimidation Changelings that fight against impossible odds and excel when outnumbered. Spend Glamour when outnumbered to add your Composure + Intimidation to your defense and ignore the penalty for multiple attacks. Kith 104
Bright One Socialize Glowing and radiant, lit by the inner flame of their channeled passion. Illumination concealed by the Mask. Spend Glamour for a blinding flash, inflicting bashing damage and a -2 Physical and Mental penalty for a turn. CTL 2e 52
Chalomot Empathy The Gentry's scouts on the Dreaming Roads, experts at breaking into Bastions. Spend Glamour to add half your Wyrd to dreamweaving rolls, and spend additional glamour to share the blessing with additional dreamers. Kith 107
Chatelaine Empathy Products of endless drilling in protocol and domestic service. Spend Glamour and roll Manipulation + Socialize to wield another character's Social Merits, in ways remembered as the character's own doing. CTL 2e 52
Chevalier Persuasion
Changelings with a connection to their steed, be it animal or vehicle. Spend Glamour to bond with a vehicle or mount. Spend another Glamour point to reflexively call your Noble Steed. Kith 107
Chimera Subterfuge Animalistic changelings stitched together from pieces of a multitude of Arcadian beasts. One Goblin Contract, rotating each story, incurs no Goblin Debt when used. CTL JS 47
DE2 69
Cleverquick Occult Tricksters whose Durance honed their skill at wits and intrigue. Spend Glamour to intuit a foe's frailty, ban or bane, or three Glamour to impose one temporarily on both your foe and yourself. DE2 368
Climacteric Investigation Weather-clocks and forecasters who captured time with the elements. At the outset of Initiative, spend Glamour to push someone else to act first of all. Kith 88
Cloakskin Social Lonely Lost with an invisible Mask. Spend Glamour to also make your Mien invisible with a successful Presence+Stealth+Wyrd roll. Kith 98
Concubus Empathy Nightly companions and dreamweavers tending the minds of the Others. Heal a dreamer's mental Conditions with a series of oneiromantic paradigm shifts. Kith 89
Cyclopean Investigation Lost made into magnificent giants or architectural features, often living with a disability. Spend Glamour to learn a target's weak points, reducing penalties for specified targets and upgrading damage to lethal. Kith 112
Delver Investigation Miners of precious things. Spend Glamour to send a message to any number of people within Wyrd miles, or to decode such messages Kith 93
Doppelganger Empathy Thieves of familiar traits. Spend Glamour to temporarily steal someone's visual or auditory traits and add them to your Mask. Kith 99
Draconic Brawl
Changelings who evolved into grandiose guardian beasts. Spend Glamour to fly for your Wyrd in turns, or while your Mask is stripped bare to scare others into fleeing. Kith 90
Dryad Survival Those who spent their Durance as creatures of gardens and greenery. Spend Glamour when hiding behind foliage to add Wyrd as a Stealth bonus, or while still, disappear. DE2 70
Enkrateia Empathy
The voice of reason to their Keepers, the advisors, and mediators of Arcadia. Only lose dice on the third Investigation roll. Kith 118
Farwalker Survival Those that patrol the outdoors, at home in the wilderness. Spend Glamour while in the wilderness to create a temporary Safe Place capable of comfortably housing half your Wyrd worth of people, or more if you spend additional Glamour. Kith 108
Flowering Socialize These Lost lived amid Arcadian flora and adopted their passive allure. Spend Glamour and roll Presence + Empathy to release a perfumed scent. Those present must contest with Composure + Tolerance or fall vulnerable to your sway. Kith 90
Flickerflash Athletics Lost who gotta go fast. Spend Glamour to triple your speed. Kith 110
Ghostheart Perception Psychopomps and gravediggers sent to tend the dead. Receive three dots' worth of ghostly Allies with handpicked Numina. Kith 91
Glimmerwisp Persuasion Fogs and mists of Faerie, concealing shameful and monstrous actions Spend a Glamour to create a perfumed mist. Those present must contest with Resolve + Composure against your Manipulation + Persuasion + Wyrd or shameful actions and breaking points are hidden to them. Kith 94
Gravewight Empathy
Lost with a connection to death. Spend Glamour to see and hear ghosts in Twilight. Ghosts appear near you more frequently. Kith 119
Gremlin Crafts Perfectionists that impulsively destroy flawed creations Once per scene, spend a Glamour turn an extended action into an instant action if it involves tearing down or destroying something. Kith 94
Gristlegrinder Brawl Monsters consumed by hunger and haunted by the taste of flesh. Bite for lethal damage without grappling. Spend Glamour and roll Stamina + Survival to swallow something or someone with a smaller Size whole. CTL 2e 53
Helldiver Larceny Spies and explorers, not free until they break the silver cord anchoring them to Faerie. Spend Glamour and roll Dexterity + Occult to fade over several seconds between matter and the ephemeral state of a Hedge ghost. CTL 2e 53
Hunterheart Investigation Hunters escaped from a Durance of bloody predation. Spend Glamour and contest Presence + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance to freeze or send fleeing with your gaze. CTL 2e 54
Leechfinger Medicine Secret parasites who drain the life force from others. Spend Glamour in physical contact to inflict a point of bashing damage and downgrade a point of your own damage, or inflict and downgrade two points against a changeling. CTL 2e 55
Lethipomp Empathy Emotionless collectors of painful memories. Spend Glamour and make a contested Composure + Empathy + Wyrd to absorb emotions of a memory, gaining a related condition and the ability to Incite Bedlam to make others reenact it. Kith 99
Levinquick Computer Restless scouts and couriers of digital landscapes. Spend Glamour and roll Wits + Athletics + Wyrd to transport yourself up to Wyrd miles away through land-connected communication networks. Spend additional Glamour to bring companions along. Kith 110
Librorum Intimidation Defenders of libraries and knowledge. Spend Glamour and roll Intelligence + Occult + Wyrd to meditate and recall knowledge gleaned from your Keeper's library. Kith 104
Liminal Survival
Defenders of thresholds. Spend Glamour while making a conditional declaration at a threshold to give the Lost condition to those who defy it. Kith 105
Lullescent Stealth Silent eavesdroppers with excellent hearing. Spend Glamour to use echolocation, potentially even revealing things hidden by magic with a successful Wits + Occult + Wyrd roll. Kith 100
Manikin Socialize Canvas for the Gentry's art. Spend glamour and roll Presence + Crafts to increase the apparent quality of objects for the purposes of social rolls, and to make any outfit look good. Kith 95
Mirrorskin Stealth Those whose Durance taught them to empty themselves of their nature, becoming anybody and nobody. Spend Glamour and roll Wits + Subterfuge + Wyrd to remold yourself, both Mask and mien. CTL 2e 55
Moonborn Empathy
Lost roused to wild and restless passions for their Keepers' entertainment. Once per chapter, incite bedlam at no Willpower cost, substituting Expression for your Wyrd. Kith 92
Muse Mantle Changelings whose influence over others manifests through their beauty. Spend Glamour and make an appropriate Social roll to confer bonuses on a human's work of art or architecture. DE2 70
Nightsinger Expression Sirens and vocalists whose songs once moved the earth of Faerie. Spend Glamour and contest Presence + Expression + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance to root an audience rapt to the spot. CTL 2e 56
Notary Politics Humans used as documents to write the oaths of the Gentry upon, with perfect knowledge of all the oath's clauses. Once a session, preside over a pledge to negate its Glamour cost and memorize its terms. CTL 2e 57
Nymph Athletics Changelings who dwelled in Faerie's oceans and waterways. Breathe and move smoothly through water at double Speed. DE2 70
Oculus Persuasion Diplomats and bargainers skilled at making others see their perspective. Spend glamour and roll Presence + Persuasion + Wyrd contested by Resolve + Tolerance to make your own path the only option. Kith 95
Playmate Persuasion Friends, pets and toys who lived by love and trust even in Faerie. Spend Glamour to heal a subject of non-aggravated damage, assuming it yourself as Clarity damage. CTL 2e 57
Plaguesmith Medicine Lost fashioned into bioweapons, capable of spreading diseases. Spend Glamour while touching a target to infect them with an Arcadian Plague, with symptoms reflecting your Keeper's Titles. Kith 113
Polychromatic Empathy Colorful and flashy, with a talent for stirring and soothing emotions Once per chapter, spend glamour to create a swirl of colors that gives the Swooned condition and penalize attempts to resist your Empathy rolls. Kith 96
Razorhand Brawl Lost with sharp objects replacing or attaching their hands. Spend Glamour to turn one of your hands into a 1L knife that uses Brawl for attacks, or both hands with an additional Glamour. Kith 114
Reborn Occult Changelings who were repeatedly killed and brought back to life. Spend Glamour and roll Intelligence + Occult when injured to to redistribute skill dots for a scene, or permanently with the expenditure of a willpower dot. Kith 105
Riddleseeker Investigator Masters of riddles. Spend Glamour and roll Wits + Expression + Wyrd to make a target agree to solve an argument or conflict with a riddle instead. Kith 100
Sandharrowed Survival Lost who survived the deserts of Arcadia. Spend Glamour before a Brawl or Weaponry attack to inflict the Immobilized Tilt by trapping your opponent in a pillar of sand on a success, providing them with cover. Kith 115
Shadowsoul Subterfuge Lost with a connection to the stars and the nighttime. Gain affinity with the Mirror regalia. Inflict the temporary Blindness Condition on an exceptional success with an attack. Kith 119
Sideromancer Occult Diviners of the Wyrd. Spend Glamour and roll Wits + Occult + Wyrd to predict outcomes of pledges, promises, and debts within the scene. Kith 101
Snowskin Subterfuge Those who escaped the grip of Faerie by smothering the warmth within and freezing solid. Spend Glamour and contest Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance to shut someone down, leaving them Shaken and on the outs with fae society. CTL 2e 58
Spiegelbild Persuasion Advisors residing in mirrors. Spend Glamour to enter a mirror and hide, but bind yourself to answer the truth while inside. Kith 102
Stoneflesh Intimidation Durable Changelings with hardened resolve and hardened skin. Spend Glamour and roll Stamina + Athletics + Wyrd to increase Armor, Resolve, and/or Composure. Kith 106
Swarmflight Stealth Lost capable of dissolving into a swarm of animals, objects, or some other phenomenon. Spend Glamour to dissolve your body into your swarm. Kith 110
Swimmerskin Brawl Mermaids and their kin. Naturally breath both air and water. Spend Glamour to fuse your legs into a tail, double your swimming speed, and ignore penalties for acting underwater. Kith 111
Telluric Drive
Celestial bodies and stars above Arcadia. Spend Glamour to throw a ball of starfire with Dexterity + Athletics, dealing damage with the heat of a torch and the size of a candle. Kith 120
Uttervoice Intimidation Changelings whose frustrations have sharpened their voice into a deadly blade. Spend Glamour and contest Presence + Wyrd vs Composure + Tolerance to inflict a bashing wound and shatter glass by voice alone. Presence actions may involuntarily trigger the voice. Kith 92
Valkyrie Persuasion
Lost forced to choose who lives and dies on the battlefields of Arcadia. Spend Glamour and roll Wits + Occult + Wyrd vs Resolve + Tolerance to curse enemies with the Frightened or Reckless condition or bless allies with the Inspired or Steadfast conditions. Kith 115
Veneficus Survival Herbalists and cooks of faerie. Spend Glamour to make a toxic plant edible or an edible plant toxic. Kith 97
Venombite Brawl Lost turned venomous by their petty resentments. Spend Glamour before making a Brawl attack to make it venomous, dealing lethal damage and inflicting the grave Poisoned Tilt on a success. Kith 116
Whisperwisp Falsehoods Spies and saboteurs. Add your Wyrd and gain 9-again to either Stealth or Persuasion rolls. Kith 120
Wisewitch Persuasion Changelings permanently touched by a Keeper's Title. Make pledges with spirits and angels. Kith 106
Witchtooth Intimidation Reclusive hermits who know the power of the land. Spend glamour and roll Resolve + Intimidation to reshape the land and penalize survival rolls. Kith 97

Goblin Fruits (2nd Edition)
Goblin Fruit Description Effect Book
Amaranthine Looks like a small, red eggplant. Heals a point of aggravated damage. CTL 2e 208
Artemisia's Sorrow Black pomegranate vines. Enter ghostly Twilight. DE2 74
Cerynitis' Hope Translucent teardrop fruits. Grants a bonus to seek a given Icon. DE2 74
Faerie Peach Plump, translucent peaches sprouting in the Gentry's wake. Glorifies the mien for a day or until you leave the Hedge, attracting attention but navigating the Hedge more easily. CTL 2e 208
Liar's Apple Round red apples that taste of ash. Prevents the eater from telling the truth for two sunrises. CTL 2e 208
Odinroot Bitter, blood-fed bulbs. Recover Willpower, but suffer a one-die Clarity attack. CTL 2e 208
Ogre Pepper Gnarled, horridly powerful peppers. Until midnight, gain immunity to fear, but suffer -2 to exercise self-control. CTL 2e 208
Vines of Bacchus Colorful flowering vines. Smoked, induces prophetic reverie. Eaten, tastes foul to those who wish harm, tasty otherwise. CTL 2e 208
Cogleaf Fallen metal leaves shaped like cogs. Used in repairs, can replace any component, producing a strange but functioning device that slips mortal notice. CTL 2e 208
Colossus' Bane Chains of twining thorns. Characters bound in the chain cannot break the bond through strength alone. DE2 74
Jennystone Foul-smelling bush seeds. Stench inflicts a -1 action penalty. Roll Stamina to swallow and digest for Glamour. CTL 2e 209
Lancebeet Long, thin vegetable that tapers to an edge. Disposable +2 throwing weapon which confers +3 attack dice. CTL 2e 209

Tokens (2nd Edition)
Trifles Description Book
Barterer's Coin Grants +1 and 8-again when bartering or haggling. OAT 50
Kraken's Ink Powder that when thrown explodes, inflicting Blinded. OAT 50
Seeming Song Bottled sound. May use Seeming's benefit for any Arcadian Contract when heard. OAT 50
Sorcerer's Brew Foul potion. Exceptional on 3 successes for fae powers. OAT 50
Troll Teeth A tooth from a troll's mouth. When crushed, target feels pain, gaining wound penalties of the rightmost health box. OAT 51
Winning Ticket Every random guess is correct or accurate. OAT 51
Token Rating Description Drawback Catch Book
Hedgespun Items • to ••••• Miscellaneous glamorous accouterments with enhanced Durability, equipment bonus, or Initiative and Speed benefits. Impossible to go unnoticed. Chafing or fiddly for non-fae. CTL 2e 225
Ace in the Hole Worn card that reinforces locks against the next lockpicking. Accept a future dramatic failure at Dexterity. Tear up the card. CTL 2e 225
Driver's Little Helper Charm or automotive tool that removes untrained Drive penalties and reduces the exceptional threshold from five to three. Vehicle overheats after a scene. Carjack the vehicle. CTL 2e 226
Golden Hairnettle Hair accessory that adds +1 to Presence rolls and can render one subject Swooned. Hanging -2 penalty to go unnoticed. An altruistic favor for another. CTL 2e 226
The Rosewood Revolver A reflexively wielded wooden thorn revolver. Firing alerts the nearest Gentry servant. Load only one bullet and spin the chamber. DE2 369
The Seeing Stone Stone with a viewing hole that identifies supernatural beings. Shaken by fear. Share an important secret with someone. CTL 2e 224
Alexandrian Lamp •• Set this copper lamp down on Hedge ground to find your way back to that point later. Fall lethargic. Presence given away by lamplight. DE2 75
Book of Things Strange and Wondrous •• Tome of strange knowledge. Roll Intelligence + an appropriate Mental Skill to research any subject, with exceptional threshold reduced from five to three. The book's next user knows what you used it for. To reverse the advantage of a superior rival. CTL 2e 226
The Ghost Waltz •• Recorded music which confuses and disorients Hedge ghosts. Shaken by fear. Openly sing along. CTL 2e 226
IOU •• Paper certificate which can be exchanged to defer the claiming of Goblin Debt. Distrust among Hedge denizens. Sign your name in lasting blood. CTL 2e 226
Oath Sand •• Pyramid sand which blesses vows and oaths. Penalizes a social action once you run out. Tell no lies for 24 hours. DE2 75
Pouch of Winds •• A pale leather bag full of powerful summer or winter winds. Offends the corresponding Court. The wind carries away something important to you. DE2 370
Arisaema ••• Long knife which confers +3 to Dodge in deadly circumstances. Successful close combat Dodges poison the assailant. Spooked. Roll a Dexterity or Wits exceptional success. CTL 2e 227
Red Shoes ••• Exchange +2 to Presence and Dexterity rolls for -2 to Strength and Manipulation. Must roll Strength + Athletics to remove, and spend Willpower to resist activating. Three bashing damage. CTL 2e 227
The Soul-Compass ••• Cheap old compass that points the way to a changeling's Icon. Lose your way when you get there. Suffer lethal damage from drawing blood. CTL 2e 224
Wolf Arrows ••• Piercing briarwolf-bone arrows. The sound of their launch stuns those who hear it. Unspecified DE2 75
Blood Pennon •••• Banner which suppresses changeling wound penalties and reduces the exceptional threshold on attacks from five to three when displayed. Rallies your enemies to reprisal. Shed blood, inflicting lethal damage and Berserk. CTL 2e 227
Silver Thread •••• Torn pieces of Helldiver tethers, which oathbound fae may use to pull one to the location of the other. Provokes Resolve + Composure rolls to resist attempts to steal it from you. Scream what you're doing. CTL 2e 228
The Auroch's Horn ••••• Gilded horn that blasts open all Hedge gateways for a mile. Attract the attention of Huntsmen. Impale your tongue, becoming temporarily mute. CTL 2e 225
Crown of Thorns ••••• Thorned coronet which confers compulsory powers to steal supernatural energies, issue magical commands, attempt to cast others into the Hedge, or inflict lethal damage to all present. Suffer a breaking point. Deactivating the Crown early inflicts Madness. Incur Goblin Debt. CTL 2e 228

Entitlements (2nd Edition)
Title Description Book
Baron of the Lesser Ones Description Diplomat and mediator accepted among hobgoblins. OAT 37
Prerequisites Empathy ••, Intimidation or Persuasion ••, any of Gentrified Bearing, Hob Kin, or Interdisciplinary Specialty (Goblins)
Curse Bonus damage dice to breaking points favoring hobgoblins.
Token A signet ring which helps to navigate and make deliveries into and through the Hedge.
Blessing Gain half Wyrd as Allies among a subset of hobgoblins.
Blessing Swear a hostile oath against a changeling from a predecessor's work. Recover all Willpower by fulfilling the oath.
Dauphines of Wayward Children Description Three cooperative caretakers for youth without homes. OAT 40
Prerequisites Sophomore: Presence ••, Persuasion ••, Wyrd •••
Chaperone: Manipulation ••, Empathy ••, Wyrd •••
Dowager: Composure ••, Intimidation ••, Wyrd •••
Curse Bonus damage dice to breaking points from losing a ward.
Token A lily brooch with which to locate wards and children in need. It provides bonuses to the caretaker's role among the three and can allow wards to pierce the Mask.
Blessing Inherit a gift from a past ward which becomes a Token rated at half Wyrd.
Blessing Non-changeling wards gain the Lucid Dreamer Merit. Treat their Bastion Fortification as 1, and dreamweave there with an extra phantom success.
Master of Keys Description Inquisitive seeker charged with unlocking the discovery of secrets and revelations. OAT 44
Prerequisites Investigation ••, Empathy ••, any Merit used to uncover secrets
Curse Bonus damage dice to breaking points from holding back a secret
Token The key to unlock your final doom still in wait. It tarnishes for a night when exposed to those who would end you, and grants the rote quality to rolls to access things locked away.
Blessing Portal from any door to a free Safe Place with a two-dot Library.
Blessing Spend Glamour when portaling through a Hedgeway to change its Key.