
From Codex of Darkness


Second Edition
Variation Keywords Magnitude Description Book
Universal Variations
Absorb Instability Direct, Tiered, Toggled Sense a target's Instability and apply half Scar Power to reduce Scar Resistance penalties from Instability. DevC 15
•• Transfer Instability from the target to yourself.
••• Choose one:
Resilient: When taking another's Instability, reduce the level of one Instability taken.
Soothing: Allow the target to ignore (Scar Power) medium Instabilities or one Major instability when gaining or increasing Scars.
Stabilizing: Reduce one of the targets Scar and its entangled Variation Magnitudes by Scar Power, disabling the Variations if reduced to 0.
•••• Receive two Magnitude ••• benefits.
••••• Receive all Magnitude ••• benefits.
Aquatic Subtle, Perpetual, Tiered • to ••• Breathe underwater and ignore swimming penalties. For each dot after the first, choose one:
Habitat: Marine life becomes cooperative. Unimpeded by conditions in pressurized depths.
Speed: Swimming speed becomes Scar Power × 20.
DTR 113
Bioluminescence Overt, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Project colors and patterns of light. DTR 113
•• Direct intense light to blind others.
••• Light acquires the supernatural qualities of sunlight.
•••• Direct concentrated waves of hazardous radiation.
Aura + • Your entire body projects light. With higher Magnitude, produce the Blazing Light Tilt.
Boneless Overt, Tiered, Toggled You may freely contort and dislocate joints, are unimpeded by mundane bondage, and add Scar Power as a grappling bonus. DTR 114
•• Your body can fold like that of an octopus. Scar Power penalizes grappling opponents.
••• Your body can dissolve into a mobile sludge.
•••• Your body can sublime into a low-hanging vapor.
Defensive + • Collapse reflexively.
Brachiation Overt, Reflexive, Tiered, Toggled Choose one:
Bounding: Leap up to twice your Scar Power in meters, and apply a bonus success to resist falling damage.
Wall Crawling: Scale sheer vertical surfaces.
DTR 114
•• Choose one:
Generalist: Receive both Magnitude • benefits.
Leaper: Requires Bounding. Ignore fall damage, and leap up to (Scar Power × 5) meters.
Spider: Requires Wall Crawling. Scale even inverted surfaces and ceilings.
••• Receive all Magnitude •• benefits.
Camouflage Subtle, Tiered, Toggled Fade from notice, adding Scar Power as a Stealth bonus, while you don't move or draw attention actively. DTR 115
•• Choose one:
Mobile: Moving retains camouflage.
Invisible: Disappear from sight under camouflage. Without circumstances to give you away, bystanders roll a chance die to notice your presence, and suspicious searchers suffer a -5 penalty to actions that normally depend on sight.
••• Receive both Magnitude •• benefits.
•••• Choose one:
Multi-Sensory: Camouflage erases scent, sound, and echolocation, even up to a meter away.
Wavelengths: Camouflage erases light traces beyond the visible spectrum, such as infrared or ultraviolet traces.
••••• Receive both Magnitude •••• benefits.
Carapace Subtle, Discrete, Perpetual Choose either 1/3 or 2/0 Armor. DTR 115
•• Choose either 2/4 or 3/0 Armor.
••• Choose either 2/4 or 3/0 Armor, and one benefit:
Bulletproof: +2 ballistic Armor. Immune to non-armor-piercing firearms.
Dense: +1 general Armor. Ignore the minimum bashing damage from sources of damage reduced by general Armor.
•••• Choose either 2/4 or 3/0 Armor, and receive both Magnitude ••• benefits.
••••• Choose either 2/4 or 3/0 Armor, receive both Magnitude ••• benefits, and whenever Armor applies, it reduces damage taken to one point.
Electrokinesis Overt, Directed, Tiered, Toggled • to ••••• For each dot of Magnitude, choose one:
Conductivity: Alter air conductivity to insulate subjects from electric charges or to electrocute them with available charges, to an effect of up to twice Scar Power in damage.
Input: Interface with smart devices within range, bypassing all local security.
Output: Control a device's functions or behavior, such as fabricating video footage on a television.
Power: Directly power a device on or off.
Research: Quickly scan a device's stored data, reducing action intervals from hours to minutes or minutes to turns.
DTR 116
Enhanced Speed Overt, Reflexive, Tiered, Toggled Add Scar Power to Initiative. Double Speed. DTR 117
•• Add half Scar Power to Defense. Ignore Defense penalties from consecutive attacks.
••• Choose one:
Alacrity: You may ignore your Initiative and take your turn at any point, even interrupting another turn.
Fleetness: Instead of doubling your Speed, multiply it by (Scar Power × Magnitude).
Guerilla: Apply Defense against firearms, and keep half Defense during charges and all-out attacks.
•••• Choose a second Magnitude ••• benefit.
••••• Receive all Magnitude ••• benefits.
Environmental Adaptation Subtle, Discrete, Perpetual, Reflexive Choose a broad environment type. While there, apply Magnitude as a Survival bonus, and ignore level one extreme environments and one moderate Environmental Tilt per scene. DTR 118
•• As above, but ignore level two extreme environments and two moderate Tilts per scene.
••• As above, but ignore level three extreme environments and one severe and two moderate Tilts per scene.
•••• As above, but ignore level four extreme environments and all Environmental Tilts.
General + • The Variation becomes Toggled instead of Perpetual and can be activated once per chapter, but applies its benefits to all environments except the wholly unnatural.
Face Thief Overt, Tiered, Toggled Disguise part of your body as that of a subject as an uncontested Directed effect for a scene, or for a chapter per Willpower spent. DTR 118
•• Disguise your entire body as that of the subject, replicating any bodily features you have observed, including voice but not Size. Subterfuge rolls to assume disguise gain the rote quality.
••• Replicate all bodily features and apparel perfectly, including up to two points of Size difference, but without mechanical functions.
•••• Replicate the subject's language, instinctive greetings and affirmations of identity, and up to your Scar Power in the subject's Social Merits.
Recollection + • Create generic disguises, recreate previous disguises, and at a -4 penalty, assume disguises from recorded images.
Flight Overt, Reflexive, Tiered, Toggled Control falls and take no falling damage. DTR 119
•• Glide at a lateral Speed of (Scar Power + 10), at a descent of 3-30m per turn.
••• Ascend your Scar Power in meters as an instant action.
•••• Choose one:
Grace: Hover without descending. Ascend reflexively.
Velocity: Lateral Speed in flight increases to (Scar Power² × 20).
••••• Receive both Magnitude •••• benefits.
Gigantic Overt, Tiered, Toggled • to ••••• Increase in Size based on Magnitude, from +1 at • up to +15 at •••••. While Gigantic, apply 8-Again to feats of Strength and Stamina, add the Size difference to traits derived from Strength or Stamina, and lift objects up to your Size, or wield objects half your Size, without a roll. Once per chapter, when Gigantic deactivates, heal your Size difference in damage taken. DTR 119
Healer Overt, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Heal a given subject once per chapter to cure minor ailments and remove half your Scar Power in wound penalties for the scene. DTR 121
•• Heal all bashing damage or remove up to your Scar Power in symptomatic Tilts.
••• Heal your Scar Power in lethal damage or remove one Condition ailment.
•••• Once per chapter, heal half your Scar Power in aggravated damage, remove a Persistent Condition, or restore a destroyed body part.
••••• You can resurrect the dead, though decomposition can make this traumatic, and repeated use courts instability.
Aura + • The Variation heals everyone in short range, but not yourself.
Holographic Projection Overt, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Conjure uncanny illusions up to Size 5. DTR 121
•• Conjure realistic illusions.
••• Conjure tangible illusions.
Aura + • Conjure multiple illusions out to short range.
Control + • Direct multiple illusions reflexively, which persist when you leave their range.
Hyper-Competence Subtle, Perpetual, Reflexive, Tiered Choose an associated Skill. The Skill imposes no unskilled penalty, always applies a specialty bonus, and achieves exceptional success on a threshold of three instead of five. DTR 122
•• Add half Scar Power as bonus dice to the chosen Skill.
••• Apply the rote quality to rolls of the chosen Skill.
Multicompetence + • Add your Scar Power in associated Skills.
Natural Talent + •• Incompatible with Multicompetence. Instead of one Skill, choose all Mental, all Physical, or all Social Skills.
Immunity Subtle, Discrete, Perpetual, Reflexive Immunity to your Scar Power in Personal Tilts and associated Conditions. DTR 122
•• Immunity to your Scar Power in types of hazard (fire, electricity, poison, radiation, etc).
••• Force a Clash of Wills to negate all supernatural powers directed at you by a particular type of supernatural being.
Area + • The Variation becomes Toggled instead of Perpetual and bestows immunity over a ten meter radius.
Lash Overt, Discrete, Toggled • to ••••• You can make a unique attack, which rolls Attribute + Skill - Defense. Choose whether the attack is close (Strength) or ranged (Dexterity), which combat Skill it employs, and what type of damage it does (bashing, lethal, or none). Of the following benefits, choose one, plus two for each dot of base Magnitude after the first: DTR 122
Blasting Ranged only. Fire as a short burst.
Caustic Douse struck targets in damaging corrosives.
Channel Struck targets are also targeted by a particular Directed Variation.
Conjured The attack roll becomes Scar Finesse + Acclimation + Magnitude - Defense.
Deadly Apply the lower of Scar Power and Magnitude as a weapon rating and Initiative penalty.
Deafening Temporarily deafen struck targets.
Disabling Called shots reduce their penalty and add Scar Power to effective damage to inflict Tilts.
Envenomed Poison struck targets.
Forceful Knock struck targets prone.
Grappling Close only. You may reflexively grapple a struck target.
Immolating Ignite struck targets.
Insidious The Lash is resisted by a chosen Attribute instead of by Defense.
Obscuring Partially blind struck targets.
Piercing Pierce Armor by the lower of Scar Power and Magnitude.
Quick Add Reflexive. Attacks still take instant actions.
Reach Ranged only. Roughly triple the Lash's range.
Sickening Debilitate struck targets.
Soporific Drug struck targets.
Touch Close only. Substitute Dexterity for Strength.
Versatile Lash becomes Tiered instead of Discrete, allowing you to pull your punches.
Blinding + • Fully blind struck targets.
Burst + • Ranged only. Fire as a medium burst.
Circle Strike + • Close only. Attack as a close-range long burst.
Corrosive + • Douse struck targets in powerful corrosives.
Debilitating + • Apply the benefits of Disabling. All strikes hit a called shot location, chosen randomly if uncalled.
Devastating + • Apply the higher of Scar Power and Magnitude as a weapon rating and Initiative penalty.
Explosive + •• Ranged lethal only. The Lash instead launches a short-range explosive with a blast area of (Scar Power + Magnitude) and Force equal to the lower of the two.
Full Auto + •• Ranged only. Fire as a long burst.
Gunshot + • Ranged only. Ignore Defense like a firearm, but ballistic armor applies.
Horrendous + • Lethal only. Upgrade to aggravated damage.
Immobilizing + •• Struck targets are held in place by effective restraints.
Incinerating + • Ignite struck targets with severe burns.
Line of Sight + • Ranged only. Range is limited only by total cover.
Penetrating + • The Lash ignores Armor.
Scrambling + • Render struck targets Insensate.
Stunning + • Stun struck targets.
Terminal + • Inflict severe sickness on struck targets.
Toxic + • Severely poison struck targets.
Miniaturization Overt, Tiered, Toggled Shrink by -1 Size, gaining a +2 bonus to avoid notice or circumnavigate. Calculate Health with an effective Size no less than Scar Power. DTR 126
•• Shrink down to Size 1, adjusting the dice bonus to (6 - Size). Add half that value to Defense. Shrunken Size limits your Speed and carrying capacity.
••• Shrink down to Size 0 to reduce rolls to notice you to a chance die, and penalize deliberate searches for you by -5.
•••• Shrink down to microscopic level.
Defensive + • Once per turn, you may shrink reflexively, which can reduce an attack's successes by Scar Power.
Out of Phase Overt, Tiered, Toggled Render part of a limb insubstantial to materials up to Durability 1. DTR 126
•• Choose one:
Stone: Pass through Durability 2 materials.
Torso: Render up to half the body insubstantial, which can apply as partial cover.
••• Choose one:
Balance: Receive both Magnitude •• benefits.
Steel: Requires Stone. Pass through Durability 3 materials.
Body: Requires Torso. Render the entire body insubstantial.
•••• Receive all Magnitude ••• benefits.
Defensive + • Reflexively toggle insubstantiality once per turn.
Pyrokinesis Overt, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Influence torchfires below Scar Power 3, bonfires below Scar Power 5, and infernos at Scar Power 5. Choose one:
Influence: Direct the path and movement of a fire, aiming with Scar Finesse.
Pyrotechnics: Alter the shape and billowing of a fire to create displays and control visibility.
DTR 127
•• Receive both Magnitude • benefits. Combust sparks.
••• Choose one:
Ignite: Ignite spontaneous fires.
Extinguish: Extinguish fires and suppress combustion.
•••• Receive both Magnitude ••• benefits.
Aura + • Exert equal pyrokinetic influence over short range. Immune to fires with heat damage up to half your Scar Power.
Shadow Selves Overt, Tiered, Toggled Manifest up to (Scar Power) copies of yourself, which dissipate when damaged and can only perform basic actions. DTR 128
•• You may "ride" a copy as an instant action, directing its body instead of your own.
••• Your copies can act under their own direction.
Prism + • You can generate copy selves with distinct appearances and body types.
Superposition + • You can redefine which body is real and not a copy as an instant action.
Shadows of the Past Subtle, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Enter a trance to glimpse fragments of a person or location's past, relevant enough to your endeavors to offer half your Scar Power as a circumstantial bonus. DTR 129
•• Narrow visions of import down to a 24-hour radius around a given past time or event.
••• Invite others to share your visions. Choose one:
Living History: Once per chapter, project yourself into a hypothetical role to interact with the vision.
Precision: Narrow visions down to an hour radius.
•••• Receive both Magnitude ••• benefits.
••••• Once per story or by risking instability, carry something up to twice Scar Power in Size back with you from the shadow of the past.
Specialized Sense Subtle, Discrete, Perpetual, Reflexive Choose one:
Animal: Gain up to your Scar Power in +2 enhanced senses.
Technology: Duplicate a chosen mechanical sensor or imaging tool. +3 bonus to appropriate analysis.
Sixth Sense: Sense the presence of a chosen type of supernatural being within 10 meters.
DTR 129
•• As Sixth Sense, and you can perceive one type of manifestation or energy which is normally invisible. +2 Occult bonus to assess.
••• As Magnitude ••, and once per chapter, you can declare the discovery of a detail related to that manifestation or energy. +3 Occult bonus.
Storm-Caller Overt, Tiered, Toggled Choose an environmental hazard. Control the hazard by manifesting or removing a level one extreme environment or a moderate Environmental Tilt. Take an instant action to replace the Tilt with a new Tilt. DTR 130
•• Control extreme environments of level up to half Scar Power. Take an instant action to control another Tilt, or "stack" a Tilt upon itself to make it severe, up to Scar Power in simultaneous Tilts.
••• Control any number of Tilts up to your maximum when first activating the Variation.
•••• Once per story or by risking instability, control a level four extreme environment.
Universal + • The Variation may be activated once per chapter, but can control a different environmental hazard for each activation.
Superhuman Attribute Subtle, Discrete, Perpetual, Reflexive • to ••••• Choose an Attribute. Its rating increases to the higher of (Attribute + Magnitude) or (Magnitude + 3), to a maximum of 10, for all purposes except calculating supernatural derived traits or effects. With •••+, receive the corresponding additional benefit: DTR 131
Intelligence Once per chapter, declare an unanticipated fact or conclusion and render your allies Informed.
Wits Once per scene, declare your notice of a plausible detail in the environment. Once per chapter, uncover a clue with an additional element.
Resolve Resist a form of supernatural mental or emotional influence for the scene with a Clash of Wills. Spend Willpower to reattempt a failed Clash of Wills.
Strength Lift any object up to (Scar Power × 5) in Size. Pierce half your Scar Power in Armor and Durability in close combat.
Dexterity Calculate Defense with the higher of Wits and Dexterity. Never fall from loss of balance, and when pushed or pulled from an edge, you may keep your footing as an instant action.
Stamina Resist supernatural transformation or bodily debility for the scene with a Clash of Wills. Suffer bashing damage to reattempt a failed Clash of Wills.
Presence Once per chapter, declare the presence of a person or small group who might plausibly appear.
Manipulation Once per chapter, claim non-hostile ordinary humans as a temporary Subtle instance of Allies, Contacts, Resources, or Retainer with a rating up to half Scar Power, and wheedle a minor favor from them.
Composure When you enhance a roll or resisting trait with Willpower and fail, recover the spent Willpower.
Telekinesis Overt, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Hold an object up to your (Magnitude × Scar Power) in Size in place. Against living targets, direct Scar Finesse - Defense as a grappling roll, capable of the Hold, Restrain, and Drop Prone maneuvers. DTR 132
•• Move a held object at a Speed up to your (Magnitude × Scar Power), or operate it "manually" at a distance. Telekinetic grapple maneuvers add Control Weapon, Damage, and Disarm.
••• Choose one:
Throw: Hurl an object at a target by rolling Scar Finesse - Defense at a (Size ÷ 5) penalty to deal half its Size in lethal damage. Hurl a target at a surface by rolling Scar Finesse to inflict falling damage.
Deflect: You may reflexively roll Scar Finesse to subtract successes from an attack which can be physically turned away, accumulating penalties for repeated deflections in one turn.
•••• Choose one:
Versatility: Receive both Magnitude ••• benefits.
Crush/Dismember: Requires Throw. Inflict (Scar Power + Acclimation - Durability) damage to a held object, or deal lethal damage with the Damage maneuver.
Force Field: Requires Deflect. Conjure a telekinetic barrier as a wall or around a subject, which acts as opaque cover with half Scar Power in Durability that cannot be demolished.
••••• Receive all Magnitude •••• benefits.
Translocation Overt, Tiered, Toggled Once per turn, reflexively roll Scar Finesse to teleport within a 10/20/40 meter range to an exposed destination. DTR 134
•• Choose one:
Blind: Translocate to an unexposed destination at a -4 penalty.
Far-Reaching: Increase range to 30/60/120 meters.
••• Receive both Magnitude •• benefits.
Conjuration + • Direct the Variation to translocate an object of Size up to (Magnitude + Scar Power) from one point within range to another such point clear of hazards.
Defensive + • You may reflexively translocate yourself when it is not your turn, accumulating penalties for repeated translocations in one turn.
Cephalist Variations
Astral Travel Subtle, Tiered, Toggled Once per chapter, roll Scar Finesse in a dream state to uncover a clue. DTR 134
•• Leave your body behind to project as an insubstantial astral entity for up to a scene.
••• While astrally projecting, you may explore the dreams of a visited sleeper, becoming Informed.
•••• Choose one:
Dream Walker: You may transform your body into astral ephemera rather than leaving it behind when projecting.
Dream Gates: You may travel from one sleeper's dreams to those of a strongly associated sleeper.
••••• Receive both Magnitude •••• benefits.
Body Snatcher Subtle, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Ride a subject's senses for up to a scene, leaving your body behind for the duration. DTR 135
•• Read a vessel's surface thoughts. You may transfer from one vessel to another. Spend Willpower to ride a vessel for another chapter.
••• You may control the vessel's actions for a turn. If your action inflicts lethal damage or a breaking point, the vessel resists further control.
•••• Choose one:
Body Swap: You may swap bodies with a ridden vessel.
Puppet Possession: You may suppress the vessel's consciousness, preventing resistance.
••••• Receive both Magnitude •••• benefits.
Creeping Dread Subtle, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Inflict an Integrity breaking point or the Shaken Condition. Apply half Scar Power as a scenelong bonus to frighten victims. DTR 135
•• Inflict for a scene the fear of a present chosen focus. The victim must roll Resolve + Composure to approach the focus of their fear, and suffer a -2 penalty on confronting actions.
••• The subject becomes Frightened of the chosen focus, and Insensate when unable to flee.
•••• The threat of the chosen focus inflicts Beaten Down.
Aura + • The Variation targets everyone within short range.
Memory Thief Subtle, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Steal the memory of a routine situation from a subject. The subject may regenerate the lost memory if prompted with evidence or retelling. DTR 136
•• Steal a recent memory of your choice, up to a scene in length.
••• Choose one:
Forgotten Goal: Steal a short-term Aspiration.
Forgotten Milestone: Steal memories of emotional weight or strenuous investment.
•••• Choose one:
Fickle Memory: Receive both Magnitude ••• benefits.
Stolen Triumph: Requires Forgotten Goal. Steal a long-term Aspiration and all memory of its pursuit and achievement.
Formative Memory: Requires Forgotten Milestone. Steal a fundamental, identity-shaping memory.
••••• Receive all Magnitude •••• benefits.
Telepathy Subtle, Directed, Tiered, Toggled Choose one:
Attune: Once per chapter, read a subject's surface thoughts and ask up to your Scar Power in relevant questions about their mood and motives.
Project: Broadcast thoughts to a subject.
DTR 137
•• Receive both Magnitude • benefits. When Projecting you can open yourself to return broadcasts, which you can relay between multiple subjects.
••• Choose one:
Network: Simultaneously connect to up to your Scar Power in subjects as a single action.
Recontact: You may Project to anyone you have telepathically connected with before, at a -4 penalty for unwilling targets beyond long range.
•••• Choose one:
Balance: Receive both Magnitude ••• benefits.
Hivemind: Requires Network. Subjects can choose to use your telepathic connection to share Skill ratings. Each subject can donate or receive a Skill once per chapter.
Forceful: Requires Recontact. You may project experienced memories to a subject.
••••• Receive all Magnitude •••• benefits.
Chimeric Variations
Animal Transformation Overt, Discrete, Toggled •• Transform into a particular animal up to Size 2. DTR 138
••• Choose one:
Medium: Transform into a particular animal up to Size 5.
Swarm: Transform into a swarm of small animals up to (Magnitude + Scar Power) meters across.
•••• Choose one:
Large: Transform into a particular animal up to Size 9.
Biting Swarm: Transform into a swarm which inflicts half your Scar Power in bashing damage each turn.
••••• Choose one:
Huge: Transform into a particular animal up to Size 15.
Lethal Swarm: Transform into a swarm which inflicts lethal damage.
Shapeshifter + • Animal Transformation becomes Tiered instead of Discrete and can be activated once per chapter, but yields any shape whose required Magnitude is met.
Mimicry Subtle, Tiered, Toggled • to ••••• You may suppress any Scars that do not exceed Mimicry in Magnitude. Entangled Variations are also suppressed. DTR 139
Monstrous Transformation Overt, Discrete, Toggled •• to ••••• Choose secondary Variations which could be collectively entangled with a Scar of equal Magnitude to Monstrous Transformation. Activating Monstrous Transformation activates these secondary Variations. DTR 139
Pheromones Subtle, Directed, Perpetual, Tiered Improve your impression level upon a living subject, and reduce your exceptional success threshold for Social actions against them to three instead of five. DTR 140
•• Choose one:
Communication: You and the subject can communicate fluently.
Status: The subject defers as if you possessed half Scar Power in Status in an admired group.
••• Receive both Magnitude •• benefits.
•••• Compel the subject with simple commands. Intelligent subjects resist suicidal commands.
Aura + • The Variation targets all members of a species in short range.
Predator's Cunning Subtle, Perpetual, Reflexive, Tiered Choose one:
Elusive: Guards and pursuers suffer a -2 penalty to find or tail you. Apply half Scar Power as a bonus to maneuver around traps.
Vigilant: When not ambushed, you can reflexively draw a weapon or activate Lash, and reflexively procure concealment up to half your Scar Power.
DTR 141
•• Receive both Magnitude • benefits.
••• Choose one:
Alert: Retain Defense and Vigilant benefits when ambushed. You may make a reflexive Stealth roll against unnoticed surveillance through unconscious instinct.
Uncanny: Retain Defense against firearms. Ignore Defense penalties from multiple attackers.
•••• Receive both Magnitude ••• benefits.
••••• When not ambushed, you alone act for a full turn at the beginning of combat. Opponents must roll Wits + Composure - your Scar Power to retain their Defense.
Coactive Variations
Blessing Subtle, Directed, Perpetual, Reflexive, Tiered Choose one:
Lucky: Once per chapter, conjure a moderate stroke of fortune, which can apply half Scar Power as a circumstantial bonus.
Unlucky: Once per chapter, inflict a moderate stroke of misfortune, which can apply half Scar Power as a penalty.
DTR 141
•• Choose one:
Balanced: Receive both Magnitude • benefits.
Charmed: Requires Lucky. Once per scene, introduce a favorable turn of events, which can avert the consequences of one event.
Albatross: Requires Unlucky. Once per scene, inflict a misfortunate plot twist, which downgrades the result of the victim's next roll.
••• Choose one:
Destiny's Chosen: Receive all Magnitude •• benefits.
Near Miss: Requires Lucky. Once per chapter, slip away from a scene retroactively.
Supernatural Aid: Requires Unlucky. Once per chapter, attract the arrival of a known character to the current scene, or of yourself to a scene involving a known character.
•••• Receive all Magnitude ••• benefits.
Aura + • The Variation can simultaneously target multiple characters in short range, including yourself.
Fate's Agent Subtle, Perpetual, Reflexive, Tiered Choose a type of supernatural being. Intuit the use of power by such forces on you or your location, and its source. Attempts to gather information about you by these forces provoke a Clash of Wills. DTR 142
•• Choose one:
Counter: Spend your action in a turn to neutralize such supernatural powers with a Clash of Wills.
Dispel: Direct against an appropriate temporary magical effect to end it, or a long-term magical effect to suppress it for a scene. The being may resist with a Clash of Wills.
••• Receive both Magnitude •• benefits.
•••• You may turn Countered personal effects against you back on their source.
Universal + • The Variation may be activated once per chapter, but works against all supernatural powers, regardless of origin.
Otherworldly Connection Subtle, Perpetual, Tiered Choose a supernatural nature or origin. Perceive entities and forces that proceed from that nature. DTR 143
•• Communicate with associated beings, with whom you benefit from half Scar Power in Status.
••• You can physically interact with associated insubstantial beings, and vice-versa.
•••• Direct an exorcism or banishment against an associated being. Intelligent beings force a Clash of Wills over the loss of Willpower, and are exorcised for a story when they run out.
••••• Direct at an associated being or phenomenon to bring it into the material realm, forcing a Clash of Wills if the being is intelligent. Each summoning after the first in a story inflicts instability.
Precognition Subtle, Reflexive, Tiered, Toggled Roll chance dice as normal dice. You may spend Willpower to add dice to a pool after rolling. DTR 144
•• Direct at a subject to glimpse their future, asking up to your Scar Power in questions about their likely future each chapter.
••• Once per chapter, you may avert the results of a failed action by instead performing a different action.
•••• Choose one:
Bifurcation: Once per chapter, reflexively direct against a subject to force them to perform a different action.
Prophecy: You may glimpse a scene from later in the story. After playing a predicted scene out, you may "rewind" and do it over, acting differently. Each prediction after the first in a story inflicts instability.
••••• Receive both Magnitude •••• benefits.
Psycho-Onomastics Subtle, Reflexive, Tiered, Toggled When someone is introduced by name, you may discern whether it is their true name. If it is, intuit your Scar Power in details about who they are. DTR 145
•• You can recognize anyone introduced by name no matter their guise or transformation.
••• Choose one:
Invoke Name: You can hear conversations when your true name is invoked, and intuit the participants and surroundings when you have identified the speaker's true name.
True Name: When someone is introduced, intuit their true name. You can address them across any distance by invoking their true name.
•••• Receive both Magnitude ••• benefits.
••••• Direct against a target you know by true name to temporarily erase their name, preventing magic which uses that name and disrupting identification and records. Spend Willpower to maintain the erasure for a chapter.
Invasive Variations
Computer-Aided Processing Subtle, Reflexive, Tiered, Toggled • to ••••• Choose one benefit for each dot of Magnitude. Each benefit can be used once per chapter. DTR 145
Biokinesis Gain (Scar Power + 1) dots of temporary Physical Merits.
Combat Programming Gain (Scar Power + 1) dots of temporary Fighting Merits.
Data Warehouse Gain (Scar Power + 1) dots of temporary Mental Merits.
Human Clay Reassign up to (Scar Power ÷ 2 + 1) dots between two Physical Attributes.
Mind Hack Reassign up to (Scar Power ÷ 2 + 1) dots between two Mental Attributes.
Hidden Compartments Subtle, Tiered, Toggled Once per scene, withdraw a Size 1 item from your body worth up to half Scar Power in Availability. DTR 146
•• Once per chapter, draw a Size 1 item worth up to Scar Power in Availability.
••• Once per story or at the cost of instability, draw a Size 1 item up to Availability 5, which may have supernatural properties.
Extra Capacity + • You may draw items of Size up to (Scar Power ÷ 2 + 1).
Varied Inventory + • Draw items more frequently: per chapter instead of per story, per scene instead of per chapter, and per turn instead of per scene.
Integrate Technology Overt, Tiered, Toggled Interface with handled tools to apply 8-Again to them. DTR 146
•• Absorb tools up to half your Scar Power in Size to replicate their function bodily. The total Size of all absorbed tools cannot exceed (Scar Power × Magnitude).
••• Absorbed tools suffer no depletion of power, ammunition, or other materials.
•••• You may merge into machine your Size or larger, up to Size 30, taking any actions the machine can. Your Health suffers any Structure damage taken.
Battery + • Your body can produce an electric charge, which can power devices or issue twice your Scar Power in bashing damage.
Omnicompetence Subtle, Discrete, Perpetual, Reflexive Ignore untrained Skill penalties. DTR 147
•• Ignore untrained Skill penalties, and choose one:
Jack of All: Once per chapter, treat all Skills as having a minimum of one dot.
Journeyman: Once per chapter, treat any one Skill as having three dots.
••• Ignore untrained Skill penalties, and choose one:
Balanced: Receive both Magnitude •• benefits.
Polymath: Once per chapter, treat all Skills as having a minimum of three dots.
Mastery: Once per chapter, treat any one Skill as having five dots.
•••• Ignore untrained Skill penalties, and receive both Polymath and Mastery.
••••• Treat all Skills as having a minimum of one dot, receive Journeyman as a once per scene ability, and receive both Polymath and Mastery.
Sensor Array Subtle, Perpetual, Tiered Once per scene, recalibrate your senses to suppress overwhelming extremes, such as blinding light. Prevent associated Personal Tilts and ignore up to -3 in associated penalties. DTR 148
•• Calibrate fine senses, such as telescopic sight or low light vision, applying a +2 equipment bonus.
••• Calibrate to sense input undetectable to humans, such as supersonic frequencies or radio waves, applying a +3 equipment bonus.
•••• Calibrate occult senses, such as ghostly ephemera or astral projections, applying a +2 Occult bonus.
Rapid + • Calibrate senses reflexively.
Versatile + • Calibrate up to your Scar Power in senses at once, and recalibrate a number of times per scene equal to Scar Power.
Mutant Variations
Anomalous Biology Subtle, Perpetual, Tiered • to ••••• Add Magnitude as a bonus to play dead, and choose one, two, four, six, or all nine benefits according to Magnitude: DTR 148
Ageless Persistent only. Never age.
Bloodless Never bleed. Don't bleed out from lethal damage, and suffer only bashing damage from weapons.
Breathless Never suffocate. Add Scar Power as a Stealth bonus.
Heartless No heartbeat. Ignore poison and disease.
Hungerless Persistent only. Never starve or suffer dehydration.
Lifeless No body warmth. Baffle sensors and treat extreme environments of heat and cold as one level lower.
Mindless Thought without clear mechanism. Ignore mundane attempts to assess or influence your mind or motives, and resist supernatural attempts with a Clash of Wills.
Painless Half wound penalties. Remain conscious when Health is filled with damage, suffering an unhalved -3 wound penalty.
Tireless Persistent only. Never require rest.
Deadly Ichor Overt, Discrete, Reflexive, Toggled • to ••••• When you suffer lethal damage in close combat, you may reflexively retaliate. Build the attack like a close Lash, which adds this benefit to its available choices: DTR 149
Contact Retaliate against bashing and undamaging attacks.
Proximal + • Retaliate against even unsuccessful close attacks.
Pressurized + • Build like a ranged Lash, and retaliate against ranged attacks.
Retaliatory + •• Build like a ranged Lash, and retaliate against even unsuccessful ranged attacks.
Inhuman Digestion Overt, Tiered, Toggled Safely consume and digest any material up to Durability 1. Bites deal lethal damage with 1 armor-piercing. DTR 149
•• You may copy a Variation and entangled Scar from a bitten Deviant for a scene.
••• Once per chapter, you may steal a Variation and entangled Scar from a bitten Deviant for a chapter. You may spend experiences to render the theft permanent.
Adamant Jaws + • Consume materials of any Durability. Add half Scar Power to armor-piercing.
Cannibalize + • Bites deal aggravated damage. Each wound bitten from a humanoid heals a non-aggravated wound.
Rapid Healing Subtle, Discrete, Perpetual, Persistent only Heal twice as fast. DTR 151
•• Heal one bashing wound each turn, and all bashing damage and minor ailments at the end of a scene.
••• As Magnitude ••, and heal all lethal damage and common diseases and poisons at the end of a chapter.
•••• Heal one non-aggravated wound each turn, all non-aggravated damage and ailments at the end of a scene, and all aggravated damage and bodily impairments at the end of a chapter.
••••• As Magnitude ••••, and recover from any death except the End Stage.
Sacred Flesh Subtle, Discrete, Toggled • to ••••• Choose a secondary Variation of equal Magnitude. You can bestow use of the Variation to others for a scene by one chosen method below. DTR 151
Boon Direct Sacred Flesh to bestow on a target.
Secretion Once per chapter, you may produce your Scar Power in doses of a medium, like infused saliva or blessed charms. Appropriately using up the medium (ingesting it, praying to invoke it, etc.) bestows the Variation upon the recipient. Unused doses expire after a chapter.
Token As Secretion, but producing the medium inflicts minor instability, and doses do not expire.
Fragment As Secretion, but you produce one reusable medium that does not expire, once per story or by risking instability. The medium can be used once per chapter.
Flexibility + • Choose half Scar Power in extra methods.
Self-Cannibalism + • You can bestow the Variation to yourself.
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L