Mental Merits
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Advanced Library | • to ••••• | Library •••, ≤ Safe Place | Your library is vast enough to contain useful, direct information about supernatural topics. Choose a topic per Advanced Library dot. Every story, once per topic, you can take the Informed Condition when you consult your library about that topic. | MTA 2e 105 |
Area of Expertise | • | Resolve •• | Raise one Specialty's die bonus to +2. | CofD 44 |
Common Sense | ••• | Once per chapter, roll Wits + Composure as an instant action to ask the Storyteller a question about risks and choices. | CofD 44 | |
Danger Sense | •• | +2 bonus to detect an ambush. | CofD 44 | |
Direction Sense | • | Keep perfect track of your relative location and direction, and ignore penalties to navigate or find your way. | CofD 44 | |
Eidetic Memory | •• | Ignore rolls for recall or memory. +2 bonus to recall minute facts buried in other information. | CofD 44 | |
Encyclopedic Knowledge | •• | Roll Intelligence + Wits to recall useful trivia relating to a particular field or pursuit. | CofD 44 | |
Eye for the Strange | •• | Resolve ••, Occult • | Roll Intelligence + Composure to identify evidence of supernatural involvement. | CofD 44 |
Fast Reflexes | • to ••• | Wits or Dexterity ••• | Add Fast Reflexes dots to Initiative. | CofD 44 |
Good Time Management | • | Academics or Science •• | Make extended action rolls in half the necessary time. | CofD 44 |
Holistic Awareness | • | Roll Wits + Survival to substitute woodland scavengings for equipment when treating patients with Medicine, unless the patient suffers non-bashing wound penalties. | CofD 44 | |
Human Prey | •• | Your nerves react instinctively to danger. When violence erupts, you may suffer Insane to boost Strength, suffer Beaten Down but gain 8-Again to flee, or suffer Stunned but recover Willpower. | DTR 97 | |
Hypervigilance | • | You're overly cautious of hidden dangers. Take 8-Again to perceive traps or ambushes, but on exceptional success, suffer Spooked. | DTR 97 | |
Indomitable | •• | Resolve ••• | +2 to a contesting dice pool or resistance trait applied against supernatural mental influence. | CofD 45 |
Interdisciplinary Specialty | • | Any Skill ••• | Choose a Specialty in the corresponding Skill. Apply the Specialty's bonus die to relevant rolls of any Skill, except unskilled rolls. | CofD 45 |
Investigative Aide | • | Any Skill ••• | When you roll the selected Skill to uncover clues, achieve exceptional success with only three successes. Add a bonus element to any clues uncovered with this Skill. | CofD 45 |
Investigative Prodigy | • to ••••• | Wits •••, Investigation ••• | When you roll to uncover clues, you uncover a clue per success, capped by your dots in Investigative Prodigy. Clues from extra successes never have more than one element each. | CofD 45 |
Language | • | You can speak, read and write in a chosen language. | CofD 45 | |
Library | • to ••• | You have a cache of information relating to a particular Skill. Add your dots in Library to relevant extended rolls. | CofD 46 | |
Lucid Dreamer | •• | Resolve ••• | You may roll Resolve + Composure while asleep to dream lucidly, and may wake up at will. | CTL 2e 123 |
Meditative Mind | •, ••, or •••• | Ignore environmental and wound penalties on meditation rolls. With two dots, meditation grants +3 to Resolve + Composure rolls for the remainder of the day. With four dots, meditation rolls only need to accumulate one success. | CofD 46 | |
Multilingual | • | You can speak conversationally in two chosen languages. Roll Intelligence + Academics for reading comprehension. | CofD 46 | |
Object Fetishism | • to ••••• | You obsess over a given possession relating to a chosen Specialty. Recover Willpower each session from your obsession, and spending Willpower to roll that Specialty exaggerates both failure and success. | HL 42 | |
Patient | • | Add +2 to your maximum number of allowed rolls on extended actions. | CofD 46 | |
Renowned Artisan | ••• | Crafts ••• with specialty | You've been taught the ways of an ancient Iremite guild. Once per chapter, you may reroll a relevant Crafts action. | MTC 2e 113 |
Scarred | • | Integrity ≤ 5 | Suffer a Persistent Condition which prevents you from recovering Integrity, but inures you from a particular breaking point. | HL 43 |
Tolerance for Biology | • | Resolve ••• | Ignore Resistance rolls from witnessing biological grotesquerie. | CofD 46 |
Trained Observer | • or ••• | Wits or Composure ••• | Take 9-Again, or 8-Again with three dots, on Perception rolls. | CofD 46 |
Vice-Ridden | •• | Vice | Take a second Vice. | CofD 46 |
Virtuous | •• | Virtue | Take a second Virtue. | CofD 46 |
Physical Merits
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Ambidextrous | ••• | Ignore offhand penalties. Character creation only. | CofD 47 | |
Automotive Genius | • | Crafts •••, Drive •, Science • | Raise maximum modifications to a vehicle to thrice Crafts rating, plus number of relevant Crafts Specialties. | CofD 47 |
Covert Operative | • | Wits •••, Dexterity •••, Stealth •• | When launching an ambush, deny 10-Again to notice it, and take +3 Initiative on the first turn. | HL 53 |
Crack Driver | •• or ••• | Drive ••• | When not taking any non-Drive actions, add your Composure as a bonus to Drive rolls, and penalize attempts to disable your vehicle by your Composure. With three dots, you can take a reflexive Drive action once per turn. | CofD 47 |
Demolisher | • to ••• | Strength or Intelligence ••• | When breaking objects, ignore a point of Durability per dot of Demolisher. | CofD 47 |
Double Jointed | •• | Dexterity ••• | Dislodge joints at will. Escape from mundane bondage automatically. When grappled and not acting aggressively, penalize your attacker's overpowering rolls by your Dexterity. | CofD 47 |
Fleet of Foot | • to ••• | Athletics •• | Add dots in Fleet of Foot to your Speed, and penalize pursuit rolls in a foot chase by your Fleet of Foot dots. | CofD 47 |
Freediving | • | Athletics •• | Add Athletics to Stamina when holding a deep breath, and succeed exceptionally on three successes to fight the gasp reflex. | DTR 99 |
Giant | ••• | +1 Size. Character creation only. | CofD 47 | |
Greyhound | • | Athletics •••, Wits •••, Stamina ••• | Succeed exceptionally on three successes in a chase action. | CofD 48 |
Hardy | • to ••• | Stamina ••• | Add Hardy dots as a bonus to rolls against disease, poison, deprivation, suffocation and unconsciousness. | CofD 47 |
Iron Skin | • to •• | Brawl ••, Stamina ••• | Add general Armor equal to your dots in this Merit against bashing attacks. You can spend a point of Willpower to downgrade lethal damage to bashing equal to your dots in this merit. | BTP 117 |
Iron Stamina | • to ••• | Stamina or Resolve ••• | Ignore penalties from fatigue or wounds up to your rating in Iron Stamina. | CofD 48 |
Punch Drunk | •• | Willpower •••••• | Spend Willpower to preserve your last Health point, upgrading preexisting damage instead. | HL 43 |
Quick Draw | • | Wits ••• | Whenever your Defense is available, you can draw a weapon that falls under a chosen Weaponry or Firearms Specialty as a reflexive action. | CofD 49 |
Relentless | • | Athletics ••, Stamina ••• | Add 2 to the successes needed against you in a chase. | CofD 49 |
Roadkill | ••• | Aggressive Driving •• | When you try to run someone over, Knock Down even if you miss, and double your velocity bonus. | HL 55 |
Seizing the Edge | •• | Wits •••, Composure ••• | You get the Edge in the first turn of a chase, and if your opponent fails a roll as if being ambushed, you can calculate your target successes without their Speed or Initiative. | CofD 49 |
Sleight of Hand | •• | Larceny ••• | You can take a Larceny instant action reflexively once per turn, and victims of your Larceny can't notice your attempts if they aren't specifically looking for them. | CofD 49 |
Small-Framed | •• | -1 Size. Take a +2 bonus to hide, go unnoticed, or otherwise benefit from your size. Character creation only. | CofD 49 | |
Survivalist | • | Survival •••, Iron Stamina ••• | You can resist Extreme Cold and Extreme Heat for hours equal to your Stamina. | HL 43 |
Social Merits
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Air of Menace | •• | Intimidation •• | You wear a history of violence on your sleeve. +2 to menace others, and less rough characters must spend Willpower to pick a fight, but social maneuvering is harder. | HL 41 |
Allies | • to ••••• | You have influence and goodwill with a chosen group proportional to your dots in this Merit. Each session, you can call on your Allies for favors of a value rated 1 to 5 by the Storyteller, up to your rating in the Merit. Favors in excess require a roll of Manipulation + Persuasion + Allies. | CofD 49 | |
Alternate Identity | • to ••• | You've laid groundwork establishing a false identity: an informal history with one dot, a veneer of documentation with two, or an airtight paper trail with three. +1 to Subterfuge rolls to maintain the false identity, or +2 with three dots. | CofD 50 | |
Anonymity | • to ••••• | No Fame | Penalize attempts to find you by paper trail or living evidence by a die per Anonymity dot. | CofD 50 |
Barfly | •• | Socialize •• | You can get in anywhere socially. Penalize attempts to recognize you as out of place by your Socialize dots. | CofD 50 |
Beneath Notice | ••• | You appear as a servant and do not need to roll stealth around those who see you as of lower standing. Gain +3 to eavesdrop on those same people. | GTTN 123 | |
Closed Book | • to ••••• | Manipulation •••, Resolve ••• | Add dots in this Merit to your number of Doors, and as a die bonus to contest Social assessment actions. | CofD 50 |
Cohesive Unit | • to ••• | Presence ••• | Confer +2 to teamwork. With two dots, confer bonus dice each scene. With three dots, confer rerolls. | HL 42 |
Contacts | • to ••••• | Choose a group or field for each dot of Contacts. You can roll Manipulation + (relevant Social Skill) to gather information or dirt from acquaintances in any of these groups or fields. | CofD 50 | |
Defender | • to ••• | Gain bonus Willpower to spend on protecting loved ones, but losing them causes a crisis of grief or retribution. | HL 42 | |
Den of Vice | •• | Have a location that reflects your vice that allows you to recover all your willpower once per chapter. Anytime you use your vice to regain willpower normally, roll Stamina + Composure, gaining the Addicted condition on a failure. | GTTN 124 | |
Empath | •• | Empathy •• | Contest Wits + Empathy against Manipulation + Subterfuge for insight into a character's mental state, which can open Doors or ease breaking points. | HL 42 |
Fame | • to ••• | No Anonymity | You're known for something, locally or selectively with one dot, broadly in an area with two dots, or universally with three. Add Fame dots as a die bonus to Social rolls targeting those impressed by your reputation, and to rolls by other characters to find or identify you. | CofD 50 |
Fixer | •• | Contacts ••, Wits ••• | Obtain services as if they were one Availability dot lower. | CofD 51 |
Friends in Low Places | •-••••• | An alternate version of Status, focused on the dregs of society. | GTTN 124 | |
Hobbyist Clique | •• | Any Skill •• | So long as you keep up with your fellow hobbyists, their support provides 9-Again to roll your hobby Skill, and a +2 die bonus to extended actions using that Skill. | CofD 51 |
Inspiring | ••• | Presence ••• | Roll Presence + Expression to confer the Inspired Condition. | CofD 51 |
Iron Will | •• | Resolve •••• | When you spend Willpower to contest or resist Social influence, substitute your Resolve rating for the usual Willpower bonus. If the roll is contested, take 8-Again. | CofD 51 |
Mentor | • to ••••• | You have a guide who expects something from you proportional to his or her influence, as measured by your dots in Mentor. Choose three traits out of the list of Skills plus the Resources Merit. Once per session, your Mentor can provide aid that falls within one of these traits, achieving automatic success. | CofD 51 | |
Mobster | • | You become entangled in with organized crime. Gain access to areas controlled by the criminal organization the controls or favors you. You become a target for rivals. | GTTN 124 | |
Moonlighting | •• | Once per story, gain 2 dots in Resources from your (probably illegal) side hustle. | GTTN 124 | |
Peacemaker | •• to ••• | Wits •••, Empathy ••• | You can spend Willpower to attempt to negotiate a nonviolent end to hostilities through Social Maneuvering. With three dots, you can attempt to talk down even supernatural rages. | HL 42 |
Pusher | • | Persuasion •• | When you use soft leverage, improve your impression as if you'd also satisfied the mark's Vice. | CofD 53 |
Resources | • to ••••• | You have disposable income proportional to your dots in this Merit. Once per session, you can securely procure an item or service with an Availability that doesn't exceed your Resources rating, including any reasonable number of items or services whose Availability is exceeded by your Resources by two dots. You can acquire an item or service with an Availability one point above your Resources rating at the cost of reducing your effective Resources by a dot for a month. | CofD 53 | |
Retainer | • to ••••• | You have a mook. Your underling's dice pool is twice their Retainer rating for actions within their purview, or equal to their Retainer rating for actions outside it. | CofD 53 | |
Safe Place | • to ••••• | You've secured a place from intrusion. While there, add the Safe Place rating to your Initiative. Penalize rolls to break in by Safe Place. If you have Crafts dots, you can trap it, forcing intruders to roll Dexterity + Larceny - Safe Place to avoid lethal damage up to the Safe Place's rating. Multiple characters can contribute dots to a Safe Place and share the full resulting rating. | CofD 54 | |
Small Unit Tactics | •• | Presence ••• | Once per scene when you coordinate allies, you can spend Willpower as an instant action to confer the die bonus to a number of allies up to your Presence rating. | CofD 54 |
Spin Doctor | • | Manipulation •••, Subterfuge •• | Using Tainted Clues inflicts an additional -1 penalty instead of consuming any successes. | CofD 54 |
Staff | • to ••••• | You have employees corresponding to one Skill per dot of Staff. They can achieve a single automatic success at relevant actions using one of those Skills. | CofD 54 | |
Status | • to ••••• | You have influence as part of a chosen group. You can draw on their facilities and resources, block the use of a relevant Social Merit lower than your Status rating once per session, and apply Status as a die bonus to Social rolls drawing on your influence. | CofD 54 | |
Striking Looks | • to •• | Your appearance is noteworthy and memorable. Add Striking Looks as a die bonus to Social rolls that benefit from your appearance, and to rolls by other characters to notice or remember you. | CofD 54 | |
Support Network | • to ••••• | Appropriate Social Merit | Choose a Social Merit to represent supportive ties. You can spend Willpower to turn to those ties to weather a breaking point, using this Merit as bonus dice. | HL 43 |
Sympathetic | •• | When you engage in Social Maneuvering, you can accept a Condition such as Leveraged or Swooning to immediately open two Doors. | CofD 55 | |
Table Turner | • | Composure •••, Manipulation •••, Wits ••• | When targeted by Social Maneuvering, you can spend Willpower to preemptively respond with a Social action of your own. | CofD 55 |
Takes One to Know One | • | Vice | When you investigate an incident that resonates with your Vice, instead of suffering the normal -2 penalty, your roll gains +2 dice and 9-Again. Succeeding on the roll satisfies your Vice. | CofD 55 |
Taste | • | Crafts •• | Choose a Specialty in Crafts or Expression. You can roll Wits + (Skill in question) to draw information about the nature of a work that falls within the chosen Specialty. | CofD 55 |
True Friend | ••• | You have an unbreakable bond of friendship with a chosen character. Rolls to influence your friend to your detriment suffer a -5 penalty. Once per story, you can recover one Willpower through a meaningful interaction with your friend. | CofD 56 | |
Tutelage | ••• | As either the student or teacher, meet your counterpart for a lesson once per story. The student gains 1 experience to be used towards purchasing the topic of the lesson, in exchange for a favor the teacher calls in. The Teacher gains a 1 experience reduction to the next purchase, in exchange for some kind of social trouble the student brings upon them. | GTTN 127 | |
Untouchable | • | Manipulation •••, Subterfuge •• | You're a smooth criminal. Rolls to investigate your deeds must achieve an exceptional success or else turn up Incomplete Clues. | CofD 56 |
Supernatural Merits
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Esoteric Armory | • to ••••• | You've collected enough esoterica to supply the banes of ephemeral entities with a Rank up to your rating in this Merit. | CofD 139 | |
Relic | • to ••••• | You possess an incorruptible item sorcerously crafted with the world's life force, with unique cursed powers. | MTC 2e 113 | |
Sandglass | •• | Your soul can instinctively roll Wits + Composure to sense ripples in the waters of time like the Arisen, spending Willpower instead of Pillars and Willpower dots instead of Sekhem. | MTC 2e 114 | |
Vestige | • to ••••• | You possess vessels for the world's life force which can be called upon for cursed strength. | MTC 2e 116 |
Fighting Merits
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Armed Restraint | •• | Staff Fighting ••• | Use a hooking pole when grappling to instantly Hold and penalize your opponent by its weapon rating. | HL 53 |
Body as Weapon | •• | Stamina •••, Brawl •• | Unarmed strikes add one point of bashing damage on a successful hit. | HL 41 |
Boot Party | •• | Brawl •• | Attack a prone target at -3 to deal lethal damage unarmed. | HL 53 |
Cheap Shot | •• | Street Fighting •••, Subterfuge •• | During a fight, you can reflexively contest Dexterity + Subterfuge against Wits + Composure to deny an opponent Defense next turn through dirty tricks and distractions. | CofD 61 |
Choke Hold | •• | Brawl •• | After a successful Hold, add the Choke grapple maneuver: accumulates successes across multiple turns to knock unconscious for a few minutes. | CofD 61 |
Clinch Strike | • | Brawl •• | Use the Damage maneuver instantly in a grapple. | HL 53 |
Defensive Combat | • | Brawl • or Weaponry • | You can substitute the chosen Skill for Athletics when calculating your Defense, as long as you're currently equipped to make attacks with that Skill. | CofD 61 |
Fighting Finesse | •• | Dexterity ••• | You can substitute Dexterity for Strength when making rolls with a chosen Brawl or Weaponry Specialty. | CofD 61 |
Ground and Pound | ••• | Brawl •• | Take the rote quality to strike a prone target with Brawl, falling prone yourself. | HL 54 |
Ground Fighter | ••• | Wits •••, Dexterity •••, Brawl •• | Deny close combat bonuses from being prone, and gain the Stand Up grapple maneuver. | HL 54 |
Gunslinger | •, •••, or ••••• | Wits •••, Firearms •••, Firearms(Revolvers) specialty | At one dot, can perform short bursts with revolvers. At three dots, can make a medium burst with revolvers, but doesn't gain an attack bonus. At five dots, with offhand revolver, medium burst can hit targets not close together, for an additional -2 penalty. | DE2 377 |
Headbutt | • | Brawl •• | Gain the Headbutt grapple maneuver: inflict Stunned. | HL 54 |
Iron Chin | •• or •••• | Resolve •••, Stamina ••• | Don't suffer Beaten Down from bashing damage. With four dots, never suffer Beaten Down. | HL 54 |
Iron Skin | •• or •••• | Martial Arts or Street Fighting ••, Stamina ••• | Confers half your Iron Skin dots in points of general Armor against bashing attacks. When hurt, you can spend Willpower to reduce half your Iron Skin dots in lethal damage to bashing. | CofD 63 |
Killer Instinct | • to ••• | Composure •••, Wits •••, Medicine • | You can take an instant action to size up a target's most vulnerable parts, which also counts as an aiming action. When attacking the target afterward, each dot of this Merit can ignore 1/1 Armor, ignore a point of Defense, or convert a point of bashing to lethal damage. | BTP 117 |
Loaded for Bear | • to •• | Athletics •, Survival • | Gain extra reloads on weapons, including single shot weapons. | HL 143 |
Phalanx Fighter | •• | Weapon and Shield ••, Spear and Bayonet • | Wield a spear with a shield, substituting it in Weapon and Shield maneuvers. | HL 54 |
Retain Weapon | •• | Wits ••, Brawl •• | Reduce successes on a Control Weapon or Disarm maneuver against you by your Brawl. | HL 54 |
Shiv | • or •• | Street Fighting ••, Weaponry • | You can conceal a 0L brawling weapon with one dot, or 1L with two, on your person. Penalize rolls to detect it by your Weaponry. | CofD 64 |
Subduing Strikes | • | Weaponry •• | You can pull blows with a weapon to deal bashing damage without spending Willpower. | DE 247 |
Transfer Maneuver | • to ••• | Intelligence ••, Wits •••, Brawl ••, Weaponry •• | Cross-apply a Brawling maneuver to a Weaponry Style, or vice-versa. | HL 54 |
Trigger Discipline | • | Wits ••, Firearms •• | Increase a firearm's effective capacity, or allow an additional long burst at high capacity. | HL 143 |
Trunk Squeeze | •• | Brawl •• | Gain the Trunk Squeeze grapple maneuver: deal bashing damage and cumulatively penalize the opponent's contesting rolls. | HL 54 |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
A changeling's Clarity suffers attacks from disorienting experiences which threaten her ownership over her own perceptions and the stability of her central truths. Severe Clarity attacks can accumulate damage quickly, but the support of a Touchstone can heal that damage more readily than the breaking points of many other Integrity traits. (CTL 2e 107)
Dice | Sample breaking points |
1 | Acquaintance rejects your experiences, Glamour exhaustion, having promises broken, a day without human contact |
2 | Respected authority rejects your experiences, psychotropic drugs, breaking promises, significant disorientation, a week without human contact |
3 | Trusted confidant rejects your experiences, losing a Touchstone, having formal oaths broken, disorienting supernatural influence, two weeks without human contact |
4 | Thorough "disproof" of your experiences, homicide, breaking formal oaths, recapitulation of the Durance, a month without human contact |
5 | Systematic psychological torture, premeditated murder, modifying behavior by Glamour, direct confrontation with the True Fae, a year without human contact |
Demons can sustain multiple Cover ratings at once, depending on their Primum. A Cover rating, rather than representing mental or spiritual welfare, is a psychic projection of identity, associated with a human body the demon adopts. Demons use the thoroughness and consistency of their human identities to deflect notice by the God-Machine, and risk its degredation through spectacular shows of power or gross breaking of the identity's "character."
A demon's Cover mends and grows slowly over time as they live that identity's life. Demons in need of quicker gains can steal the Cover of a forming angel with reconnaissance and support, but most depend on pacts with human beings, promising them occult benefits in exchange for scraps of their life to take as their own, ranging from shallow work relationships, to dear lifelong friendships, to the human's very existence itself.
Harmony shifts when breaking points occur in one of two directions. Breaking towards flesh causes the trait to increase, towards spirit to decrease. Harmony's ideal rating is 5, with drawbacks incurred as the character drifts towards the spiritual extreme of 0 or the fleshly extreme of 10. (WTF 2e 96, 104)
Harmony | Penalty | Breaking Point | Harmony | Penalty | Breaking Point |
Breaking Points Towards Flesh | Breaking Points Towards Spirit | ||||
Any | Defile a locus | Any | Kill a human or wolf | ||
Any | Reject the Sacred Hunt | Any | Stay in the Shadow Realm for a week | ||
Any | Stay out of the Shadow Realm for a week | Any | -2 | Hunt humans or wolves for food | |
Any | Use a silver weapon against a werewolf | Any | -2 | Kill a packmate | |
Any | -3 | Stay out of the Shadow Realm for a month | Any | -3 | Eat human or wolf flesh for Essence |
Any | -2 | Violate the Oath of the Moon | Any | -3 | Stay in the Shadow Realm for a month |
< 4 | Allow a spirit safe passage into the physical world | > 7 | Inflict Lunacy on a loved one | ||
< 4 | Eat processed food | > 7 | Lead the Sacred Hunt | ||
< 4 | Mate with a human | > 7 | Spend more than two days away from your pack | ||
< 4 | Stay out of the Shadow Realm for a day | > 7 | Stay in the Shadow Realm for a day |
Harmony | Death Rage | Shapeshifting | Reaching | Bans | |||
Trigger | Soft Rage | Action | Free | Essence | |||
10 | Passive | 3 seconds | Change | — | Instant | Cannot enter Shadow | — |
9 | Common | 10 seconds | Change | — | Instant | Leave without locus | — |
8 | Common | 30 seconds | Change | Instant | Reflexive | Leave without locus | — |
7 | Narrow | 1 minute | Change | Instant | Reflexive | Reach normally | — |
6 | Narrow | 5 minutes | Change | Reflexive | — | Reach normally | — |
5 | — | 15 minutes | Change | Reflexive | — | Reach normally | — |
4 | Narrow | 5 minutes | Change | Reflexive | — | Reach normally | One |
3 | Narrow | 1 minute | Resist change | Instant | Reflexive | Enter without locus | One |
2 | Common | 30 seconds | Resist change | Instant | Reflexive | Enter without locus | Two |
1 | Common | 10 seconds | Resist change | — | Instant | Enter without locus | Three |
0 | Passive | 3 seconds | Resist change | — | Instant | Cannot leave Shadow | Four |
Breaking points are experiences that inculcate increasing levels of detachment from the perspective of the living. Risking detachment feeds the vampire's Bestial, Competitive or Wanton instincts, while dramatic failure causes the vampire to become Jaded.
A vampire can inure herself to a particular type of breaking point, removing its risk of detachment at the cost of developing a bane. A vampire can only develop three banes this way (or two for Clan Mekhet), and suffers a die penalty on future detachment rolls for each bane inured. (VTR 2e 107)
Humanity | Social | Sun | Torpor | Dice | Sample breaking points |
10 | +2 | 1L | One night | 5 | A night without human contact, lies for the Masquerade, spending multiple Vitae in a night |
9 | +2 | 1L | One night | 5 | Witness a meal, superhuman prowess, feeding without consent, supernatural urging, an hour in the sun |
8 | — | 1L | Two nights | 4 | Ghoul, be shunned by the living, ride the wave, force behavior with Disciplines, a day in the sun |
7 | — | 1L | Two nights | 4 | A week without human contact, grave injury, violence over blood |
6 | -1 | 2L | One week | 3 | Torpor, feeding from children, being in the obituaries, immense physical trauma |
5 | -1 | 3L | One month | 3 | Second week without human contact, Blood Potency rises to 3, death in the family, swearing to a covenant |
4 | -2 | 1A | One year | 2 | Learn Cruac, impassioned violence, a year in torpor, a century of unlife, accidental killing |
3 | -3 | 2A | Five years | 2 | A month without human contact, Blood Potency rises to 6, death of a spouse or child, impassioned killing |
2 | -5 | 3A | Ten years | 1 | A year without human contact, fifth century of unlife, causing revenants, the rise of new cultures, premeditated murder |
1 | Chance | 4A | Fifty years | 0 | A decade without human contact, killing a Touchstone, heinous or mass murder |
0 | Chance | 5A | One century | — | You are lost to the Beast. |
Mortals, Hunters
Breaking points occur when the character violates his personal moral code or acceptable societal bounds, witnesses something traumatic or terrifying, or is the victim of a supernatural assault or shock. The severity of the situation and the character's current Integrity apply situational modifiers to a roll, and a Condition is incurred. Common breaking points leave a character Guilty, Shaken or Spooked, while dramatic failure can cause the character to suffer Broken, Fugue or Madness. At lower levels of Integrity, a Hunter lives with the Persistent Vigilant or Merciless Condition as they become more absorbed in their Vigil.
Mummies must fight to rebuild their sense of will and identity, clearing up their memory through the weight of ages. Affirming their soul and unearthing the truth of their past earns the Reminisce Beats necessary to build their Memory, while self-denial and submission of will provokes breaking points, and the Rite of Return weighs down their Memory with each new Descent into living history. (MTC 2e 161)
Dice | Sample breaking points |
5 | Concealing your identity, obedience to Judges to preserve Sekhem, suppressing the will of your decree |
3 | Destroying evidence of your Iremite past, obstructing another mummy's search for Memory, destroying a vessel without witnessing its memory |
1 | Abandoning a meret to serve the Judges, deliberately shortening the Descent, destroying personal keepsakes of your mortal life |
Memory | Resurrection | Self Identity | Past Recall | |
Immortal Lives | Mortal Life | |||
10 | Three hours | Full | Complete | Complete |
9 | Two hours | Full | Post-Rite of Return | Complete |
8 | Two hours | Full | Post-Rite of Return | General Iremite knowledge |
7 | Half hour | Broad | Post-Rite of Return | Basic Iremite knowledge |
6 | 15 minutes | Broad | Two previous Descents | Guild experience |
5 | 10 minutes | Broad | Previous Descent | Moment of death |
4 | Three minutes | Basic | Previous Descent | Loved ones |
3 | Instant | Basic | Sketch of previous Descent | Iremite language |
2 | Instant | Basic | Scattered fragments | Iremite language |
1 | Instant | Simple will | None | Iremite language |
0 | Instant | Automaton | None | None |
Prometheans' Morality trait in Second Edition begins at one dot and measures their progress towards grasping the New Dawn. Steps forward on the Pilgrimage only occur on the resolution of milestones to mortality, while steps backward can occur through obviating milestones, causing death intentionally or en masse through supernatural means, or stepping off the Pilgrimage onto the Refinement of Flux.
Beasts treat their Satiety not like a condition of wellbeing but a resource that ebbs and flows. Beasts under Lair 4 lose a point a week, while Lair 4+ Beasts lose a point every few days, depending on their rating. Beyond that, many of their abilities require or significantly benefit from the expenditure of Satiety, and different levels of Satiety equip them better for different situations. The extremes of Satiety come with dangerous drawbacks, while a rating in the middle opens their vulnerability to adversarial Heroes, meaning the ideal conditions for Satiety lie between the middle and either extreme, either high-ish or low-ish.
Satiety is regained through acts that sate the Beast's Hunger. The amount of Satiety gained is proportional to the extremity, harm or spectacle of the feeding. (BTP 320)
Satiety | Condition | Effects |
10 | Slumbering | The Beast's Horror retreats from wakefulness, leaving the Beast unable to access its power, becoming as vulnerable as an ordinary human. The Beast can't spend Satiety and doesn't lose it over time, but can end the Horror's slumber through an extreme shock. |
9 | Gorged | The Beast loses Supernatural Tolerance against mental or emotional abilities, but can open Primordial Pathways to a particular Lair Chamber with ease. |
8 | ||
7 | ||
6 | Sated | The Beast is neither well fed nor desperate enough to deflect a Hero's Anathema. |
5 | ||
4 | ||
3 | Starving | The Beast's Primordial Pathways do not open as easily, but she adds her Lair to her Power rating while merged with her Horror. |
2 | ||
1 | ||
0 | Ravenous | The Beast does not naturally heal lethal damage, and suffers a point of it each day she remains Ravenous. She can't use Nightmares, and can't regain Willpower except through actions that would normally grant Satiety. She can't raise her Satiety except through a feat that would normally reap a dramatic gain. |
The Broken degrade over time, the Scars of their transformation aggravated by rebellious Variations and by withdrawing from the obsessions by which they gird their sense of self. Pursuing those obsessions can reverse this gradual breakdown. Deviants who grow too unstable never survive the day, and often, neither do anyone around them.
The changing empathy and relationship between Bound and geist is a measure of both the integrity of these joined souls and a measure of their power. Only when the two grow in understanding of each other can they use the powers of death to their greatest effect.
A mage's Wisdom is the spiritual quality that contains his Supernal power from overrunning itself, and is threatened by acts of hubris. The loss of Wisdom is accompanied by Megalomaniacal or Rampant impulses.
When a spell courts hubris, a mage can inure himself to that spell. Casting that spell no longer threatens hubris, but it gains a permanent two dice of Paradox risk. A mage can inure himself to up to his Gnosis in spells. (MTA 2e 88)
Wisdom | Tier | Long-Term Nimbus | Dice | Sample acts of hubris |
10 | Enlightened | Strong connections | 5 | Petty spellcasting, affecting innocents by your works |
9 | ||||
8 | ||||
7 | Understanding | Medium connections | 3 | Obvious magical displays before Sleepers, spiritual self-mutilation, releasing severe Paradoxes, overwriting or binding the will of a sapient being, calculated murder or maiming |
6 | ||||
5 | ||||
4 | ||||
3 | Falling | Weak connections | 1 | Deals with the Abyss, destroying Awakened souls, allowing a summoned Supernal being to be dissolved by the Fallen World, impulsive or unanticipated murder |
2 | ||||
1 | ||||
0 | Enraptured | Contagious beyond sympathy | — | Your power has blown out all self-control and perspective. |
Merits, Styles (2nd Edition)
Mental Styles
Style | Prerequisites | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
Professional Training | • | Networking | Contacts •• relating to profession. | CofD 46 | |
•• | Continuing Education | Choose two Asset Skills relating to profession. Take 9-Again to roll Asset Skills. | |||
••• | Breadth of Knowledge | Choose a third Asset Skill. Distribute two new Specialties among your Asset Skills. | |||
•••• | On the Job Training | Raise one Asset Skill by one dot. Take a beat when you buy dots in Asset Skills. | |||
••••• | The Routine | Spend one Willpower to apply the rote quality to an Asset Skill roll. | |||
Unintended Applications | Wits •••, Crafts or Science •• | • | Improvised... Weapon? | +2 to Intimidation rolls when you brandish something you claim is a deadly device. | DSG 95 |
•• | Achilles Fuse | You can pinpoint the weak point in a given structure. | |||
••• | Creative Discount | Jury-rig an asset up to two dots higher than your Resources in Availability, for an hour's work per Size. | |||
•••• | Gremlin | You can disable a device without leaving evidence. With equipment, you can disable complicated devices from a distance. | |||
••••• | Jury-Rig | Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Crafts or Science to make anything whose Availability doesn't exceed your successes, right away for objects under Size 6, or in a scene's work otherwise. |
Physical Styles
Style | Prerequisites | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
Aggressive Driving | Resolve •••, Drive •••, Fast Reflexes ••• | • | Powerslide | Take a hard turn for bonus successes in a contested pursuit by rolling Dexterity + Drive + Handling and taking a point of Structure damage. | HL 55 |
•• | Bump and Run | Roll Dexterity + Drive + Handling - Defense to brush a car's bumper and cause a loss of traction. | |||
••• | J-turn | Once a scene, when caught up to in a car chase, spend Willpower and roll Dexterity + Drive + Handling - 2 to swerve and restart the chase in the opposite direction. | |||
•••• | Swoop and Squat | When you accumulate a lead greater than your pursuer's Wits in successes, you may brake and force the pursuer to roll Resolve + Composure + Handling to brake in time to avoid a crash. | |||
Drone Control | Intelligence •••, Computer •••, Drive •• | • | Remote Immersion | Take 9-Again to perception actions using your remote device. | HL 56 |
•• | Interface | Spend a point of Willpower to perform an additional non-combat action through your device this turn. | |||
••• | Overclock | Inflict a point of Structure damage for a +2 bonus to your device's physical actions this turn. | |||
Falconry | Wits •••, Animal Ken •••, Bonded Condition | These maneuvers reflexively issue commands for a trained raptor to carry out. You may spend Willpower to enhance the raptor's rolls. | HL 48 | ||
• | Predator's Vigil | Your raptor's presence inflicts Shaken on animals its Size or smaller, and lesser predators flee. | |||
•• | Flyby | Your bird contests Presence + Intimidation vs Resolve + Composure to inflict a -3 action penalty. | |||
••• | Retrieve Item | Command your bird to bring you an object. Your bird can make the equivalent of an all-out attack to exceptionally Disarm an opponent. | |||
•••• | Rake the Eyes | Your bird attacks at -1 to blind a target. | |||
K-9 | Wits •••, Animal Ken •••, Bonded Condition | These maneuvers issue commands to a trained dog Size 3 or larger. | HL 49 | ||
• | Detection | Under direction, your dog takes the rote quality to track a chosen type of scent with Wits + Survival. | |||
•• | Targeted Bite | Command your dog to make called shots in combat, reducing the shot penalty by -2. | |||
••• | Tactical Positioning | When you fight one opponent in tandem, choose roles each turn for you and your dog. One takes +1 Defense, the other +2 to attack. Ignore penalties for firing into melee around your dog. | |||
•••• | Takedown Bite | Command your dog to initiate a biting grapple, immediately Holding or Dropping Prone. | |||
Parkour | Dexterity •••, Athletics •• | • | Flow | Subtract Parkour dots from target successes to pursue or evade in a foot chase. Reduce environmental Athletics penalties by Parkour rating. | CofD 48 |
•• | Cat Leap | Add one automatic success when rolling Dexterity + Athletics to land from a fall uninjured, and add Parkour to the maximum damage that can be mitigated. | |||
••• | Wall Run | Your initial climb height, with a running start, increases by five times your Athletics in feet. | |||
•••• | Expert Traceur | Spend one Willpower and sacrifice Defense to make an Athletics roll to run, jump or climb with the rote quality. | |||
••••• | Freeflow | After meditating, you can take an Athletics action reflexively once per turn, and Willpower spent on a foot chase confers successes rather than dice. | |||
Stunt Driver | Dexterity •••, Drive •••, Wits ••• | • | Defensive Driving | Penalize attempts to hit your vehicle in motion by your Drive dots. | CofD 49 |
•• | Speed Demon | When you roll to accelerate, each success accelerates by 10 instead of 5. | |||
••• | Drift | You can turn at high speeds safely without a roll. | |||
•••• | Clipping | Reduce damage to your vehicle when ramming by your Wits. | |||
Social Styles
Style | Prerequisites | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
Etiquette | Composure •••, Socialize •• | • | Bless His Heart | You can use Socialize to calculate Doors. | VTR 2e 120 |
•• | Losing Your Religion | You can take +2 dice and 8-Again to lash out socially, in exchange for worsening your social impression. | |||
••• | In High Cotton | Add one relevant Fame or Status Merit to your pool to contest a social interaction. | |||
•••• | Half-Cocked | When your impression in Social Maneuvering is good or better, ignore Resolve and Composure on your first roll against the subject. | |||
••••• | Grace Under Fire | When you offer an alternative after your Doors have been opened, the opposing player suggests three Conditions, of which you choose one. | |||
Fast-Talking | Manipulation •••, Subterfuge •• | • | Always Be Closing | Ignore one dot of a mark's Resolve or Composure when contested or resisted. | CofD 50 |
•• | Jargon | Cross-apply one Specialty from another Skill to a given Social roll. | |||
••• | Devil's Advocacy | Once per scene, reroll a Subterfuge failure. | |||
•••• | Salting | When you open a Door through conversation, you can spend Willpower to open another. | |||
••••• | The Nigerian Scam | Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge to capitalize on a present mark satisfying their Vice by opening a Door. | |||
Mystery Cult Initiation | You joined a cult. Decide your cult's guiding purpose, source of power, and cultic doctrine. Example cults are listed here. Also mirrored as Mystery Cult Influence (••• to •••••), with the same benefits but without the responsibilities of an ordinary cult member. | CofD 51 | |||
• | Recruit | A Specialty or one-dot Merit. | |||
•• | Devotee | A one-dot Merit. | |||
••• | Organizer | A Skill dot or two-dot Merit, often supernatural. | |||
•••• | Leader | A three-dot Merit, often supernatural. | |||
••••• | Mastermind | A three-dot Merit, or a major advantage beyond game mechanics. | |||
Scorpion Cult Initiation | You joined a cult in thrall to the Deathless of ancient Irem. | MTC 2e 114 | |||
• | Initiate | Gain a specialty in Academics (Iremite Religion) or Politics (Bureaucracy). | |||
•• | Cultist | Receive Language (Iremic) and immunity to Sybaris. | |||
••• | Priest | Distribute two free dots among Allies, Contacts, Resources, and Retainers. | |||
•••• | Godservant | Receive the Witness Merit. | |||
••••• | Hierophant | Harness relics of your master's guild without suffering their curse. | |||
Supernatural Styles
Fighting Styles
Style | Prerequisites | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
Armed Defense | Dexterity •••, Weaponry ••, Defensive Combat (Weaponry) | • | Cover the Angles | When Dodging, reduce the Defense penalty from multiple attackers by 1. | CofD 60 |
•• | Weak Spot | Disarm your opponent when you beat their attack by your Defense. | |||
••• | Aggressive Defense | Spend a point of Willpower to inflict lethal damage when you beat an attack by Dodging. Incompatible with Weak Spot and Press the Advantage. | |||
•••• | Iron Guard | Exchange points from your weapon rating for bonus Defense. | |||
••••• | Press the Advantage | Once per turn, when you beat an attack by Dodging, spend Willpower to retaliate with an unarmed attack at -2. | |||
Avoidance | Manipulation •••, Athletics ••, Stealth •• | • | Insignificance | Roll Manipulation + Stealth - Composure to seem too helpless to bother attacking. | HL 46 |
•• | Coattails | When you Dodge and go prone behind an ally, they may intercept attacks against you. | |||
••• | Whack-a-Mole | Contest one attack each turn with Manipulation + Persuasion + Avoidance to confound the attack and inflict Arm Wrack. | |||
•••• | Play Dead | When you suffer lethal damage, contest Manipulation + Subterfuge vs Wits + Composure to seem dead. | |||
Berserker | Strength •••, Iron Stamina ••• | • | The Red Mist | Spend Willpower to rouse the Insane Tilt. | HL 46 |
•• | War Cry | Contest Strength + Intimidation vs Resolve + Composure as an instant action to penalize non-Dodge actions. | |||
••• | Manic Brutality | Unarmed all-out attacks take +1 to call shots. Armed all-out attacks can substitute Durability as a weapon rating at the cost of damaging the weapon. | |||
Bowmanship | Dexterity •••, Firearms ••, Trained Observer • | Bowmanship attacks use bows and roll Dexterity + Firearms. | HL 47 | ||
• | Arcing Fire | Double range. | |||
•• | Bullseye | You may reduce your weapon rating for +1 and 8-Again on a called shot. | |||
••• | Out of Nowhere | When you make an unnoticed ambush shot, roll Dexterity + Stealth to force a Wits + Composure roll, penalized by successes, to avoid being Shaken. | |||
•••• | Death from Above | Fire over unroofed cover to ignore a point of concealment for every 10 yards of added arc distance. | |||
Boxing | Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Stamina ••, Brawl ••, Athletics •• | These maneuvers must be made with brawling attacks. | HL 47 | ||
• | Head Protection | +1 Defense against brawling, and -1 to strike your head. | |||
•• | Defensive Jab | Deal piercing bashing damage when your Defense or Dodging beats a close-combat attack. | |||
••• | Knockout Artist | Stun an opponent as if they had -1 Size, or with a called head shot, -2 Size. | |||
•••• | Combination | Successful strikes add Dexterity as bonus dice. | |||
••••• | Out for the Count | Stunning attacks stun for their damage in turns, and the opponent must spend Willpower to stay conscious. | |||
Brute Force | Strength •••, Brawl ••, Size 5+ | These maneuvers must be made with bare hands or fist weapons. | PTC 2e 112 | ||
• | Falling Pillar | Take 8-Again to an all-out attack. If it causes the target's Stamina in damage, inflict Knocked Down. | |||
•• | Crush and Bite | Add the Crush and Bite grapple maneuver: inflict lethal damage equal to successes, and if the target can bleed, an additional point the next turn. | |||
••• | Juggernaut | A ten-feet running start allows unarmed attacks to Knock Down. | |||
•••• | Bone Cracker | Make a called shot with an all-out attack. If it causes the target's Stamina in damage, add a point of lethal damage and Arm or Leg Wrack. Incompatible with Falling Pillar. | |||
••••• | Colossus | When you make an all-out attack, take 1/2 Armor and immunity to Knocked Down, and penalize attempts to grapple or move you by your Strength. | |||
Chain Weapons | Strength •••, Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Weaponry •• | These maneuvers use chains at least a yard long. | HL 48 | ||
• | Imposing Defense | Sacrifice Defense to inflict weapon rating +1 in bashing damage when struck in close combat. | |||
•• | Bring Down the House | Attack an overhanging object, penalized by its Size, to deal its Structure in bashing damage to targets below. | |||
Close Quarters Combat | Wits •••, Athletics ••, Brawl ••• | • | Firing Lines | You can respond to a ranged attack by seeking cover up to twice your Speed away. | CofD 61 |
•• | Hard Surfaces | You can smash a Damage grappling maneuver into a hard surface, dealing lethal damage and ending the grapple. | |||
••• | Armored Coffin | When you grapple an opponent wearing armor, add their general armor as bonus dice to your roll, and ignore armor when you use the grapple to Damage. Incompatible with Hard Surfaces. | |||
•••• | Prep Work | Take the rote quality to Stealth rolls to launch close combat ambushes. | |||
••••• | Turnabout | When you roll to disarm, treat a failure as a success, a success as an exceptional success, and an exceptional success as is plus your opponent takes two bashing damage. | |||
Combat Archery | Strength •••, Athletics ••, Quick Draw (Bow) | Combat Archery attacks use bows and roll Dexterity + Athletics. | HL 48 | ||
• | Rapid Nock | Ignore bow Initiative penalties. String arrows reflexively. | |||
•• | Reflex Aiming | Ignore penalties for firing into close combat. | |||
••• | Parthian Shot | When you Dodge, inflict threshold successes as attack damage against the first close attack you beat each turn. | |||
•••• | Rain of Arrows | Make medium autofire attacks at triple range penalties. | |||
••••• | Trick Shot | Simultaneously perform a Combat Archery attack and an Athletics action, both at -2. | |||
Disabling Tactics | Strength •••, Weaponry •• | • | Breaking the Breach | -2 to penalties to target arms, hands or legs. | DE 247 |
•• | Cast Like Sand | When you deal damage with your weapon, spend Willpower to inflict Knocked Down. | |||
••• | Strike the Rising Dog | When an opponent tries to rise from prone, spend Willpower to make a reflexive Weaponry attack on them. A successful strike prevents rising. | |||
Firefight | Composure •••, Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Firearms •• | • | Shoot First | Drawing a gun adds Firearms as an Initiative bonus. | CofD 61 |
•• | Suppressive Fire | You can lay Covering Fire with a semi-automatic weapon. When you lay Covering Fire, apply your Defense against Firearms attacks, and deny Aim bonuses. | |||
••• | Secondary Target | You can attack a target with objects bounced by a shot, dealing bashing damage with no weapon rating applied, but ignoring cover. | |||
Grappling | Stamina •••, Strength ••, Athletics ••, Brawl •• | • | Sprawl | Deny a grappling opponent the ability to Drop Prone or Take Cover. | CofD 62, HL 49 |
• | Standing Throw | Gain the Knock Down grapple maneuver. | |||
•• | Small Joint Manipulation | Take -2 to dislocate fingers as a maneuver, inflicting half bashing damage and debilitating pain. | |||
•• | Takedown | Instead of starting a grapple, you can roll to knock an opponent prone, optionally dealing bashing damage with successes. | |||
••• | Ippon | When you Takedown and follow the opponent prone, stun as if your damage were doubled. | |||
••• | Joint Lock | Add the Joint Lock maneuver to grappling options: adds 1L to overpowering maneuver effects, does bashing damage next turn, and can set up Restrain. | |||
•••• | Dynamic Guard | When you grapple while prone, penalize your grappling opponent by your Dexterity. | |||
•••• | Lock Flow | Take +2 to grappling rolls to set up a Joint Lock. | |||
••••• | Tap or Snap | The turn after a Joint Lock, you may, as a grapple maneuver, force your opponent to choose either surrender or a broken limb and lethal damage. | |||
••••• | Positional Dominance | Grappling maneuvers deal half their successes in bonus bashing damage. | |||
Gunslinger | Wits •••, Firearms •••, Firearms (Revolvers) | Perform trick shots with rapid firing | DE2 p377 | ||
• | Short burst with revolver as if automatic | ||||
••• | Medium burst with revolver only takes three rounds of ammo, no attack bonus but still has penalty for multiple targets | ||||
••••• | If using two revolvers can multiple in short range, at additional -2 penalty | ||||
Heavy Weapons | Stamina •••, Strength •••, Athletics ••, Weaponry •• | These maneuvers require a two-handed weapon. | CofD 62 | ||
• | Sure Strike | Sacrifice three dice to add a point to weapon rating. | |||
•• | Threat Range | Deal a point of lethal damage and a temporary Defense penalty to opponents who enter range when you aren't moving or Dodging. | |||
••• | Bring the Pain | Sacrifice Defense to make an attack that also inflicts a temporary dice penalty equal to its damage. | |||
•••• | Warding Stance | Spend Willpower reflexively to apply your weapon rating as close combat Armor. | |||
••••• | Rending | Spend Willpower to make an attack that deals an additional point of aggravated damage. | |||
Improvised Weaponry | Wits •••, Weaponry • | • | Always Armed | Reflexively roll Wits + Weaponry to draw a simple improvised weapon that doesn't suffer the improvisational penalty. | CofD 62 |
•• | In Harm's Way | Once per turn, apply an Always Armed weapon's Structure as close combat Armor, potentially damaging the weapon. | |||
••• | Breaking Point | When you make an all-out attack with an Always Armed weapon, sacrifice its Structure to temporarily increase its weapon rating. | |||
Kino Mutai | Dexterity ••, Resolve •••, Brawl •• | • | Trained Bite | Inflict +2 damage with the Damage grapple maneuver when biting, or +1 with inhuman bites. | HL 50 |
•• | Ripping | Gain the Ripping grapple maneuver: inflict a point of bashing damage and incapacitating pain. | |||
••• | Trained Gouge | Gain the Gouge grapple maneuver: blind the opponent while held. | |||
•••• | Continuous Bite | Inflict lethal damage with the Damage grapple maneuver when biting. | |||
Light Weapons | Wits ••• or Fighting Finesse, Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Weaponry •• | These maneuvers require a one-handed weapon with a damage rating less than 3. | CofD 63 | ||
• | Rapidity | Sacrifice your weapon rating to add Weaponry as an Initiative bonus. | |||
•• | Thrust | Sacrifice points of Defense for bonus attack dice. | |||
••• | Feint | Make a feinting attack. Instead of dealing damage, its successes apply to an attack next turn as a damage bonus, and successes plus weapon rating apply as a Defense reduction. | |||
•••• | Flurry | Inflict a point of lethal damage per turn to opponents in range when your Defense is available. | |||
••••• | Vital Shot | Sacrifice your Defense to make an attack that deals an additional point of aggravated damage. | |||
Marksmanship | Composure •••, Resolve •••, Firearms •• | These maneuvers require an Aim action and sacrifice your Defense. | CofD 63 | ||
• | Through the Crosshairs | Raise your maximum Aim bonus to Composure + Firearms. | |||
•• | Precision Shot | Exchange points of weapon rating for points of penalty reduction for a called shot. | |||
••• | A Shot Rings Out | Ignore penalties to strike a surrounded target. Missed shots never hit unintended targets. | |||
•••• | Ghost | Penalize rolls to notice your vantage point or investigate for evidence of it by your Firearms. | |||
Martial Arts | Resolve •••, Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Brawl •• | These maneuvers must be made with Brawl attacks. | CofD 63, HL 50 | ||
• | Focused Attack | Reduce called shot penalties by one die, and ignore one point of Armor. | |||
• | Leg Kick | Sacrifice a point of Defense to inflict Leg Wrack with a brawling attack. | |||
•• | Cutting Elbow | Make a called shot at -2 to blind an opponent by drawing blood. | |||
•• | Defensive Strike | Exchange up to two attack pool dice for points of Defense. | |||
••• | Trapping | You may withdraw successes from a successful attack to hold them in reserve for next turn's attack. | |||
••• | Whirlwind Strike | Inflict one point of bashing damage per turn, or two by spending Willpower, to opponents in range when your Defense is available. | |||
•••• | The Hand As Weapon | Inflict lethal damage unarmed. | |||
•••• | Inch Force | Reflexively respond to one grapple attempt each turn with a Brawl attack contesting the opponent's Strength. Success breaks free and damages normally. | |||
••••• | High Momentum Strike | Prepare a counter stance as an instant action. When an opponent first fails to strike you in close combat within the stance, roll a counterattack. Success Knocks Down and deals normal damage plus Brawl damage dice. | |||
••••• | The Touch of Death | Unarmed strikes gain a 2L weapon rating. | |||
Mounted Combat | Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Animal Ken ••• | • | Steady Saddle | +3 to stay mounted during combat. | HL 51 |
•• | Fixed Charge | Sacrifice Defense to combine a charge with an all-out attack. | |||
••• | Skirmishing | Take a -2 attack penalty for +2 Defense and to attack halfway through your mount's movement. | |||
•••• | Rearing Beast | Roll Wits + Animal Ken as teamwork to enhance your mount's attack. | |||
Police Tactics | Brawl ••, Weaponry • | • | Compliance Hold | +2 to Disarm or Immobilize in a grapple. | CofD 64 |
•• | Weapon Retention | Attempts to disarm you or turn your weapon against you must beat your Weaponry rating in successes. | |||
••• | Speed Cuff | You can Restrain an immobilized opponent reflexively. | |||
Powered Projectile | Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Firearms •• | These maneuvers are made with premodern projectile launchers, such as crossbows and slings. | HL 51 | ||
• | Quick Reload | Reload your weapon one turn quicker, down to a reflexive action. | |||
•• | Intercept Shot | When you Aim, you may make called shots against sailing projectiles to deflect their course. | |||
••• | Penetration | Sacrifice Defense to make an attack with +2 armor piercing. | |||
•••• | Skewer | Reduce called shot penalties by two dice, and resulting Tilts persist while the projectile is enlodged. | |||
Relentless Assault | Strength •••, Stamina •••, Brawl •• | • | Drop of a Hat | On the first turn only, if you make an all-out attack, add +3 to Initiative. | BTP 118, WTF 2e 109 |
•• | Eye of the Tiger | Focus on one opponent. You can apply your Defense against that opponent's attacks when you all-out attack. | |||
••• | Dig Deep | You can exchange one attack pool die for a point of weapon damage. | |||
•••• | Grin and Bear It | Add 1/1 Armor when you make an all-out attack. | |||
••••• | The Warpath | When you fill someone's last health box with lethal or aggravated damage, you can spend Willpower to make another close combat attack. Werewolves with this Merit replace the Willpower cost with Hard Rage. | |||
Spear and Bayonet | Strength •••, Dexterity ••, Weaponry •• | • | Firm Footing | All-out attacks and charges into your braced weapon inflict your weapon damage, which can exhaust Armor against a subsequent attack. | HL 51 |
•• | Keep at Bay | Spend Willpower to threaten an opponent with a shorter weapon. They must retreat or dodge, or else lose Defense for a turn. | |||
••• | Strike and Develop | Sacrifice Defense to twist an inflicted wound, causing a turn of lethal damage from bleeding for each attack success. | |||
Staff Fighting | Strength ••, Dexterity •••, Weaponry •• | • | Short Grip | You may exchange your staff's Defense bonus for a bonus attack die. | HL 51 |
•• | Thwack Weapon | Contest Strength + Weaponry vs Strength + Athletics to disarm an opponent. | |||
••• | Vaulting Defense | Spend Willpower to add your Melee dots as a Defense bonus against a single attack in a turn. | |||
•••• | Tornado Strike | Spin your weapon as an effective medium autofire burst against three targets in range. | |||
Street Fighting | Stamina •••, Composure •••, Brawl ••, Streetwise •• | These maneuvers must be made with Brawl attacks. | CofD 65 | ||
• | Duck and Weave | Take a one die penalty this turn to calculate Defense with the higher, not lower, of Dexterity and Wits. | |||
•• | Knocking the Wind Out | Unarmed attacks inflict a temporary -1 penalty. | |||
••• | Kick 'Em While They're Down | Inflict two bashing damage to opponents within range who attempt to rise from prone. Inflict Knocked Down when your attack successes exceed the target's Stamina. | |||
•••• | One-Two Punch | Spend Willpower to inflict two extra bashing damage when you hit. | |||
••••• | Last-Ditch Effort | When you're suffering wound penalties and about to be attacked or overpowered, spend Willpower and sacrifice Defense to interrupt with a preemptive attack. | |||
Strength Performance | Strength •••, Stamina ••, Athletics •• | Strength Performance ••• may justify shedding Small-Framed or gaining Giant mid-play. | HL 52 | ||
• | Strength Tricks | Take +1 to nonviolent feats of strength, +2 when using Expression or Intimidation. | |||
•• | Lifting | Receive the rote quality on Strength + Stamina feats and combat actions to demolish structures. | |||
••• | Push/Pull | Double your effective Strength to shift objects across a plane, or quintuple it with wheels or other friction reductions. | |||
•••• | Stronger Than You | Successful Strength rolls add an additional free success. | |||
Systema | Dexterity •••, Wits ••, Athletics ••• | • | Rolling | Ignore penalties to attack from prone, and roll Dexterity to mitigate bashing damage from impacts. | HL 52 |
•• | Balance | Contest attempts to bring you prone with two free successes. | |||
••• | Combat Posture | Knock Down when you roll a victim's Strength in successes to strike them in melee, or add a point of damage if already Knocking Down. | |||
Thrown Weapons | Dexterity •••, Athletics ••, Quick Draw (Thrown) | These maneuvers throw Size 0-1 edged weapons. | HL 52 | ||
• | Practiced Toss | Add Athletics as an Initiative bonus while wielding these thrown weapons. | |||
•• | Impalement Arts | Sacrifice Defense to inflict the Impaled Tilt on a called shot. | |||
Two Weapon Fighting | Wits •••, Weaponry •••, Fighting Finesse | These maneuvers use complementary weapons up to Size 2, and do not compensate for offhand penalties. | HL 53 | ||
• | Balanced Grip | Don't sum Initiative penalties so long as the off-hand weapon's penalty isn't greater than the main hand weapon's. | |||
•• | Protective Striking | Add your off-hand weapon rating, minimum +1, to your Defense against the first attack in a turn. | |||
••• | Dual Swipe | All-out attacks with both weapons ignore a point of Defense and add the off-hand weapon rating, minimum +1. Incompatible with Double Strike. | |||
•••• | Double Strike | Spend Willpower to strike two targets simultaneously, one with each weapon. Apply the higher Defense, plus one, to both attacks. | |||
Unarmed Defense | Dexterity •••, Brawl ••, Defensive Combat (Brawl) | • | Like a Book | Add half your Brawl as a Defense bonus when not Dodging. | CofD 65 |
•• | Studied Style | Focus on one opponent. Their attacks don't reduce your Defense. Once you've beaten one of their attacks with your Defense, they no longer reroll tens against you. | |||
••• | Redirect | Once per turn, when you beat an attack by Dodging, you can force the attacker to reroll the attack against another opponent in range. | |||
•••• | Joint Strike | Spend Willpower and roll Strength + Brawl instead of Defense against an attack. If you win the contest, inflict bashing damage and Arm or Leg Wrack. | |||
••••• | Like the Breeze | Declare this maneuver at the beginning of a turn when you Dodge. You can Knock Down assailants when you beat their attack. | |||
Weapon and Shield | Strength •••, Stamina •••, Weaponry •• | These maneuvers use a one-handed weapon from behind a carried shield. | HL 53 | ||
• | Shield Bash | Add your shield's Size as bonus dice when dodging. Dodge successes in excess of your opponent's inflict bashing damage. | |||
•• | Boar's Snout | You can make all-out attacks without sacrificing the bonus Defense from your shield, adding +1 Defense to any allies also using this maneuver. | |||
••• | Pin Weapon | Disarm assailants on missed melee attacks. | |||
•••• | Tortoise Shell | Treat your shield as protective cover with Durability equal to its Size, +1 for each adjacent shielded ally. |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Virtue and Vice
Most human characters' sense of selfhood and drive are reinforced by a Virtue and a Vice, or with certain Merits even multiples. A character's Virtue is a higher ideal or heroic drive they must push themselves to extremes to live up to, restoring all lost Willpower. A character's Vice is a quick fix, easy comfort, or instinctive defense to fall back on, but only recovers a single point of Willpower when indulged.
Held by: Mortals, mages, hunters, demons, and various lesser templates and ephemeral entities.
Sample Virtues: Competitive, Generous, Just, Loyal (CofD 27), Ambitious, Courageous, Honest, Hopeful, Loving, Patient, Trustworthy (MTA 2e 212)
Sample Vices: Ambitious, Arrogant, Competitive, Greedy (CofD 28), Addictive, Corrupt, Cruel, Deceitful, Dogmatic, Hasty, Hateful, Pessimistic (MTA 2e 212)
Some people transformed by the supernatural need grounding to remain connected to the things that gird their soul, or what's become of it. They attach to people, places, objects or ideas with personal importance, and these Touchstones provide the perspective to ground their inhuman center. Bonding or expressing their relationship refreshes a point of Willpower, while dramatic lengths taken to preserve a Touchstone restore all lost Willpower.
Touchstones can be lost through a lack of content, severed relationships, the predations of time, or the simple, classic method of murder, leaving a monster unhinged until they form another meaningful connection to take the place of the lost.
Held by: Vampires, werewolves, changelings, bound, hunters, mummies, and deviants
Vampire: Mask and Dirge
To stave off psychic fatigue, vampires construct pretenses, find roles for themselves, and develop facades. They present a Mask to the world, a false place as a relatable member of society, and shape their own Dirge, a place for themselves among monsters and corpses.
Both Mask and Dirge can refresh either a small quantity of Willpower for little incident, or all lost reserves through extreme resorts, by acting to preserve the Mask or play out the Dirge.
Held by: Vampires
Sample Masks and Dirges: Authoritarian, Child, Competitor, Conformist, Conspirator, Courtesan, Cult Leader, Deviant, Follower, Guru, Idealist, Jester, Junkie, Martyr, Masochist, Monster, Nomad, Nurturer, Perfectionist, Penitent, Questioner, Rebel, Scholar, Social Chameleon, Spy, Survivor, Visionary (VTR 2e 84), Collector, Meddler, Provocateur (TY 17)
Sample Humanity Touchstones: Ex, Former Partner, Friend with Benefits, Gravesite, High School Sweetheart, House of Birth, Intrepid Detective, Murderer, One That Got Away, Orphan, Spouse, Terminal Parent, Therapist, Victim's Lover, Witness (VTR 2e 88), Congregation, Family Car, Fire Crew, Gun Collection, Local Kids, Neighboring Family, Old Haven, Pets, Soup Kitchen, Sports Team, Support Group, Team Rings, The Office, Youth Gang (GTTN 69)
Werewolf: Blood and Bone
Werewolves refresh themselves through their internal dichotomy, between the wolf and the man, the instinctive predator and the rational actor, the feeling of living and the meaning to their life. The Blood keeps the body moving, and the Bone gives it direction. The Bone finds, and the Blood claims.
Both Blood and Bone can refresh either a small amount of Willpower through a small stress or setback, or full reserves through calamity or great costs spent.
Held by: Werewolves
Sample Bloods: Alpha, Challenger, Destroyer, Fox, Monster, Soldier (WTF 2e 86), Berserker (DE 163)
Sample Bones: Community Organizer, Cub, Guru, Hedonist, Lone Wolf, Wallflower (WTF 2e 86)
Sample Flesh Touchstones: Abuser, Ex, Old Gang, Parents, Religion, Sponsor (WTF 2e 87)
Sample Spirit Touchstones: Ambitious Totem, Buddy Spirit, Future Self, Locus, Lune, Prey, Wilds (WTF 2e 87)
Promethean: Elpis and Torment
As the Pilgrimage touches the psychology of the Created, they each push forward through what wonder or yearning fixes their thoughts on the New Dawn, and what half-formed flaw holds them back from grasping it.
Both Elpis and Torment can refresh either a single point or full complement of Willpower. Unlike many Anchors, the Elpis isn't stoked by actions, but experiences. Merely witnessing one of the living recall the Promethean's Elpis restores a point, while having that feeling vibrantly roused oneself refills it all. The Torment Anchor is expressed through the extremity of actions and consequences, but can also risk Torment, the Promethean fit of uncontrollable humours.
Held by: Prometheans
Sample Elpides: Courage, Drive, Empathy, Fear, Fury, Inspiration, Joy, Love, Sorrow, Pain (PTC 2e 106)
Sample Torments: Alienated, Awkward, Dejected, Logical, Merciless, Methodical, Obsessed, Paranoid, Passionate, Naive (PTC 2e 107)
Changeling: Needle and Thread
The identity of a changeling, escaped from Arcadia, is more slippery than that of the mortal human she once was. She finds refuge in the familiar to gird her resolve: familiar actions, roles, labels and rituals to wind herself around, and that shapeless inner color of drive, feeling and association, without which all would be empty. Her good old Needle. Her most plentiful Thread.
Both Needle and Thread can refresh either a point of Willpower, through simple exertion and reinforcement, or the full supply, by putting one's heart on the line.
Held by: Changelings, fetches, and hedge ghosts
Sample Needles: Bon Vivant, Commander, Composer, Counselor, Daredevil, Dynamo, Protector, Provider, Scholar, Storyteller, Teacher, Traditionalist, Visionary (CTL 2e 95)
Sample Threads: Acceptance, Anger, Family, Friendship, Hate, Honor, Joy, Love, Memory, Revenge (CTL 2e 97)
Sample Clarity Touchstones: Best Friend, Family, Fetch, Fling, Lost Love, Occultist, Private Investigator, Therapist, True Love, Your New Home, Your Old Home (CTL 2e 98)
Geist: Root and Bloom
The Bound are dead, and still they live. Their ghostly heart is moved by honoring the death at the Root of their condition as much as by the second life that is the Bloom that rose from their grave soil. Their Root pulls them to face the communities of the dead and remember the Sin-Eaters number among them. Their Bloom asks them to treasure their return to the living world and those who could have lost them.
Both Root and Bloom can refresh either a point of Willpower when either life or death must overshadow the other, or fully restore Willpower when they impel serious risks and passions.
Held by: Bound
Sample Roots and Blooms: Advocate, Antihero, Casual, Cowl, Enabler, Gardener, Pollyanna, Saved, Servant, Surrogate (GTS 2e 82)
Sample Synergy Touchstones: 9 to 5, Albatross, First Friend, House Keys, Inherited Anchor, Murder Weapon, New Neighbor, Our Song, Replacement Love, Roadside Memorial (GTS 2e 84)
Mummy: Balance and Burden
The Arisen trudge endlessly across the expanse of time. Their identity sometimes falls away from their clutches. As they persist, their character shows in how they weather the ages: the Burden, their greatest weight of pain and weakness, and the Balance, the value that justifies the strength to carry that weight.
Both Balance and Burden can refresh a point of Willpower in a moment's affirmation, or restore all Willpower in a triumph of Balance or a steep fall into Burden.
Held by: Mummies and shuankhsen
Sample Balances: Courageous, Devoted, Diligent, Faithful, Generous, Introspective, Just, Noble, Peaceful, Resilient, Righteous, Trustworthy, Truthful (MTC 2e 102)
Sample Burdens: Accusing, Careless, Chaotic, Cruel, Dominant, Forgetful, Fragile, Hysterical, Isolated, Rageful, Resentful, Selfish, Stagnant (MTC 2e 104), Avenger, Destroyer, Zealot (MTC 2e 236)
Sample Memory Touchstones: Budding Historian, Confidante, Court Justice, Doubting Lawrence, Dutiful Clerk, Epitome of Life, Firebrand Cultist, Mirror of the Ages, Shadow of an Old Flame (MTC 2e 163)
Beast: Life and Legend
Beasts split their selfhood into two strengths: the human and the inhuman. Their Life speaks to who they know and care about. It's common sense, modesty and compromise. Their Legend speaks to what they feel gestating deep within, leaking out from within their dreams. It's power, pride, and an abject lack of apology.
Both Life and Legend can refresh either a single point or full supply of Willpower, based on the scale of act and risk involved when cleaving to it.
Held by: Beasts and heroes
Sample Lives: Parental, Shy, Cautious, Loyal, Honest, Selfless (BTP 86)
Sample Legends: Judgmental, Relentless, Unexpected, Seductive, Vicious, Watchful (BTP 86)
Deviant: Loyalty and Conviction
The Broken have lost the ability to define their own independence to the spiritual damage of their Divergence. They can only hang their identity and spiritual endurance on their strongest relationships. They cling to certain friends and loved ones with fierce Loyalty, and pursue hateful vendettas with a Conviction that can only be satisfied by suffering and death.
Renegades refresh a point of Willpower when their pursuit of a Conviction Touchstone progresses, and recover all Willpower when they stand dramatically by a Loyalty Touchstone. Devoted reverse this.
Held by: Deviants
Sample Loyalty Touchstones: Childhood Friend, Co-Worker, Ex-Lover, Frenemy, Mentee, Partner in Crime, Research Assistant, Roommate (DTR 84)
Sample Conviction Touchstones: Company Man, Cultist, Operating Theater, Progenitor, Recruiter, Thief (DTR 85)
Merits, Mortal (2nd Edition)
Supernatural Merits
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Accursed Harbinger | ••• | When an undirected curse settles upon you, roll Resolve + Composure to serve as a carrier for the curse rather than suffering it yourself. | MTC 2e 117 | |
Animal Possession | •• or •••• | Animal Ken ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Resolve + Animal Ken to enter a projecting trance and control a Bonded animal for a scene. With four dots, control any animal. | HL 72 |
Animal Speech | • or •• | You can fluently understand the communication of a particular kind of animal. With two dots, they can understand your communication. +3 to relevant Animal Ken rolls. | DE 247 | |
Apportation | ••• or ••••• | Spend Willpower and roll Resolve + Occult to teleport an object or being up to Size 2, or with five dots, Size 5, inflicting Structure or bashing damage from the strain. | HL 72 | |
Assertive Implement | • to •••• | Manipulation •••, Occult •••, Weaponry or Firearms •• | You possess a living weapon with its own will. Apply your dots in Assertive Implement as a bonus or penalty to wield it, as befits its whims. It regenerates Structure damage and can attack on its own given the opportunity. | HL 72 |
Astral Adept | ••• | You can spend Willpower and use a given ceremony or implement to project yourself into the Astral Realms. | MTA 2e 100 | |
Aura Reading | ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Empathy - Composure to stare into a subject's aura, asking the player a question per success about their mood, intent or nature. Once a session, the Storyteller can have a supernatural creature roll Wits + Occult - Composure to feel your character's uncanny awareness. | CofD 56 | |
Automatic Writing | •• | Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Composure to enter a meditative trance, channeling a clue per success. Failure or the lack of a proper channeling charm evokes a grievous week-long haunting. | CofD 56 | |
Biokinesis | • to ••••• | Heal twice as fast. Spend Willpower and concentrate to exchange an Attribute dot per Biokinesis dot between Physical Attributes, for one hour. | CofD 57 | |
Biomimicry | • to •••• | Biokinesis | Spend Willpower and suffer lethal damage to mutate natural weaponry, propulsive venom, heavy 2/1 Armor, or camouflage pigmentation for a scene. | HL 72 |
Bless Amulet | • to ••• | Occult ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Resolve + Composure with abjuration modifiers to ritually imbue a charm with protection against ephemeral possession and Claiming, for a duration determined by Merit rating. | HL 72 |
Camera Obscura | ••• | Unseen Sense (Ghosts or spirits) | Spend Willpower to focus a camera and perceive entities felt through the Unseen Sense, Opening their influence for a scene. While focused, roll Wits + Expression - Defense to inflict photographic bashing damage. | HL 73 |
Citywalker | ••• | Streetwise •• | You can roll Resolve + Streetwise to walk occult correspondences from city to city, with penalties proportional to how unfamiliar your destination is to you. | CofD 236 |
Clairvoyance | ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Occult to scry through a particular occult medium. | CofD 57 | |
Consecrate Weapon | •••• | Resolve •••, Occult •••• | Spend Willpower and roll Resolve + Composure - weapon rating with abjuration modifiers to ritually bless a weapon. It deals lethal damage to ephemeral entities, even in Twilight, for one turn per success. | HL 73 |
Cursed | •• | You're doomed. Decide how doomed you are. Take +2 to Resolve + Composure rolls to resist fear or doubt that doesn't arise from your doom, and take an extra beat when you suffer lethal wound penalties. | CofD 57 | |
Curse Effigy | ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Occult - Resolve to spend a night crafting a sympathetic effigy of a victim. Spend rolled successes to inflict harmful Personal Tilts, distract and harry the victim, or make lethal attacks with Intelligence + Medicine - Stamina + Tolerance. | HL 73 | |
Dark Passenger | •• | You have a sinister second mouth on the back of your head. It whispers secrets in threes, one of which is a lie, warns you of ambushes, and insists on being fed hourly. | HL 73 | |
Doppelganger | ••• | Subterfuge •••, Biokinesis | Spend Willpower and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge to copy a subject down to the flesh, penalizing attempts to distinguish you by Biokinesis for a scene per success. | HL 73 |
Evil Eye | •• | Sacrifice Defense to paralyze with your gaze, contesting Wits + Occult vs Resolve + Composure. | HL 73 | |
Hardened Exorcist | • | Add your Occult to your effective Integrity for abjuration modifiers, and ignore Vice penalties. | HL 74 | |
Hidden Variable | •• | Unseen Sense (God-Machine) | Around infrastructure, take a bonus die to attacks. Ignore 2 Durability or Armor when attacking infrastructure. | HL 74 |
Incite Ecosystem | • to ••••• | Animal Ken ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Presence + Animal Ken to mark a subject as a threat to an animal or swarm per success. Commanding animals of Size greater than your dots in this Merit inflicts penalties. | HL 74 |
Invoke Spirit | •• | Resolve •••, Medium | A trauma has attracted a Rank 1 spirit riding you, protecting you but Urging you to recapitulate the trauma. | HL 74 |
Laying on Hands | ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Presence + Empathy to take on the ailments of others, either healing two bashing or one lethal per success, or rolling an extended action against a Storyteller-set target to cure sickness. Your character suffers half the damage or sickness he heals. | CofD 57 | |
Medium | ••• | Empathy •• | You can sense the presence of ephemeral beings and hear them whispering. You can perform a particular type of ritual or focus and roll Wits + Occult to progress Influence Conditions one step on the continuum from none to Controlled. Once per session, you may have to roll Resolve + Composure to avoid being Shaken or Spooked by the other side. | CofD 57 |
Mind Control | ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Manipulation + Persuasion - Resolve to issue a hypnotic command. | HL 74 | |
Mind of a Madman | •• | Empathy ••• | By obsessing over a crime you're investigating, you can go to a dark place. When obsessed, take 8-Again on all rolls to pursue the investigation, but you dream fitfully, and each day that passes without pursuing the investigation is a breaking point. | CofD 57 |
Numbing Touch | • to ••••• | You can spend Willpower to roll Intelligence + Empathy + Numbing Touch vs Stamina + Supernatural Tolerance, inflicting a penalty equal to your dots in the Merit. With a second point of Willpower, you can numb without touching, deny a contesting roll, and sap points of Willpower. | CofD 58 | |
Omen Sensitivity | ••• | Once per session, roll Wits + Occult to interpret incidental omens about your situation or the world, and suffer Obsessed or Spooked. | CofD 58 | |
Phantasmagoria | •• | Expression ••, Telepathy ••••• | Spend Willpower and roll Manipulation + Occult to entrance a subject in an illusory experience. | HL 74 |
Phantom Limb | • | Blind | You still have the ghosts of your eyes. See Twilight and when in the Underworld. | GTS 2e 90 |
• | Deaf | You still have the ghost of your hearing. Hear Twilight and when in the Underworld. | ||
•• | Leg Wrack | You still have the ghost of your leg, which can touch ghosts in Twilight and kick open Avernian Gates. | ||
••• | Arm Wrack | You still have the ghost of your arm. Either you can touch ghostly Twilight with it, or you cannot control it but it always points the way to Essence or Plasm. | ||
Psychic Concealment | ••• | Stealth •••, Mind Control | Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Stealth - Composure to hide your presence from a witness's recognition. | HL 74 |
Psychic Onslaught | ••• | Psychokinesis or Telekinesis | Spend Willpower and suffer bashing damage to discharge a lethal psychokinetic explosion for your Resolve in meters around you. | HL 74 |
Psychic Poltergeist | •• | Telekinesis | Spend Willpower to gather small objects in a buffeting, damaging cloud, harrying up to your Telekinesis dots in victims. | HL 74 |
Psychokinesis | ••• or ••••• | Choose an element or force to control. When the element is present, or if you have five dots in the Merit, spend Willpower and roll Resolve + Occult to manipulate its manifestation or attack with it. When out of Willpower, you may have to roll Resolve + Composure to avoid unintended manifestation. | CofD 58 | |
Psychokinetic Resistance | • | Psychokinesis | Apply your Psychokinesis dots as Armor against manifestations of your element. | HL 76 |
Psychometry | ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Occult to commune with a place or thing and ask questions about its history. You may receive spontaneous communions that inflict a relevant Condition. | CofD 58 | |
Sacrificial Offering | • to ••••• | Occult •••, Mystery Cult Initiation ••••• | Suffer a breaking point and roll Wits + Occult as an extended cult ritual to consume a victim's soul, granting supernatural abilities or interventions for a day per dot of Sacrificial Offering. | HL 76 |
Sojourner | ••• | Apportation | Activate Apportation as an extended action to transport a subject a number of miles. | HL 76 |
Stigmata | • | Each week, you may bleed a point of lethal damage from a sacred wound. The blood is supernaturally potent and useful for sorcery. The wound heals after only a day, but you suffer a severe penalty from the pain. | SotC 193 | |
Supernatural Resistance | • to ••••• | Lesser template | Apply this dot rating as Supernatural Tolerance. | HL 78 |
Technopathy | •• or ••• | Spend Willpower and roll Intelligence + Occult to read a device's information and usage at a touch, or with three dots, by wireless network. The device or network suffers or shorts out from the strain. | HL 77 | |
Telekinesis | • to ••••• | Spend Willpower to manifest for a scene, applying dots in the Merit as effective Strength. Attacks cost Willpower and roll Telekinesis + Occult - Stamina to inflict bashing damage. When out of Willpower, you may have to roll Resolve + Composure to avoid unintended manifestation. | CofD 59 | |
Telekinetic Evasion | ••• | Telekinesis | Spend Willpower when Dodging to add your dots in Telekinesis as bonus successes. | HL 77 |
Telepathy | ••• or ••••• | Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Empathy - Resolve to read a mind, or with five dots, to project thoughts. You may spontaneously overhear disturbing thoughts that inflict a relevant Condition. | CofD 59 | |
Thief of Fate | ••• | Whenever you touch someone, for the rest of the day, you gain +4 dice instead of +3 when you spend Willpower on a roll, but the subject's rolled failures become dramatic failures, and they intuit a sense that you're responsible. Spend Willpower to suppress Thief of Fate for a scene. | CofD 60 | |
Unseen Sense | •• | Choose a source of supernatural phenomena, like vampires or the God-Machine, and how your sense of that power manifests when it's close. Once per session, you can become Spooked and pinpoint what's setting off your sense around you, unless it's cloaked by suitable magic. | CofD 60 | |
Vengeful Soul | •• | Each session, a number of actions to avenge a loved one's witnessed death, up to their Integrity, gains 8-Again. | HL 77 |
Supernatural Styles
Style | Prerequisites | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
Fated Ferocity | Resolve •••, Stamina ••, Cursed | • | Bucket List | Achieving an Aspiration grants Willpower and a Defense bonus against the next attack in a scene. | HL 73 |
•• | Die with Dignity | Immunity to attempts to make you give up on the possibility of an Aspiration. | |||
••• | Limitless | Take up to your Fated Ferocity dots in bashing damage for an equal dice bonus on an attack. | |||
•••• | Not Today | Each scene, overflow lethal damage up to your Resolve into aggravated instead of filling your final Health box. | |||
••••• | Don't Go Gently | Exhaust all Willpower against your Cursed doom to add your total Willpower as a dice bonus against it, and if an attack, upgrade damage inflicted. | |||
Psychokinetic Combat | Psychokinesis | These maneuvers are used while Psychokinesis is active. | HL 76 | ||
• | Corona | For a matter of turns, project a damaging field which deals lethal damage to anyone in close range. | |||
•• | Mind Over Matter | Psychokinetic attacks bypass cover and receive armor-piercing 2. | |||
••• | Trapped Potential | For each activation of Psychokinesis, you may prime one nearby object to detonate into stored energy at will. Without Psychokinesis •••••, the object must already store the energy in some form. | |||
•••• | Imbue Weapon | Suffer lethal damage when activating Psychokinesis to add a weapon bonus to your next attack. Without Psychokinesis •••••, you must channel a nearby energy source. | |||
••••• | Harvest Psyche | Psychokinetic attacks recover Willpower when successful. | |||
Tactical Telepathy | Telepathy ••••• | • | Of One Mind | Use a single activation of Telepathy to network multiple minds for a scene. | HL 76 |
•• | White Noise | You may inflict the Stunned Tilt with Telepathy. | |||
••• | Unison | Allies networked through Of One Mind may substitute your Initiative for their own. | |||
•••• | Derail Thought | You may use Telepathy successes to penalize a subject's actions for a scene. | |||
••••• | Shared Struggle | Network minds as an extended action to link them so closely that networked allies may spend Willpower on each other's behalf. |
Vampire-Related Merits
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Beast Whispers | •• | Talk vampires down from frenzy as if they held you as a Touchstone. | VTR 2e 300 | |
Beloved | • | Grant a vampire who holds you as a Touchstone +2 to resist frenzy in your presence, and you can talk them down as if their Blood Potency were up to two dots lower (minimum one dot). | VTR 2e 300 | |
Clear-Sighted | •• | Spend Willpower to see through illusions, including the effects of the Obfuscate and Nightmare Disciplines. | VTR 2e 299 | |
Producer | • | Your blood is worth twice its normal value to vampires as Vitae. | VTR 2e 299 | |
Protected | •• | A vampire who has tasted your blood has grown attached to you, and can sense when you are in danger. | VTR 2e 299 | |
Weakened Bond | ••• | Respond to a vampire's blood bond as if it were one step weaker. | VTR 2e 299 | |
Ghoul Merits | ||||
Empowered to Speak | • | You can "borrow" your regnant's City Status when speaking as their formal representation. | VTR 2e 300 | |
Family Ties | •• | Ghoul family | You can sense threats to family and trace them with Wits + Investigation, but they cause breaking points if carried through. | HD 122 |
Inherited | •• | You have had multiple regnants. Roll Intelligence + Composure +2 to recall useful information about past regnants when appropriate. | HD 122 | |
Insomniac | • | Three hours of sleep provide complete rest. | HD 122 | |
Lurch | ••• | Your regnant trusts you as her house ghoul. +2 to notice details of your regnant or her haven. | HD 122 | |
Sexualized | •• | +2 to Presence and Manipulation rolls leveraging your unnatural sexual enticement. | HD 122 | |
Source Sympathy | • | Experience vampiric Blood Sympathy as if you were a vampire thrice removed from your regnant. | VTR 2e 299 | |
Taste of Fear | •• | Nosferatu regnant | Spend Willpower and roll Manipulation + Intimidation vs Resolve + Blood Potency to use a dark secret about yourself to inflict the effects of Broken, Fugue, or Guilty for a scene. | VTR 2e 299 |
Taste of Gold | •• | Ventrue regnant | Beating someone in a competition counts as satisfying your Vice. | VTR 2e 299 |
Taste of Shadow | •• | Mekhet regnant | Once per scene, spend Willpower and roll Wits + Occult to intuit knowledge about the Blood. | VTR 2e 298 |
Taste of the Serpent | •• | Daeva regnant | You can inflict Swooning on humans by helping to satisfy their Vice. | VTR 2e 298 |
Taste of the Wild | •• | Gangrel regnant | You can ghoul animals and inflict the Vinculum on them. | VTR 2e 298 |
Unobtrusive | •• | Stealth •• | +2 to duck your regnant's notice with Stealth. | HD 122 |
Vitae Hound | • | You can use Kindred Senses, as if you had half your regnant's Blood Potency. | VTR 2e 300 | |
Watch Dog | •• | Regnant knows Auspex | Your regnant can "loan" you the use of her Auspex during the day. | VTR 2e 300 |
Dhampir Merits | ||||
Altar | • | Crone Status, 3+ Acolytes attuned | As the Kindred Merit. | HD 44, VTR 2e 109 |
Beloved Stranger | •• | Not Night's Child | You came to awareness from a mortal upbringing. +2 to resist breaking points from the supernatural, and reduce the exceptional threshold for Mental and Social rolls to meddle in, expose or conceal the occult from five to three. | HD 44 |
Blood Dissonance | • to ••••• | Force a Clash of Wills with Resolve + Blood Dissonance to supernaturally intuit your nature. Once a story, you may refuse taking your Affliction Condition and instead penalize breaking points brought on by your actions or nature by dots in this Merit for a session. | HD 44 | |
Cacophony Savvy | • to ••• | City Status | As the Kindred Style. | HD 44, VTR 2e 110 |
Dynasty Membership | • to ••• | Clan Status | As the Kindred Style. | HD 44, VTR 2e 112 |
Hand of Doom | ••• | Contest Wits + Occult vs Composure + Tolerance to sense a character's destiny. Furthering their Destiny benefits you like furthering your own. | HD 44 | |
Honey Trap | • | As the Kindred Merit. | HD 44, VTR 2e 112 | |
Kindred Status | • to ••• | As the Kindred Merit, with a lower cap. | HD 44, VTR 2e 113 | |
Mother's Army Recruit | • or ••• | Crone Status | You may sense blood sorcery, use your blood in Crúac, and participate in Crúac teamwork like a vampire. With three dots, you may learn the Crúac Discipline and rites at a one experience surcharge. | HD 45 |
Night's Child | •• | Not a Beloved Stranger | You were raised in the All Night Society. Talk familiar vampires down from frenzy like a Touchstone, and reduce the exceptional threshold for Mental or Social rolls as a go-between twixt Kindred and non-Kindred from five to three. | HD 45 |
Requiem Counterpoint | • | Your role as a vampire's Touchstone allows you to recover Willpower when they resist detachment in your presence, but you feel Guilty if they fail. | HD 45 | |
Vampire Hunter | • to •••• | Wits ••• | Hone one Kindred Sense for each dot in this Merit. Apply Vampire Hunter as a bonus to perception concerning vampires, and as your Blood Potency as regards Kindred Senses. | HD 45 |
Werewolf-Related Merits
Shadow Occultism | •••• | Was once ridden | Gain an essence pool, the ability to learn park rites to perform even alone, and gain a 3 dot influence | NH:SM 138 |
Shadow Perception | ••• | Shadow Occultism | Can see spirits in twilight and speak in first tongue. Can sense resonance of any influence you have. | NH:SM 138 |
Wolf-Blooded Merits | ||||
Crescent Moon's Birth | •• | Birth | Grant +3 Durability and +3 Structure when you help craft a fetish. | WTF 2e 305 |
Fenris-Ur's Blood | •• | Heritage | Take 8-Again to craft or wield silver weapons. | WTF 2e 304 |
Full Moon's Birth | •• | Birth | Once per scene, you can spend Willpower to lead a coordinated action, granting +3 dice and 8-Again to participants up to your Presence. | WTF 2e 305 |
Ghost Child | •• | Heritage | Take 9-Again to roll Skills rated from one to three dots, but lose 10-Again to roll Skills rated above that. | WTF 2e 304 |
Gibbous Moon's Birth | •• | Birth | Take 8-Again and perform extended actions twice as fast when rolling a chosen Mental Skill. | WTF 2e 305 |
Half Moon's Birth | •• | Birth, Safe Place | Take +2 when rolling a breaking point in your territory. Once per session, you can take 8-Again and bonus dice equal to your Safe Place on one roll. | WTF 2e 305 |
Hikaon-Ur's Blood | •• | Heritage | Ignore total darkness penalties. When denied a sense, take +2 to compensate with other senses. | WTF 2e 304 |
Kamduis-Ur's Blood | •• | Heritage | Roll Intelligence + Occult to create a mark that can trap a ghost for an hour per success. | WTF 2e 304 |
No Moon's Birth | •• | Birth | When you scout on instructions from a pack leader or parental figure, you leave no scent, cannot be followed home, and your point of origin or allegiance can't be ascertained. | WTF 2e 305 |
Pack Bond | • or ••• | You're respected as an important member of the pack. You can buy one dot of Totem, or up to five dots with Pack Bond •••. | WTF 2e 305 | |
Raised by Wolves | • | You grew up among werewolves. Ignore Resistance rolls to withstand the bizarre or grotesque things you see. | WTF 2e 305 | |
Sagrim-Ur's Blood | •• | Heritage | Take 8-Again and add Safe Place as bonus dice to roll Crafts or Computer to set up security measures. | WTF 2e 304 |
Skolis-Ur's Blood | •• | Heritage | Immunity to Urging, and to being supernaturally forced to appear weak or defeated. | WTF 2e 304 |
Tell | ••• | You have another Wolf-Blooded Tell. | WTF 2e 305 |
Mage-Related Merits
Fitful Slumber | • | 3 breaking points | Suffering repeated exposure to Supernal magic or the Abyss has granted you +2 to relevant breaking points, and made you a Sleepwalker. | MTA 2e 306 |
High Speech Perception | •• | Your character may percieve and read High Speech as though they were a mage | SoS 26 | |
Sleepwalker | • | You were a Sleeper, but you're not now. | MTA 2e 306 | |
Sleeper Merits | ||||
Actively Oblivious | •• | You can spend Willpower and suffer the Strained Condition to consciously ignore a breaking point. When you do so, you don't count as a witness to a supernal spell. | MTA 2e 302 | |
Communal Sleeper | • | Empathy •• | When you guide at least one other Sleeper, you count as a group of witnesses to supernal magic one step worse. | MTA 2e 302 |
Detail Oriented | •• | When you attempt an Investigation or Perception roll previously failed by a non-Sleeper, take an exceptional success on a threshold of three instead of five. | MTA 2e 302 | |
Liar | • | Your existence is tainted by the Abyss. Add two dice to Paradox risks and Dissonance rolls. You grant the Open Influence Condition to Abyssal entities, and take a -1 penalty to Abyssal breaking points. | MTA 2e 302 | |
Strained | •• | Integrity <6 | You can take the Strained Condition to ignore a Supernal or Abyssal breaking point. | MTA 2e 302 |
Sleepwalker Merits | ||||
Banner-Bearer | • to ••• | You can carry an additional supernal spell for each dot of this Merit. | MTA 2e 305 | |
Deadpan | ••• | Ignore sources of fear or revulsion, including supernatural sources, that don't play on a preexisting Condition or Vice. Take +2 to Composure to resist those that do. | MTA 2e 305 | |
Loved | ••• | Something sincerely loves you. Nobody else can form Strong magical sympathy with you, though you can form it with them. When you're distressed by wound penalties or low Willpower, your love can sense it. | MTA 2e 306 | |
Proxy Voice | • to ••• | Mentor | You have a mentor in Awakened society. Choose one of his Status Merits: you can borrow it when acting in his stead. | MTA 2e 306 |
Relic Attuned | ••• | Your character is not Awakened, but can still access the magics stored in Artifacts. Activation requires a point of willpower. Activation rolls for artifacts can use the character's willpower or the artifacts own activation dice as a die pool. | MTA 2e 306 | |
Ritual Savvy | •• | Occult •• | You understand Awakened ritual enough to set up useful staging or equipment. Roll an Attribute + Skill pool appropriate for the ritual being cast. For each success, one mage can spend a point of Willpower for a bonus die on the spell, which doesn't count towards their Yantra limit. | MTA 2e 306 |
Slippery | •• | When the Awakened lay blame, spend Willpower to fly below the radar. | MTA 2e 306 |
Changeling-Related Merits
Expressive | • | Produce twice the Glamour harvest. | CTL 2e 320 | |
Fae-Touched Merits | ||||
Court Goodwill | • to ••••• | As the changeling Merit. | CTL 2e 112, 319 | |
Dream Ghost | •• | Lucid Dreamer | Can enter the promise-bound Changeling's dreams regardless of distance with three successes to enter the Gate of Ivory. Can perform drewamweaving with Dream Shaper, otherwise can spend a willpower to pass on a message. | Hedge 100 |
Dream Shaper | •• | Lucid Dreamer | Dreamweave within your own dreams. | CTL 2e 320 |
Dream Tripper | ••• | Dream Shaper, Dreamsteps Contract | Exit your Bastion onto the dreaming roads. Immediately gain Dream Infiltrator in the dreams of strangers or enemies. | Hedge 100 |
Dreamer's Gaze | • | Spend glamour to view promise bound's dream in a reflective surface, and can potentially enter it with Dreamsteps. | Hedge 101 | |
Endymion’s Dream | ••• | Lucid Dreamer | Remain asleep and gain immunity to being woken up by paradigm shifts with a successful Resolve + Occult roll. | Hedge 101 |
Find the Oathbreaker | •• | Sense Vows | Sense Oathbreakers like a changeling, and roll Wits + Empathy with a touch to intuit promises broken within a day, or pledges within a week. | CTL 2e 320 |
Glamour Fasting | • | As the changeling Merit. | CTL 2e 115, 319 | |
Hedge Delver | ••• | Survival •• | Hedgespin subtle shifts. +2 to help a changeling navigate the Hedge. | CTL 2e 320 |
Hollow | • to ••••• | Must be shared | As the changeling Merit. | CTL 2e 116, 319 |
Oathkeeper | ••• | Resolve ••• | Willpower spent to contest attempts to sway you to break a sealing or oath adds four dice instead of three and reduces the exceptional threshold from five to three. | CTL 2e 320 |
Promise of Debt | • to ••• | You swore to repay a debt you owed someone. Apply as bonus dice to help settle a debt. | CTL 2e 320 | |
Promise of Love | • to ••• | You swore unending love. Apply as bonus dice to contest attempts to manipulate your feelings about another. | CTL 2e 320 | |
Promise of Loyalty | ••• | You swore to stand by another's side. Remove a Door when Social Maneuvering through your relationship or shared history with another. | CTL 2e 320 | |
Promise of Protection | • to ••••• | You swore to keep someone safe. When fighting to protect someone, apply as an Initiative bonus, and reduce the Defense penalty from multiple attacks by one. | CTL 2e 320 | |
Promise to Provide | ••• | You swore someone would always have a home with you. Spend Glamour when offering your hospitality. A guest who accepts must spend Willpower to betray that hospitality, but recovers Willpower if they don't. | CTL 2e 320 | |
Promise to Serve | • to ••• | You swore a service in someone's stead. Apply as bonus teamwork successes. | CTL 2e 321 | |
Punish the Oathbreaker | •• | Find the Oathbreaker | Exercise Loopholes to use your Contracts against a found oathbreaker alone. | CTL 2e 321 |
Sense Vows | • | Spend Glamour to sense whether a character was pledgebound within the current story. | CTL 2e 321 | |
Twice Shy | ••• | Dreamer's Gaze, Changeling's Fetch is still alive | Can use Dreamer's Gaze on the promise-bound Changeling's fetch. | Hedge 101 |
Mummy-Related Merits
Grave Robber | ••••• | Disturb the tombs of the Arisen without waking them. Stealing an entombed relic wakes the mummy after two hours and taints their investigation to track the relic down. | MTC 2e 117 | |
Lineal Inheritor | ••• | One of your parents passed away while invested with the Pillar of a mummy's soul. You now benefit from investment, and the mummy must perform the Rite of Investment on you to withdraw it. | MTC 2e 118 | |
Witness | ••• | Gain the effects of Unseen Sense for immortals and the undead. Instead of suffering Sybaris, you become Obsessed with visions of the Arisen from across time. | MTC 2e 121 | |
Ritual Sorcery | ||||
Ritual Sorcerer | ••• | Mental Attribute •••, Occult ••• with specialty | You have learned how to perform sorcerous rites. For each dot of Resolve, you may learn one Closed Rite or master one Open Rite. | MTC 2e 120 |
Forbidden Rites | • to ••••• | Ritual Sorcerer, Library (Occult) ••, Sorcerous Knowledge | You can attempt an additional Closed Rite for each dot of this Merit at extreme ritual costs and a -2 penalty. | MTC 2e 117 |
Sorcerous Knowledge | • to ••••• | Ritual Sorcerer, ≤ Occult | For each dot, you may learn or create one Closed Rite or master one Open Rite. | MTC 2e 120 |
Sorcerous Prodigy | ••• | Ritual Sorcerer, Sorcerous Knowledge •• | Dots of Resolve or Sorcerous Knowledge used to master Open Rites each master a second Open Rite. | MTC 2e 120 |
Demon-Related Merits
Stigmatic Merits | ||||
Potent Blood | • | Bleed a point of lethal damage every other day. Consecrating with the blood confers +2 to a supernatural action, and demons recover a point of Aether by ingesting it. Vampires who feed from you temporarily gain the effects of Unseen Sense (God-Machine). | FoH 130 | |
Sleeve Integrator | • to ••••• | Integrity ••••• | Spend Willpower to merge with a demon, allowing her to use your life as a Cover for up to a day, with a rating equal to your Integrity. Afterwards, you gain access to one of the demon's Embeds per dot in this Merit. | FoH 130 |
Sympathetic Demon | •• | You have a demon friend. Once per session, you can declare the demon's convenient arrival. You suffer any damage the demon suffers. | FoH 130 | |
Pact Sense Merit | ••• | Stigmatic | You can senses the aspects of reality stitched together by demonic pacts. | DE2 175 |
Demon-Blooded Merits | ||||
Ambient Aether | • or •• | Offspring or fractal | You can gather and spend Aether. Fractals buy for one dot, offspring two. | HtH 37 |
Aether Pool | •• | Fractal, Ambient Aether | Gain a five-point Aether pool. | HtH 37 |
Eidetic Memory | • | As the general Merit, at reduced cost. | HtH 33, CofD 44 | |
Infrastructure Proficiency | •• or ••• | Find your way through infrastructure, intuit how it works, and identify linchpins. Costs two dots for fractals or three for others. | HtH 37 | |
Instinctive Deflection | •• | Roll Wits + Resolve to avoid compromise. | HtH 37 | |
Language | • | In addition to the general Merit's effects, speak a second language conversationally. | HtH 37, CofD 45 | |
Multilingual | • | As the general Merit, but with three languages. | HtH 37, CofD 46 | |
Quantum Understanding | ••• | Fractal | Contest Wits + Composure vs Tolerance to read a demon's Liar's Tongue. | HtH 37 |
Unknown | • | Offspring or fractal | Begin play without a Cipher Condition, but with only one Embed and no Interlocks. Character creation only. | HtH 37 |
Nephilim Merits | ||||
Unseen Sense | •• | As a stigmatic's Unseen Sense, and you may roll Wits + Occult to sense the presence of Aether sources, including angels and demons. | DSG 156 | |
Voice of Hell | •• | Spend Aether for fluency in a language for one scene. | DSG 156 |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Merits, Locations (2nd Edition)
A large dot (●) in the second column denotes a Merit that can be shared by multiple characters, while a hollow dot (○) denotes a Merit that 'must' be shared by multiple characters.
Merit | ○ | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Safe Place | ● | • to ••••• | You've secured a place from intrusion. Apply your Safe Place rating as an Initiative bonus while there, and a penalty to break in. With Crafts you can install traps, forcing intruders to roll Dexterity + Larceny - Safe Place to avoid up to your Safe Place in lethal damage. | CofD 54 | |
Hiding Place | ••• | Cannot be shared | You have a place that is always secure. If found out, gain a new one at the start of the next chapter. | GTTN 124 | |
Vampire Merits | |||||
Burrow | ○ | • to ••••• | Safe Place | Replaces Haven. You share a hideout with other revenants. Add Burrow as bonus dice to stir from daysleep and stay awake in the daytime. In combat, intruders and unfamiliar guests are Distracted for one turn per dot of Burrow. | HD 80 |
Haven | ● | • to ••••• | Safe Place | You've sunproofed your residence and made it a home. Add Haven as bonus dice to stir from daysleep and stay awake in the daytime, and to use Kindred Senses within your home. | VTR 2e 112 |
Mandragora Garden | • to ••••• | Crúac •, Crone Status, ≤ Safe Place | Your Safe Place grows ghouled plants, which you must feed Vitae equal to your Merit dots each month, but which produce twice that quantity in Vitae's worth of sap and nectar. Their magical sympathy empowers Crúac cast there and receives it from afar, but can rile the Beast when attacked. | SotC 181 | |
Nest Guardian | ● | • to ••••• | Ordo Status | You are the custodian of a Wyrm's Nest, host to a supernatural phenomenon proportional to dots in this Merit. You may purchase additional features separately, listed below. | SotC 197 |
Temple of Damnation | ● | • to ••••• | Lancea Status, ≤ Safe Place | You've secured and consecrated a gathering place to a particular Sanctified virtue. Apply dots in this Merit as a bonus to actions in service of that virtue while within the temple, or after attending rites there. | SotC 194 |
Werewolf Merits | |||||
Dedicated Locus | ● | • to ••••• | Safe Place | You've personally attuned a locus to your pack. The locus has a rating equal to this Merit, and provides the pack the ability to spend a point of Essence above their per-turn cap, a number of times per day equal to this Merit. | WTF 2e 106 |
Lodge Stronghold | •• or •••• | Lodge | As a five-dot Safe Place. With four dots, it boasts lines of supernatural defenses or spirit wards. | Pack 81 | |
Residential Area | • to ••••• | Your pack has integrated into an inhabited territory. Every session, by canvassing for help, you can redistribute your dots in this Merit among effective dots of Allies, Contacts and Retainers. | WTF 2e 107 | ||
Mage Merits | |||||
Demesne | ● | ••• | Sanctum | Your Sanctum has been prepared as a Demesne, providing a +2 Yantra bonus to appropriate spells, and shielding them from the risk of Paradoxes so long as they're not exposed to Sleepers. | MTA 2e 104, 242 |
Hallow | ● | • to ••••• | You've secured a geomantic wellspring of Mana. You can draw out up to your dots in this Merit in points of Mana each day, and the Hallow can store up to three times as many unharvested points as some form of tass. | MTA 2e 101 | |
Sanctum | ● | • to ••••• | Safe Place | Your secure place is secreted away well enough to insulate your sorcery. Increase your spell control when casting there by your dots in this Merit. You can maintain spells cast beyond your normal spell control this way after leaving the Sanctum. | MTA 2e 104 |
Promethean Merits | |||||
Hovel | • to ••••• | Safe Place | You've crafted a space to acclimate it to your Azoth. Time spent in your Hovel doesn't contribute to Wastelands. You can store a dot of Azoth per dot in this Merit in an item aligned with your element in the Hovel, leaving you with reduced Azoth until you retrieve it from the item. | PTC 2e 115 | |
Changeling Merits | |||||
Calming Eidolons | ○ | • to ••• | Shared Bastion | Reduces Composure dice penalty of Subtle Shifts enacted by the Bastion's owners. | Hedge 118 |
Hollow | ● | • to ••••• | You've secured a residence within the Hedge, impregnable to outsiders with lesser Wyrd. While in your Hollow, penalize attempts to investigate, track or pursue you by dots in this Merit. Dots of Hollow are also distributed among features listed below. | CTL 2e 116 | |
Motley Awareness | • or ••• | Shared Bastion | At one dot, gain +1 to social roles with other motley members. At three dots, gain an instinctive knowledge of other motley members' moods and the ability to send messages, but use the highest clarity perception penalty of the group. | Hedge 119 | |
Somnambulation | ○ | ••• to •••• | Shared Bastion | Can use an Eidolon to keep your body from being neglected while you sleep, or slightly more complex tasks with the four-dot version. Require significantly more sleep. | Hedge 119 |
Shared Bastion | ○ | • to ••••• | You or your motley have established a permanent location within dreams, impregnable to outsiders with lesser Wyrd. This merit requires group effort to maintain. While in your Bastion, penalize attempts to investigate, track or pursue you or to manipulate your mind, future, or destiny by dots in this merit. | Hedge 115 | |
Stable Trod | ● | • to ••••• | You've secured a local trod of equal rating. A number of Hollows along the trod up to dots in Stable Trod share an extra one-dot Hollow feature. You may roll Stable Trod as a dice pool once a story to farm extra Glamour goblin fruit from it. | CTL 2e 119 | |
Workshop | ● | • to ••••• | Hollow | Your Hollow contains space and equipment for an appropriate Crafts Specialty for each dot in this Merit. Apply Workshop as bonus dice to relevant Crafts rolls. | CTL 2e 120 |
Hunter Merits | |||||
Safe Place | ● | • to ••••• | Resources • | A secure site for the hunter that provides a bonus to initiative and a number of features (see below) equal to its dots. A hunter cannot be surprised while in their Safe Place. | HTV 2e 94 |
Sin-Eater Merits | |||||
Cenote | ● | • to ••••• | Safe Place | You tend a ghostly place where Plasm accumulates, at your Merit rating in points per chapter. | GTS 2e 85 |
Mummy Merits | |||||
Tomb | ● | •+ | You have drawn Sekhem to a personal sanctum, where you can meditate to replenish Pillars. Dots of Tomb are distributed among features listed below, always starting with a dot of Geometry. | MTC 2e 108 | |
Demon Merits | |||||
Bolthole | • to ••••• | You have a tiny extradimensional realm where time doesn't progress. It's warded against angels, and rolls to find the access point are penalized by its Merit rating. Dots of Bolthole are also distributed among features listed below. | DTD 120 | ||
Beast Merits | |||||
Connected Lair | •• | Characters with the appropriate devices can access internet, tele-phone, television, or radio communications. Any attempt to trace these signals from the outside world will lead to contradictory or nonsensical results. | BPG 100 | ||
Trap Room | •• | When opening a Primordial Pathway into or out of the mundane world your character may choose to spend a point of Satiety in addition to the normal cost of 1 Willpower. If she does so, the duration of the pathway is extended. It stays open until sunrise or sunset on a normal success, or any time up to a week on an exceptional success | BPG 101 | ||
Vast Lair | • to ••• | Uninvited guests require at least 10 minutes per dot in this Merit to traverse a Chamber or Burrow. Further, each dot in this Merit adds five required successes and five minutes to the time increment of any extended action to collapse a Chamber | BPG 101 | ||
Well-Stocked Lair | • to ••••• | ≤ Lair | Each dot in this Merit allows the character to select two dots worth of Merits that represent the material goods and inhabit-ants available in her Lair. Material goods removed from the Lair deteriorate into dust, insects, water, or some other useless substance within a few days. Alternately, one dot of this Merit can be used to make one or more Chambers of a character’s Lair comfortable and livable. | BPG 101 |
Wyrm's Nest Features
Feature | ○ | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Chapterhouse | ● | • to ••••• | Ordo Status ••• | Vampires in the Nest add dots in this Merit as a bonus to resist violence, and as a penalty to lash out with the Predatory Aura. | SotC 199 |
Crucible | ● | ••• | Occult •••• | Vampires may advance study of the Mysteries of the Dragon in the Nest at an experience discount. | SotC 199 |
Feng Shui | ● | • to ••••• | Academics ••, Occult ••• | Choose a Skill. Vampires in the Nest may add dots in this Merit as bonus dice when rolling that Skill. | SotC 199 |
Perilous Nest | ● | • to ••••• | Occult ••• | You've harnessed a hazard native to the Nest to attack certain unwelcome types. It uses a dice pool equal to twice your dots in this Merit. | SotC 199 |
Hollow Features
Feature | ○ | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Easy Access | ● | ••• | The Hollow has no fixed entrance, and is instead entered (and later exited) through any unlocked door with Glamour and a small ritual. | CTL 2e 117 | |
Escape Route | ● | • or •• | The Hollow has a secondary exit into the material realm, which with two dots may be accessed from anywhere in the Hollow. | CTL 2e 116 | |
Hidden Entry | ● | •• | Penalize rolls to find the Hollow's entrance by -2. When all characters sharing the Hollow are within, the entrance disappears. | CTL 2e 117 | |
Hob Alarm | ● | • | Hob Kin | Each story, take one Goblin Debt to preserve a domestic guard of friendly hobs. Ambush in the Hollow does not strip Defense and applies Hollow as bonus dice to actions in the first turn of combat. | CTL 2e 116 |
Home Turf | ● | ••• | Apply Hollow as a bonus to Initiative and Defense against intruders. | CTL 2e 117 | |
Luxury Goods | ● | • | Once a session, roll Hollow as a dice pool and distribute successes among amenities by Availability or Hedgespun items by rating. | CTL 2e 116 | |
Phantom Phone Booth | ● | • | A magical fixture can make outgoing calls to publically listed numbers outside the Hedge. | CTL 2e 116 | |
Route Zero | ● | • | A one-dot trod passes through the Hollow. It may link allied Hollows, or once a day, may be traversed with a Hedge navigation roll to recover Willpower. | CTL 2e 116 | |
Shadow Garden | ● | • | A plot of soil infinitely replenishes copies of goblin fruit without their magical properties, which only temporarily stave off hunger. | CTL 2e 116 | |
Size Matters | ● | • or •• | The Hollow is large enough to sustain up to six residents, or with two dots, the size of a small town. | CTL 2e 116 |
Feature | ○ | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Buttressed Dreaming | ○ | • | Penalize Clash of Wills to force open Bastion by merit rating. | Hedge 115 | |
Fixed Doorway | ○ | ••• | Hollow | Door in the Motley's hollow functions as a Gate of Horn leading to and from the Shared Bastion. | Hedge 118 |
Guardian Eidolon | ○ | • | Spend Willpower to activate the guardian for the scene, gaining immunity to surprise and adding dots in the merit on the first round of an action scene. | Hedge 118 | |
Illusory Armory | ○ | •• | Once per chapter, spend glamour to summon an unimportant prop with rating equal to twice glamour spent (max +5). Spend willpower to summon additional props. | Hedge 118 | |
Permanent Armory | ○ | • | Maintain mundane "real" items in shared bastion, or magic items by spending Willpower each chapter. | Hedge 118 | |
Raised Defenses | ○ | • | Whenever any motley mate is in the Shared Bastion, all members double the bonuses against the attacks or circumstances normally granted by the merit. | Hedge 118 | |
Subtle Speech | ○ | •• | Phantom Eidolons of Motley Members can receive messages, but Changelings with clarity damage might suffer further damage as their sense of reality is befuddled. | Hedge 118 |
Hunter Safe Place Features
Feature | ○ | Description | Book |
Anathema | ● | The Safe Place is warded against monsters with a specific power, prompting a Wits + Resolve - Safe Place roll on any attempt to break through, becoming Immobilized or Stunned on failure. | HTV 2e 94 |
Arsenal | ● | Rolls to clean, fix, or improvise equipment gain +2. | HTV 2e 94 |
Concealed | ● | Attempts to find the Safe Place through any means are penalised by -2. | HTV 2e 94 |
Escape Hatch | ● | The hunter(s) may roll Dexterity + Athletics or Survival to reach the secret exit without suffering any damage from the environment. | HTV 2e 94 |
Infirmary | ● | Medicine rolls here are improved by +2 for any invested hunter with dots in the skill, and the space may substitute for a hospital for the purposes of injury and recovery. | HTV 2e 95 |
Home Security System | ● | The Safe Place is outfitted with a defense system, penalising attempts to break in by Safe Place dots. | HTV 2e 95 |
Tomb Features
Feature | ○ | Rating | Description | Book |
Geometry | ● | • to ••••• | Apply this rating as a bonus to meditate upon your Pillars. | MTC 2e 206 |
Perils | ● | •+ | Your tomb resists intruders with traps totalling this rating, and an equal number of curses from released vessels. | MTC 2e 206 |
Provisions | ● | •+ | Your tomb is furnished with equipment or infrastructure totalling this rating. | MTC 2e 206 |
Bolthole Features
Feature | ○ | Rating | Description | Book |
Arsenal | • to ••••• | Once per session, your bolthole can supply one weapon with a rating equal to your Arsenal dots, two weapons with a rating one less than your Arsenal dots, and any number of weapons with a rating less than that. | DTD 120 | |
Cover-Linked | •• | Choose one Cover identity. The bolthole only exists while you are in that Cover's form. Anything in the bolthole not provided by these features is lost forever when the bolthole stops existing. | DTD 120 | |
Easy Access | ••• | You can reassign the bolthole's entrance by touching a door and spending Aether. Characters still exit the bolthole the way they came in. | DTD 121 | |
No Twilight | • | Ephemeral beings that enter the bolthole manifest physically. | DTD 120 | |
Self-Destruct | • | You can implode your bolthole. Anyone inside takes lethal damage equal to your dots in Bolthole and has one turn to leave before the exit to reality is lost. | DTD 120 | |
Trap Door | •• | The entrance from the physical realm into the bolthole only exists when you're outside it, although those capable can still enter from Twilight. | DTD 121 |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Conditions (2nd Edition)
A solid dot (●) in the second column denotes a Persistent Condition, while an empty dot (○) denotes a Condition which is not always Persistent, but can be under certain circumstances.
Natural Conditions
Mental Conditions | |||
Addicted | ● | Your character is addicted to something, such as a substance or destructive behavior. | MTA 2e 314 |
Addled | Your memories are jumbled and confused. | GTS 2e 299 | |
Agoraphobic | You avoid open spaces and crowds. | PTC 2e 306 | |
Amnesia | ● | You've lost a large swath of memory. | CofD 288 |
Apprehensive | Your character is convinced something bad is about to happen to them. | MTC 2e 347 | |
Avarice | Your lust for wealth and/or power is insatiable. | MTC 2e 347 | |
Broken | ● | Your will is broken and you back down from everything. | CofD 288 |
Captivated | You're heavily preoccupied with something and can't split your attention. | DTD 211 | |
Competitive | You are driven to assert your dominance and superiority. | VTR 2e 302 | |
Confused | You can't think straight. | VTR 2e 302 | |
Cowed | Someone has weakened you through a display of dominance. | WTF 2e 307 | |
Delusional | ● | Paranoid delusions dominate your behavior. | VTR 2e 302 |
Demoralized | Failure dampens your fighting initiative. | WTF 2e 307 | |
Deprived | ○ | You're weakened by an unfed addiction. | CofD 288 |
Detached | ● | You've run with occult circles for so long you've forgotten how to interact with humans. | HD 123 |
Disoriented | You've lost equilibrium and need an opportunity to recenter. | DTD 211 | |
Dissociation | Surreality plagues you with doubts of your own experiences. | CTL 2e 336 | |
Distracted | You're buffeted from all sides, splitting your attention terribly. | VTR 2e 302 | |
Doubtful | ● | You've lost confidence in all but your most secure actions. | HMR 147 |
Emboldened | An uninhibited atmosphere makes you impulsive and prone to temptation. | HMR 150 | |
Faith | ● | Your trust in the next world can be exploited by angelic forces. | DSG 81 |
First Trimester | ● | You experience flulike symptoms and vivid dreams that are signs of early pregnancy. | HtH 41 |
Second Trimester | ● | You feel more creative, but worry as something grows within you. | HtH 42 |
Third Trimester | ● | Your body and brain prepare for giving birth, enhancing perception but causing distraction. | HtH 42 |
Fixated | You are intently focused on a single thought or command. | HL 150 | |
Frightened | You're terrified and moved to panic and flee. | VTR 2e 304 | |
Fugue | ● | You've shied away from trauma by shutting out the experience. | CofD 289 |
Guilty | Feelings of remorse leave you emotionally vulnerable. | CofD 289 | |
Informed | You're well equipped to tackle a given subject. | CofD 289 | |
Inspired | The spirit moves you to confident action. | CofD 289 | |
Lost | You've lost your sense of place and need to reorient. | CofD 289 | |
Lost Tracker | Frustrations on a hunt leave your tracking skills sloppy and halfhearted. | WTF 2e 308 | |
Madness | ● | Unnatural horror has shattered your ability to process life. | CofD 289 |
Oblivious | You are absent-minded, not paying attention to things going on around you. | HL 150 | |
Obsession | ○ | Something controls your attention and distracts from all else. | CofD 290 |
Paranoid | Supernatural fear diminishes your ability to trust and depend on others. | WTF 2e 309 | |
Reckless | You are incapable of considering the consequences of your actions. | CTL 2e 344 | |
Scarred | You have been left psychologically scarred after being violently bitten by a vampire. | VTR 2e 305 | |
Shaken | You're shocked or deeply rattled, unsteadying your hand. | CofD 290 | |
Sleepwalking | ● | Sleep and wakefulness blur, and you suffer from lost time and poor recollection. | CTL 2e 344 |
Spooked | Otherworldly wonder moves you unwisely. | CofD 291 | |
Steadfast | Your resolve to act is steeled and ready. | CofD 291 | |
Stoic | Distance and emotional guard ease lies, but inhibit perspective and passion. | CTL 2e 345 | |
Strained | You've held back the shock of witnessing supernal sorcery, but the pressure remains. | MTA 2e 318 | |
Swooned | You're charmed or bedazzled by a particular person. | CofD 291 | |
Violent | Violence is second nature to you, causing you to lash out at others. | HTV 2e 300 | |
Wanton | You are easily given to bouts of excessive indulgence. | VTR 2e 307 | |
Withdrawn | Doubt and insecurity drive you inward, sapping the will to action. | CTL 2e 346 | |
Physical Conditions | |||
Agonized | ○ | You suffer extreme pain and are unable to think clearly. | GttN 135 |
Arm Disability | ● | At least one arm is either chronically or permanently nonfunctional. | HL 57 |
Blind | ○ | You've lost or can't exercise your sense of sight. | CofD 288 |
Chronic Agony | ● | You're vulnerable to incapacitating pain spells. | HL 57 |
Chronic Sickness | ● | Sickness or poison lingers in you, aggravated by stress. | HL 57 |
Deaf | ● | Your hearing is severely impaired. | HL 58 |
Disabled | ○ | You can't effectively walk on your own power. | CofD 288 |
Drained | You're weak and woozy from blood loss. | VTR 2e 303 | |
Easy Prey | You've left a strong trail for a hunter to follow and exploit. | WTF 2e 307 | |
Energized | A chemically induced rush. | HD 123 | |
Exhausted | You're run ragged on the edge of unconsciousness. | WTF 2e 307 | |
Fatigued | You've pushed yourself too far, and your fatigue hangs over you constantly. | PTC 2e 309 | |
Fragile | You're using equipment not sturdy enough to endure continued use. | CofD 102 | |
Intoxicated | Your discretion is dulled by altered consciousness. | VTR 2e 304 | |
Invisible Predator | You've skulked on the hunt, leaving nary a trace of your approach. | WTF 2e 308 | |
Leg Disability | ● | At least one leg is either chronically or permanently nonfunctional. | HL 58 |
Lethargic | Fatigue tires you so heavily you cannot muster Willpower. | CTL 2e 342 | |
Mute | ○ | You cannot speak or use your voice. | CofD 290 |
Numb | ● | Detachment from the world dulls the feeling in your body. | CTL 2e 343 |
Sickly | Disease is making its way through your system. | DSG 105 | |
Stumbled | A complication has arisen to interrupt an ongoing project. | WTF 2e 311 | |
Untraceable | You've thoroughly covered any trail a hunter might use to find you. | WTF 2e 311 | |
Volatile | You're using unstable equipment prone to backfiring. | CofD 102 | |
Social Conditions | |||
Bonded | You've established trust with a particular animal. | CofD 288 | |
Connected | ○ | You've made inroads with a particular group of people. | CofD 288 |
Embarrassing Secret | There are skeletons in your closet to exploit. | CofD 289 | |
Flagged | Something has alerted the location's security, and they're on your trail. | MTC 2e 353 | |
Hunted | ● | Dangerous enemies have your trail. | CTL 2e 342 |
Leveraged | A particular character is holding something over your head to compel you. | CofD 289 | |
Notoriety | Odious blame follows you, whether true or not. | CofD 290 | |
Reluctant Aggressor | You don't really want to hurt your victim, but you're going to do it anyway. | HL 150 | |
Surveilled | Someone or something is keeping tabs on you. | HL 150 | |
Tasked | Your duty-bound allies have issued you a serious task you must carry out. | VTR 2e 307 | |
Vendetta | You will stop at nothing to punish those who wronged you. | HTV 2e 300 | |
Watched | ● | Someone is stalking you, suspicious of an unnatural secret you hide. | PTC 2e 312 |
Supernatural Conditions
General Supernatural Conditions | |||
Accursed Knowledge | You have acquired forbidden knowledge, trading sanity for power. | MTC 2e 346 | |
Dissonant Tuning | Your soul resonates with the Lie, amplifying its effects on Supernal phenomena. | NH-NA 163 | |
Dormant Sovereign | ● | The Mummy watching over your cult has difficulty awakening due to challenges faced in Duat. | MTC 350 |
Emanation | ● | The oppressive presence of one of the Judges of Duat, centered upon a focal vessel. | MTC 2e 352 |
Enervated | ● | You are in the second stage of soul loss, further diminishing your will. | VTR 2e 303 |
Family Ties | ● | You've united your power in concert with a Primordial Beast. | BTP 322 |
Goblin Queen | Your fractured goblin nature has stranded you in the Hedge and attracted followers. | CTL 2e 339 | |
Going Westward | ● | Your nature as an immortal has buckled, and the debility of age encroaches. | MTC 2e 354 |
Hedge Denizen | ● | Dealings with goblins have made you a goblin yourself, with limited ability to leave the Hedge. | CTL 2e 340 |
Identity Crisis | Your identity and memories have become intertwined with those of others, leaving you unsure of who you really are. | MTC 2e 354 | |
Monstrous Servant | You have managed to gain control of a Geryo for a period. | NH-SM 201 | |
Ominous | ● | Your presence is marked by phantasms and ill omens. | MTC 2e 357 |
The Sibyl's Tongue | ● | Supernatural revelations can only be shared in High Speech, or by spending Willpower, through riddles or allegory. | DE 78 |
Soul Shocked | Your sense of self is healing after experiencing death outside the body. | MTA 2e 318 | |
Soulless | ● | Your soul has been stripped from you, gradually sapping your will. | CofD 290 |
Thrall | ● | You have succumbed to the effects of soullessness, a mere shell of who you once were. | MTA 2e 318 |
Unintended Medium | A lingering ghost or spirit is able to subject you to harrowing visions. | DEC 273 | |
Shows of Power | |||
These Conditions are usually imposed by supernatural powers. | |||
Abruption | Your supernatural prowess is severely hobbled by a dominant outside force. | BTP 321 | |
Awestruck | ● | You are cowed by the visage of the figure before you, forcing you to grovel. | WTF 2e 306 |
Berserk | Supernatural influence drives you to unthinking violence. | WTF 2e 306 | |
Bestial | Supernatural urges provoke animalistic fight-or-flight instincts. | VTR 2e 301 | |
Blood Siblings | Your fate has been bound by obligation to aid another, regardless of your will. | HD 43 | |
Charmed | ● | You're temporarily bewitched by vampiric Majesty. | VTR 2e 301 |
Charmed | You benefit from a blessing of luck and turns of fortune. | MTA 2e 315 | |
Coerced | You've been coerced by a Devotion to do a task or suffer damage. | Post/Pastebin | |
Crown | ● | You have become a vessel to focus the will and power of one of the Judges of Duat. | MTC 2e 348 |
Cursed | A supernatural curse dooms your efforts in a given field. | BTP 322 | |
Dead Dreamer | ● | Prophetic and terrifying dreams guide you towards a specific task. | MTC 2e 349 |
Despondent | Dire Wolf's aura causes you to lose hope and fight with minimal effort. | NH-SM 200 | |
Dominated | A vampire has temporarily stolen your will with a given command. | VTR 2e 302 | |
Enslaved | ● | A vampire has your will helplessly in her thrall. | VTR 2e 303 |
Ensorcelled | ○ | You've fallen in thrall to a supernatural being. | HMR 153 |
Enthralled | ● | A vampire has bewitched you with a fanatical devotion to him. | VTR 2e 303 |
Euphoric | Rabid Wolf's aura maddens you into fighting only for the werewolf's sport. | NH-SM 200 | |
False Memories | ● | Supernatural forces have overwritten your memories of an event. | VTR 2e 303 |
Frantic | Rabid Wolf's aura panics you into using your energy meaninglessly. | NH-SM 200 | |
Ghost-Marked | ● | Supernatural power has transformed your body with a mark of death. | GTS 2e 300 |
Impassioned Shade | Infusion of a mission which preserves an ephemeral entity in Twilight. | MTC 2e 354 | |
Instinctive | Dire Wolf's aura reduces your thought to its basest instincts. | NH-SM 200 | |
Isolated | The Elodoth aura has drawn you out, away from allies. | WTF 2e 308 | |
Lured | ● | Hunting magic draws you to blindly wander into a likely trap. | WTF 2e 309 |
Manic | Supernatural power has made you focused and obsessive to the point of over-exertion. | Post/Pastebin | |
Melancholic | Supernatural power has made you melancholic. You struggle to do even minor tasks. | Post/Pastebin | |
Mesmerized | You're temporarily vulnerable to a vampire's commands. | VTR 2e 305 | |
Moon Taint | A werewolf's bite brings the change upon you against your will. | WTF 2e 309 | |
Mystified | The Ithaeur aura shies you away from the opposite side of the Gauntlet. | WTF 2e 309 | |
Ravaged | Fae predations have scarred your heart and mind, leaving you a ghost of your former self. | CTL 2e 344 | |
Relentless | ● | Your instincts drive you inexorably in the direction of your quarry. | MTC 2e 357 |
Resigned | The Cahalith aura goads you into facing death recklessly. | WTF 2e 310 | |
Shadow Paranoia | Supernatural fear builds into a violent, irrational panic. | WTF 2e 310 | |
Subservient | ● | A vampire is temporarily pressing down on your will to resist. | VTR 2e 306 |
Surrounded | Silver Wolf's aura deludes others into conspiracy against you. | NH-SM 201 | |
Swaggering | The Rahu aura lulls you into overlooking the need for preparation or aid. | WTF 2e 311 | |
Unaware | The Irraka aura reduces your attention to the world around you. | WTF 2e 311 | |
Vocalization | You've been cursed with harrowing sounds and voices. | HMR 147 | |
Wracked | Silver Wolf's aura afflicts you with unceasing pain. | NH-SM 202 |
Vampire: the Requiem
Kindred Conditions | |||
Dependent | ● | You're obsessed with a vessel you've fed from, as if suffering a second-stage Vinculum. | VTR 2e 302 |
Ecstatic | Blood sorcery has pleased the Beast's appetites. | VTR 2e 303 | |
Humbled | Your will as a monster shrinks from divine judgment. | VTR 2e 304 | |
Jaded | Your detachment from the concerns of Humanity baits out the Beast. | VTR 2e 304 | |
Languid | The loss of worldly Touchstones has you feeling the weight of ages and the call of torpor. | VTR 2e 304 | |
Oathbreaker | ● | You suffer censure from the Invictus for breaking a blood oath. | SotC 189 |
Primeval Truths | Occult revelations disquiet you until you face them down. | SotC 184 | |
Raptured | Religious fervor makes riding the wave easier. | VTR 2e 305 | |
Sated | The Beast is appeased enough to make frenzy less threatening. | VTR 2e 305 | |
Tainted | A soul consumed through diablerie still struggles from within you. | VTR 2e 306 | |
Tempted | Resisting a frenzy has tested your will to resist the next. | VTR 2e 307 | |
Elder Conditions | |||
Anchored Heart | ● | You are deeply invested in a particular mortal. | TY 135 |
Beast's Bargain | ● | You feed at any available safe opportunity, placating your inner Beast. | TY 135 |
Beloved Enemy | ● | You have a nemesis whom you can't bring yourself to kill. | TY 135 |
Children of the Blood | ● | A revenant of your creation haunt your steps. | TY 135 |
Crushed | The incredible weight of centuries bears down upon you. | TY 135 | |
Curated | ● | You possess a communal ghoul as part of a bargain. | TY 136 |
Forgotten | ● | Your solitude has estranged you from those you know, who now find it difficult and require much effort to remember or even recognize you. | TY 136 |
Immutable Heart | ● | You are fully invested in a particular mortal institute or way of life. | TY 136 |
Imprisoned Echo | Your Ka is temporarily trapped within a mirror. | TY 136 | |
Leveraged | ● | Your ghoul is a dedicated servant, but knows your deepest secrets, and leverages this fact to demand certain favors and concessions. | TY 136 |
Living Legend | ● | You are immortalized in a popular piece of vampire "fiction", to the consternation of your fellow Kindred. | TY 136 |
Lost Lineage | ● | You hail from a clan or bloodline that has long since been lost to the ages. | TY 137 |
Quiet Echo | Your Ka is calmed, able to walk outside its usual confined without drawing attention. | TY 137 | |
Synchronized | You have drunk too deeply from your victim, taking their injuries and conditions upon yourself. | TY 137 | |
Vitae's Resoluteness | ● | Your addiction to vitae lessens the effect of Languid, so long as your addiction is fed. | TY 137 |
Weak Vitae | ● | Your vitae has thinned to the point you can no longer create a new vampire; any attempts only produces a revenant. | TY 137 |
Danse Macabre Conditions | |||
Audience | There are eavesdroppers and witnesses to your exchange. | GttN 119 | |
Crowd Darling | You have charmed the audience to your side. | GttN 120 | |
Danse Macabre | You are being observed by the upper echelons of vampire society. | GttN 119 | |
Disgraced | You have fallen from grace, and face existence as a pariah. | GttN 120 | |
Exposed | Your actions have compromised others within your circle, diminishing your influence. | GttN 120 | |
Repressed | You have suffered defeat at the hands of a rival. | GttN 120 | |
Rising Star | You are the crowd favorite, the audience rallying to your side. | GttN 120 | |
Subdued | A rival has further demonstrated their mastery over you. | GttN 120 | |
The Edge | You have demonstrated superiority over one of your contemporaries, and are riding the high. | GttN 120 | |
Dhampir Conditions | |||
Alienated | ● | Nosferatu blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of self-persecuting isolation. | HD 44 |
Domineering | ● | Ventrue blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of control and superiority. | HD 44 |
Feral | ● | Gangrel blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of violent abuse. | HD 43 |
Malcontent | ● | Daeva blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of lashing out. | HD 43 |
Voyeuristic | ● | Mekhet blood affliction, manifest as a Vice of lurid fascination. | HD 43 |
Ghoul Conditions | |||
Hunger | You feel a violent, desperate need for Vitae. | HD 123 | |
Inbred | ● | Ghoul family lineage emerges as a glaring affliction without Vitae. | HD 123 |
Recovery | ● | You suffer the pain and weakness that comes from weaning yourself off vitae. | HD 123 |
Werewolf: the Forsaken
Uratha Conditions | |||
Ban | You are compelled to obey one of the taboos of the Shadow. | WTF 2e 306 | |
Essence Overload | The imbalance of your bodily Essence has tied its loss to injury. | WTF 2e 307 | |
Shadowlashed | Errors on a Rite have invited the disdain of the spirit world. | WTF 2e 310 | |
Siskur-Dah | ● | You are empowered by the Sacred Hunt to bring a chosen prey low. | WTF 2e 310 |
Symbolic Focus | The power of a Rite still flows through you, enhancing spirit displays. | WTF 2e 311 | |
Lunacy Conditions | |||
Atavism | The Lunacy stirs you into unreasoning violence. | WTF 2e 306 | |
Delusion | The Lunacy drives you into unthinking retreat. | WTF 2e 307 | |
Enraptured | An abnormal response to Lunacy stirs you to worship. | NH-SM 200 | |
Reception | The Lunacy leaves you unwittingly open to the spirit world. | WTF 2e 310 | |
Renown Conditions | |||
Cunning | Your Cunning waxes in a display that invites response. | WTF 2e 307 | |
Glorious | Your Glory waxes in a display that invites response. | WTF 2e 308 | |
Honorable | Your Honor waxes in a display that invites response. | WTF 2e 308 | |
Pure | Your Purity waxes in a display that invites response. | WTF 2e 309 | |
Wise | Your Wisdom waxes in a display that invites response. | WTF 2e 311 |
Mage: the Awakening
Awakened Conditions | |||
Defeated | A rival has won magical advantage over you in the Duel Arcane. | MTA 2e 315 | |
Degenerate Mana | ● | You can no longer regenerate mana without performing an Act of Hubris. | NH-NA 163 |
Humbled | Someone stands to you as a valuable reminder of the power of humanity. | MTA 2e 316 | |
Mage Hunter | ● | You are obsessed with hunting and destroying magic in all its forms. | NH-NA 164 |
Megalomaniacal | You are blinded by hubris. | MTA 2e 317 | |
Mystery Commands | ● | You receive the arcane will of the Exarchs. | MTA 2e 317 |
Rampant | Your spellcasting is ruled by a cavalier, reckless attitude. | MTA 2e 317 | |
Supernal Harrowing | ● | Your soul has been contaminated by a Harrowed Banisher. | NH-NA 164 |
Tainted Aspiration | ● | One or more of your Aspirations have been tainted by an Abyssal curse. | NH-NA 164 |
Triumphant | You carry your victory in the Dual Arcane with you in Awakened society. | MTA 2e 319 | |
Paradox Conditions | |||
Abyssal Backlash | A Paradox casts a shadow over you, threatening to break through on the next spell that gives it an opening. | MTA 2e 117 | |
Abyssal Debilitation | You are hampered as a result of exposing your soul to the Abyss. | NH-NA 163 | |
Abyssal Imago | A Paradox intrudes upon the spells you envision, compelling dangerous Reach. | MTA 2e 117 | |
Abyssal Nimbus | A Paradox has leaked across your Nimbus and invites Abyssal manifestations. | MTA 2e 116 | |
Monster | A Paradox has mutated an animal into a miserable, fearsome nemesis. | DE 81 | |
Unclean | A Paradox has turned your magical tools and methods against you. | DE 81 |
Promethean: the Created
Created Conditions | |||
Branded Throng | ● | Your bond with your throng allows Pyros to flow, and its balance dampens the destructive aspect of your Azoth. | PTC 2e 306 |
Disconnected | Frustration in your Pilgrimage causes you to shrink from human interaction. | PTC 2e 308 | |
Tormented | Pain and suffering have severely imbalanced your alchemical humours. | PTC 2e 312 | |
Disquiet Conditions | |||
Disquieted | A Promethean's presence increasingly distracts and overwhelms you over progressive stages. | PTC 2e 308 | |
Murderous | Pandoran Disquiet taints your instincts with predatory violence. | PTC 2e 311 | |
Stricken | Pandoran Disquiet infects you with horror and fright. | PTC 2e 312 | |
Terrified | Pandoran Disquiet whips you into panicked retreat. | PTC 2e 312 | |
Refinement Conditions | |||
Analyst | ● | The Refinement of Impurity. Exploiting a Vice when Social Maneuvering is twice as effective. | PTC 2e 65 |
Destructive | ● | The Refinement of Flux. Spend Pyros to ignore Durability or Armor equal to your Azoth. | PTC 2e 251 |
Enraged | ● | The Refinement of Torment. Recover Pyros from your Torment Anchor. | PTC 2e 56 |
Intense | ● | The Refinement of Ephemerality. Spend Pyros to open a Door at the cost of Disquiet. | PTC 2e 71 |
Introspective | ● | The Refinement of Source. Suffer bashing damage to squeeze out a point of Pyros as an instant action. | PTC 2e 53 |
Masked | ● | The Refinement of Mortality. Spend Pyros to delay the onset of Disquiet. | PTC 2e 44 |
Patient | ● | The Refinement of Self. Spend Pyros to raise your Azoth in Doors. | PTC 2e 47 |
Resourceful | ● | The Refinement of Pyros. Spend Pyros to increase a tool's equipment bonus temporarily. | PTC 2e 68 |
Sensitive | ● | The Refinement of Mystery. Spend Pyros to identify the supernatural. | PTC 2e 62 |
Tenacious | ● | The Refinement of Corpus. Spend Pyros to increase the number of rolls you can commit to an extended action. | PTC 2e 50 |
Tuned In | ● | The Refinement of Aid. Spend Pyros to sense the way to your throngmates. | PTC 2e 59 |
Transmutation Complications | |||
Alienated | The charge of Deception has distanced you from your fellow Prometheans. | PTC 2e 306 | |
Atavistic | The charge of Metamorphosis has overwhelmed your composure. | PTC 2e 306 | |
Burnout | The charge of Vulcanus has painfully overstoked your inner fire. | PTC 2e 307 | |
Callous | The charge of Mesmerism has sapped your empathy. | PTC 2e 307 | |
Degaussed | The charge of Electrification disrupts local electromagnetics. | PTC 2e 307 | |
Ephemeral Anchor | The charge of Spiritus invites ephemeral activity around you. | PTC 2e 309 | |
Flawed Vessel | The charge of Alchemicus interferes with your ability to channel Pyros. | PTC 2e 309 | |
Fragile | The charge of Contamination has weakened your body. | PTC 2e 309 | |
Greedy Brand | The charge of Benefice draws out and wastes throngmates' Pyros. | PTC 2e 310 | |
Hyperextended | The charge of Vitality overtaxes your body's abilities. | PTC 2e 310 | |
Irritable | The charge of Disquietism saps your self-control. | PTC 2e 310 | |
Kinesthesia | The charge of Corporeum interferes with abstract thought. | PTC 2e 310 | |
Reckless | The charge of Luciferus renders you uncautious and impulsive. | PTC 2e 311 | |
Regressive | The charge of Saturninus dulls your grip on human motives and behavior. | PTC 2e 311 | |
Synesthesia | The charge of Sensorium overwhelms your ability to distinguish sensory input. | PTC 2e 312 |
Changeling: the Lost
Lost Conditions | |||
Behind Your Eyes | Your clarity disintegration allows Hedge ghosts, Hobgoblins, or the Gentry to use your senses. | Kith 140 | |
Comatose | You've lost all Clarity and subconsciously retreated into an unending dream. | CTL 2e 334 | |
Cursed | ● | A changeling has cursed you, which only resolves when the changeling fails to maintain certain conditions. | Kith 140 |
Deep Kenning | Your enhanced Clarity offers you insight into nearby magic, fading if Clarity drops to 0. | Kith 140 | |
Dream Assailant | Your reckless dreamweaving has roused the dream's violent rebellion. | CTL 2e 336 | |
Dream Infiltrator | Your meddling dreamweaving has raised the suspicion of the dream and its eidolons. | CTL 2e 337 | |
Dream Intruder | Your extensive dreamweaving sets the dream and its eidolons ill at ease. | CTL 2e 338 | |
Egomaniac | Your loss of Clarity leads to egotistical behavior and altered anchors. | Kith 141 | |
Enchanted Obligation | You have enchanted bargain with a mortal, similar to Obliged but includes additional effects. | Kith 141 | |
Glamour Addicted | ● | Your body withers and consumes itself if not regularly sated with enough Glamour. | CTL 2e 339 |
Hexed | You suffer from a changeling's minor curse, resolved through a specified action. | Kith 141 | |
Icon Shard | ● | You broke a vow, infusing your Icon with malicious intent, tormenting you. | Kith 141 |
Indebted | ○ | You owe a debt to a fae being, repayable through accepting damage or a detrimental conditions dealt to them. | Kith 142 |
Kithseeker | ● | Undertaking trials in the Hedge to seek a kith that matches your soul’s calling. | Kith 142 |
Oathbreaker | ● | You've broken an oath, inviting distrust and separating yourself from sealings. | CTL 2e 343 |
Obliged | ● | A bargain of service with a mortal human protects you from the Wild Hunt and can hide you from Wyrd-bound pursuers. | CTL 2e 343 |
Fae-Touched Conditions | |||
Hedge Addiction | ● | The Hedge calls to you and tempts you. | CTL 2e 340 |
Arcadian Dreams | ● | You're harrowed with visions of your promise-bound and their suffering, and can trace them through the Hedge. | CTL 2e 333 |
Geist: the Sin-Eaters
Bound Conditions | |||
Bonding | Your relationship with your geist benefits from weathering a crisis point. | GTS 2e 299 | |
Dead | Your body lies dead, unleashing your geist. | GTS 2e 299 | |
Defiant | ● | You've broken the Old Laws, and their keeper knows it. | GTS 2e 299 |
Echoes | Your geist's Remembrance Traits jumble in your mind. | GTS 2e 299 | |
Ferry Bound | You may navigate passengers across the Underworld's rivers so long as you collect the proper price. | GTS 2e 299 | |
Flatlining | ● | Your Synergy has been broken, and your geist rebels. | GTS 2e 300 |
Fragmented | Dead waters have washed away your definition and identity. | Mem 27 | |
Indebted | Neglecting a Touchstone has uncentered you spiritually. | GTS 2e 300 | |
Lawbreaker | ● | A Dominion spites and curses you for breaking the Old Laws. | GTS 2e 300 |
Memento Collector | Other Sin-Eaters are impressed! | GTS 2e 301 | |
Memory Bleed | ● | Your identity begins to blur with that of your non-personal Memories. | GTS 2e 301 |
Regalia | A krewe has bestowed you with a special crown blessing. | GTS 2e 301 | |
Theophany | ● | The confidence and celebration of a krewe that has changed the world. | GTS 2e 301 |
Unleashed | The geist materializes, temporarily unmoored from its Bound. | GTS 2e 301 | |
Wavering | You have offended your geist and it demands recompense before it will cooperate. | GTS 2e 301 | |
Weakened Bond | Unleashing your geist has temporarily displaced your power. | GTS 2e 302 | |
Haunt Conditions | |||
Actor | You have been bound to participate in a ghostly recapitulation of events. | GTS 2e 306 | |
Boneyard | The Bound's consciousness haunts the location, seeping awareness into every corner and object. | GTS 2e 306 | |
Caul | You've invited your geist into your flesh to transform your shape. | GTS 2e 306 | |
Curse | A Sin-Eater haunts you with cursed fortune. | GTS 2e 307 | |
Dirge | The song of the Bound moves you and impels you. | GTS 2e 307 | |
Marionette | You are strung by the Plasm of a manipulative Bound. | GTS 2e 307 | |
Maw | You've become an uncontrollable nexus for the Underworld's endless hunger. | Mem 24 | |
Memoria | Memories of death and the dead play out in visions. | GTS 2e 307 | |
Oracle | You have left your body to seek answers as a spectral traveller. | GTS 2e 308 | |
Rage | You wield ghostly malice to smite your foes. | GTS 2e 308 | |
Servant | An engine of Plasm controls your body. | GTS 2e 308 | |
Shroud | Your body interweaves with your geist, ghostly and gauzy. | GTS 2e 309 | |
Tomb | You have molded memories of something lost into a perfect replica. | GTS 2e 309 | |
Void | You have opened the wake of a black and hungry nothingness. | Mem 24 | |
Void Storm | The Underworld's hunger reaches through you to sap energy from the world. | Mem 24 | |
Well | Your self and memories flow like the dead rivers. | Mem 26 |
Hunter: the Vigil
Hunter Conditions | |||
Merciless | ● | The hunt is now the focal point of your life, and have difficulty focusing on anything else. | HTV 2e 298 |
Vigilant | ● | The hunt is your entire life, and you're ready to do whatever it takes to stop the monsters lurking in the shadows. | HTV 2e 300 |
Mummy: the Curse
Arisen Conditions | |||
Disembodied | You walk as a ghost through Twilight. | MTC 2e 350 | |
Disinterred | Your tomb has been ransacked or ruined. | MTC 2e 350 | |
Forgotten Skill | ● | Buried expertise waits to be unearthed from within your memory. | MTC 2e 353 |
Memory Bleed | ● | You have fused into the soul of another, and your identities blur together. | MTC 2e 356 |
Cult Conditions | |||
Effortless Effort | Your cult produces greater results in its efforts. | MTC 2e 352 | |
Far-Reaching | Your cult has made successful inroads with important figures. | MTC 2e 353 | |
Haphazard Cultists | Your cult is disorganized, reducing their effectiveness. | MTC 2e 354 | |
Heresy | ● | Your cult has been infiltrated by a contradictory, potentially blasphemous belief. | MTC 2e 354 |
Iron Grasp | Your grip on your cult is absolute. | MTC 2e 355 | |
Isolated | Your cult is insular, even going so far as to reject outside assistance. | MTC 2e 355 | |
Mismanaged | Your cult's effectiveness is stymied by ineffective elements within it. | MTC 2e 357 | |
Shaken Faith | ● | The cult's resolve is shaken, questioning its leadership or doctrines. | MTC 2e 359 |
Zealous | Your cult is more dedicated to its mission than most, operating more effectively. | MTC 2e 361 | |
Sybaris Conditions | |||
Unease Sybaris | Stage one. Dread unsettles you without a supernatural power to turn to. | MTC 2e 359 | |
Terror Sybaris | Stage two. Contact with a mummy seizes you with fear. | MTC 2e 360 | |
Desecration Sybaris | Stage three. Unholy terror invites the will of Duat. | MTC 2e 360 | |
Rewards and Punishments of Duat | |||
Accelerated Descent | Duat pulls more eagerly at your Sekhem. | MTC 2e 346 | |
Auspicious Descent | Your Sekhem weathers the Descent longer. | MTC 2e 347 | |
Blessed Minions | Your cultists are inspired by your accomplishments. | MTC 2e 347 | |
Damaged Pillar | You cannot draw power from one of the Pillars of your soul. | MTC 2e 349 | |
Devouring Urge | Ammut the Devourer speaks to you, and only sacrifice will buy her silence. | MTC 2e 350 | |
Driven | Your surety in your ambition is a great well of strength. | MTC 2e 351 | |
Echoes of Descent | Your clarity and Memory lift up the power of your soul. | MTC 2e 351 | |
Geometric Alignment | Sekhem's flow preserves your tomb from disruption. | MTC 2e 354 | |
Graceful Descent | Your overflowing Sekham staves off your Descent. | MTC 2e 354 | |
Luminous Pillars | Your soul shines strong and resists depletion. | MTC 2e 355 | |
Megalomaniacal | Your failures in the trials of Duat have left you with cold, single-minded focus. | MTC 2e 356 | |
Precipitous Descent | The Descent wears down your Sekhem more quickly. | MTC 2e 357 | |
Repression | Your failures in the trials of Duat have hollowed out portions of your knowledge. | MTC 2e 358 | |
Timeless Conditions | |||
Alternative Current | Time around you is taking a divergent current. | MTC 2e 346 | |
Déjà Vu | You stand where different currents of possiblity converge on a single event. | MTC 2e 349 | |
Eddy | You wade through sluggish waters which can be outpaced. | MTC 2e 352 | |
Mirage | You recognize patterns in the tides which echo past and future events. | MTC 2e 356 | |
Rip | You can take precise stock from your position amid rapid timeflows. | MTC 2e 358 | |
Whirlpool | Caught in a swirl of recurring events, you can grab hold of causal fixtures. | MTC 2e 360 |
Demon: the Descent
Unchained Conditions | |||
Aetheric Bleed | Exertion in demonic form has you releasing accumulated Aether. | DTD 209 | |
Betrayed | ● | Someone you trusted has sided with the God-Machine against you. | DTD 119 |
Blackballed | The heat you've drawn makes you a liability for nearby demons. | DTD 120 | |
Blown | ● | One of your Covers is useless, and the God-Machine is now actively targeting it. | DTD 119 |
Burn-Coded | You have been infected with malware, compromising your Cover. | DSG 105 | |
Demonic Disconnect | You've failed to maintain human empathy while in your demonic form. | DTD 209 | |
Demonic Rage | Pain and frustration suffered in demonic form provoke frenzied violence. | DTD 210 | |
Flagged | The agents of the God-Machine have their attentions directed your way. | DTD 120 | |
Hunted | ● | Your actions have alerted the God-Machine to your presence. | DTD 119 |
Implanted | ● | You have a weird gadget implanted in your body and this is not normal. | FoH 155 |
Impostor | You've let the lies of Legend pile up. | DTD 119 | |
Memory Hole | Errors in god-hacking have disrupted your access to a particular Skill. | FoH 80 | |
Of the Machine | The demon has god-hacked to disguise her fallen nature within a project. | FoH 78 | |
Overclocked | You've stored more Aether than your body can normally process at once, and must soon vent the excess. | FoH 81 | |
Phantom Pain | ● | Your focus is disrupted by the gnawing feeling of a missing demonic form ability. | FoH 160 |
Plugged In | You've jacked an angel's Cover, and the God-Machine is watching you as if you were that angel. | DTD 118 | |
Surveilled | Agents of the God-Machine are compiling intelligence to identify you. | DTD 120 | |
Agenda Conditions | |||
Angel Empathy | The Integrator Agenda. Resolve to understand and exploit the angelic mindset. | DTD 95 | |
An Eye for Disorder | The Saboteur Agenda. Resolve to intuit the best course of action to upend a system into chaos. | DTD 97 | |
I Know Someone | The Tempter Agenda. Resolve to make the right connections to fit in anywhere. | DTD 99 | |
Prepared for Anything | The Inquisitor Agenda. Resolve to make an instant logical connection or breakthrough. | DTD 93 | |
Uncalled | ● | You are not a member of any Agenda. | DTD 78 |
Demon-Blooded Conditions | |||
Activated | ● | The God-Machine has broken your Cipher. You have four Key Embeds and three Interlocks, but once per session, the God-Machine may act through you. | HtH 35 |
Catalogued | The God-Machine is probing your Cipher. You have two Key Embeds and an Interlock, but the God-Machine is watching your status. | HtH 35 | |
Examined | The God-Machine has accessed your Cipher. You have three Key Embeds and two Interlocks, but you're scrutinized enough to pose demons a risk of compromise through you. | HtH 35 | |
Noted | The God-Machine is looking for your Cipher. You have one Key Embed. | HtH 35 |
Beast: the Primordial
Begotten Conditions | |||
Gorged | ● | Your Satiety is comfortably sated. You inflict Nightmares easily, but are not resistant to supernatural compulsion. | BTP 320 |
Ravenous | ● | Your hunger consumes you, both mentally and physically, until you find sustenance. | BTP 320 |
Sated | ● | Your Satiety sits in an uncomfortable middle, and you are vulnerable to Anathema. | BTP 320 |
Slumbering | ● | You've feasted too much, and your Horror sleeps to digest, denying you its power. | BTP 321 |
Starving | ● | Your Satiety is low, making you sharp and ready to feed. Your Atavisms wax in power, but your Lair is hazy and distant. | BTP 321 |
Deviant: the Renegades
Remade Conditions | |||
End Stage | Terminal instability renders Variations at maximum Magnitude uncontrollably potent, and by the end of the chapter, will destroy you, body and soul. | DTR 322 |
Tilts (2nd Edition)
Personal Tilts
Name | Description | Book |
Natural Tilts | ||
Arm Wrack | Your arm has been incapacitated by pain or injury. | CofD 280 |
Beaten Down | Your will or capacity to keep fighting has been exhausted. | CofD 280 |
Bleeding | You're weakening from bleeding out. | HL 143 |
Blind | Your vision has been impaired or stripped. | CofD 281 |
Burning | You're on fire. You quickly amass lethal damage because fire bad. | PTC 2e 314 |
Came Prepared | You know where an opening is and knows best when to exploit it. | HL 61 |
Deafened | Your hearing has been impaired or stripped. | CofD 281 |
Drugged | You're suffering the numbing mental and physical effects of a narcotic. | CoFD 281 |
Immobilized | You're restrained or held in place, incapacitating you and leaving you open. | CofD 284 |
Insane | A panic attack or severe psychotic break provokes extreme, irrational behavior. | CofD 285 |
Insensate | You've been overwhelmed and psychically incapacitated, leaving you open. | CofD 285 |
Knocked Down | You've been swept to the ground, disrupting your action and forcing you prone. | CofD 285 |
Leg Wrack | Your leg has been severely weakened or incapacitated by pain or injury. | CofD 285 |
Pierced Armor | Your armor has been damaged or ruptured. | HL 143 |
Pinned | Your flesh or clothes have been pinned to an object, holding you in place. | HL 143 |
Poisoned | You're being harmed by a fast-acting toxin. | CofD 286 |
Sick | You're impaired and weakened by disease. | CofD 286 |
Stunned | You're dazed and briefly incapacitated. | CofD 286 |
Supernatural Tilts | ||
Flesh Too Solid | You're so immersed in dream that you take physical instead of dream damage. | CTL 2e 329 |
Nimbus | You're subject to a mage's unique Immediate Nimbus, imposing a resonance that applies dice modifiers to certain Attributes or dice tricks to certain Skills. | MTA 2e 89 |
Environmental Tilts
Natural Tilts | ||
Avalanche | Tumbling hazards buffet you along and quickly inflict lethal damage. | BTP 327 |
Blazing Light | Eye-searing brightness impairs vision. | DTR 314 |
Blizzard | Thick snowfall impairs vision and movement. | CofD 281 |
Crowded | Bodies press in on all sides,missed attack have a chance to hit others people. | HTV 291 |
Crowded:Traffic | Like above more but in public, with folk with Phones. | HTV 291 |
Detritus | Sharp and Jagged Ground, move slow or fall over and get cut up by the Ground. | HTV 291 |
Earthquake | Brief physical havoc quickly inflicts lethal damage, or bashing on a successful Stamina + Athletics roll. | CofD 282 |
Extreme Cold | Frostbite conditions disrupt natural healing and gradually accrue action penalties and lethal damage. | CofD 282 |
Extreme Heat | Sweltering, dry conditions disrupt natural healing and gradually accrue action penalties and lethal damage. | CofD 282 |
DETRITUS | The ground is sharp and uneven. Easy to fall down and cut yourself. | HTV 291 |
Drowning | You're submerged and quickly accrue bashing damage from suffocation. | BTP 328 |
Filth | Stratified filth covers the ground, gain the sick Tilt if Wounded. | HTV 2e 292 |
Flooded | High water levels disrupt movement or submerge those present. | CofD 282 |
Heavy Rain | Severe storm weather impairs vision and hearing. | CofD 283 |
Heavy Winds | Hurricane winds impair hearing and movement, and threaten bashing damage from debris. | CofD 283 |
Ice | Slick footing strips traction and endangers movement. | CofD 284 |
Inferno | Shit's on fire. You might choke if you don't burn up first. | HTV 293,DTD 386 |
Moving Terrain | The Ground is moving and shaking, making it hard to stand or act. often used for Vehicles. | HTV 294 |
Poor Light | Darkness impairs vision. | MTA 2e 323 |
Riot | Unpredictable violence erupts, and jostling and trampling poses a risk of bashing damage. | DE 576 |
Swarm | A horde of small but hostile creatures inflicts bashing damage each turn, and resists attacks that don't saturate an area. Special variants of this Tilt include swarms of thoughtful scorpions (DE 236) and obsidian mosquitoes (DE 239). | DTD 179 |
Tight Space | Hard to properly fight, good luck using anything larger than a shotgun. | HTV 295 |
Unstable Terrain | The Ground Could give away at any moment, dont put too much pressure on it, or you might have quite the drop. | HTV 295 |
Urban Collapse | The building is coming down, and characters may fall, be struck, or be crushed and trapped. | DE 573 |
Viscous | Passage through the area is difficult, requiring successful rolls to make progress through it. | DTR 320 |
Supernatural Tilts | ||
Boneyard | A Sin-Eater haunts this place, bringing it to life and aware. | GTS 2e 305 |
Lair | You're exposed to the particular ruling conditions of a primordial Beast's Lair. | BTP 100 |
Lightning | A supernaturally conjured storm which seeks victims. | NH-SM 97 |
Omen | Unnatural plague weather sears flesh or boils blood. | NH-SM 97 |
Shattered Time | Time is injured here, causing causal stutters and random modifiers to appropriate derived traits. History may mutate, and futures may split. | DE 46 |
Zombies! | There are too many zombies to wade through. Lose your Speed Factor bonus. Each turn in the horde not running at full tilt provokes an attack from the horde. | CofD 150 |
Merits, Skinchangers (2nd Edition)
Skinthief Merits
All of the Merits below that follow the initial Skinthief Merit require the Skinthief Merit as a prerequisite.
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Skinthief | ••• | Animal Ken •, Occult •• | You know how to skin a particular type of prey in an occult manner, enchanting it so that you can wear it and become the prey. This costs an amount of Willpower proportional to the longevity of the skin. While in the skinned form, you use the prey's Physical Attributes and Size, and gain their instinctive ways as a Vice. Ephemeral skinned forms exist in Twilight, are vulnerable to the prey's ban and bane, and substitute Willpower or lethal damage for Essence costs. Breaking points incurred in the skinned form aren't rolled until after changing back, at a -1 penalty. |
DE 248-249 |
Animal Speech | • or •• | You can understand the communication of your prey animal, and can communicate in kind in that form. With two dots, your prey animal can understand your communication even in human form. | DE 248 | |
Bare Necessities | •• or ••• | You can absorb clothes you're wearing into your skinned form when changing shape, rather than leaving them behind. With three dots, you can add a small amount of equipment. | DE 248 | |
Essence Pool | • to ••••• | Spirit skin | You have a pool of Essence the size of your dots in this Merit, from which you can spend only one point a turn. You can restore Essence by feeding on resonance in skinned form, or meditating and spending three Willpower. | DE 248 |
Hybrid Form | •• or •••• | Substitute for your skinned form for two dots, or supplement it with for four dots, a fierce human-hybrid form. The Hybrid Form has a Strength and a Size equal to the greater Strength or Size of the two forms, plus one. | DE 248 | |
Renewable Skins | • | You can renew an old skin with the same ritual time and Willpower cost, without having to hunt a new skin. | DE 248 | |
Resilient Form | • to ••••• | If your skinned form has less Health than your human form, add a dot of Health per dot in this Merit to make up the difference. | DE 248 | |
Spirit Powers | • | Spirit skin | You can use a dot of your prey's Influence and one of its Numina or Manifestations. You may take this Merit multiple times for multiple Influence dots and Numina or Manifestations. | DE 249 |
Strong Instincts | • | Calculate Defense in skinned form with the higher, not lower, of your Dexterity and Wits. | DE 249 | |
Quick Change | • | You can don and doff your skin reflexively. | DE 249 | |
Twisted Tongue | • | Animal skin | You can speak human tongues in skinned form. | DE 249 |
Unshared Flesh | ••• | Track injuries separately for your human and skinned form. An injured form doesn't heal while you're in the other form. | DE 249 |
Merits, Atariya (2nd Edition)
All these Merits besides Damn Lucky itself have Damn Lucky as a prerequisite.
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Damn Lucky | • to •••• | Spend Willpower to prevent harm, up to your Damn Lucky rating in lethal damage or twice your rating in bashing per scene. You may choose to inflict the averted misfortune on another within the scene. | HL 79 | |
All-In | ••• | Resolve ••• | Spend Willpower to reduce an action's dice pool to a special 8-Again chance die. On success, add half the removed dice as bonus successes. | HL 81 |
Count Down | • | Nine Lives | Your character has knowledge of their ability to cheat death and how many uses remain, but living with that knowledge inflicts a Persistent Condition. | HL 80 |
Easy Come, Easy Go | • | Unlikely circumstances permit you to exchange up to five Merit dots per session. | HL 81 | |
Luck Flows Up | •• | As the Thief of Fate Merit, at reduced cost. | HL 81 | |
Mr. Lucky | • | You notice a smiling apparition present when danger is looming. Ignore perception penalties to notice ambushes, and a successful such roll is always exceptional. | HL 80 | |
Nine Lives | • to ••••• | Character creation only. Redeem a dot of this Merit to cheat death. | HL 80 | |
See the Flow | • to ••••• | Gain a sense for the odds in or against a character's favor in an endeavor. Spend Willpower to nudge toward or away from those odds with dice modifiers, up to your See the Flow rating in dice per scene. | HL 81 |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Merits, Dreamers (2nd Edition)
All these Merits besides Subliminal Conditioning itself have Subliminal Conditioning as a prerequisite.
Style | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
Subliminal Conditioning | • | Basic Control | Glimpse your conditioning to store a temporary point of Memory when you face a breaking point, up to your Resolve. Spend Memory to ignore your Subliminal Conditioning in penalties to a roll to harm another. Suffer Missing Time when out of Memory. | HL 83 |
•• | Extended Awareness | Spend Memory to take the rote quality on a perception roll. | ||
••• | Steady on Target | Spend Memory to prevent collateral damage from a violent action. | ||
•••• | Between the Lines | Store an extra Memory when you succeed a breaking point roll. | ||
••••• | New Parameters | Spend Memory to trigger Missing Time with a designated target. Dispatch a mortal target through Down and Dirty Combat. | ||
Field Handler | • | Pencil Pusher | You have an assigned handler who is willing to provide your Field Handler rating as auxiliary Contacts or Resources once a story. | HL 85 |
•• | Clock Watcher | Your handler is also willing to provide aid as a Mentor or Ally once a story. | ||
••• | Company Man | Once a story, your handler is willing to call upon supernatural influences to remove threats to your mission. | ||
•••• | Bought Out | You can use dirt on your handler to call on their aid a second time each story. | ||
••••• | Friend Inside | Your handler is sympathetic to your troubles. Once per story, they will intervene to protect you even at the cost of the mission. | ||
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Déjà Vu | • to ••• | Recover Memory when you experience a Physical Condition or Tilt. With two dots, recover Memory from dramatic failure. With three dots, recover Memory from lethal damage. | HL 85 | |
Memory Palace | • to ••••• | Increase your maximum Memory storage by your Memory Palace rating. | HL 84 | |
Mephistopheles | •• | Advancing your conditioned mission fulfills your Vice and confers a point of Memory for the scene. | HL 85 | |
Not a Bug But a Feature | •• or ••• | The Treatment | Spend Memory to extrude a strange organic variation on a chosen device or weapon up to Size 1 (or with three dots, Size 3), or to regenerate its charge or ammunition. | HL 85 |
Realpolitik | • to ••• | Apply as bonus dice to pass as a follower of a political group, or by spending Memory, as a leader. | HL 84 | |
The Treatment | • to ••••• | Choose a catalytic substance and a Skill category. Spend Memory and apply the catalyst to increase one of those Skills by your Treatment rating for a scene, at the cost of lethal damage. | HL 84 | |
A Word from Our Sponsor | •• or ••• | Your conditioned personality has stored independent accounts and resource caches. Spend Memory to recall enough to access an account or contact. With three dots, the network extends into the criminal underground. | HL 84 |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Merits, Infected (2nd Edition)
Merit | Prerequisites | Rating | Description | Book | |
Carrier | • to ••••• | Effectively gain Unseen Sense (Suitable Breeding Grounds); Pass on the Infection with a Stamina + Carrier + Infection Condition roll. | HL 88 | ||
Bloodkin | Carrier • | • | Reduce a target's Doors in a social maneuver if they share the same lineage of the Infection. | HL 90 | |
Bulletman Syndrome | Carrier ••••• | ••••• | Gain 1/1 armor per dot of Stamina. If symptoms are acute or greater, unarmed attacks deal lethal damage at increasing modifiers. Double healing times for lethal and aggravated damage. | HL 88-89 | |
The New Flesh | ≤ Carrier | •, ••• or ••••• | At one dot, halve all healing times. At three, heal one lethal per scene, (Stamina) times a day. At five, aggravated damage heals at the same rate as lethal. Penalise social rolls. | HL 89-90 | |
Patient Zero | Carrier •• | •• | Force the Infection into a short dormancy, effectively becoming a normal human person for a time. | HL 90 | |
Proud Parent | Carrier • | • | Treat spreading the Infection as fulfilling a Virtue, at the cost of a breaking point if something befalls the new Infected. | HL 90 | |
Style | Prerequisites | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
Virulent | ≤ Carrier | •• | The Bug | Attempt to inflict a target with the moderate Sick Tilt for a scene. | HL 90 |
••• | The Virus | Inflict a target with the grave Sick Tilt for a scene. | |||
•••• | The Pestilence | Inflict a target with the Poison Tilt for a scene. |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Merits, Psychic Vampires (2nd Edition)
All these Merits besides Psychic Vampirism itself have Psychic Vampirism as a prerequisite.
Style | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
Psychic Vampirism | • | Amateur | Touch a person and roll Intelligence + Occult + Psychic Vampirism - (Resolve + Potency) as an instant action or grappling maneuver. Each success inflicts bashing damage, and every two points yields one Ephemera. Spend Ephemera to heal bashing damage 1:1 or lethal damage 2:1. Suffer daily Ephemera Bleed. | HL 101 |
•• | Dilettante | You may instead inflict one Willpower loss for two successes, yielding Ephemera as normal. Spend Ephemera to recover Willpower 2:1. | ||
••• | Practiced | You may instead inflict 2B or 1L damage and yield one Ephemera per success. Spend Ephemera to heal bashing damage 1:2 or lethal damage 1:1. | ||
•••• | Accomplished | You may instead inflict one Willpower loss and yield one Ephemera per success. Spend Ephemera to recover Willpower 1:1. | ||
••••• | Virtuoso | You may instead inflict 1L damage and one Willpower loss to yield two Ephemera per success. Spend one Ephemera to both recover Willpower and heal 1L or 2B damage. | ||
Breath Stealer | • | Kiss | You can steal breath instead of touching a victim of your psychic vampirism, when your mouth is close to another's. | HL 103 |
•• | Touch | You can steal breath from an arm's length away. | ||
••• | Reach | Spend Willpower to steal breath from your Willpower in meters away for the scene. | ||
Euphoric Touch | • | Numbing Touch | Your psychic vampirism may numb the victim to wound penalties and inflict a -5 tactile penalty for the scene. | HL 103 |
•• | Sensual Touch | Your psychic vampirism may inflict Swooned. | ||
••• | Addicting Touch | Your psychic vampirism may inflict Addicted. | ||
Merit | Rating | Description | Book | |
Burst of Speed | • | Spend Ephemera to add +1 to Defense and +5 to Initiative and Speed for a turn. | HL 103 | |
Ephemeral Battery | • to ••••• | You may store up to (Resolve + Ephemeral Battery) Ephemera at once. | HL 103 | |
Nocturnal Supremacy | •• to ••••• | You suffer a -2 action penalty in daytime and tire if you do not sleep through it. For each instance of this stackable Merit, choose one of the four nighttime benefits to gain while you have Ephemera available. The first instance of Nocturnal Supremacy costs ••, with each separate instance after having a rating one dot higher.
HL 103 | |
Psychic Infection | • | When your psychic vampirism fills wound penalties or drains the last Willpower from a subject, roll Psychic Vampirism. Success inflicts Psychic Vampirism on the subject, which fades if they suffer full Ephemera Bleed without ever feeding. | HL 103 | |
Psychic Seduction | • | Your psychic vampirism can overwrite the victim's Vice with a Vice of your choice. Recovering their Vice costs Willpower equal to the sum of lethal damage and Willpower loss inflicted. | HL 104 | |
Psychic Transference | •• | By bridging a victim and beneficiary with the touch of your psychic vampirism and spending additional Willpower and Ephemera, you may spend the Ephemera yield to heal or restore Willpower to the beneficiary instead of yourself. | HL 104 | |
Shapechanging | •• or ••• | For each instance of this stackable Merit, choose a predator or nocturnal animal, or for three dots, any appropriate animal. You may spend Ephemera to take that animal's form. | HL 104 | |
Soul Eater | •• | Your psychic vampirism can touch a ghost or spirit's ephemera. | HL 104 | |
Unearthly Beauty | • or •• | Spend Ephemera to gain the benefits of Striking Looks ••. Apply 9-Again or 8-Again to appropriate rolls if you already possess Striking Looks • or ••. With two dots of Unearthly Beauty, spend a second Ephemera to extend this beauty for a lunar month. | HL 104 | |
Vampiric Potency | • to ••••• | For each instance of this stackable Merit, choose one Attribute. You may spend Ephemera to increase that Attribute at a 1:1 rate for the scene, up to your Merit rating in bonus dots. | HL 104 |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Merits, Plain (2nd Edition)
All these Merits besides Plain Reader itself have Plain Reader as a prerequisite.
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Plain Reader | • | You've devoted your soul to radical pacifism. All acts of violence cause breaking points, but recover Willpower. | HL 92 | |
The Consequences of Violence | • | When you are struck and harmed unprovoked and do not respond in kind, your assailant then treats all acts of violence as breaking points. | HL 94 | |
I'm Bleeding on You | • | When you suffer damage by violence, each point penalizes further attacks by witnesses for the scene. | HL 93 | |
Most Infected Thing I've Ever Seen | •• | You may convert damage taken into a Condition reflecting an ongoing Tilt from injury. Intensive care resolves Conditions formed by less than five points. Conditions formed by five points or more are Persistent. | HL 94 | |
Over Before It Started | • | Once per session, you may intervene to force all violence onto yourself. Roll the number of assailants and take successes as lethal damage, but recover all Willpower. | HL 94 | |
Phantom Pain | • | I'm Bleeding on You | When an assailant damages you, you may inflict an equal number of points of temporary psychological damage. This damage does not injure, kill, or last longer than a scene, but wound penalties inflict Beaten Down, falling unconscious inflicts Guilty or similar Conditions, and "dying" inflicts a Persistent Condition. | HL 94 |
The Push | • to ••••• | You may protect a third party from violent aggressors by pushing them back, step by step. The aggressors may not attack your charges and must accumulate your Merit rating in successes on Resolve + Composure rolls, one per step, to attack you. On the sixth step without being attacked, you force them to withdraw. | HL 94 | |
You Are Being Recorded | • | Announce your recorded evidence of violence and roll Presence + Expression. For the rest of the scene, no one can act violently until they successfully contest your roll with Resolve + Composure - (additional people recording). | HL 93 |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Merits, Lost Boys (2nd Edition)
Style | Prerequisites | Rating | Maneuver | Description | Book |
The Protocol | • | Mk 1 | Unlocks the below augmentation Merits. Receive monthly Serum. Withdrawal advances after a month without Serum until weekly lethal damage sets in. | HL 96 | |
•• | Mk 2 | Withdrawal advances after a week until daily damage. | |||
••• | Mk 3 | Withdrawal advances daily until half-daily damage. | |||
•••• | Mk 4 | Withdrawal advances half-daily until quarter-daily damage. | |||
••••• | Mk 5 | Withdrawal advances quarter-daily until quarter-daily damage. | |||
Jumper | ≤ Protocol | • | Improved | Jump with effective (Strength × 2), and half falling damage. While Deprived, suffer lethal damage to make a jump with an additional (Strength × 2). | HL 99 |
•• | Enhanced | Jump with effective (Strength × 4), and take half falling damage as bashing damage. | |||
••• | Superior | Jump with effective (Strength × 6), and ignore falling damage. | |||
Protocol Fixer | Protocol | • | 1 | A Delta Protocol handler provides your Serum weekly, or with Status (Lost Boys Network), a Lost Boy contact provides weekly counterfeit Serum. Your fixer is willing to sell additional Serum. | HL 97 |
•• | 3 | Your fixer provides three doses each week. | |||
••• | 6 | Your fixer provides six doses each week. | |||
•••• | 10 | Your fixer provides ten doses each week. | |||
••••• | 14 | Your fixer provides fourteen doses each week. | |||
Merit | Prerequisites | Rating | Description | Book | |
Archangel System | Protocol ••••• | ••••• | Spend Willpower to activate a faintly luminous neuromuscular lattice for a scene. At the end of the scene, advance towards withdrawal and convert lethal damage to aggravated. While active:
HL 97 | |
Augmented Resilience | ≤ Protocol | • to ••• | Increase your effective Stamina by dots in this Merit. While Deprived, gain 2/1 Armor. | HL 98 | |
Augmented Speed | ≤ Protocol | • to ••••• | Apply this Merit as a bonus to Initiative and Speed. While Deprived, double the Speed bonus. | HL 98 | |
Cloaking Device | Protocol ••• | ••• | While holding your breath, your body refracts light, hiding you from cameras, motion sensors, and thermal detectors. Penalize attempts to spot you by -5. While Deprived, you also may suffer lethal damage to activate the Cloaking Device for three turns once per scene. | HL 99 | |
Holdout Storage | ≤ Protocol | • to ••• | A cavity in your body can store items up to your Merit rating in Size, which you may withdraw as an instant action. While Deprived, suffer lethal damage to withdraw reflexively. | HL 99 | |
Implanted Interface | Protocol •• | •• | Your nervous system has an integrated computer with wireless access, providing a +3 equipment bonus. Suffer lethal damage to overclock to a +5 bonus for the scene. | HL 99 | |
Last-Chance | Protocol ••••• | ••••• | Roll Resolve + Composure as an instant action to deploy a traumatic internal weapon, which in turn rolls Stamina + Firearms + 5 as a 3L firearms attack against everyone for 10 meters. Suffer five aggravated damage and roll five dice for additional lethal damage. While Deprived, the attack has a 4L rating and 3 Armor Piercing. | HL 99 | |
Pulse Generator | ≤ Protocol | • to ••••• | Once per scene, your touch can reflexively inflict Stunned and your Merit rating in bashing damage, or against electronics, twice your Merit rating in Structure damage, ignoring Durability. While Deprived, suffer lethal damage to recharge the Generator. | HL 99 | |
Strength Augmentation | ≤ Protocol | • to ••• | Increase your effective Strength by dots in this Merit. While Deprived, suffer lethal damage to also gain +1 Strength for the scene. | HL 100 | |
Sub-Dermal Armor | ≤ Protocol | •• or •••• | Stack +1/+1 Armor, or with ••••, +2/+2 Armor. While Deprived, stack an additional +1/+1 Armor. | HL 100 | |
Uncanny Perception | ≤ Protocol | • to ••• | Apply this Merit as a bonus to Perception and aimed attacks. While Deprived, double the bonus, but suffer lethal damage and sensory blowout from extreme stimuli. | HL 100 | |
Voice Box | Protocol | • | Perfectly mimic voices you've studied in person. While Deprived, mimic voices you've heard recorded or in passing. | HL 100 |
Notation Legend | |
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits) | • |
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana) | ● |
Willpower Point | ○ |
Activation Damage | B/L/A |
Special/Other Activation Cost | ※ |
Alternate Costs | ●/●●● |
Costs per Item | ●/item |
Optional Costs | (●) |
Cost Ranges | ● to ●●● ●●+ |
Combined Notation Example | ●(○) ●/item, 1L |
Simple Template | Description | Book |
Cocky Mob Hitman | Shoots first, not really here for anything else | CofD 119 |
Excitable Munitions Expert | May be either anti- or pro-terrorism. | CofD 119 |
Fanatical Cult Leader | Or anyone with dangerously loyal followers. | CofD 119 |
Hard-Nosed Beat Cop | Long experienced and long past caring. | CofD 120 |
Obsessed Demon Cultist | Someone who knows too much and trusts little. | CofD 120 |
Slick Professional Grifter | Fast talker, fast thinker, knows the right people. | CofD 121 |
World-Weary Private Eye | Should know better than to pry, but doesn't. | CofD 121 |
Character | Description | Book |
Benjamin Wayne Masters | Troubled missionary turned fervid cult leader preaching of a clockwork god. | CofD 240 |
Dr. Henri Girard | Occult mechanist reaching across time to prevent his own mistakes from dooming the world. | CofD 241 |
Joseph Moore | Theoretical physicist hollowed out and filled with the knowledge of a distant God. | CofD 243 |
Margret Avery | Corporate administrator in charge of sacrificial human resources. | CofD 245 |
Mark Wilson, "Truth" | Hacktivist pawn manipulated by an inhuman conspiracy. | CofD 246 |
Melissa Charles | Witness to the God-Machine who keeps her head low and collects anomalous artifacts. | CofD 247 |
Samuel Hackett | Military test subject programmed as a conspiratorial sleeper agent. | CofD 248 |
Sarah Andrews | Gifted child endangered by her ability to perceive the workings of the God-Machine. | CofD 249 |
Wesley Cote | Man folded across nonlinear time by inhuman forces to be molded as a killer. | CofD 250 |