Second Edition
Merit | Rating | Prerequisites | Description | Book |
Back Road Atlas | • | Wits ••, Drive or Athletics •• | Navigate through urban routes with a +2 to evade an enemy's notice, and gain the Edge in Chases outside of main streets. | HTV 2e 88 |
Cover Tracks | • | Survival or Stealth •• | Wipe all traces of movement and interaction, rolling Intelligence + Survival or Stealth vs. Intelligence + Investigation. | HTV 2e 90 |
Custom Gear Broker | • to ••• | Socialize •• | Trade any equipment for any other equipment of equal or lesser cost once per chapter. Once per story, treat any merit as one higher when obtaining custom gear. | HTV 2e 92 |
Face in the Crowd | •• | No Striking Looks | Blend into crowds with a +3 to evade or tail a target, and a -3 to opponents attempting to spot you. | HTV 2e 90 |
Force Multiplier | •• | May treat non-Hunters (including supernaturals) as Hunters when using tactics. Requires leading the action yourself and risking more willpower for each participant. | PGttCC 26 | |
Gut Feeling | •• | Occult •• | Understand when something unnatural is going on with an investigation. Become Obsessed during occult investigations, but roll with +2 on Occult rolls. | HTV 2e 88 |
Last Stand | •• | Resolve or Stamina ••• | Once a chapter, Roll Wits + Resolve or Stamina to take one action without penalties. | HTV 2e 90 |
Lucky Charm | • | Resolve •, Occult or Academics • | While holding the charm, roll Resolve + Composure at the start of a scene. Success supresses the effects of negative mental Conditions. This action can be taken once per chapter. | HTV 2e 90 |
Masked Scent | • | Survival or Streetwise •• | Using something to alter or cover scent, roll Wits + Survival or Streetwise to gain the Edge and +1 to all rolls in a chase while being tracked by scent. | HTV 2e 91 |
Natural Tinkerer | •• | Wits •••, Crafts ••• | Ignore penalties for improvised equipment and materials, with potentially adjusted equipment costs. | HTV 2e 89 |
Robust Health | •• | Survival ••• | Substitue Intelligence or Dexterity + Survival for Medicine rolls to heal yourself. | HTV 2e 91 |
Séance Devotee | • to ••••• | Occult •• | Know a person per dot of the merit who is willing to help conduct a séance with you. | HTV 2e 95 |
Tactical Insight | •• | Wits •••, Survival or Streetwise •• | Roll Wits + Survival or Streetwise to choose when to act in initiative once per chapter. Dodge freely on an exceptional success. | HTV 2e 89 |
Tight Lipped | •• | Resolve •• | Gain +2 to resist mundane interrogations. | HTV 2e 96 |
Touchstone | • to ••••• | Gain an additional touchstone per dot. | HTV 2e 96 |