
From Codex of Darkness
Tribe First Tongue Hunt Focus Renown Gifts Description Tribal Oath Obligation Book
Tribes of the Moon
Blood Talons Suthar Anzuth Werewolves Glory Inspiration, Rage, Strength Merciless, elemental apex predators Cannot provide surrender terms, you would not accept yourself WTF 2e 34
Bone Shadows Hirfathra Hissu Ephemera Wisdom Death, Elements, Insight Students of the Shadow who balance the scales of flesh and spirit Pay all Shadow denizens in kind WTF 2e 37
Hunters in Darkness Meninna Hosts Purity Nature, Stealth, Warding Stalkers who guard and memorize every facet of their territory Do not allow any sacred place in your territory to be violated WTF 2e 40
Iron Masters Farsil Luhal Humans Cunning Knowledge, Shaping, Technology Cunning shepherds who adapt to flow with the herd Honor everything in your territory WTF 2e 43
Storm Lords Iminir Ridden Honor Evasion, Dominance, Weather Hard-willed leaders who hold both themselves and others to strict standards No one should be tending or witnessing your weakness WTF 2e 46
Pure Tribes
Fire-Touched Izidakh Apostates Wisdom, Cunning/Glory Disease, Fervor, Insight, Inspiration Zealous, fervid priests of the Shadow Never allow a falsehood to remain unchallenged. DEC 78, NH-SM 15
Ivory Claws Tzuumfin Bastards Purity, Honor/Glory Agony, Blood, Dominance, Warding Exploitative blood purists punishing sins of the father Follow personal concept of purity truest to self DEC 78, NH-SM 15
Predator Kings Ninna Farakh The complacent Glory, Purity/Wisdom Hunger, Nature, Rage, Strength Savage predators who reject any delicacy as weakness Honor nothing of human craft DEC 78, NH-SM 15
Ghost Wolves Thihirtha Numea Personal values None None Tyros and iconoclasts who reject or are ignorant of Uratha cultures None WTF 2e 49
Bale Hounds Asah Gadar Enemies of the Maeljin As for their Tribe/Auspice before corruption Corrupted Uratha who serve the Maeljin NH-SM 33