Merits, Hunter (2nd Edition)

From Codex of Darkness
Merit Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Back Road Atlas Wits ••, Drive or Athletics •• Navigate through urban routes with a +2 to evade an enemy's notice, and gain the Edge in Chases outside of main streets. HTV 2e 88
Cover Tracks Survival or Stealth •• Wipe all traces of movement and interaction, rolling Intelligence + Survival or Stealth vs. Intelligence + Investigation. HTV 2e 90
Custom Gear Broker • to ••• Socialize •• Trade any equipment for any other equipment of equal or lesser cost once per chapter. Once per story, treat any merit as one higher when obtaining custom gear. HTV 2e 92
Face in the Crowd •• No Striking Looks Blend into crowds with a +3 to evade or tail a target, and a -3 to opponents attempting to spot you. HTV 2e 90
Force Multiplier •• May treat non-Hunters (including supernaturals) as Hunters when using tactics. Requires leading the action yourself and risking more willpower for each participant. PGttCC 26
Gut Feeling •• Occult •• Understand when something unnatural is going on with an investigation. Become Obsessed during occult investigations, but roll with +2 on Occult rolls. HTV 2e 88
Last Stand •• Resolve or Stamina ••• Once a chapter, Roll Wits + Resolve or Stamina to take one action without penalties. HTV 2e 90
Lucky Charm Resolve •, Occult or Academics • While holding the charm, roll Resolve + Composure at the start of a scene. Success supresses the effects of negative mental Conditions. This action can be taken once per chapter. HTV 2e 90
Masked Scent Survival or Streetwise •• Using something to alter or cover scent, roll Wits + Survival or Streetwise to gain the Edge and +1 to all rolls in a chase while being tracked by scent. HTV 2e 91
Natural Tinkerer •• Wits •••, Crafts ••• Ignore penalties for improvised equipment and materials, with potentially adjusted equipment costs. HTV 2e 89
Robust Health •• Survival ••• Substitue Intelligence or Dexterity + Survival for Medicine rolls to heal yourself. HTV 2e 91
Séance Devotee • to ••••• Occult •• Know a person per dot of the merit who is willing to help conduct a séance with you. HTV 2e 95
Tactical Insight •• Wits •••, Survival or Streetwise •• Roll Wits + Survival or Streetwise to choose when to act in initiative once per chapter. Dodge freely on an exceptional success. HTV 2e 89
Tight Lipped •• Resolve •• Gain +2 to resist mundane interrogations. HTV 2e 96
Touchstone • to ••••• Gain an additional touchstone per dot. HTV 2e 96