Krewe Traits (2nd Edition)

From Codex of Darkness

Name Rating Prerequisites Description Book
Allies • to ••••• You have influence and goodwill with a chosen group proportional to your dots in this Merit. Each session, you can call on your Allies for favors of a value rated 1 to 5 by the Storyteller, up to your rating in the Merit. Favors in excess require a roll of Manipulation + Persuasion + Allies. GTS 2e 85
Cenote • to ••••• Safe Place You tend a ghostly place where Plasm accumulates, at your Merit rating in points per chapter. GTS 2e 85
Contacts • to ••••• Choose a group or field for each dot of Contacts. You can roll Manipulation + (relevant Social Skill) to gather information or dirt from acquaintances in any of these groups or fields. GTS 2e 86
Good Time Management Academics •• or Science •• Make extended action rolls in half the necessary time. Krewe actions cost one less Effort, to a minimum of one Effort. GTS 2e 86
Holy Acquaintances • to •••• You have friends in the Church. Use requires a succesful Presence + Social roll. Every dot gives an additional +2 to influencing people. DE2 274
Immediate Disappearance • to ••• Allow your krewe to disappear to the Underworld from one place. All people they've met within the last three days forget them and pursuers stop looking for them temporarily. Requires a succesful Dexterity + Stealth roll. Every additional dot increases the time pursuers stop looking for the krewe. DE2 275
Library • to ••• You have a cache of information relating to a particular Skill. Add your dots in Library to relevant extended rolls. GTS 2e 86
Resources • to ••••• You have disposable income proportional to your dots in this Merit. Once per session, you can securely procure an item or service with an Availability that doesn't exceed your Resources rating, including any reasonable number of items or services whose Availability is exceeded by your Resources by two dots. You can acquire an item or service with an Availability one point above your Resources rating at the cost of reducing your effective Resources by a dot for a month. GTS 2e 88
Safe Place • to ••••• You've secured a place from intrusion. Apply your Safe Place rating as an Initiative bonus while there, and a penalty to break in. With Crafts you can install traps, forcing intruders to roll Dexterity + Larceny - Safe Place to avoid up to your Safe Place in lethal damage. GTS 2e 88
Status • to ••••• You have influence with a chosen group. You can draw on their facilities and resources, block the use of a relevant Social Merit lower than your Status rating once per session, and apply Status as a die bonus to Social rolls drawing on your influence. GTS 2e 89
Supernatural Membership • to ••••• Distribute twice your dots in this Merit as Supernatural Merit dots among your krewe's living celebrants. GTS 2e 89
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L