Compacts and Conspiracies (1st Edition)

From Codex of Darkness


Compact Description Compact Status Book
Ashwood Abbey A decadent Hellfire Club dedicated to experiencing everything that life (or unlife) has to offer. Receive the Barfly Merit. HTV 102
••• Use the chapterhouse as a two-dot Safehouse.
••••• Receive Allies •••• (Legal Aid, Vice, Arms Trafficking, and Abbey Networking).
The Barrett Commission A secret elite cabal united to root out the monsters entrenched in America’s most gainful institutions. Gain a dot of Resources. NS 89
••• Receive Mentor •••.
••••• Receive two dots of Contacts among government, corporations, or the military.
Bear Lodge Big game hunters dedicated to killing werewolves above everything else, proving themselves with only human ingenuity. Receive Contacts • (Bear Lodge). SS 87
••• Resist Lunacy as though your Willpower was one higher.
••••• Receive the Unseen Sense for werewolves or other tangible quarry.
Division Six An ersatz government agency tasked with protecting the laws of the cosmos by eliminating “reality deviants.” Recover an extra Willpower when risking Willpower to flaunt your authority. WF 86
••• Worsen Paradoxes by one die when witnessing vulgar spells.
••••• Receive a trainee as a three-dot Retainer.
Habibti Ma Egyptian-based cult de-programmers. Distribute two dots between Allies and Contacts. HMR 107
••• Distribute two dots between Allies and Mentor.
••••• Distribute two dots between Mystery Cult Initiation and Retainer.
Heritage House A family oriented group that believes the Vigil should be passed down from generation to generation. Trial member. GotU 35
••• Gain two dots of Resources.
••••• Gain three dots of Social Merits.
The Hunt Club A secret society of serial killers that hunts people for sport, accumulating points in a twisted game. Receive a one-dot Mentor. Slash 74
••• Receive or upgrade the Telltale Murder Merit.
••••• Receive or upgrade Damnable Certainty.
The Illuminated Brotherhood Unfettering their minds with psychoactives, these mediums seek to interact with the spirit world. Gain an Occult or Science specialty in parapsychology. SS 92
••• Receive the Unseen Sense for spirit loci.
••••• Receive the Natural Medium Merit.
The Keepers of the Source Every time a witch siphons power from Mother Earth, the Keepers feel Her pain, and they will see it cease. Gain a specialty in Weaponry (Improvised Weapons), Expression (Protests), or Science (Environmentalism). WF 90
••• Gain two dots of Allies (Keepers of the Source).
••••• Gain the Unseen Sense for the Source, or three dots of Mentor.
The Long Night Religious hunters who fight the agents of evil in an attempt to bring about the second coming of Christ. Receive an Expression or Persuasion specialty in evangelism. HTV 106
••• Gain two dots of Allies (Long Night).
••••• Add the benefits of the Inspiring Merit among the Long Night.
The Loyalists of Thule Hungry for knowledge, this occult group seeks things man was not meant to know in places he was not meant to tread to atone for their part in WWII. Recover an extra Willpower when risking Willpower with Academics or Occult. HTV 110
••• Receive a two-dot Mentor.
••••• Receive three dots of Contacts among supernatural specialists.
Maiden's Blood Sisterhood An almost exclusively female group, dedicated to policing college campuses and women’s shelters. Gain two dots of Allies (Maiden's Blood Sisterhood). NS 93
••• Gain two dots of Safehouse.
••••• Receive the Indomitable Merit, or two dots of Retainers.
Network Zero Network Zero uses radio, television and Internet resources to publicize monsters to the world. Gain a Crafts or Expression specialty in an appropriate medium. HTV 114
••• Receive Fame ••.
••••• Benefit from the effects of Encyclopedic Knowledge as pertains your library of recorded supernatural phenomena.
The Night Watch Vigilantes of the hard and forgotten streets, patrolling the hunting grounds of the monsters and criminals, leaving no one to be victimized. Receive a specialty in Streetwise (Who's Who), Larceny (Fences), or Stealth (Stalking). NS 98
••• Gain two dots of Retainers.
••••• Gain a dot of Fame.
Null Mysteriis Scientists who peruse the supernatural in an attempt to understand it. Receive an Academics, Occult, or Science specialty in parapsychology. HTV 118
••• Gain a dot of Allies (Null Mysteriis) and a dot of Contacts in science or academia.
••••• Apply the benefits of Common Sense as pertains to the Vigil.
The Promethean Brotherhood Sacrificing witches using an ancient ritual, they steal their power for themselves. Receive Language (Ancient Greek) and an Academics specialty in ancient religions, Greek mythology, or linguistics. WF 94
••• Gain two dots of Allies (Promethean Brotherhood).
••••• Divide the target number of successes for the Rite of Hecate by three.
The Reckoning Church of Hero-hunting "sovereign citizens" deep in the wooded hills of Oregon. Receive a dot of Anonymity and access to a shared one-dot Safe Place. T&N 32
••• Receive Allies •••• (Fundamentalist Politicians).
••••• Resources •••••, exclusive to the leader, Derek Campbell.
The Talbot Group Using modern therapy and medications, these hunters seek to save monsters from themselves. Gain a dot each in Allies and Contacts (Talbot Group). SS 97
••• Gain another dot of Contacts and receive the Unseen Sense for spirits.
••••• Resist Lunacy as though your Willpower was one higher.
The Union Ragtag blue-collar monster hunters, members of the Union work without government sanction to protect humanity against its most dangerous enemies. Receive a Politics or Streetwise specialty in your local area. HTV 112
••• Gain two dots of Contacts among specialists in different kinds of monster.
••••• Access two extra dots of Resources for Vigil purposes.
Utopia Now Builders of a futuristic city that scavenge demonic infrastructure for impossible components. Take a free Specialty. HMR 136
••• Receive a two-dot Mentor.
••••• Receive either a four-dot Retainer or four dots of Allies in a partner organization.
Yuri's Group Social workers fighting abuse and supernatural abusers Gain a dot each of Contacts and Allies among local support groups. T&N 30
••• Divide three dots between Retainers and Staff of survivors.
••••• Rescued survivors may function as one-dot Retainers, Allies, Contacts, or Staff.
Historical Compacts
Ahl al-Jabal Islamic hunters who seek to understand the supernaturals they meet, and eliminate those that are true monsters. You can buy the Two Weapon Fighting Style at half cost, ignoring prerequisites. AB 141
••• Receive a dot of Allies and an Occult specialty in mysticism, gnosticism or philosophy.
••••• Add the benefits of the Inspiring Merit among the Ahl al-Jabal.
Ama-san Pearl divers familiar with the dangers that lurk off the coasts of Japan. Receive Small Unit Tactics. DE 309
••• Roll Presence + Occult to call a monster out with a special whistling breath.
••••• Call six dots worth of Retainers as emergency backup.
Azusa Miko Transient archer-priestesses plying their trade as oracles and mediums while driving corruption away from the divine. Receive the Medium Merit. DE 311
••• Apply a floating dot as temporary Allies, Contacts, Resources, or Retainer.
••••• Command the fear of lesser spirits and ghosts, and the respect of the greater.
Bijin Artists and commercial hosts dealing with monstrous intrusions that are bad for business. Draw upon the rumor mill once per session. DE 313
••• Better distinguish true rumors from scuttlebutt.
••••• Receive Fame •••.
Followers of the Mansa Scribes and workers seeking to subvert and undo the plans of demons in the Empire of Mali. Receive an Expression or Politics specialty suitable to your official standing. DE2 182
••• Gain two dots of Allies (Followers of the Mansa).
••••• Gain three dots of Resources.
Keepers of the Weave An Amerindian culture of storytellers who gather and spread knowledge of the occult. Take two dots of Mentor, and either a third dot or a Language. DE 383
••• Receive two dots in Occult, Expression, or Politics.
••••• Receive three dots in Socialize or Occult, or four Allies or Contacts.
Protectors of the Light Secret soldiers who keep the Wampanoag Nation clean of monstrous taint. Receive a dot of Occult, Survival or Weaponry. DE 385
••• Receive two dots of Resources or Contacts.
••••• Receive three dots of Resources or Safe Place, or two Allies and a Contact.
The Scarlet Watch A recurring blood pact of families drawn together mystically to resist the vampiric Curse. Gain a dot of Allies or Resources. DE 379
••• Gain two dots of Allies or Resources.
••••• Receive three dots' worth of Merits reflecting your storied lineage.
Soldiers of the Forbidden Sun Soldiers of many ethicities protecting China from the Underworld. Gain a dot of Occult. DE2 247
••• Gain two dots of Resources.
••••• Gain three dots of Allies (Soldiers of the Forbidden Sun).
Les Voyageurs Forest runners dealing with the threat of werewolves in their hunting lands. Receive Resources • or Mentor •••. DE 381
••• Gain two dots of Contacts, Fame, or Resources.
••••• Receive three dots of Fame or Resources, or four dots of Allies.


Conspiracy Description Conspiracy Status Book
Aegis Kai Doru Greek for “Shield and Spear,” the Aegis Kai Doru searches the world for history’s legendary artifacts with which to bolster its numbers in its nigh-timeless battle against the forces of darkness. Acquire Relic Endowments. HTV 126
••• +1 Academics bonus to rolls involving relics and archaeology.
••••• Receive the Unseen Sense for mages or werewolves.
Ascending Ones The Ascending Ones trace their history and symbology back to both ancient Egypt and Muhammed the Prophet. Like the sacred sun, they see themselves as a cleansing agent that can burn away monstrous impurities. Develop the Elixir Endowment. HTV 130
••• Gain two dots of Resources.
••••• Receive a three-dot Retainer.
The Cainite Heresy Self-destructive fanatics driven by their need for revenge against vampires, wherever they may be found. Learn the Rites of Denial Endowment. NS 103
••• Add the benefits of Danger Sense against vampires.
••••• Receive contact with anonymous sources as a three-dot Mentor.
The Cheiron Group A medical conglomerate which secretly dispatches hunters to harvest monsters for parts. Acquire Thaumatechnology Endowments. HTV 134
••• Call on Allies •• corporate backup.
••••• Gain three dots of Resources.
The Faithful of Shulpae Cannibal cultists who believe their rituals bring them closer to communion with their deity. Learn the Anthropophagy Endowment. HMR 110
••• Use a temple as a two-dot Safehouse.
••••• Gain four dots of Supernatural Merits.
The Knights of St. Adrian Violent road warriors who hunt bounties for angels. Acquire Ink Endowments. HMR 137
••• Receive two dots of Contacts among witnesses to the demonic.
••••• Gain three dots of Resources or a three-dot Retainer.
The Knights of Saint George A cult of witch-hunters who appease faceless angels to preserve the world under the false guise of Christian worship. Learn Goetic Gospel Endowments. WF 99
••• Occult rolls dealing with witches and witchcraft gain 9-Again.
••••• Call on squires as three-dot Retainers.
The Merrick Institute Rebel survivors of a secret government program to produce "dream warriors." Develop Dreamscape Endowments and receive "The Procedure" Tactic. T&N 34
••• Gain a dot each of Allies, Contacts, and Retainer among institute members.
••••• Receive the Easy Out, Easy In Merit.
Les Mystères A network of mediums and spirit cults who seek a relationship with spirits recognizing reciprocal duties to one another. Learn Rites du Cheval Endowments. SS 104
••• Fellowship: Gain two dots of Allies.
••• Spirit: Add +1 to Occult rolls involving spirits.
••• Beasts: Gain two dots of Contacts among specialists in monsters.
••• Soul: Add +1 to Resolve when resisting supernatural influence.
••••• Receive student apprentices as three-dot Retainers.
The Lucifuge Descendants of infernal bloodlines who strive to wield the darkness against itself. Develop the Castigation Endowment. HTV 138
••• Gain two dots of Resources.
••••• Receive the Lady Lucifuge as a four-dot Mentor.
Malleus Maleficarum In the Middle Ages, the Malleus Maleficarum wielded the power of the Church against vampires. Today, the Catholic conspiracy pursues supernatural monsters of all sorts with religious zeal. Learn Benediction Endowments. HTV 143
••• Gain a dot of Status (Roman Catholic Church).
••••• Gain three dots of Resources.
Task Force: VALKYRIE As part of a Joint Task Force, this covert government anti-monster brigade includes members from every branch of the military, foreign and domestic. Acquire Advanced Armory Endowments. HTV 146
••• Call on Allies •• tactical backup.
••••• Gain three dots of Contacts among federal agencies.
Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit The agents of VASCU assist police investigations and apprehension of supernatural killers, using induced psychic abilities. Develop the Teleinformatics Endowment. Slash 56
••• Gain a dot of Status (FBI).
••••• Add the benefits of the Inspiring Merit among VASCU agents.
Historical Conspiracies
Aves Minerva Late Roman worshippers of the goddess Minerva, wielding the secrets of consecrated blood to protect Rome from monstrous infestation. Learn the Red Rituals Endowment. Pater 6
••• +2 bonus to exercise learning to recognize the supernatural and their works.
••••• Receive Encyclopedic Knowledge by studying the Library of the Owl.
Hototogisu Merchants and traders shrewd enough to gamble with the darkness to remain competitive. Learn the Settō Endowment. DE 315
••• Distribute four dots among Contacts, Resources and Retainers.
••••• Receive a five-dot Dread Power from Inoue.
Otodo Descendants of oni duty-bound to harness their devilish blood for good. Develop the Seitokuten Endowment and receive the Unseen Sense for oni. DE 317
••• Gain a dot each of Contacts and Resources.
••••• Extend the Unseen Sense to all supernatural phenomena.
Notation Legend
Dot of a Trait Rating (Skills, Merits)
Power Trait Point (Vitae, Mana)
Willpower Point
Activation Damage B/L/A
Special/Other Activation Cost
Alternate Costs ●/●●●
Costs per Item ●/item
Optional Costs (●)
Cost Ranges ● to ●●●
Combined Notation Example ●(○)
●/item, 1L